131 research outputs found

    Analisis Laju Penurunan Temperatur di Dalam Ruangan Menggunakan AC Low Watt 0,5 HP

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    Heat absorb ability split AC is the most important factor in the cooling speed on room temperature. The rate of temperature drop is determined by many factors, including compressor power. Nowadays, there are many Split AC are produced that have low power (low Watt), so that research is needed to determine the cooling speed in a room. This study uses a low watt split AC with a power of 0.5 HP. The distance from the evaporator and the outside temperature are used as independent variables, while the rate of temperature reduction or cooling speed in the room is used as the dependent variable. The results showed that the distribution of room temperature and the rate of temperature reduction in the room varied based on the position of the distance to the location of the AC Split Low Watt. The lowest temperature and reduction rate in the room occurs at a distance of 2 m and 3 m in front of the AC location. The outside temperature or the temperature around the location of the AC condenser affects the temperature distribution at each distance in front of the AC. When the outside temperature is low, the temperature conditions at a distance of 1 m, 4 m, and 5 m have a significant difference. While the high outside temperature conditions, the temperature at a distance of 1 m, 4 m, and 5 m, namely the positions close to the wall, is almost the same.   Kata kunci: AC, split, low watt, evaporato

    Pengaruh media dalam dialog kehidupan: perspektif pengalaman saudara baru

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    Pengaruh media dalam dialog kehidupan yang berlaku dalam pengalaman komuniti pra konversi Saudara Baru menyumbang kepada proses pemelukan agama Islam. Pengalaman ini turut berlaku dalam kehidupan masyarakat Saudara Baru Cina di negeri Terengganu. Pengaruh media yang memapar unsur-unsur keagamaan Islam melalui perkongsian aktiviti Muslim-non Muslim yang dikenali sebagai dialog kehidupan ini membolehkan komuniti Saudara Baru pra konversi memahami nilai sebenar agama Islam dan sedikit sebanyak mengubah persepsi mereka terhadap agama tersebut. Objektif kajian ini ialah melihat pengaruh media terhadap memberi kefahaman nilai-nilai agama Islam dalam kalangan Saudara Baru pra konversi ketika terlibat dalam dialog kehidupan. Temubual telah dilakukan ke atas Saudara Baru yang telah memeluk agama Islam di negeri Terengganu. Hasil kajian mendapati, pemahaman terhadap agama Islam yang tercipta hasil daripada penglibatan Saudara Baru pra konversi dalam dialog kehidupan mencetuskan satu paradigma untuk mereka meneroka agama Islam dengan lebih mendalam. Pengalaman dialog kehidupan pra konversi Saudara Baru ini menjelaskan bahawa peranan media menyumbang terhadap proses mengenal dan memahami agama Islam yang berlaku di negeri Terengganu

    Identify the Characteristics of the Urban Forest for Improvement of Environmental Quality in the City of Surabaya with Canopy Structure, Interception, Throughfall, and Stemflow

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    Increasingly dense urban activity indirectly cause environmental degradation in urban areas, especially in the city of Surabaya. Characteristics of a good urban forest in improving the environmental quality in the city of Surabaya can be seen to from  canopy structure, interception, throughfall, and stemflow. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the urban forest as environmental quality improvement planning in the city of Surabaya in homogeneous and heterogeneous forests for canopy structure, interception, throughfall, and stemflow. This research method uses a simple regression to find the value of determination or R2. The results show the identification of the characteristics of the urban forest in the city of Surabaya, is; 1) the structure of the canopy can be seen from the value of the index on the density of the canopy of each tree, tamarind at 0.16, mahogany at 0.13, angsana at 0.07, landi acid at 0.16, and tamarind in heterogeneous forest at 0.16 , 2) interception of rainfall indicated by the R2 value of 0.92 on a tamarind, mahogany at 0.9, angsana at 0.88, landi acid at 0.979, and 0.936 for the heterogeneous forests, 3) throughfall in homogeneous forest trees tamarind at 4.13 mm, mahogany at       4.45 mm, angsana at 3.14 mm, and landi acid at 2.99 mm, and 4) stemflow in the forest is homogeneous tamarind at 4.35 mm, mahogany at 3.61 mm, angsana at 5.34 mm, landi acid at 2 mm, and heterogeneous forest (tamarind) at  3.35 mm Keywords; urban forest, canopy structure, interception, throughfall, stemflo


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    The stability of the vehicle / motorbike is also determined by the suspension. Usually the suspension on the motor is installed right-left symmetrically. This is so that the vehicle load is evenly distributed if there is a shock / sudden load. But development and need negate each other. Currently, the development of automatic motorbikes is quite rapid. This motorbike is designed to be sleek and nimble and easy to maintain. Therefore, the rear suspension of the automatic motorbike is installed on only one side. And this usually occurs during sharp turns and high speeds and if you go through uneven roads. For this reason, it is necessary to design the right suspension so that the vehicle can maintain stability even when turning or passing uneven roads. This instability is due to the large vibration of the vehicle. The objectives of this study are 1. To determine the effect of the size of the spring wire and the length of the mounting on the vibration frequency. 2. Find the diameter of the spring wire and the length of the mounting that will give a good vibration frequency. This study uses the Desaign Of Experiment method. Desaign factor 2, namely diameter of spring wire and length of muoting. Level 3 factor is 6 mm, 7 mm and 8 mm diameter. Mounting lengths of 30 mm, 35 mm and 40 mm. Data analysis using MINITAB program. From the analysis, it is found that 1. The diameter of the spring coil wire and the mounting has a significant effect on the vibration frequency of the automatic motor. 2. The best size for wire spring diameter for coil spring motor matic is 7 mm, while the thickness of the mounting is 37 mm.     Keywords: Suspension, Motorcycle, Spring Wire. Lower Mounting, vibration frequenc

    Optimization for Urban Forest Planning Vegetation Homogeneous and Heterogeneous

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    Planning the urban forest in the city of Surabaya is very important, because it is very influential on the availability of water which will have an impact on the activities of urban activity. Planning a good urban forest is strongly influenced by the composition or combination of homogeneous vegetation quantity. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of vegetation optimization homogeneous and heterogeneous urban forest planning in the city of Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. This research method using goal programming. The results showed that the optimal amount for urban forest planning in homogeneous and heterogeneous vegetation in the city of Surabaya as many as 11,242 trees with the following details; 1) 287 tamarind, 2) 3,854 mahogany, 3) 4,013 angsana, and 4) 3,088 landi acid. Keywords; optimization, planning, urban forest, vegetation, homogeneous, heterogeneou


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    Detention is a criminal act of deprivation of freedom which is one of the criminal forms stipulated in the Criminal Code. The mechanisms of detention have been organized according to the Criminal Procedure Code. Mistakes in detention can lead to fatalities for many parties including people who execute the detention. The impact of detention on suspects/defendants is not only felt by suspects/defendants, but also it is felt by families of suspects/defendants, communities, and countries

    Peran Orang Tua terhadap Pembelajaran Mitigasi Bencana Bagi Anak Usia Dini di Masa Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini didasarkan akan pentingnya orang tua dalam mendukung ketercapaian tujuan pembelajaran dalam mengenalkan dan mengembangkan pemahaman tentang mitigasi bencana bagi anak usia dini di masa pandemi Covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengkaji peran orangtua dalam pembelajaran mitigasi bencana. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif deskriptif melalui penyebaran angket terhadap 62 orang tua anak usia dini. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberaoa focus pertanyaan terkait: Orangtua menyiapkan tas siaga bencana di dalam rumah; Orang tua mengajarkan selalu bersyukur dan bersabar atas musibah; Kelekatan anak, dan Orang tua membantu menyiapkan media pembelajaran mitigasi bencana. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan bahwa orang tua membantu dalam mengenalkan tentang konsep dan cara sederhana terkait mitigasi bencana juga adanya penyampaian Al-Quran dan hadits serta mahfudzot terkait mitigasi yang diramu melalui metode diskusi dan bercerita serta media yang menarik sehingga anak merasakan senang dan dapat menyampaikan ide serta gagasan terkait mitigasi dengan nyaman dan terwujudlah pembelajaran bermakna


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis penyimpanan arsip untuk mendukung tertib arsip akta catatan sipil di Kantor Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil (Dispendukcapil) Kota Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini berjumlah tiga orang yaitu satu orang Kepala Bagian Kesekretariatan, satu orang staf Bagian Pencatatan Sipil dan satu orang staf Bagian Kesekretariatan. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model Milles dan Huberman yang terdiri atas: reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa Kantor Dispendukcapil Kota Surabaya menggunakan sistem penyimpanan manual dengan sistem nomor. Sistem penyimpanan akta catatan sipil yang digunakan telah sesuai prosedur yang ada, ada Standart Operating Procedure (SOP); dalam proses penemuan kembali arsip akta catatan sipil digunakan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Administrasi Kependudukan (SIAK). Terbukti Aplikasi SIAK sangat membantu petugas dalam menemukan kembali arsip yang dibutuhkan dengan cepat. Alur penyimpanan sudah bagus sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ada; Kantor Dispendukcapil Kota Surabaya dalam penyimpanan akta catatan sipil sudah mendukung tertib arsip, meskipun masih ditemui kendala antara lain kurangnya petugas dan jumlah lemari arsip untuk menyimpan akta catatan sipil. Kata Kunci: Penyimpanan Arsip, Akta Catatan Sipil, Tertib Arsip Abstract This study aims to find out and analyze archive storage to support orderly records of civil registration documents at the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Surabaya City. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The informants of this study were three people, one person was the Head of the Secretariat Section, one was the Civil Registration Section staff and one was the Secretariat Section staff. The data analysis techniques used are the Milles and Huberman models which consist of: data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study conclude the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Surabaya City uses a manual storage system with a number system. The civil registration certificate storage system used is in accordance with existing procedures, in its implementation there is Standard Operating Procedure (SOP); in the process of rediscovering the civil registration certificate, the application of the Population Administration Information System (SIAK) is used. Evidently the SIAK application is very helpful for officers in finding the required files quickly. The storage flow is good according to existing procedures; the Office of Population and Civil Registration of Surabaya City in the storage of civil registration certificates already supports orderly archives, although obstacles are still encountered, namely lack of officers and lack of file cabinets to store civil registration certificates. Keywords: Archival Storage, Certificates Civil Notes, Orderly Archive

    Penerapan Sinkronisasi Jaringan Listrik Tiga Fasa PLN dengan Generator Sinkron Menggunakan Trainer Power Sistem Simulation

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    Kebanyakan pusat pembangkit di Indonesia mengunakan generator sinkron tiga fasa di dalam operasionalnya. Terbatasnya kemampuan sebuah generator untuk memenuhi kebutuhan beban, perlu adanya beberapa generator bekerja bersama dalam suatu sistem jaringan listrik baik sistem interkoneksi atau sistem bus. Perbedaan kemampuan tiap generator menyebabkan kita harus melakukan proses sinkronasi (penyamaan sistem) mulai dari frekuensi, tegangan, sudut fasa hingga urutan fasa antara generator dengan sistem pada jaringan PLN. Sinkronisasi adalah suatu cara untuk menghubungkan dua sumber atau beban Arus Bolak-Balik (AC). Sumber AC tersebut antara lain generator dan beban adalah transformator yang akan digabungkan atau diparalel dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan keandalan dan kapasitas sistem tenaga listrik. Sinkronisasi sendiri dibagi menjadi 3, yaitu: sinkronisasi gelap, sinkronisasi terang,dan sinkronisasi gelap–terang. Masing-masing memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda hanya pada jenis indikatornya saja
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