31 research outputs found

    Haptoglobin genotypic distribution in Iranian patients with coronary heart disease

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    Haptoglobin is a plasma protein with hemoglobin binding capacity. Haptoglobin has important biological functions such as binding to free hemoglobin and removes it from the circulation, thus preventing iron loss and kidney damage during intravascular hemolysis, superior antioxidant capacity, protection against free radicals. Studies on the distribution of Hp show that the gene frequencies of Hp dependent on geographical and genetic family. In the other, several authors have showed the correlation between HP types and different diseases, such as inflammation, infection, cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors.Smoking, hypertention,diabetes mellitus and serum lipid concentrations are risk factors for developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, Hp polymorphism has been proposed as a risk factor for developing atherosclerotic vasculare disease. In this study, the association between Haptoglobin genotypic distribution and the incidence of coronary heart disease investigated. 50 Iranian patients with coronary heart disease were randomly selected. Genomic DNA extracted from peripheral blood leukocytes. In PCRs with primers A and B, amplification products of 1757 and 3481 bp were amplified from genomic DNA containing alleles Hp1 and Hp2, respectively. In the population studied, the distribution of haptoglobin polymorphism was 36% (n = 18) for the Hp1-1 type, 62% (n =31) for the HP1-2 type, and 2% (n = 1) for the HP2-2 type.  The trend in this study showing a lower frequency of 3-vessel disease and less severe coronary artery stenosis in patients with the HP1-1 phenotype than in patients with the HP1-2 phenotypes may be indicative of a protective effect of the HP1-1 phenotype against the development of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease

    Characterization of Flow-Induced Structures in Carbon Nanotube Suspensions

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    Les nanotubes de carbone sont des nanoparticules fibreuses prĂ©sentes dans de nombreuses applications. GrĂące Ă  leur importante surface spĂ©cifique apparente, leur densitĂ© de courant Ă©lectrique Ă©levĂ©e, leur stabilitĂ© thermique et leurs excellentes propriĂ©tĂ©s mĂ©caniques, les nanotubes de carbone sont utilisĂ©s pour amĂ©liorer les propriĂ©tĂ©s physiques des matrices polymĂ©riques. Les propriĂ©tĂ©s macroscopiques des suspensions proviennent de leurs propriĂ©tĂ©s Ă  l’échelle du micron et du submicron. La structure des suspensions peut ĂȘtre facilement influencĂ©e par de nombreux paramĂštres tels que les forces de cisaillement externes, la concentration de la suspension, la tempĂ©rature, les caractĂ©ristiques des particules, etc. L’étude de la structure de la suspension reprĂ©sente un dĂ©fi majeur et devient un sujet d’intĂ©rĂȘt grandissant pour de nombreux chercheurs. Dans cette Ă©tude, la structure d’une suspension modĂšle de nanotubes de carbone dispersĂ©e dans une rĂ©sine Ă©poxy est Ă©tudiĂ©e en utilisant un ensemble de mĂ©thodes rhĂ©ologiques, les thĂ©ories fractales et de mise Ă  l’échelle ainsi qu’un modĂšle structural thixotropique. L’effet de l’histoire d’écoulement sur les propriĂ©tĂ©s viscoĂ©lastiques linĂ©aires des suspensions et l’évolution de la structure lors de l’arrĂȘt du cisaillement ont Ă©tĂ© investiguĂ©s pour une large gamme de vitesse de prĂ©-cisaillement, de concentrations et de tempĂ©ratures. Les rĂ©sultats de ces analyses sont les suivants. L’effet de l’histoire d’écoulement s’est avĂ©rĂ© plus prononcĂ© pour les suspensions diluĂ©es ou semi-diluĂ©es. Les faibles vitesses de prĂ©-cisaillement entraĂźnent un plus grand nombre d’enchevĂȘtrements entre les particules. Cela rĂ©sulte de la rĂ©duction du seuil de percolation rhĂ©ologique. Pour les suspensions diluĂ©es ou semi-diluĂ©es, aprĂšs l’arrĂȘt du cisaillement, les vi diffĂ©rentes structures mĂ©tastables formĂ©es ont pu ĂȘtre distinguĂ©es par leurs diffĂ©rents modules de conservation qui sont inversement reliĂ©s Ă  la vitesse de prĂ©-cisaillement. Pour les suspensions concentrĂ©es, les structures mĂ©tastables formĂ©es ont donnĂ© des modules de conservation Ă©quivalents quelque soit le prĂ©-cisaillement appliquĂ©. Il a Ă©tĂ© montrĂ© que la vitesse de formation de ces structures mĂ©tastables augmentait avec l’augmentation de la concentration. De plus, pour les concentrations faibles et intermĂ©diaires, la vitesse de formation des structures mĂ©tastables dĂ©croĂźt lorsque l’on augmente la vitesse de prĂ©-cisaillement appliquĂ©, alors que pour les concentrations Ă©levĂ©es, le prĂ©-cisaillement n’a pas d’influence sur la formation des structures. Il a Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ© que le module Ă©lastique des structures mĂ©tastables formĂ©es est reliĂ© aux vitesses du prĂ©-cisaillement appliquĂ©es selon une loi de puissance; les paramĂštres de celle-ci dĂ©pendent fortement de la concentration. Cette corrĂ©lation est applicable aux rĂ©sultats Ă  cisaillements constants pour les suspensions formant une courbe maĂźtresse sur une large Ă©chelle de concentrations, au-dessus et en-dessous du point de gĂ©lification. Cela illustre Ă©galement l’importance du module de conservation des structures mĂ©tastables comme un paramĂštre reprĂ©sentant l’évolution de la structure. À la lumiĂšre des thĂ©ories fractales et de mise Ă  l’échelle, il apparaĂźt dans cette recherche que les suspensions de nanotubes Ă©tudiĂ©es sont classĂ©es comme des suspensions Ă  floculation lente pour lesquelles l’élasticitĂ© des structures provient Ă  la fois des liaisons inter- et intra-flocs. De plus, le potentiel d’interaction des suspensions est une combinaison des composants centraux et non-centraux. La faible sensibilitĂ© de la dimension fractale des suspensions Ă  l’histoire d’écoulement est en accord avec le module de conservation constant des structures mĂ©tastables, qui est faiblement influencĂ© par la vitesse de prĂ©-cisaillement proche et au-dessus du point de gĂ©lification. vii Etant donnĂ© que les forces de cisaillement perturbent l’état de dispersion et d’enchevĂȘtrement des particules, cela peut causer la formation de structures sous Ă©coulement ou la distorsion des structures dĂ©pendant de la concentration et de la vitesse du prĂ©-cisaillement appliquĂ©e. En comparant le module de conservation des suspensions sans prĂ©-cisaillement et celui des structures mĂ©tastables aprĂšs prĂ©-cisaillement Ă  diffĂ©rentes vitesses, une vitesse de prĂ©-cisaillement critique a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©terminĂ©e pour les concentrations faibles et intermĂ©diaires au-dessus desquelles des enchevĂȘtrements de nanotubes se sont rompus; cela rĂ©duit leur Ă©lasticitĂ© et provoque la formation incomplĂšte de la structure au repos. L’évolution de la structure est en accord – qualitativement – avec les prĂ©dictions d’un modĂšle structural thixotropique. A la diffĂ©rence de nombreuses suspensions de fibres et de nano-composites, le mouvement Brownien est un mĂ©canisme influençant la formation de la structure de la suspension de nanotubes de carbone modĂšle en l’absence d’écoulement. Cette conclusion a pu ĂȘtre formulĂ©e grĂące Ă  une analyse quantitative de la vitesse de formation de la structure selon diffĂ©rentes tempĂ©ratures conjointement Ă  la rĂ©ponse de la suspension en dĂ©marrage dans des directions opposĂ©es.----------Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are fibre-like nano-particles with many different applications. Due to their high specific surface area, high electric current density, thermal stability and excellent mechanical properties, they are used to reinforce physical properties of polymer matrices. The macroscopic properties of suspensions are inherited from their properties at micron and sub-micron scales. The suspensions structure can be easily influenced by many parameters such as the extent of external shear forces, the suspension concentration, temperature, the particles specifications, etc. This makes the study of the suspension structure a very challenging task and has been the subject of interest to many researchers. In this thesis, the structure of a model carbon nanotube suspension dispersed in an epoxy is studied by employing a set of rheological methods, scaling and fractal theories and a structural thixotropic model. The effect of flow history on linear viscoelastic properties of suspensions and the evolution of structure upon cessation of shear flow has been studied over a wide range of pre-shearing rates, concentration and temperature. The results of these analyses are as follows. The effect of flow history is more pronounced on the suspensions structure in dilute and semi-dilute concentration regimes. By pre-shearing at low rates, more inter-particle entanglements were induced, which resulted in reduction of rheological percolation thresholds. After cessation of shear flow, for dilute and semi-dilute suspensions, the formed metastable structures were distinguishable by different storage moduli, which were inversely related to the rate of pre-shearing. However, for the concentrated suspensions, the formed metastable structures had an approximately equal storage modulus regardless of the rate of the applied pre-shearing. It was shown that the rate of formation of these metastable structures was ix enhanced by increasing concentration. Furthermore, the rate of structure build-up decreased by increasing the applied pre-shear rate in low and intermediate concentrations, while it remained almost intact with respect to the pre-shearing rate at high concentrations. It was found that the elastic modulus of the formed metastable structures scaled with the applied pre-shear rate in a power-law form, the parameters of which strongly depended on the concentration. As a result, scaling the steady shear results of the suspensions using this correlation formed a master curve over a wide range of concentrations below and above the gel point; this illustrated the importance of the storage modulus of metastable structures as a parameter, which represented the parameters involved in the evolution of structure. The conducted research in the light of scaling and fractal theories revealed the fact that the model CNT suspensions under investigation was classified as slowly flocculating suspensions in which the elasticity of structures originated from both the inter- and intra-floc links. Moreover, the interaction potential of the suspensions was a combination of central and non-central components. The less sensitivity of the fractal dimension of the suspensions to the flow history was in agreement with the invariant storage modulus of the metastable structures, which was barely influenced by the rate of pre-shearing near and above the gel point. Since application of shear forces disturbed the state of dispersion and particle entanglements, it may cause formation of some flow-induced structures or distortion of structures depending on the concentration regime and the rate of the applied pre-shearing. By comparing the storage modulus of the suspensions without pre-shearing and the one for the metastable structures after pre-shearing at various rates, a critical pre-shear rate was found at low and intermediate concentrations above which some nanotube entanglements broke down; this reduced their elasticity and resulted in the incomplete structure build-up at rest during transient flow x reversal measurements. The structural evolution that has been explained so far was shown to be in qualitative agreement with the predictions of a structural thixotropic model. Unlike many fiber suspensions and nano-composites, the Brownian motion was an influential mechanism in structure build-up of the carbon nanotube model suspensions in the absence of flow. This was concluded by a quantitative analysis of the rate of the structural build-up under the variation of temperature in conjunction with the extent of structure reconstruction at rest in a set of transient stress growth measurements in opposite directions

    The Evaluation of Laser Application in Surgery: A Review Article

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    There are several types of surgeries which use lasers in the operating room. Surgeons use lasers in general surgery or surgical specialties to cut, coagulate, and remove tissue. In modern medicine, the application of laser therapy is an attractive subject due to its minimal invasive effect. Today lasers are widely used in the treatment and diagnosis of many diseases such as various cancers, lithotripsy, ophthalmology, as well as dermatology and beauty procedures. Depending on the type of lasers, the wavelength and the delivery system, most lasers have replaced conventional surgical instruments for better wound healing results. Over time, by using many different tools and devices, new lasers have been created; as a result, they are used in a wide range of medical special cases. In this review, laser applications in surgery and its beneficial effects compared to previous surgeries with the aim of providing appropriate therapeutic and non-invasive solutions with minimal side effects after surgery are investigated

    Evaluation of Laser Effects on the Human Body After Laser Therapy

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    Lasers have wide applications in the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and various medical fields. Laser therapy like the other methods has advantages and disadvantages. Some risks such as bleeding, pain, and infection are created after laser therapy. Explanation and evaluation of laser effects on cell function, tissue, and the body are the aims of this study. We reviewed papers available from 1986 to 2019 about the effects of lasers on cells and tissue. An online search of PubMed, Science Direct and Google scholar using such keywords as “laser”, “cell”, “tissue”, “body” and “side effects” was performed. The laser photons are absorbed by chromophores, resulting in the target heating and localized damage. Laser irradiation alters cellular metabolism and cellular functions. These alterations may be accompanied by undesired side effects which can be monitored via metabolites level change in the body. Based on this finding, laser therapy may be associated with several side effects and complications; therefore, before treatment, the determination of laser types and their properties is necessary to avoid creating side effects. The advantages and disadvantages of the treatment type should be considered in order to choose the best treatment with the least side effects. The patients’ awareness of possible side effects before treatment and also an effective follow-up and management of patients after action are two important points in laser therapy. Training curriculum definition should be determined for laser applicant qualifications in different medical fields