54 research outputs found

    Eksenel Yüklü Soğuk Şekillendirilmiş Çelik Elemanların Dayanımlarının Farklı Şartnamelere Göre İncelenmesi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada, soğukta sekil verilmiş ince cidarlı kenarları rijitleştirilmiş C kesitli elemanların eksenel kuvvet etkisi altında farklı ülke şartnamelerine göre dayanımları incelenmiştir. Elde edilen farklı şartname sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve farkları tartışılmıştır.In this study, strength and behavior of cold formed thin walled stiffened C section axially loaded members are investigated. The results obtained from different specifications will be compared and discussed

    Pemanfaatan Informasi Covid-19 Di Gampong Beurawe, Banda Aceh

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    This study aims to analyze the use of Covid-19 information technology in Beurawe Village, Banda Aceh, in the midst of the corona virus pandemic and the results of the study show that the use of information technology has a very important role in people's understanding in order to be able to understand and prevent the spread of Covid-19. The Beurawe Village community must really understand the Covid-19 information conveyed. Understanding alone is not enough if there is no action to break the Covid-19 chain. With the information technology that is currently developing rapidly, including information media and internet networks that can connect the government and the Beurawe village community so that the socialization process to the community can run well and quickly as it should, even though in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, which limits activities


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    Herbal drugs represent a major allocation of all the recognized systems of health in the world. Also, the medicinal plants have been regarded as valuable and cheap sources of various phytoconstituents which are used extensively in the development of drugs against various diseases. Terminalia chebula, commonly called as black myrobalan, ink tree, or chebulic myrobalan, is a deciduous tree belonging to the family Combretaceae, has been regarded as one of the most important medicinal plants used in medicines of ayurveda, siddha, unani and homeopathy. Numbers of phytochemical constituents have been found to be associated with the drug such as tannins, chebulinic acid, ellagic acid, gallic acid, punicalagin and flavonoids. Moreover, Terminalia chebula has been well reported to possess antioxidant, antidiabetic, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anticancerous, antiulcer, antimutagenic and wound healing activities. In addition, Terminalia chebula has been used extensively in the preparation of many Ayurvedic formulations for infectious diseases like chronic ulcer, leucorrhoea, pyorrhoea and fungal infections of the skin. The present review article has been designed to elucidate data on phytochemistry, pharmacognostic characters and pharmacological activities associated with Terminali

    Investigating the Present Condition of the Textile Industry in Bangladesh on Sustainability Practices

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    With the primary objective of gaining insights into the industry's prevailing conditions and potential avenues for growth, the study employed interviews as the primary data collection method. The research conducted in-depth interviews with key stakeholders, including industry experts, policymakers, manufacturers, and workers, to capture multifaceted perspectives and ensure a comprehensive understanding of the sector. The research unraveled the inherent strengths that bolster the Bangladesh textile industry's position in the global market through rigorous thematic data analysis and interpretation. Additionally, the study identified critical weaknesses that require targeted interventions to enhance competitiveness and sustainability. Moreover, the research unearthed potential opportunities for further growth and expansion in an ever-evolving global economic landscape. Finally, the analysis revealed looming threats that could pose challenges to the sector's progress in the future

    Enhanced drug delivery and wound healing potential of berberine-loaded chitosan–alginate nanocomposite gel: characterization and in vivo assessment

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    Berberine–encapsulated polyelectrolyte nanocomposite (BR–PolyET–NC) gel was developed as a long-acting improved wound healing therapy. BR–PolyET–NC was developed using an ionic gelation/complexation method and thereafter loaded into Carbopol gel. Formulation was optimized using Design-Expert® software implementing a three-level, three-factor Box Behnken design (BBD). The concentrations of polymers, namely, chitosan and alginate, and calcium chloride were investigated based on particle size and %EE. Moreover, formulation characterized in vitro for biopharmaceutical performances and their wound healing potency was evaluated in vivo in adult BALB/c mice. The particle distribution analysis showed a nanocomposite size of 71 ± 3.5 nm, polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.45, ζ–potential of +22 mV, BR entrapment of 91 ± 1.6%, and loading efficiency of 12.5 ± 0.91%. Percentage drug release was recorded as 89.50 ± 6.9% with pH 6.8, thereby simulating the wound microenvironment. The in vitro investigation of the nanocomposite gel revealed uniform consistency, well spreadability, and extrudability, which are ideal for topical wound use. The analytical estimation executed using FT-IR, DSC, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) indicated successful formulation with no drug excipients and without the amorphous state. The colony count of microbes was greatly reduced in the BR–PolyET–NC treated group on the 15th day from up to 6 CFU compared to 20 CFU observed in the BR gel treated group. The numbers of monocytes and lymphocytes counts were significantly reduced following healing progression, which reached to a peak level and vanished on the 15th day. The observed experimental characterization and in vivo study indicated the effectiveness of the developed BR–PolyET–NC gel toward wound closure and healing process, and it was found that >99% of the wound closed by 15th day, stimulated via various anti-inflammatory and angiogenic factors


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    Strategy is one of important thing in teaching a language, moreover in teaching Arabic. The suitable strategy in teaching Arabic is based on the material and the condition of the students. Enjoyable or not the process of teaching and learning Arabic would determine the result expected of the teaching itself. If the beginning of the process of teaching and learning has already implemented active and joyful strategy, the students will be interested in the process of learning Arabic. Arabic active learning is focusing on creating various conditions in which it enables the students to utilize their time to study. The teacher in the concept of active learning will no longer as the main source who transfers knowledge to the students. Active learners place the teacher as a facilitator who creates conducive class to make the process of teaching and learning be better. In learning a language, the first skill that the students have is listening (istimak). The ability in listening means that the students are able to comprehend Arabic utterances correctly and well. After mastering this skill, there is a process again called takallum (speaking). Speaking ability in general is about two sides; the speaker and the listener

    Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa Arab Aktif (Kemahiran Qira'ah dan Kitabah)

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    Strategy is one of important thing in teaching a language, moreover in teaching Arabic. The suitable strategy in teaching Arabic is based on the material and the condition of the students. Enjoyable or not the process of teaching and learning Arabic would determine the result expected of the teaching itself. If the beginning of the process of teaching and learning has already implemented active and joyful strategy, the students will be interested in the process of learning Arabic. Arabic active learning is focusing on creating various conditions in which it enables the students to utilize their time to study. The teacher in the concept of active learning will no longer as the main source who transfers knowledge to the students. Active learners place the teacher as a facilitator who creates conducive class to make the process of teaching and learning be better. The ability of reading consists of two aspects that are change phonetic symbols into sound and catch the meaning of situations from the phonetic symbols and sounds. Writing ability in general is written communication