5 research outputs found

    Textile and Paper Microfluidic Platforms for Electroanalytical Nucleic Acid Testing

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    Rapid and accurate near-patient diagnostic tests outside well-equipped laboratories are essential in the fight against outbreaks of infectious diseases, especially when these can turn into pandemics. As severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the latest but probably not the last pandemic of the 21st century. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) identify pathogens at the molecular level by targeting specific gene sequences. NAATs are currently the gold standard of molecular diagnostics, given their reliability, sensitivity, and specificity. In addition, NAATs can provide quantitative results with a short turnaround time compared to conventional immunoassays or culturing methods. However, most NAATs necessitate centralized laboratories and trained health professionals and, to a large extend, fail to be point-of-care(POC).The biosensing field was inspired by the micro electronics revolution in the1980s, which led to the emergence of the micro-total analysis systems (ÎŒTAS)concept. ÎŒTAS was envisioned to miniaturized laboratory-based tests in single microfluidic devices. The combination of POC NAATs with ÎŒTAS can offer rapid, sensitive, and specific diagnostic tools of great importance in tackling diseases.In this thesis, we have utilized paper and textile materials as a platform for developing ÎŒTAS. These materials possess many features necessary for advanced ÎŒTAS, such as the ability to transport liquids, store reagents and embed electronic functions, making them ideal for integrating affordable, portable, and easy to manufacture ÎŒTAS for NAATs.We have specially developed NAATs with paper-based and thread-based electrochemical readout to provide quantitative responses with high sensitivity, specificity, and the possibility to connect to portable digital electronics. This work paves the way for robust sample-to-answer digital POC NAATs.Snabba och noggranna diagnostiska tester som utförs nĂ€ra patienten utanför vĂ€lutrustade laboratorier Ă€r det mest avgörande sĂ€ttet att ta itu med smittsamma sjukdomar, som i vĂ€rsta fall kan förvandlas till en pandemi.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) Ă€r den senaste men förmodligen inte den sista pandemin under 2000-talet.Nukleinsyraamplifieringstest (NAAT) identifierar patogener pĂ„ en molekylĂ€r nivĂ„ genom att rikta in pĂ„ specifika gensekvenser. NAAT Ă€r för tillfĂ€llet den gyllene standarden för molekylĂ€r diagnostisk teknik med tanke pĂ„ desstillförlitlighet, kĂ€nslighet, och specificitet Utöver detta ger NAAT kvantitativa resultat med en kort behandlingstid i motsats till konventionella immunanalyser eller odlingsmetoder. De flesta NAAT-metoder krĂ€ver dock centraliserade laboratorier och utbildad personal och Ă€r dĂ€rmed inte anpassade för sjĂ€lvtest nĂ€ra patienten.BiosensorsfĂ€ltet var inspirerat av mikroelektronikrevolutionen pĂ„ 1980-talet, vilket ledde till uppkomsten av konceptet mikrototalanalyssystem(ÎŒTAS). Dessa system har som syfte att miniatyrisera laboratoriebaserade tester genom att utföra alla steg i enstaka mikrofluidanordningar.Kombineringen av patientnĂ€ra NAAT-tester med ÎŒTAS kan dĂ€rför erbjuda snabba, kĂ€nsliga och specifika diagnostikverktyg och dĂ€rmed ha stor pĂ„verkan för att förhindra överföring av infektionssjukdomar. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen har vi anvĂ€nt papper och textila material som en platform utveckling av ÎŒTAS.Dessa material har mĂ„nga egenskaper som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för ÎŒTAS sĂ„som förmĂ„gan att transportera vĂ€tskor, lagra reagenser och att integrera elektroniska funktioner, vilket gör dem ideala för att integrera prisvĂ€rda, bĂ€rbara och lĂ€ttillverkade ÎŒTAS för NAAT-tester. Vi har speciellt utvecklat NAAT-tekniker med papper- och trĂ„dbaserad elektrokemisk avlĂ€sning som ger kvantitativa svar med hög kĂ€nslighet,specificitet och möjlighet att ansluta till bĂ€rbara elektroniska enheter. Detta arbete banar vĂ€gen för robusta, digitala och patientnĂ€ra prov-till-svar-tester som baseras pĂ„ NAAT-teknik.QC 2021-09-24</p

    Textile and Paper Microfluidic Platforms for Electroanalytical Nucleic Acid Testing

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    Rapid and accurate near-patient diagnostic tests outside well-equipped laboratories are essential in the fight against outbreaks of infectious diseases, especially when these can turn into pandemics. As severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is the latest but probably not the last pandemic of the 21st century. Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) identify pathogens at the molecular level by targeting specific gene sequences. NAATs are currently the gold standard of molecular diagnostics, given their reliability, sensitivity, and specificity. In addition, NAATs can provide quantitative results with a short turnaround time compared to conventional immunoassays or culturing methods. However, most NAATs necessitate centralized laboratories and trained health professionals and, to a large extend, fail to be point-of-care(POC).The biosensing field was inspired by the micro electronics revolution in the1980s, which led to the emergence of the micro-total analysis systems (ÎŒTAS)concept. ÎŒTAS was envisioned to miniaturized laboratory-based tests in single microfluidic devices. The combination of POC NAATs with ÎŒTAS can offer rapid, sensitive, and specific diagnostic tools of great importance in tackling diseases.In this thesis, we have utilized paper and textile materials as a platform for developing ÎŒTAS. These materials possess many features necessary for advanced ÎŒTAS, such as the ability to transport liquids, store reagents and embed electronic functions, making them ideal for integrating affordable, portable, and easy to manufacture ÎŒTAS for NAATs.We have specially developed NAATs with paper-based and thread-based electrochemical readout to provide quantitative responses with high sensitivity, specificity, and the possibility to connect to portable digital electronics. This work paves the way for robust sample-to-answer digital POC NAATs.Snabba och noggranna diagnostiska tester som utförs nĂ€ra patienten utanför vĂ€lutrustade laboratorier Ă€r det mest avgörande sĂ€ttet att ta itu med smittsamma sjukdomar, som i vĂ€rsta fall kan förvandlas till en pandemi.Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) Ă€r den senaste men förmodligen inte den sista pandemin under 2000-talet.Nukleinsyraamplifieringstest (NAAT) identifierar patogener pĂ„ en molekylĂ€r nivĂ„ genom att rikta in pĂ„ specifika gensekvenser. NAAT Ă€r för tillfĂ€llet den gyllene standarden för molekylĂ€r diagnostisk teknik med tanke pĂ„ desstillförlitlighet, kĂ€nslighet, och specificitet Utöver detta ger NAAT kvantitativa resultat med en kort behandlingstid i motsats till konventionella immunanalyser eller odlingsmetoder. De flesta NAAT-metoder krĂ€ver dock centraliserade laboratorier och utbildad personal och Ă€r dĂ€rmed inte anpassade för sjĂ€lvtest nĂ€ra patienten.BiosensorsfĂ€ltet var inspirerat av mikroelektronikrevolutionen pĂ„ 1980-talet, vilket ledde till uppkomsten av konceptet mikrototalanalyssystem(ÎŒTAS). Dessa system har som syfte att miniatyrisera laboratoriebaserade tester genom att utföra alla steg i enstaka mikrofluidanordningar.Kombineringen av patientnĂ€ra NAAT-tester med ÎŒTAS kan dĂ€rför erbjuda snabba, kĂ€nsliga och specifika diagnostikverktyg och dĂ€rmed ha stor pĂ„verkan för att förhindra överföring av infektionssjukdomar. I den hĂ€r avhandlingen har vi anvĂ€nt papper och textila material som en platform utveckling av ÎŒTAS.Dessa material har mĂ„nga egenskaper som Ă€r nödvĂ€ndiga för ÎŒTAS sĂ„som förmĂ„gan att transportera vĂ€tskor, lagra reagenser och att integrera elektroniska funktioner, vilket gör dem ideala för att integrera prisvĂ€rda, bĂ€rbara och lĂ€ttillverkade ÎŒTAS för NAAT-tester. Vi har speciellt utvecklat NAAT-tekniker med papper- och trĂ„dbaserad elektrokemisk avlĂ€sning som ger kvantitativa svar med hög kĂ€nslighet,specificitet och möjlighet att ansluta till bĂ€rbara elektroniska enheter. Detta arbete banar vĂ€gen för robusta, digitala och patientnĂ€ra prov-till-svar-tester som baseras pĂ„ NAAT-teknik.QC 2021-09-24</p

    Toward Continuous Molecular Testing Using Gold-Coated Threads as Multi-Target Electrochemical Biosensors

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    Analytical systems based on isothermal nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) paired with electroanalytical detection enable cost-effective, sensitive, and specific digital pathogen detection for various in situ applications such as point-of-care medical diagnostics, food safety monitoring, and environmental surveillance. Self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) on gold surfaces are reliable platforms for electroanalytical DNA biosensors. However, the lack of automation and scalability often limits traditional chip-based systems. To address these challenges, we propose a continuous thread-based device that enables multiple electrochemical readings on a functionalized working electrode Au thread with a single connection point. We demonstrate the possibility of rolling the thread on a spool, which enables easy manipulation in a roll-to-roll architecture for high-throughput applications. As a proof of concept, we have demonstrated the detection of recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA) isothermally amplified DNA from the two toxic microalgae species Ostreopsis cf. ovata and Ostreopsis cf. siamensis by performing a sandwich hybridization assay (SHA) with electrochemical readout

    Woven Electroanalytical Biosensor for Nucleic AcidAmplification Tests

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    Fiber-based biosensors enable a new approach in analytical diagnosticdevices. The majority of textile-based biosensors, however, rely oncolorimetric detection. Here a woven biosensor that integrates microfluidicsstructures in combination with an electroanalytical readout based on athiol-self-assembled monolayer (SAM) for Nucleic Acid Amplification Testing,NAATs is shown. Two types of fiber-based electrodes are systematicallycharacterized: pure gold microwires (bond wire) and off-the-shelf plasmagold-coated polyester multifilament threads to evaluate their potential to formSAMs on their surface and their electrochemical performance in woven textile.A woven electrochemical DNA (E-DNA) sensor using a SAM-based stem-loopprobe-modified gold microwire is fabricated. These sensors can specificallydetect unpurified, isothermally amplified genomic DNA of Staphylococcusepidermidis (10 copies/ÎŒL) by recombinase polymerase amplification (RPA).This work demonstrates that textile-based biosensors have the potential forintegrating and being employed as automated, sample-to-answer analyticaldevices for point-of-care (POC) diagnostics.QC 20210917</p

    Rapid prototyping of heterostructured organic microelectronics using wax printing, filtration, and transfer

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    Conducting polymers are the natural choice for soft electronics. However, the main challenge is to pattern conducting polymers using a simple and rapid method to manufacture advanced devices. Filtration of conducting particle dispersions using a patterned membrane is a promising method. Here, we show the rapid prototyping of various micropatterned organic electronic heterostructures of PEDOT:PSS by inducing the formation of microscopic hydrogels, which are then filtered through membranes containing printed hydrophobic wax micropatterns. The hydrogels are retained on the un-patterned, hydrophilic regions, forming micropatterns, achieving a resolution reaching 100 mu m. We further solve the problem of forming stacked devices by transferring the acidified PEDOT:PSS micropattern using the adhesive tape transfer method to form vertical heterostructures with other micropatterned electronic colloids such as CNTs, which are patterned using a similar technique. We demonstrate a number of different heterostructure devices including micro supercapacitors and organic electrochemical transistors and also demonstrate the use of acidified PEDOT:PSS microstructures in cell cultures to enable bioelectronics.Funding Agencies|European Research CouncilEuropean Research Council (ERC)European Commission [715268]</p