20 research outputs found

    Molecular basis of antiviral immune responses in teleost fish

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    In addition to the importance of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) for fisheries or aquaculture of several countries including Canada, these species are valuable for comparative immunological studies. The Atlantic cod possesses a unique immune system among many teleosts, and the Atlantic salmon may serve as a molecular model for genomics studies in salmonids. Several aspects of the immune response in these species are yet to be determined, and a broader picture of the immune responses of Atlantic cod and Atlantic salmon may enhance the health management of wild or farmed populations of these species. With respect to the importance of macrophages in innate immune responses, the objectives of my thesis were to use a macrophage model and genomics approaches to enhance our understanding of the antiviral immune response of Atlantic cod, and to profile the transcriptome of the dietary fatty acid-dependent and antiviral responses of Atlantic salmon. In Chapter 2, I used microarray and quantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) analyses to identify and validate several antiviral biomarker genes encoding receptors, signal transducers, transcription factors and immune effectors in Atlantic cod macrophages. This study revealed that the antiviral immune responses of Atlantic cod macrophages may be activated downstream of RIG-I-like receptor (RLR)- and Toll-like receptor (TLR)-dependent pathways. Chapter 3 fully characterised Atlantic cod viperin, one of the putative interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) identified in Chapter 2. I found Atlantic cod viperin to be an evolutionarily conserved gene with an antiviral response that is regulated through endosomal-TLRs-, protein kinase R (PKR), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)- and interferon (IFN)-mediated pathways. Using deep sequencing and gene expression analysis, Chapter 4 profiled the immune-related microRNAs (miRNAs) of Atlantic cod macrophages, and discovered both evolutionarily-conserved and teleost-specific miRNAs playing roles in the antiviral immune response of macrophages of this species. Concerning the immune-related functions of omega (n)-3 and n-6 fatty acids, Chapter 5 used an ex vivo model to evaluate if varying levels of dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids influence the antiviral responses of Atlantic salmon macrophage-like cells (MLCs). Chapter 5 showed that different levels of dietary n-3 and n-6 fatty acids change the fatty acid composition of head kidney leukocytes, and it identified fatty acid-dependent immune-related biomarkers in Atlantic salmon MLCs. Moreover, this chapter identified a large number of biomarker transcripts activated by RLR, TLR, MAPK and IFN pathways during the antiviral response of Atlantic salmon MLCs. This thesis contributed significantly to the development of a comprehensive picture of the genes, non-coding RNAs and regulating pathways involved in antiviral immune responses of teleosts. In addition, my thesis enhances the general understanding of the immunomodulatory functions of dietary n-3 fatty acids in Atlantic salmon. The novel results generated by this thesis contribute molecular biomarkers that may be used in future immunological studies to aid in the development of aquafeeds and other health management tools for teleosts

    Characterization and Transcript Expression Analyses of Atlantic Cod Viperin

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    Viperin is a key antiviral effector in immune responses of vertebrates including the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). Using cloning, sequencing and gene expression analyses, we characterized the Atlantic cod viperin at the nucleotide and hypothetical amino acid levels, and its regulating factors were investigated. Atlantic cod viperin cDNA is 1,342 bp long, and its predicted protein contains 347 amino acids. Using in silico analyses, we showed that Atlantic cod viperin is composed of 5 exons, as in other vertebrate orthologs. In addition, the radical SAM domain and C-terminal sequences of the predicted Viperin protein are highly conserved among various species. As expected, Atlantic cod Viperin was most closely related to other teleost orthologs. Using computational modeling, we show that the Atlantic cod Viperin forms similar overall protein architecture compared to mammalian Viperins. qPCR revealed that viperin is a weakly expressed transcript during embryonic development of Atlantic cod. In adults, the highest constitutive expression of viperin transcript was found in blood compared with 18 other tissues. Using isolated macrophages and synthetic dsRNA (pIC) stimulation, we tested various immune inhibitors to determine the possible regulating pathways of Atlantic cod viperin. Atlantic cod viperin showed a comparable pIC induction to other well-known antiviral genes (e.g., interferon gamma and interferon-stimulated gene 15-1) in response to various immune inhibitors. The pIC induction of Atlantic cod viperin was significantly inhibited with 2-Aminopurine, Chloroquine, SB202190, and Ruxolitinib. Therefore, endosomal-TLR-mediated pIC recognition and signal transducers (i.e., PKR and p38 MAPK) downstream of the TLR-dependent pathway may activate the gene expression response of Atlantic cod viperin. Also, these results suggest that antiviral responses of Atlantic cod viperin may be transcriptionally regulated through the interferon-activated pathway

    Discovery of microRNAs associated with the antiviral immune response of Atlantic cod macrophages

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are known to play important immunoregulatory roles in teleosts, although miRNAs involved in the antiviral immune response of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) were previously uncharacterised. Using deep sequencing and qPCR, the present study was conducted to identify miRNAs responsive to the viral mimic, polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid (pIC) in Atlantic cod macrophages. Macrophage samples isolated from Atlantic cod (n = 3) and treated with pIC or phosphate buffered saline (PBS control) for 24 and 72 h were used for miRNA profiling. Following deep sequencing, DESeq2 analyses identified four (miR-731-3p, miR-125b-3-3p, miR-150-3p and miR-462-3p) and two (miR-2188-3p and miR-462-3p) significantly differentially expressed miRNAs at 24 and 72 h post-stimulation (HPS), respectively. Sequencing-identified miRNAs were subjected to qPCR validation using a larger number of biological replicates (n = 6) exposed to pIC or PBS over time (i.e. 12, 24, 48 and 72 HPS). As in sequencing, miR-731-3p, miR-462-3p and miR-2188-3p showed significant up-regulation by pIC. The sequencing results were not qPCR-validated for miR-125b-3-3p and miR-150-3p as up- and down-regulated miRNAs at 24 HPS, respectively; however, qPCR results showed significant up-regulation in response to pIC stimulation at later time points (i.e. 48 and/or 72 HPS). We also used qPCR to assess the expression of other miRNAs that were previously shown as immune responsive in other vertebrates. qPCR results at 48 and/or 72 HPS revealed that miR-128-3-5p, miR-214-1-5p and miR-451-3p were induced by pIC, whereas miR-30b-3p and miR-199-1-3p expression were repressed in response to pIC. The present study identified ten pIC-stimulated miRNAs, suggesting them as important in antiviral immune responses of Atlantic cod macrophages. Some pIC-responsive miRNAs identified in this study were predicted to target putative immune-related genes of Atlantic cod (e.g. miR-30b-3p targeting herc4), although the regulatory functions of these miRNAs need to be validated by future studies

    Full characterization and transcript expression profiling of the interferon regulatory factor (IRF) gene family in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)

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    Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) represents a unique immune system among teleost fish, making it a species of interest for immunological studies, and especially for investigating the evolutionary history of immune gene families. The interferon regulatory factor (IRF) gene family encodes transcription factors which function in the interferon pathway, but also in areas including leukocyte differentiation, cell growth, autoimmunity, and development. We previously characterized several IRF family members in Atlantic cod (Irf4a, Irf4b, Irf7, Irf8, and two Irf10 splice variants) at the cDNA and putative amino acid levels, and in the current study we took advantage of the new and improved Atlantic cod genome assembly in combination with rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) to characterize the remaining family members (i.e. Irf3, Irf5, Irf6, Irf9, and two Irf2 splice variants). Real-time quantitative PCR (QPCR) was used to investigate constitutive expression of all IRF transcripts during embryonic development, suggesting several putative maternal transcripts, and potential stage-specific roles. QPCR studies also showed 11 of 13 transcripts were responsive to stimulation with poly(I:C), while 6 of 13 transcripts were responsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Atlantic cod head kidney macrophages, indicating roles for cod IRF family members in both antiviral and antibacterial responses. This study is the first to investigate expression of the complete IRF family in Atlantic cod, and suggests potential novel roles for several of these transcription factors within immunity as well as in early development of this species

    Transcriptome profiling of antiviral immune and dietary fatty acid dependent responses of Atlantic salmon macrophage-like cells

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    Abstract Background Due to the limited availability and high cost of fish oil in the face of increasing aquaculture production, there is a need to reduce usage of fish oil in aquafeeds without compromising farm fish health. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine if different levels of vegetable and fish oils can alter antiviral responses of salmon macrophage-like cells (MLCs). Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were fed diets containing 7.4% (FO7) or 5.1% (FO5) fish oil. These diets were designed to be relatively low in EPA + DHA (i.e. FO7: 1.41% and FO5: 1%), but near the requirement level, and resulting in comparable growth. Vegetable oil (i.e. rapeseed oil) was used to balance fish oil in experimental diets. After a 16-week feeding trial, MLCs isolated from fish in these dietary groups were stimulated by a viral mimic (dsRNA: pIC) for 6 h (qPCR assay) and 24 h (microarray and qPCR assays). Results The fatty acid composition of head kidney leukocytes varied between the two dietary groups (e.g. higher 20:5n-3 in the FO7 group). Following microarray assays using a 44K salmonid platform, Rank Products (RP) analysis showed 14 and 54 differentially expressed probes (DEP) (PFP < 0.05) between the two diets in control and pIC groups (FO5 vs. FO7), respectively. Nonetheless, Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM, FDR < 0.05) identified only one DEP between pIC groups of the two diets. Moreover, we identified a large number (i.e. 890 DEP in FO7 and 1128 DEP in FO5 overlapping between SAM and RP) of pIC-responsive transcripts, and several of them were involved in TLR−/RLR-dependent and cytokine-mediated pathways. The microarray results were validated as significantly differentially expressed by qPCR assays for 2 out of 9 diet-responsive transcripts and for all of the 35 selected pIC-responsive transcripts. Conclusion Fatty acid-binding protein adipocyte (fabp4) and proteasome subunit beta type-8 (psmb8) were significantly up- and down-regulated, respectively, in the MLCs of fish fed the diet with a lower level of fish oil, suggesting that they are important diet-responsive, immune-related biomarkers for future studies. Although the different levels of dietary fish and vegetable oils involved in this study affected the expression of some transcripts, the immune-related pathways and functions activated by the antiviral response of salmon MLCs in both groups were comparable overall. Moreover, the qPCR revealed transcripts responding early to pIC (e.g. lgp2, map3k8, socs1, dusp5 and cflar) and time-responsive transcripts (e.g. scarb1-a, csf1r, traf5a, cd80 and ctsf) in salmon MLCs. The present study provides a comprehensive picture of the putative molecular pathways (e.g. RLR-, TLR-, MAPK- and IFN-associated pathways) activated by the antiviral response of salmon MLCs

    Vegetable omega‑3 and omega‑6 fatty acids differentially modulate the antiviral and antibacterial immune responses of Atlantic salmon

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    The immunomodulatory effects of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are a crucial subject of investigation for sustainable fish aquaculture, as fish oil is increasingly replaced by terrestrial vegetable oils in aquafeeds. Unlike previous research focusing on fish oil replacement with vegetable alternatives, our study explored how the omega-6 to omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) ratio in low-fish oil aquafeeds influences Atlantic salmon's antiviral and antibacterial immune responses. Atlantic salmon were fed aquafeeds rich in soy oil (high in omega-6) or linseed oil (high in omega-3) for 12 weeks and then challenged with bacterial (formalin-killed Aeromonas salmonicida) or viral-like (polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid) antigens. The head kidneys of salmon fed high dietary omega-3 levels exhibited a more anti-inflammatory fatty acid profile and a restrained induction of pro-inflammatory and neutrophil-related genes during the immune challenges. The high-omega-3 diet also promoted a higher expression of genes associated with the interferon-mediated signaling pathway, potentially enhancing antiviral immunity. This research highlights the capacity of vegetable oils with different omega-6 to omega-3 PUFA ratios to modulate specific components of fish immune responses, offering insights for future research on the intricate lipid nutrition-immunity interplay and the development of novel sustainable low-fish oil clinical aquaculture feeds

    Ancestral reconstruction reveals catalytic inactivation of activation-induced cytidine deaminase concomitant with cold water adaption in the Gadiformes bony fish

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    Abstract Background Antibody affinity maturation in vertebrates requires the enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) which initiates secondary antibody diversification by mutating the immunoglobulin loci. AID-driven antibody diversification is conserved across jawed vertebrates since bony and cartilaginous fish. Two exceptions have recently been reported, the Pipefish and Anglerfish, in which the AID-encoding aicda gene has been lost. Both cases are associated with unusual reproductive behavior, including male pregnancy and sexual parasitism. Several cold water fish in the Atlantic cod (Gadinae) family carry an aicda gene that encodes for a full-length enzyme but lack affinity-matured antibodies and rely on antibodies of broad antigenic specificity. Hence, we examined the functionality of their AID. Results By combining genomics, transcriptomics, immune responsiveness, and functional enzymology of AID from 36 extant species, we demonstrate that AID of that Atlantic cod and related fish have extremely lethargic or no catalytic activity. Through ancestral reconstruction and functional enzymology of 71 AID enzymes, we show that this enzymatic inactivation likely took place relatively recently at the emergence of the true cod family (Gadidae) from their ancestral Gadiformes order. We show that this AID inactivation is not only concordant with the previously shown loss of key adaptive immune genes and expansion of innate and cell-based immune genes in the Gadiformes but is further reflected in the genomes of these fish in the form of loss of AID-favored sequence motifs in their immunoglobulin variable region genes. Conclusions Recent demonstrations of the loss of the aicda gene in two fish species challenge the paradigm that AID-driven secondary antibody diversification is absolutely conserved in jawed vertebrates. These species have unusual reproductive behaviors forming an evolutionary pressure for a certain loss of immunity to avoid tissue rejection. We report here an instance of catalytic inactivation and functional loss of AID rather than gene loss in a conventionally reproducing vertebrate. Our data suggest that an expanded innate immunity, in addition to lower pathogenic pressures in a cold environment relieved the pressure to maintain robust secondary antibody diversification. We suggest that in this unique scenario, the AID-mediated collateral genome-wide damage would form an evolutionary pressure to lose AID function