354 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Algoritma Surface Energy Balance System (Sebs) Pada Citra Landsat 8 Untuk Estimasi Evapotranspirasi Aktual

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    Evapotranspirasi aktual (ETa) yang merupakan salah satu proses yang terjadi di siklus hidrologi dapat diektrasksi dari citra penginderaan jauh menggunakan algoritma Surface Energy Balance System (SEBS). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan Landsat 8 menurunkan parameter estimasi ETa, mengetahui akurasi ETa berdasarkan data stasiun meteorologi dan klimatologi, serta mengetahui distribusi spasial ETa berdasarkan penutup lahan. Parameter yang dibutukan untuk SEBS adalah: albedo, emisivitas, suhu permukaan, NDVI, fraksi vegetasi, LAI, kekasaran permukaan transfer momentum (Z0m), tinggi kanopi, dan DEM. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa semua parameter memiliki akurasi yang baik berdasarkan data referensi. Akurasi ETa adalah 0.99, 2.18, dan 2.66 mm/hari pada 3 lokasi stasiun yang berbeda. Nilai ETa tertinggi dan terendah berada di objek tubuh air dengan 9.6 mm/hari dan atap seng dengan 5.6 mm/hari

    Charge Order Superstructure with Integer Iron Valence in Fe2OBO3

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    Solution-grown single crystals of Fe2OBO3 were characterized by specific heat, Mossbauer spectroscopy, and x-ray diffraction. A peak in the specific heat at 340 K indicates the onset of charge order. Evidence for a doubling of the unit cell at low temperature is presented. Combining structural refinement of diffraction data and Mossbauer spectra, domains with diagonal charge order are established. Bond-valence-sum analysis indicates integer valence states of the Fe ions in the charge ordered phase, suggesting Fe2OBO3 is the clearest example of ionic charge order so far.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Fig. 3 is available in higher resolution from the authors. PRL in prin

    Anomalous Hall Effect in three ferromagnets: EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30

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    The Hall resistivity (Rho_xy), resistivity (Rho_xx), and magnetization of three metallic ferromagnets are investigated as a function of magnetic field and temperature. The three ferromagnets, EuFe4Sb12 (Tc = 84 K), Yb14MnSb11 (Tc = 53 K), and Eu8Ga16Ge30 (Tc = 36 K) are Zintl compounds with carrier concentrations between 1 x 10^21 cm^-3 and 3.5 x 10^21 cm^-3. The relative decrease in Rho_xx below Tc [Rho_xx(Tc)/Rho_xx(2 K)] is 28, 6.5, and 1.3 for EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30 respectively. The low carrier concentrations coupled with low magnetic anisotropies allow a relatively clean separation between the anomalous (Rho_'xy), and normal contributions to the measured Hall resistivity. For each compound the anomalous contribution in the zero field limit is fit to alpha Rho_xx + sigma_xy rho_xx^2 for temperatures T < Tc. The anomalous Hall conductivity, sigma_xy, is -220 +- 5 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1), -14.7 +- 1 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1), and 28 +- 3 (Ohm^-1 cm^-1) for EuFe4Sb12, Yb14MnSb11, and Eu8Ga16Ge30 respectively and is independent of temperature for T < Tc if the change in spontaneous magnetization (order parameter) with temperature is taken into account. These data are consistent with recent theories of the anomalous Hall effect that suggest that even for stochiometric ferromagnetic crystals, such as those studied in this article, the intrinsic Hall conductivity is finite at T = 0, and is a ground state property that can be calculated from the electronic structure.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures Submitted to PR

    Exact time correlation functions for N classical Heisenberg spins in the `squashed' equivalent neighbor model

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    We present exact integral representations of the time-dependent spin-spin correlation functions for the classical Heisenberg N-spin `squashed' equivalent neighbor model, in which one spin is coupled via the Heisenberg exchange interaction with strength J1J_1 to the other N-1 spins, each of which is coupled via the Heisenberg exchange coupling with strength J2J_2 to the remaining N-2 spins. At low temperature T we find that the N spins oscillate in four modes, one of which is a central peak for a semi-infinite range of the values of the exchange coupling ratio. For the N=4 case of four spins on a squashed tetrahedron, detailed numerical evaluations of these results are presented. As T→∞T\to\infty, we calculate exactly the long-time asymptotic behavior of the correlation functions for arbitrary N, and compare our results with those obtained for three spins on an isosceles triangle.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ru-NMR Studies and Specific Heat Measurements of Bi3Ru3O11 and La4Ru6O19

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    Specific heats measurements and Ru-NMR studies have been carried out for Bi3Ru3O11 and La4Ru6O19, which commonly have three-dimensional linkages of edge-sharing pairs of RuO6 octahedra. The Knight shifts, the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates 1/T1 and the electronic specific heats Cel of these systems exhibit anomalous temperature (T) dependence at low temperatures, as was pointed out by Khalifah et al. [Nature 411 (2001) 660.] for the latter system based on their experimental data of the resistivity, magnetic susceptibility and electronic specific heat. Ratios of 1/T1T to the square of the spin component of the isotropic Knight shift, Kspin estimated for these systems at low temperatures suggest that they have antiferromagnetic (AF) spin fluctuations. It is confirmed by the fact that the T-dependences of 1/T1T and Cel/T of the present systems can be explained by the self-consistent renormalization theory for three dimensional itinerant electron systems with AF spin fluctuations. All these results suggest that the AF fluctuations are the primary origin of the characteristics of their low temperature physical behavior.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, 2 Tables, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Infrared anomalous Hall effect in SrRuO3_3: Evidence for crossover to intrinsic behavior

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    The origin of the Hall effect in many itinerant ferromagnets is still not resolved, with an anomalous contribution from the sample magnetization that can exhibit extrinsic or intrinsic behavior. We report the first mid-infared (MIR) measurements of the complex Hall (θH\theta_H), Faraday (θF\theta_F), and Kerr (θK\theta_K) angles, as well as the Hall conductivity (σxy\sigma_{xy}) in a SrRuO3_3 film in the 115-1400 meV energy range. The magnetic field, temperature, and frequency dependence of the Hall effect is explored. The MIR magneto-optical response shows very strong frequency dependence, including sign changes. Below 200 meV, the MIR θH(T)\theta_H (T) changes sign between 120 and 150 K, as is observed in dc Hall measurements. Above 200 meV, the temperature dependence of θH\theta_H is similar to that of the dc magnetization and the measurements are in good agreement with predictions from a band calculation for the intrinsic anomalous Hall effect (AHE). The temperature and frequency dependence of the measured Hall effect suggests that whereas the behavior above 200 meV is consistent with an intrinsic AHE, the extrinsic AHE plays an important role in the lower energy response.Comment: The resolution of figures is improve
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