109 research outputs found

    Pandangan Islam terhadap tradisi dan kemodenan

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    Umat Islam hari ini, tidak terkecuali para intelektualnya, mengalami dilema dalam menyikapi tradisi. Golongan modenis dan pascamodenis beranggapan bahawa tradisi adalah beban yang harus dilupakan untuk maju ke hadapan. Pada ekstrim yang berlawanan, golongan tradisionalis pula cenderung mengkuduskan tradisi sehingga menganggap segala yang diperturunkan tidak boleh diganggu gugat dan harus diterima sebagaimana adanya tanpa apa-apa perubahan. Ada juga yang menyerukan agar kita mengambil jalan tengah dengan menerima apa yang benar dan baik dan menolak apa yang salah dan buruk, tanpa suatu penjelasan ilmiah yang mencukupi. Makalah ini akan cuba menjelaskan nilai dan tempat yang wajar bagi tradisi atau turath mengingat bahawa ketidakjelasan dalam hal ini telah menyebabkan berlakunya banyak kekeliruan dan perpecahan di kalangan umat Islam, sehingga saling menyesatkan dalam perkara-perkara yang remeh, kecil atau furˑ. Makalah ini juga mengkritik pendekatan liberal dalam berhadapan dengan turath yang dapat mengakibatkan keruntuhan autoriti keagamaan (religious authority). Di samping itu makalah ini juga membahas bagaimanakah sikap yang sewajarnya ada pada umat Islam dalam menghadapi modeniti (modernity) Barat, juga mengkritik pendekatan golongan modenissekular yang cenderung meniru dan menerima secara a priori modeniti Barat.Ia berusaha memberikan perspektif yang jelas terhadap modeniti Barat, dan konsep pembangunan dan kemajuan berdasarkan kepada pandangan alam (worldview) Islam


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    Increasing demand for Oil and Gas and decreasing onshore reserves has lead to Deep water exploration therefore it has accelerated the need to explore structures suitable for these depths, which operate more economically in deep water. A Spar platform is one such compliant offshore floating structure used for deep water applications for the drilling, production, processing, storage, and oftloading of ocean deposits. The Spar platform was modelled as a rigid body with six degrees-of freedom, connected to the sea floor by multi-component catenary mooring lines, which are attached to the Spar platform at the fairleads. The aim of this project was to conduct a simple dynamic rigid body analysis in time domain for a typical classic spar subjected to regular waves and then conduct a parametric analysis. The results obtained are within the permissible limits where the maximum Surge, Heave, & Pitch recorded were 1.2 m, 0.95 m, and -0.04 rad respectively for wave height of3.6 m and wave period of7 sec.

    Ibn Taymiyyah’s Concept of Tawḥīd and Its Influence on Modern Radicalism

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    This research is an attempt to examine some of Ibn Taymiyyah’s writings and their influence on the latest radical and extremist movement. Writings by Ibn Taymiyyah had a significant impact on the salafiyah movement, which carries the spirit of tajdīd and iṣlāḥ (renewal). Some of his views are often cited by the latest extremist and radical groups to justify their approach, which tends to be harsh towards fellow Muslims. This study specifically intends to examine Ibn Taymiyyah’s concept of tawḥīd as it relate to his influence on the radical tendencies of some salafiyah groups. The study utilize textual method and conceptual analysis on the works of Ibn Taymiyyah and also the writings of the salafi scholars. The study reveals a definite influence of Ibn Taymiyyah’s ideas on radical groups, particularly in their view of tawḥīd and their categorization of it into three categories. The classification of tawḥīd could be the basis for the tendency of takfiri group to rise amongst Muslims. But reading Ibn Taymiyyah’s texts attentively, thoroughly, and without taking anything literally could prevent one from developing radical or extremist tendencies


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    The study aims to describe the scenario and implementation of online learning in developing early childhood gross motor skills through jumping rope in Kober Tanbihul Ghafilin, the 2020/2021 school year, because game activities in online learning are less varied and interesting for children and interesting to the child.  The study used qualitative descriptive methods with the study subjects of 12 group Achildren in Kober Tanbihul Ghafilin. Techniques in the collection of research data in the form of observations, interviews and documentation. Data analysis is in the form of data reduction activities, data displays and conclusion withdrawal. Based on the results of research on the ground that the scenario and implementation of online learning has been done in accordance with the learning steps. And the results showed that with jump rope games early childhood gross motor skills in online learning can develop well, because this game is a fun activity for children. So that children are able to coordinate hand movements of the eyes and feet, able to increase the strength and flexibility of the child's muscles, and become a solution for teachers in delivering innovative and creative learning.Kajian dalam Penelitian ini adalah bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan skenario dan implementasi pembelajaran daring dalam mengembangkan keterampilan motorik kasar anak usia dini melaluipermainan lompat tali di Kober Tanbihul Ghafilin, tahun pelajaran 2020/2021, karena kegiatan permainan dalam pembelajaran daring kurang bervariasi dan menarik bagi anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian anak kelompok Ayang berjumlah 12 anak di Kober Tanbihul Ghafilin. Teknik dalam pengumpulan data penelitian ini berupa observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Analisis datanya berupa aktivitas reduksi data, display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilapangan bahwaskenario dan implementasi pembelajaran daring sudah dilakukan sesuai dengan langkah-langkah pembelajaran dan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dengan permainan lompat taliketerampilan motorik kasar anak usia dini dalam pembelajaran daring dapat berkembang dengan baik, karenapermainan ini merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi anak. Sehingga anak mampu mengkoordinasikan gerakan tangan mata dan kaki, mampu meningkatkan kekuatan dan kelenturan otot anak, sertamenjadi solusi bagi guru dalam menyampaikan pembelajaran yang inovatif dan kreatif

    Factor analyses for economic growth in EU-28 and MENA-4 countries

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    This study uses eight main different statistical fields, as components between 2005-2014. The following step of the research is that the factor analyses, when in case of the first FACT1 three variances of the first component are, namely GDPVol2014, UnEmploy2014 and RisPov2014 are compared with two variances of the second component, namely GovDebt2014 and SocProt2014. In the second FACT2 analyse three variances of the first component, namely GDPVol2014, UnEmploy2014 and RisPov2014 are compared with two variances of the third component, namely LLeam2014 and GDPcap2014. The cluster analyse system separates the EU-28 member states and shows how these countries are closed by their special performance. The biggest group includes 22 member states closed to each other in field of their economic performance. The biggest country group originally also can be separated into 10 smaller country-group. The second country-group was consisting of two member states, namely France and Portugal, which countries were connected by mostly similarly economic growth rate with different economic developed levels. The third country-group included Spain, Cyprus, Greece and Ireland, where the low economic growth and low level of GDP volume growth were closed in case of Spain and Cyprus, but in Greece the unemployment rate was so highly and Ireland realised highly strong GovDebt2014 and SocProt2014 in its economic performance with low level for GDPVol2014 and GDPcap2014. The factor analyses and dendrogram system can show the clear selection methods for the economies, which help the researchers and policy makers to create the economic policy strategy and financial support for those countries which have the biggest backwardness in their economic development


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    Increasing demand for Oil and Gas and decreasing onshore reserves has lead to Deep water exploration therefore it has accelerated the need to explore structures suitable for these depths, which operate more economically in deep water. A Spar platform is one such compliant offshore floating structure used for deep water applications for the drilling, production, processing, storage, and oftloading of ocean deposits. The Spar platform was modelled as a rigid body with six degrees-of freedom, connected to the sea floor by multi-component catenary mooring lines, which are attached to the Spar platform at the fairleads. The aim of this project was to conduct a simple dynamic rigid body analysis in time domain for a typical classic spar subjected to regular waves and then conduct a parametric analysis. The results obtained are within the permissible limits where the maximum Surge, Heave, & Pitch recorded were 1.2 m, 0.95 m, and -0.04 rad respectively for wave height of3.6 m and wave period of7 sec.

    Histological Study of gonads in Euryglossa orientalis from Persian Gulf

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    Among more than 600 fish species in Persian Gulf, Soles are considered as one of the most economically important species. These fish is different from other fishes in morphological, functional and structural organs and like many other flatfish are less well known. The present study was designed to investigate the histological structure of gonads of Sole (Euryglossa orientalis) in two breeding and rest seasons. 40 Sole fish were collected from Zangi estuary (located in Mussa creek in the north of Persian Gulf) in early July and early October (non- breeding and breeding seasons) 2013. After biometry, gonadal tissues were dissected and weighed to determine Gonadosomatic Index (GSI). Then fixed in Bouin’s solution. Histological specimens were transported to the histological laboratory. Tissue sections were prepared according to conventional methods include dehydration, clearing and paraffin. And then were cut down to 5 micron sections and stained. These tissue sections were studied by light microscopy. The result showed that different stages of germ cells in both male and female gonads. Although in breeding season mature cells were noticed, GSI index of testis and ovary in Sole showed significant difference between the two seasons

    Pastoral camel husbandry practices in Kenya

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    This manual was developed to help pastoralists gain useful practical skills for raising camels and understanding camel behaviour. Divided into six broad sections, it addresses key topics essential for beginners. The pastoral communities (Borana) in Isiolo County (Kenya) identified diversifying livestock species to include camels as a way to build their resilience to climate change hazards. Borana communities are predominantly cattle keepers with limited knowledge in managing camels. Unlike other domestic animals, camels have many adaptations for survival under conditions of heat, drought and water deprivation. Livelihood diversification is promoted as an adaptation and risk management strategy but critical practical skills are needed

    Immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases

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    The aim of review. To present analysis of data on immunopathogenesis of inflammatory bowel diseases.Key points. At genetically sensitive animals inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) develop at various effects on innate and adaptive systems of immune defense (knock-out and transgenic mice), causing changes of expression of significant immunologic factors with distortion of pro- and anti-inflammatory cells and molecules ratio at their contact to microbiota structures. The physiological state of intestine is characterized by balanced interaction of effector (Th1, Th2, Th17) and regulatory (Treg) cells determining presence of immune tolerance to resident microflora antigens. Innate immunity changes revealed in last years, related to mutations of genes of bacterial structures receptors (NOD2, toll-like receptors, autophagy), cause disorder of endocellular signal processes and pathological activation of cells of adaptive immunodefense of intestinal mucosa and conforming profile of cytokines with development of chronic inflammation which will be mediated: at Crohn's disease – by Th1-and Th17-cells, cytokines IL-12, interferon-γ etc., at ulcerative colitis – by Th2-and NKT-cells, cytokines IL-4 and IL-3 in combination to incompetence of suppressor function of regulatory Т-cells and their cytokines TGF-β (transforming growth factor) and IL-10.Conclusion. Investigations of experimental enterocolites and human IBD confirm immunologic hypothesis of pathogenesis: relation of their development to defects of innate and adaptive immune system