5,987 research outputs found

    Training Programme Impact in Improving the Working Memory of Students with Learning Disabilities in Reading Arabic

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    The study aimed to investigate the effect of a training program on improving working memory for students with learning difficulties in reading Arabic. The study sample consisted of (10) students with learning disabilities from Basic Education students from the fifth and sixth grades, and those between the ages (10-11) years as a pilot group and (10) students from the same stage and of the same age as a control group. The researcher used a working memory battery, Raven Test, and a training program he prepared to achieve the study goal. The results showed that there are statistically significant differences in the fields of working memory scale between the members of the experimental and control groups in the dimensional measurement, and in favor of the experimental group to which the training program was applied, by applying the measure of working memory in its three fields. The results also showed that there are statistically significant differences between the pre and post measurements of the areas of the working memory scale in favor of the post application, and for the benefit of the experimental group,This confirms the effectiveness of the training program used. Some recommendations were suggested

    Harmonisasi Pengaturan Lembaga Perlindungan Hak Asasi Manusia di Era Globalisasi

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    Perlindungan hak asasi manusia bagi warga negara tidak dapat hanya dengan meratifikasi pengaturan yang mengatur hak-hak asasi warga negara dalam berbagai peraturan Perundang-undangan untuk menyahuti tuntutan globalisasi, namun yang terpenting kemudian adalah political will dan konsistensi menjalankan pasal-pasal tersebut dalam tataran perilaku berbangsa dan bernegara, dan ini tidak bisa dilepaskan keharusan adanya Lembaga Negara yang menjaga, menjalankan dan mengawal terwujudnya pengakuan, perlindungan dan penegakkan HAM tersebut. Perwujudan ini dapat diupayakan dengan melakukan harmonisasi dan penguatan kelembagaan HAM dalam konstitusi agar efektif dan independen

    Optimasi Pembebanan Pembangkit Menggunakan Random Drift Particle Swarm Optimization (RDPSO) pada Sistem Interkoneksi Jawa – Bali 500 KV

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    Optimasi pembebanan pembangkit adalah sebuah upaya untuk merumuskan kombinasi daya output beberapa generator secara optimal. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meminimalisir biaya bahan bakar dari generator yang beroperasi. Pada tugas akhir ini, optimasi dilakukan dengan metode Random Drift Particle Swarm Optimization (RDPSO). RDPSO adalah metode yang terinspirasi oleh pergerakan elektron pada suatu konduktor metal yang berada di area bermedan listrik. Metode ini menghasilkan evolusi dalam sebuah set algoritma untuk penyelesaian fungsi non-linear. RDPSO digunakan untuk menemukan daya output yang optimum dari generator sistem interkoneksi Jawa – Bali 500 kV yang sedang beroperasi memenuhi beban pelanggan pada 19 Februari 2016. Hasilnya, RDPSO mampu menghemat biaya bahan bakar sekitar 0.65% dari total biaya realisasi PLN. Disamping itu, RDPSO mampu menemukan titik yang lebih optimum secara cepat jikalau dibandingkan dengan metode Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)

    Analisis Pengelolaan Dan Pelestarian Cagar Budaya Sebagai Wujud Penyelenggaraan Urusan Wajib Pemerintahan Daerah (Studi Pada Pengelolaan Dan Pelestarian Situs Majapahit Kecamatan Trowulan Kabupaten Mojokerto)

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    : Local Government Affairs is divided into compulsory and optional. One of compulsory is cultural affairs which includes the management and preservation of Trowulan Majapahit Site. However, in practice they often overlap in these matters, it is also due to the Trowulan Majapahit Site as national heritage which is also the authority of the central government in Kemendikbud (Ministry of Education and Cultural) Environment, Directorate of Culture. This study aims to analyze the management and preservation of Trowulan Majapahit Site as a compulsory affairs of Local Government, Mojokerto Regency, and the actors involved in it. This study used a qualitative descriptive study. Management of Trowulan Majahit Site based on five regulations as a legal basic, but there is no specific regulation governing this case. On the budget side, budgets already shared from the State Budget, Provincial Budget and District Budget. While, in its preservation has been performed rescue, security, zoning, maintenance, and restoration, but also not optimal cause of constrained to lack of resources and budgets. The main actors involved are Disporabudpar (The Official of Youth, Sport, Cultural, and Tourism) Mojokerto and BPCB (House of Preservation of Cultural Heritage) Mojokerto

    Familiarizing children with atificial intelligence

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    Abstract. Studies regarding the digital literacy of children can be found easily. Such as teaching children about coding, involvement of children in the design and development of technology, learning of CT, and abstraction. On the other hand, the availability of literature regarding the combination of children and AI is still not enough. Especially, there is a lack of research regarding AI literacy of children which is the research problem. The gap was found while searching for material regarding AI and children through ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore which motivated to conduct this research. Thus, the research was conducted with the aim of familiarizing children with the AI. Moreover, the qualitative research method was used for this study. The reason to choose this method was the lack of literature in this field. Another reason was to obtain evidence-based on observations in the real environment. Data was collected in the form of observations, texts (activity worksheets), pictures, video, and audio. The teacher was interviewed at the end of the last session to get feedback about children’s learning. Also, the study was conducted at an international school in Oulu, Finland. Sessions were conducted on 19 Nov and 26 Nov 2019. Each session was of approximately 45 minutes. Children belonging to the age-group of 11–12 years were included. To introduce AI to the children existing material with modification was used. During the sessions, children had some hands-on activities such as an online ML activity. Some activity worksheets were also distributed among them. Children were asked about AI before and after this concept was explained to them. Findings of the study suggested that some children’s opinion about AI was changed after they were being engaged in learning activities. In the beginning, upon asking them about AI a few children answered as coding or robot whereas repeating the same question at the end some students mentioned “thinking by itself”. In contrast, some students still mentioned robot or computer. Observations also suggest that children seemed to learn more easily through hands-on activities and by listening to stories. Based on the results of this study, it seems that more sessions with careful planning are needed to get better results in the future. One limitation is, the results of this study cannot be applied to a large group of children. Another limitation of this study is the unknown background of participants
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