30 research outputs found

    Economic and ecological complexity in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from 60 countries

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 is a deadly disease that globally infected millions of people. It enormously increases economies national healthcare bills and death tolls that deprive the global world. The negative environmental externality further strains the country’s healthcare sustainability agenda, causing to decline in global income. The study evaluates the different socio-economic and environmental factors to assess ecological complexity in a large, cross-country data set that includes 60 countries. The study used the following variables for estimation, i.e., coronavirus cases, cost of carbon emissions, per capita economic growth, foreign direct investment inflows, and population growth. Markov Switching Regression, VAR Granger causality and variance decomposition analysis applied on the given dataset. The results show that the COVID-19 cases have a rebound effect on environmental quality. Economic activities started after a lifted lockdown, and unsustainable production and consumption led to a deteriorating natural environment. The U-shaped relationship is found between carbon pollution and per capita income. On the other hand, the inverted U-shaped relationship is found between coronavirus cases and carbon pollution. The foreign direct investment inflows and population density increases carbon pollution. The study concludes that stringent environmental policies and incentive-based regulations help to minimize coronavirus cases and mitigate carbon pollution

    The dynamic impact of renewable energy sources on environmental economic growth: evidence from selected Asian economies

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    The linkage between renewable energy resources and environmental influences on economic growth among selected Asian economies play a vital role in sustainable economic development. This study encompasses the panel data sets for eight selected Asian countries, and the period starts from 1990 to 2018. This research relies on the panel vector error correction model (PVECM) for data estimation. The overall findings indicate that biomass, geothermal, and wind power sources of energy have a positive and significant impact on the economic advancement of Asian economies. Besides that, as opposed to the other two renewable energy sources, windpower has a greater impact on economic development. Furthermore, the empirical findings of current research have significant implications towards selected Asian countries’ energy policy related to both private and public sector enterprises as it helps in identifying the industrial sectors which have greater contribution towards the economy and their energy requirements in long term

    Otwartość handlu, bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne i zrównoważone rolnictwo w Afryce

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    This study applied a panel data of 37 African countries in examining the impact of trade openness and foreign direct investment on sustainable agriculture towards the attainment of the United Nation (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially, SDG-2, with the aim of ending extreme hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. Data for the study was sourced from the Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) and World Development Indicators (WDI) of the World Bank, for the period 2005 – 2019. To control for endogeneity, the study engaged the system Generalised Method of Moments (GMM). The result shows that FDI and trade openness have significant negative impact on agricultural sustainability in Africa. This result implies that, increase in FDI may decrease agricultural sustainability by 0.00294%, while increase in trade openness may lower agricultural sustainability by 0.430066 %. Therefore, the study concludes that while trade openness is negative, policy to raise local production towards export promotion should be encouraged. In addition, FDI should be encouraged to augment local employment and investment towards increasing output and productivity in the Africa region.W artykule wykorzystano dane panelowe z 37 krajów afrykańskich w badaniu wpływu otwartości handlu i bezpośrednich inwestycji zagranicznych na zrównoważone rolnictwo i osiągnięcie Celów zrównoważonego rozwoju ONZ, zwłaszcza SDG-2, który ma za zadanie wyeliminowanie skrajnego głodu, osiągniecie bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego oraz promowanie zrównoważonego rolnictwa. Dane do badania pochodzą z Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (CPIA) oraz World Development Indicators (WDI) Banku Światowego i obejmują lata 2005-2019. W celu kontroli endogeniczności w badaniu wykorzystano system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM). Wyniki pokazują, że Bezpośrednie  Inwestycje Zagraniczne (FDI) i otwartość handlu mają znaczący negatywny wpływ na zrównoważony rozwój rolnictwa w Afryce. Wynik ten implikuje, że wzrost FDI może obniżyć zrównoważenie rolnictwa o 0,00294%, podczas gdy wzrost otwartości handlu może obniżyć zrównoważenie rolnictwa o 0,430066 %. Z tego wynika, że ​​chociaż otwartość handlu jest negatywna, należy zachęcać do polityki zwiększania produkcji lokalnej w kierunku promocji eksportu. Ponadto należy zachęcać do FDI w celu zwiększenia lokalnego zatrudnienia i inwestycji w celu zwiększenia produkcji i produktywności w Afryce

    Does globalization affect the green economy and environment? The relationship between energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, and economic growth [correction]

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    A Correction to this paper has been published.This study analyzes the relationship between globalization, energy consumption, and economic growth among selected South Asian countries to promote the green economy and environment. This study also finds causal association between energy growth and nexus of CO2 emissions and employed the premises of the EKC framework. The study used annual time series analysis, starting from 1985 to 2019. The data set has been collected from the World Development Indicator (WDI). The result of a fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) method describes a significantly worse quality environment in the South Asian region. The individual country as Bangladesh shows a positively significant impact on the CO2 emissions and destroys the level of environment regarding non-renewable energy and globalization index. However, negative and positive growth levels (GDP) and square of GDP confirm the EKC hypothesis in this region. This study has identified the causality between GDP growth and carbon emission and found bidirectional causality between economic growth and energy use.WOS:00066917970001

    Economic determinants of national carbon emissions: perspectives from 119 countries

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    The study aims to analyze the economic determinants of national carbon emissions in a large cross-section of 119 countries. The study followed the ‘theory of sustainable development’ to assess the national sustainable developmental agenda. The study employed cross-sectional, robust least squares, and Markov switching regression for parameter estimates. The findings indicate that information disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, sustainable fuel imports, and renewable energy decrease emissions stock. In contrast, ease of doing business and logistics operations increase it. According to the ex-ante analysis, information disclosure, the cost of business start-up procedures, and environmentally friendly logistical operations would likely reduce emissions stock. Ease of doing business and lower renewable fuel expenditures will almost certainly increase emissions stock in the majority of subsequent years. Over time, information disclosure is expected to significantly impact carbon emissions, followed by renewable energy consumption, doing business, and logistical operations. Sustainable economic policies worldwide make it possible for green technology and environmentally friendly manufacturing to be put into place

    Effective Learning Support Towards Sustainable Student Learning and Well-Being Influenced by Global Pandemic of COVID-19: A Comparison Between Mainland China and Taiwanese Students

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    The novel coronavirus disease that emerged at the end of 2019 began threatening the health and lives of millions of people after a few weeks. However, social and educational problems derived from COVID-19 have changed the development of individuals and the whole country. This study examined the learning method of Taiwanese versus mainland China college students, and evaluated the relationship between learning support mechanism and subjective well-being from a social cognition theory perspective. In this study, a total of 646 Taiwanese questionnaires and 537 mainland China questionnaires were collected to compare the two sample groups in development of students’ subjective well-being. The results showed that social capital and learning support had significant positive correlations with self-efficacy, student employability and well-being and self-efficacy and student employability had significant positive correlations with well-being in Taiwanese sample. In mainland China sample, except paths among social capital, learning support, student employability and well-being, all paths were significant and positive related. Finally, based on the conclusions this study proposed some suggestions specific to theoretical mode for future study

    Working women and per capita household consumption expenditures; an untouched reality

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    Zaposlene žene sklonije su kompulzivnoj kupovini što može dovesti do značajnog povećanja izdataka za potrošnju kućanstava. U ovom radu istražuje se utjecaj promjene broja zaposlenih žena na potrošnju kućanstva po glavi stanovnika. Testira se hipoteza da promjena u broju zaposlenih žena ima značajan utjecaj na izdatke finalne potrošnje kućanstva per capita, zbog različitih sklonosti potrošnji, a provedena je empirijska analiza temeljena na skupu panel podataka 36 gospodarstava OECD-a u razdoblju 2000. – 2016. Rezultati pokazuju da promjena broja zaposlenih žena povećava rashode kućanstva per capita. Nadalje, rezultati impliciraju da životna dob zaposlenih žena ima vrlo značajnu ulogu u donošenju odluka o potrošnji što može dovesti do značajnih razlika u ukupnim izdacima potrošnje. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na važnost razumijevanja činjenice da promjena broja zaposlenih žena utječe i na planiranje ukupne potrošnje i formuliranje politika gospodarskog rasta.Working women have more compulsive buying tendencies which can lead to a significant increase in their household consumption expenditures. This study investigates the effects of changes in the number of working women on household per capita consumption. We test the hypothesis that changes in the number of working women have a discernible impact on household final per capita consumption expenditures, due to their differing consumption propensities, by doing an empirical analysis based on panel data set of 36 OECD economies within the period 2000-2016. The results indicate that changes in the number of working women increase the household per capita consumption expenditures. The result also implies that age plays a significant role in working women consumption decision making and may lead to significant differences in aggregate consumption expenditure. These findings suggest the importance of understanding changes in the number of working women in planning for aggregate consumption mobilization and in the formulation of aggregate growth policies

    The role of technological innovation in a dynamic model of the environmental supply chain curve: Evidence from a panel of 102 countries

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    Advancing smart production systems for green production remains a crucial priority for manufacturers, while the vision to achieve green supply chain management process (GSCMP) remains obstructed due to using less fuel-efficient technologies. This study suggested an intelligent logistics design that infused technological indicators with logistics performance indices (LPIs) to minimize carbon damages in a panel of 102 countries. The study used patent applications and trademark applications to analyze the technological progress, whereas LPIs-i.e., LPI-1 for assessing quality and competence services, and LPI-2 for trade and transport infrastructure-are used to determine supply chain management process across countries. The results show that carbon damages follow a U-shaped structure with technology-induced LPIs (TI-LPIs) and GDP per capita. The country's GDP per capita and TI-LPIs decrease carbon damages up to US15,000,000,whilethemoderationofpatentsapplication(andtrademarkapplications)withLPI1andLPI2substantiallydecreasescarbondamagesuptoUS15,000,000, while the moderation of patents application (and trademark applications) with LPI1 and LPI2 substantially decreases carbon damages up to US13,800,000 (US34,100,000)andUS34,100,000) and US6,100,000 (US$20,200,000), respectively. The causality estimates confirmed the growth-led carbon damages, technology-led carbon damages, growth-led logistics indices, and technology-led growth across countries. The results emphasized the need to move forward by adopting fuel-efficient technologies to minimize carbon damages across countries

    Social Inclusion, Innovation and Food Security in West Africa

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    To achieve the United Nations Sustainable Goals (SDGs) by 2030, especially goal 2 (SDG-2) which is to “end hunger, achieve sustainable food security, improved nutrition and promote agriculture” this study examines how innovation and social inclusion affect food security inWest Africa. The study applies the system Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) on a panel data of 15West African countries for the period 2005–2018. The result from system GMM shows that innovation and social inclusion are drivers of food security. The implication of this is that increased level of social inclusion and innovation in West African may increase the level of food security by about 41.5% and 13.6% respectively. Therefore, the study concludes that to feed the growing African population, social inclusion should be improved to mitigate risk, vulnerability and socioeconomic shocks faced by farming households. In addition, innovation in agricultural should be enhanced to drive productivity, thereby leading to a sustainable food security