4,423 research outputs found

    The Adoption of "Like" and "Not Like" USAge by Saudi International Students at a US University

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    Language change has been a very natural phenomenon throughout the history. Languages adapt, acquire, add, or ultimately quite sadly they extinct. In current study\u27s case, language user acquired, adapt, add features from the source if they spent time and interact with the native speakers of a language and L2 speaker while immersed in the target language culture and linguistic environment. Therefore, it is inevitable to ignore the native feature acquisition process. The current study primarily aimed to look into the adoption and USAge of English particle like as a discourse or pragmatic marker by Saudi female students at an American university in the United States. The results show that the length of the participants stay in the US and the amount of interaction with the American English users have largely influenced their USAge of loose language and gap-filler “like” in their spoken English

    Novel online Recommendation algorithm for Massive Open Online Courses (NoR-MOOCs)

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained in popularity over the last few years. The space of online learning resources has been increasing exponentially and has created a problem of information overload. To overcome this problem, recommender systems that can recommend learning resources to users according to their interests have been proposed. MOOCs contain a huge amount of data with the quantity of data increasing as new learners register. Traditional recommendation techniques suffer from scalability, sparsity and cold start problems resulting in poor quality recommendations. Furthermore, they cannot accommodate the incremental update of the model with the arrival of new data making them unsuitable for MOOCs dynamic environment. From this line of research, we propose a novel online recommender system, namely NoR-MOOCs, that is accurate, scales well with the data and moreover overcomes previously recorded problems with recommender systems. Through extensive experiments conducted over the COCO data-set, we have shown empirically that NoR-MOOCs significantly outperforms traditional KMeans and Collaborative Filtering algorithms in terms of predictive and classification accuracy metrics

    Teaching percutaneous renal biopsy using unfixed human cadavers

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    Background: Percutaneous renal biopsy (PRB) is an important diagnostic procedure. Despite advances in its safety profile there remains a small but significant risk of bleeding complications. Traditionally, operators train to perform PRB through tutor instruction and directly supervised PRB attempts on real patients. We describe an approach to teaching operators to perform PRB using cadaveric simulation. Methods: We devised a full day course hosted in the Clinical Anatomy Skills Centre, with places for nine candidates. Course faculty consisted of two Consultant Nephrologists, two Nephrology trainees experienced in PRB, and one Radiologist. Classroom instruction included discussion of PRB indications, risk minimisation, and management of complications. Two faculty members acted as models for the demonstration of kidney localisation using real-time ultrasound scanning. PRB was demonstrated using a cadaveric model, and candidates then practised PRB using each cadaver model. Results: Written candidate feedback was universally positive. Faculty considered the cadaveric model a realistic representation of live patients, while the use of multiple cadavers introduced anatomical variation. Conclusions: Our model facilitates safe simulation of a high risk procedure. This might reduce serious harm associated with PRB and improve patient safety, benefiting trainee operators and patients alike

    Nonlinear Analysis of Slurry Infiltrated Fiber Concrete Vierendeel Truss

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    الغرض من هذا البحث هو دراسة التصرف الانشائي للمسنمات الفرنديلية المصنوعة من الملاط الخرساني المقوى بألياف الحديد (السفكون) تحت الحمل المسلط باستخدام التحليل النظري للمسنمات المدروسة. استخدم برنامج الاباكوس لدراسة السلوك اللاخطي لهذه المسنمات بالاعتماد على العناصر المحددة ثلاثية الابعاد. التصرف الانشائي تمثل بالحمل الاقصى نمط التشققات و الهطول. النتائج النظرية تمت مقارنتها مع النتائج العملية التي تم اجراؤها سابقا واظهرت توافق جيد ونمط فشل مشابه للنتائج العملية. وقد وجد بأن وجود الفتحات يتسبب بقطع لمسار الاجهادات مما يتسبب بتركز الاجهادات في منطقة الفتحات والظهور المبكر للتشققات.The behavior of slurry-infiltrated fiber concrete (SIFCON) Vierendeel trusses under the applied load by employing numerical analyses for the studied trusses is the aim of this paper. The nonlinear behavior of such trusses have been investigated using the finite element software ABAQUS. A finite element model of three dimensions has been used. The structural behaviour is presented in terms of ultimate load, crack pattern and deflection. The numerical results show that the simulated numerical behavior has a good agreement with the experimental results of the pervious tested specimens and the failure mode similar to that recorded in the experimental test. It was found that when the openings are present, the usual flow of stresses is disrupted or interrupted, which causes stress concentration and early cracking in the area of the opening

    Penerapan Teknologi Smart Building Pada Perancangan Smart Masjid

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    Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, followed by a large number of mosques scattered invarious places and these mosques sometimes have a problem regarding the efficiency in managing theresources of a mosque. This paper is designed to introduce the concept of mosque design based on theprinciples of smart building with the literature study methods and analysis, and comparison to the values in thephilosophy of the Qur'an to determine the suitability of the application of smart building technology in thedesign of a mosque. With the support of some religious activities program, the expected result is "smartmosque", that would also suit with the site and user