145 research outputs found

    The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in psoriatic arthritis patients, a hospital-based cross-sectional study on Iranian population

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    Background: Psoriasis is a T-cell mediated chronic inflammatory disorder with multiple skin, nails and joints involvement. The reported prevalence of psoriatic arthritis varies from 5 to 42 cases per 100 psoriasis patients. Insulin resistance is believed to be central to the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, a constellation of major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, including atherogenic dyslipidemia, truncal adiposity, hypertension and hyperglycemia. The association of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with metabolic syndrome is increasingly being reported. Although the literature relating psoriatic arthritis to metabolic syndrome is accumulating, there is still a paucity of evidence, especially from Asia. Here, we examined the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its components in patients with psoriatic arthritis. Methods: The study was performed among outpatients attending the specialty clinic and rheumatology ward of Rasoul-e-Akram general hospital between January 2014 and April 2015. A consecutive sample of 80 patients diagnosed as having psoriatic arthritis was studied. Age, gender, body mass index, blood pressure and waist circumference, and history of smoking of patients were measured and asked at the enrolment visit. Venous samples were taken after 8 h of overnight fasting for the estimation of serum lipid profile, glucose and uric acid levels. Also an ultrasonographic examination was done for detection of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Results: 46 patients (57.5) were male and 34 patients (42.5) were female. Mean age of the participants was 43 years (SD: 11.3). The prevalence of abnormal components of metabolic syndrome was 53.8 for BMI, 48.8 for TG level, 50 for HDL, 46.3 for LDL, 45 for Cholesterol, 23.8 for FBS, 46 for waist circumflex in men and 47.7 in women and 42.5 for uric acid. 40 of the patients had abnormal SBP and 41.2 had abnormal DBP. Thirty percent of the participants were current smokers and 43.8 had NAFLD on ultrasonographic examination. Conclusion: 51.3 of patients had metabolic syndrome according to the adult treatment panel III criteria for adult Asian patients. � 2016, Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Effect of Winter Foliar Application of Urea on Changes in Leaf and Node Polyamines, Yield and Some Characteristics of Reproductive of Kinnow Mandarin Trees

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    Introduction Nitrogen plays an important role in the uniformity and quality of citrus trees. Several studies previously reported that a low level of nitrogen in citrus trees is generally caused a reduction in yield and fruit quality (Aziz, 1997; Khan et al., 2009). In this regard, applying urea is recommended as the most suitable form of nitrogen for foliar application. The polyamines are included; putrescine, spermidine, and spermine which have been considered as plant growth regulators (Alcazar et al., 2010; Khezri et al., 2010). The role of nitrogen in vegetative and reproductive growth and yield, as well as the correlation between polyamines, flower induction and fruit set in other plants, were proved in previous studies. In this regard, the results of the current study will increase our understanding about the role of polyamines in the morphology of the tree and also the mechanism of regulating the alternate bearing of Kinnow mandarin leading to an approach method to address this problem.   Materials and Methods To conduct this study a 17-year-old uniform of Kinnow Mandarin (Citrus reticulate Blanco) grafted onto Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) rootstock, which grown in a commercial orchard, located in Dezful (Khuzestan Province in Iran). For sampling, the branches which possess leaves and nodes were selected from four sides of each tree, then leaves and nodes were collected at three different time points (one, three, and five weeks post-treatment). Samples were immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen after excision and transported to the Physiology Laboratory of fruit trees within 2h for determining the N fractions and polyamines. The concentration of N in dried leaves and nodes was determined using the colorimetry technique as described by Walling et al. (1989). The experiment was set up as a factorial treatment based on a randomized complete block design with three replications to investigate the effect of different concentrations of urea foliar application (0, 0.75%, 1.5%) on nitrogen and polyamines contents at different time points (Dec 22, Jan 5, Jan 20) followed by evaluating flower characteristics and yield in Kinnow mandarin plant. Data analysis including variance was carried out using MSTATC and SAS software. To compare the mean of polyamines and nitrogen in leaves and nodes, the cut-out method was used, and also for comparison of pistil dimensions, number of flowers, and yields, Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT) was performed.      Results and Discussion Results indicated that polyamines concentration and nitrogen decreased during the period of time and also, in most cases, polyamines concentration was lower in the nodes than the leaves. High levels of polyamines and nitrogen were obtained in leaves and nodes which were treated with the foliar application of 1.5 % urea concentration after Jan 20. The polyamines content in leaves and nodes was greatly dependent on the spraying time and urea concentration used. Spermine (Spm) was the dominant polyamines in leaves and nodes with the highest values of 44.01 nmol/gF.W, 34.41 nmol/gF.W, respectively. Regarding the fact that flower density was higher in trees that treated with urea concentration of 1.5 % after Jan 5 y than other treatments, however, their yield was lower than the trees that treated on Dec 22 with the same urea concentration. This was probably due to the flower abscission as well as the fruit abscission in June. The results of this study showed that the highest yield was obtained with 1.5 % urea concentration after foliar application on Dec 22 compared with other treatments. Regarding the fact that flower differentiation in mandarin occurs during the late January until late February (in Dezful conditions), it can be explained that the foliar application on Dec 22 was performed before differentiation and consequently, the trees have received their required nitrogen. Also, the low-temperature is considered as natural inducer of citrus flowering in the Dezful, likewise, foliar fertilizer application in winter along with the natural factor (low temperature) stimulates flowering in a larger number of buds resulting in increasing the flowering. As nitrogen promotes vegetative and reproductive growth, it can be said that increasing the nitrogen content of leaves followed by transfering to the nodes, increases the number of buds, especially reproductive buds, which leads to an increase in flowering and yield. According to this study, the foliar application of urea in winter with 1.5% concentration can increase yield in Kinnow mandarin trees. Therefore, polyamines can play an important physiological role in flower development of Kinnow mandarin.   Conclusion In this study, we focused on the effect of the foliar application urea during winter on leaves and nodes of Kinnow mandarin trees and investigated the polyamines, Put, Spm, and Spd contents upon treatments. In conclusion, the application of foliar urea in winter resulted in the significant endogenous increase of polyamines and N in the leaves and nodes of Kinnow mandarin trees. Also, yield, flower density, and pistil diameter were increased by spraying urea. There is a possibility that free polyamines affect on physiological processes

    Spatial and temporal variability of brittle star (Macrophiothrix cheneyi: Ophiuroidea) in the shores of Chabahar Bay, Oman Sea

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    Echinoderm species are important members of benthic communities existing in subtropical to Polar Regions. They have an important role in nutrient cycles and other communications between organisms. This study investigated the distribution and abundance of brittle star Macrophiothrix cheneyi in the intertidal zone of Chabahar bay, the Oman Sea. Sampling was randomly done bimonthly using a square meter quadrate during one year, from November 2008 to September 2009, at 5 selected stations. According to the results of a Kruskal-Wallis analysis, the density of this species at different sampling times and stations revealed a significant difference (P<0/05). The highest frequency of this species was measured at the station of Chabahar University of Maritime and Marine Science in September 2008 (±1/54 3/58 ind.m^-2) and its lowest frequency was measured at Kolbe Qavasi station during the whole year except January. The difference in abundance (between the different months and stations) seems to be influenced by ecological (bed, food and shelter) and biological factors (fertility, hunting and competition). The investigation of distribution revealed that brittle stars in the intertidal zone under study followed random and patchy dispersion. The results of the stability indicator revealed that though the brittle star was rarely found during some periods, it was a common species in September 2008

    The effect of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles surface engineering on relaxivity of magnetoliposome

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    The purpose of this work is evaluating the effect of ultra small superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (USPIONs) coatings on encapsulation efficiency in liposomes and cellular cytotoxicity assay. Moreover, we assessed the effects of surface engineering on the relaxivity of magnetoliposome nanoparticles in order to create a targeted reagent for the intelligent diagnosis of cancers by MRI. For estimating the effect of nanoparticle coatings on encapsulation, several kinds of USPIONs coated by dextran, PEG5000 and citrate were used. All kinds of samples are monodispersed and below 100 ± 10 nm and the coatings of USPIONs have no significant effect on magnetoliposome diameter. The coating of USPIONs could have effect on percentage of encapsulation. The dextran coated USPIONs have more stability and quality accordingly the encapsulation increased up to 92, then the magnetoliposome nano particles have been targeted by Herceptin and anti-HER2 VHH, separately. Over storage period of four weeks the resulting particles were stable and physico-chemical properties such as size and zetapotential did not show any significant changes. The relaxivity of contrast agents was measured using a 1.5 T MRI. The r2/r1 ratio was more than two for all samples which demonstrate the negative contrast enhancing of all SPION embedded specimens. The high ratio of r2/r1 as well as high r2 is the best combination of a negative contrast agent as it is obtained for pure magnetite. The value of r2/r1 for all other samples including Herceptin targeted magnetoliposome, anti-HER2 VHH targeted magnetoliposome and non-targeted magnetoliposome were between ~21 to ~28, which show the magnetite embedded samples have enough negative contrast to be detectable by MRI. Therefore the HER2 targeted magnetoliposomes are a good and stable candidate as contrast agents in clinical radiology and biomedical research with minimal cytotoxicity and biocompatibility effects. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Quality of life in patients with breast cancer before and after diagnosis: an eighteen months follow-up study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Measuring quality of life in breast cancer patients is of importance in assessing treatment outcomes. This study examined the impact of breast cancer diagnosis and its treatment on quality of life of women with breast cancer.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This was a prospective study of quality of life in breast cancer patients. Quality of life was measured using the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire (EORTC QLQ-C30) and its breast cancer supplementary measure (QLQ-BR23) at three points in time: baseline (pre diagnosis), three months after initial treatment and one year after completion of treatment (in all 18 months follow-up). At baseline the questionnaires were administered to all suspected identified patients while both patients and the interviewer were blind to the final diagnosis. Socio-demographic and clinical data included: age, education, marital status, disease stage and initial treatment. Repeated measure analysis was performed to compare quality of life differences over the time.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In all, 167 patients diagnosed with breast cancer. The mean age of breast cancer patients was 47.2 (SD = 13.5) years and the vast majority (82.6%) underwent mastectomy. At eighteen months follow-up data for 99 patients were available for analysis. The results showed there were significant differences in patients' functioning and global quality of life at three points in time (P < 0.001). Although there were deteriorations in patients' scores for body image and sexual functioning, there were significant improvements for breast symptoms, systematic therapy side effects and patients' future perspective (P < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The findings suggest that overall breast cancer patients perceived benefit from their cancer treatment in long-term. However, patients reported problems with global quality of life, pain, arm symptoms and body image even after 18 months following their treatments. In addition, most of the functional scores did not improve.</p

    Nanographene oxide modified phenyl methanethiol nanomagnetic composite for rapid separation of aluminum in wastewaters, foods, and vegetable samples by microwave dispersive magnetic micro solid-phase extraction

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    A new method based on graphene oxide modified (4-phenyl) methanethiol nanomagnetic composite (Fe3O4@4-PhMT-GO) was used for extraction and separation of aluminum from wastewater, food, and vegetable samples in aluminum cookware by microwave dispersive magnetic micro solid-phase extraction (MDM-μ-SPE). In optimized conditions, the working range (WR), the linear range (LR), the limit of detection (LOD), and enrichment factor (EF) were obtained 5�5200 μg L�1, 5�1600 μg L�1, 1.5 µg L�1, and 48.8, respectively (RSD = 2.5). By MDM-μ-SPE procedure, the aluminum concentrations in baking rice and spinach with aluminum cookware were obtained 97.43 ± 2.57 mg g�1 and 131.64 ± 5.18 mg g�1, respectively which was analyzed by atom trap flame atomic absorption spectrometer (AT-FAAS). The results showed, the aluminum concentrations in cooked foods with Teflon cookware were less than aluminum cookware. The methodology was validated by standard reference materials (SRM) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry analysis (ICP-MS). © 2021 Elsevier Lt

    Improving cognitive control in adolescents with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

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    The adverse impact of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the developing mind in adolescence can extend well into adulthood. The developmental malleability of cognitive control capacity in this age group, however, may hold particular promise for cognitive training interventions. The present study investigated the effects of affective working memory (aWMT) compared to placebo-training on cognitive and affective functioning in adolescents with PTSD. 30 treatment-seeking adolescents trained for 20 days on either an affective dual n-back task (aWMT; n = 15) or a feature match task (placebo; n = 15). The aWMT group showed greater pre-to post-training increases in cognitive control as measured by the GoNogo task as well as improvements in symptoms of PTSD and increased use of adaptive emotion regulation strategies. These preliminary findings are promising given the potential for free and easy dissemination of the aWMT in schools and online