15 research outputs found

    The Value of Tuberculinization in Veterinary Practice

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    In a scientific study, the biological properties of PPD diagnostics, developed in the laboratory of the Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine by a senior researcher G.Kh. Mamadullaeva, are experimentally explained

    Результаты конкурсного сортоиспытания новых сортов кабачка в Узбекистане

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    The aim of the research is to breed short climbing, early maturing, high-yielding varieties of squash in the natural and climatic zone of Uzbekistan.Methods. The samples of squash 0044SQ (Holland) and BT+KB-001 (Turkey) were taken from the gene pool of the Research Institute of Plant Industry (Uzbekistan) in 2012 for breeding work. In 2013, squash samples were studied in the nursery of the source material, where they were evaluated for biological and economically valuable traits. Individual selection of plants was carried out. In further breeding work (2014-2016 and 2018), the lines LZ-2513 and LH-1916 were distinguished.Results. The method of analytical breeding created short-climbing, early maturing, high-yielding of squash lines LZ-2513 and LH-1916. Line LZ-2513 has rounded fruits of light green color. The LH-1916 variety has elongated, dark green fruits. Competitive variety trials of new lines were conducted in 2019-2020. Unumdor variety zoned in the republic served as a standard. It was found that from sprouting to maturity of the fruit in the line LZ-2513 is 44 days, in the line LH-1916 – 45 days. High marketable yield was recorded for squash line LZ-2513 – 18.3 tons/ha (122% of the standard); in line LH-1916 marketable yield was 16.4 tons/ha (112.4% of the standard). This year we organized the primary seed production of squash lines LZ-2513 and LH-1916 for multiplication.Conclusion. Promising for cultivation in conditions of Uzbekistan squash line LZ-2513 Orbita (NAP 20200087) and line LH-1916 Viridi (NAP 20200088) were submitted to the Intellectual Property Agency under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan to be patented.Цель исследования – выведение короткоплетистых, скороспелых, высокопродуктивных сортов кабачка в природно-климатических условиях Узбекистана.Методология. Из генофонда Научно-исследовательского института растениеводства (Узбекистан) в 2012 году были взяты образцы кабачка 0044SQ (Голландия) и BT+KB-001 (Турция) для селекционной работы. В 2013 году образцы кабачка изучали в питомнике исходного материала, где их оценивали по биологическим и хозяйственно ценным признакам. Проводили индивидуальный отбор растений. В дальнейшей селекционной работе (в 2014-2016 и 2018 годах) выделили линии LZ-2513 и LH-1916.Результаты. Методом аналитической селекции созданы короткоплетистые, скороспелые, высокопродуктивные линии кабачка LZ-2513 и LH-1916. У линии LZ-2513 плоды округлой формы светло-зеленой окраски. У сорта LH-1916 плоды удлиненные, тёмно-зелёной окраски. В 2019-2020 годах проведены конкурсные сортоиспытания новых линий. Стандартом служил районированный в республике сорт Унумдор. Установлено, что период от всходов до созревания плода у линии LZ-2513 составляет 44 суток, у линии LH-1916 – 45 суток. Высокая товарная урожайность отмечена у линии кабачка LZ-2513 – 18,3 т/га (122% к стандарту); у линии LH-1916 – 16,4 т/га (112,4% к стандарту). В текущем году организовано первичное семеноводство линий кабачка LZ-2513 и LH-1916 для размножения.Заключение. Перспективные для возделывания в условиях Узбекистана линии кабачка LZ-2513 под названием Орбита (NAP 20200087) и LH-1916 под названием Вириди (NAP 20200088) переданы в Агентство по интеллектуальной собственности при Министерстве Юстиции Республики Узбекистан для получения патента

    Potential distribution over temperature sensors of p-n junction diodes with arbitrary doping of the base region

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    In p-n-junction temperature sensors connected in the forwardbiased, the temperature dependence of the built-in potential is important, while in the reverse biased p-n-junction temperature sensors, it is necessary to study the temperature dependence of the built-in potential and space-charge region width.For this case, as well as for homogeneous and gradient alloyed cases, the temperature dependence of built-in potential and space-charge region widthare studied and mathematical analysis is presented for these cases.Based on these mathematical analysis, the results are obtained for cases where the base region of p-n-junction temperature sensors is doped at different concentrations with a homogeneous or inhomogeneous distributions of impurities. It is well known that in conventional temperature sensors, when the main current transport mechanism is determined by generation-recombination processes in space charge region, the dependence of the space charge region width on the temperature can affect the linearity of temperature response curve of sensor, it is desirable to increase the doping rate of the base region to weaken this effect, or it is necessary to use p-n junction

    Neutron-Tomographic Study of the Internal Structure of Knife Products Found in the Uzundara Fortress

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    This thesis examines the internal structure using neutron tomography of two knife products (of different composition), which were found in the Uzundara. From the received infor-mation, the method of their processing when forging an object and internal defects in the material are described

    Modern Tajik Constitutionalism: formation specificity and evolution

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    The article analyses the morden period of the constitutionalism development in Tajik respublic as a post-Soviet state using historical and legal metho


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    The characteristic of the occurrence of ore bodies of the Zarmitan gold ore zone, the Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine (NMMC) is given. The results of the analysis of the systems used for the mining of steeply-falling vein deposits with insufficiently stable host rocks are presented. For the mining of vein deposits with a capacity of up to 2.0 m in unstable massifs, variants of a system with the stock of broken ore in combination with a spacer (spacer-frame) and metal rod support, variants with short or narrow shrinkage, with intervening and interfloor pillars are considered. The main disadvantages of the development systems applied in unstable massifs and complex geomechanical conditions are given, which include the consumption of expensive materials, labor costs, a significant increase in the volume of preparatory and cutting operations and the loss of ore in the pillars. Variants of systems are proposed for the development of ore with an open cleaning space for the development of reserves of weakly stable massifs and in zones of stress concentration, providing for combined methods of managing a rock mass with stock of broken ore, ore pillars and hardening backfill, which makes it possible to gradually develop both chamber reserves and pillar reserves

    Symbiosis of chemotherapy and aggressive cancer surgery in improving the results of treatment for locally advanced cancer of the cervix uteri

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    By arming gynecologic oncology with current chemotherapy regimens and aggressive cancer surgery elements, we can have larger numbers of cured patients with locally advanced cancer of the cervix uteri, by improving the early and late results of treatment

    An attempt to improve the results of treatment for breast cancer complicated by lysis

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    Lysis in locally advanced breast cancer (BC) is not a sign of tumor process dissemination. The correct elaboration of management tactics for such patients may achieve rather good early and late results. The doxorubicin + xeloda regimen for BC complicated by lysis has some advantage over the FAC regimen, without additionally increasing the rate of adverse reactions and worsening the quality of life