10 research outputs found

    Hermeneutika Pembebasan Farid Esack Dari Perspektif Revolusi Ilmiah Thomas Kuhn

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    Farid Esack on Hermeneutic of Liberation from Thomas Kuhn’s Scientific Revolution Perspective This article aims to elaborate on Farid Esack's Hermeneutic of Liberation from Thomas S Kuhn's scientific revolution perspective. The background of this study is the liberation of society from apartheid hegemony in South Africa in the 1949-1991 period; Farid Esack - from the beginning engaged in the practical political movement and now focuses on the scientific field - gave rise to new methodical ideas in the study of the Koran i.e hermeneutics of liberation; which is an effort to fight against racist rulers. From Kuhn's point of view, what Essack was doing was actually a scientific revolution. This assumption will be elaborated in this study. This study is a literature review using qualitative-content analysis as the data analysis technique. The results of this study are; first, his method of Qur'anic is a scientific revolution; which he supported the strengthening of the hermeneutical paradigm in the study of the Qur'an. In that way, secondly, as Kuhn requires that the new paradigm of scientific revolution must be supported by the scientific community, Farid Esack can be said to have a scientific community with Fazl Rahman, Hasan Hanafi, Mohamed Arkoun, Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, etc. Thus, it is worth waiting for the success of this community revolution; to strengthen hermeneutics as a new paradigm in Qur'anic study in the futur


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    The discourse of Islamization of Knowledge proposed by Ismail Raji al Faruqi (d. 1986), which essentially seeks a paradigm shift from modern science to Islamic science, is increasingly interesting with more evidence being studied, either with an applied model, a comparison, or a critical one. In addition, the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT), an institution founded by al Faruqi in 1981, which is responsible for realizing real Islamization, continues to grow to this day. These two things prove that al Faruqi's Islamization is one step ahead, when compared to other Islamization initiators such as Sayyed Hossein Nasr, Ziauddin Sardar, Najjar, or even Naquib al Attas. Al Faruqi's Islamization, which is based on a paradigm shift and the scientific community, seems to align with Thomas Kuhn's model of scientific revolution, which also requires a paradigm shift and the scientific community. Therefore, this article aims to examine the Islamization theory proposed by al Faruqi from Thomas Kuhn's paradigm shift perspective. This study is a literature review. The data would be analyzed using content analysis, where the researchers perform an interpretation of the data. The approach used is the philosophy of science approach, which serves to outline the structure of science schemed by al Faruqi and Kuhn. This study concludes that the Islamization of knowledge proclaimed by al Faruqi and his scientific community is certainly a process of shifting the paradigm of Western science to the paradigm of Islamic science. Thus, al Faruqi's Islamization is a scientific revolution

    Dari Pembebasan Jiwa kepada Islamisasi Ilmu (Membaca Pemikiran Al-Attas)

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     This article aims to explain the characteristics of al-Attas' Islamization. Since this idea was proposed for the first time by Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas in 1977 at the World Conference of Muslims in Mecca, it has prompted Muslim scholars’s interesting to make proposals about how Islamization will be aplicated. For example, Ismail Raji al-Faruqi with the institution he leads IIIT, or Maurice Bucaille's approach model which is generally called ayatization. On the many proposals, it is important to explain the characteristics of al-Attas’ Islamization as the originator of this idea. This discussion will be carried out using a content analysis, such a method interpreting al-Attas' works on Islamization.in additional a comparative analysis (comparative method). The results of this study are: First, according to al-Attas, Islamization occurs in the soul. Second, there are two stages of the Islamization they are:  (1) liberation from the traditional and secular worldview (2) incorporating key concepts of Islam. Third, If the Islamization occurs in the soul, and the soul is the location of knowledge seats, then, the Islamization is automatically leading to the Islamization of contemporary knowledge

    Pendidikan Anti Korupsi: Studi terhadap Konsep Worldview dan Korupsi

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    It is undeniable that corruption has become a serious problem for the state of Indonesia. Academic attention to the corruption cannot be underestimated; in which many research reports on corruption are published in scientific journals; which generally look from the perspective of the standing law or religion. Different from these studies, this study will try to examine the concept of corruption from a philosophical point of view through the philosophical theory that has become popular recently i.e worldview theory. Worldview itself is understood as a belief system that guides human life; which can be used as a framework in reading the facts of corruption. This study is expected to be able to provide an explanation of the fundamental structure of the concept of corruption and compile the elements of an Islamic worldview needed in anti-corruption education. This research is library research; data obtained from books, papers and other documentation. The data analysis technique uses the contain analysis method, which is trying to interpret what is written in the text. In addition, comparative analysis will also be used between one text and another. The results of this study are: First, in the Islamic worldview the concept of corruption is closely related to metaphysical concepts such as the concept of God, Sharia (God's rules), sin, the afterlife, reckoning (hisab), retribution; while still affirming concepts in the worldly dimension such as the concept of the state, property, law and justice. Second, these concepts should be included in anti-corruption education

    Hubungan Agama dan Sains: Telaah Kritis Sejarah Filsafat Sains Islam dan Modern

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan agama dan sains dari perspektif sejarah filsafat sains Islam dan sains Barat modern. Kajian ini merupakan kajian pustaka dengan data kualitatif. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan sejarah (historical approach) dalam hal ini sejarah filsafat sains Barat dan Islam. Data akan dianalisis menggunakan analisis konten. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa pertama, dalam sejarahnya, sains Islam dibangun berdasarkan wahyu yang dikonfirmasi dengan akal dan observasi, sementara dalam sejarah kebudayaan Barat, lahirnya sains modern berpaku pada gerakan sekularisasi; yang mengafirmasi kebenaran rasio dan pengalaman indrawi di satu sisi dan menolak kebenaran doktrin agama (Gereja) di sisi yang lain. Kedua, setelah sains Islam mengalami kemunduran, sains modernlah yang menjadi kiblat dan mendominasi sains dunia. Dan ketiga, respon ilmuwan Muslim terhadap dominasi sains modern adalah dengan gerakan Islamisasi ilmu pengetahuan; secara khusus dengan melaksanakan program riset sains Islam

    Teori Islamisasi Kesejahteraan Perspektif Program Riset Sains Islam Lakatosian

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    This article aims to examine the process of Islamization on the theory of welfare, which is presented by M. Hibatal Azizy in his book “Mendudukkan Kembali Makna Kesejateraan dalam Islam (2014)”. The intended test is carried out through the perspective of the Islamic research program of lakatosian; which is adopted from the Methodology of Scientific Research Programes by Imre Lakatos (w.1974). This research program consists of 4 steps of analysis, namely (1) finding the problem in the initial theory, (2) finding the initial paradigm, (3) shifting of paradigm and (4) building a new theory. Based on this perspective, Azizy has carried out the four steps of the analysis above and produced a welfare theory in accordance with the Islamic paradigm, which called falāh theory of welfare. An important point of his theory is theIslamic welfare includes oriented to the worldly and ukhrowi dimensions. Overall fulfillment of welfare for a Muslim can be specified in 5 aspects of life; religion, soul, reason, descent and wealth

    Pendampingan Penyusunan Jadwal Kegiatan Harian Integratif Mahasiswa Universitas Darussalam Gontor

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    The Community Service Program (CSP) aims to assist in preparing an integrative daily schedule for santri students at UNIDA Gontor. In terms of methods, this CSP uses a Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach, which includes; stages of identification, planning, and preparation of program design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. This CSP results in forming a design schedule for daily student activities that integrate Islamic boarding schools, Islamization, and language programs. In conclusion, the CSP carried out has succeeded in fulfilling the stated goals and achievements, namely the design of an integrative daily activity schedule for UNIDA Gontor santri students; as an effort to improve student non-academic achievements. This aligns with the vision that UNIDA Gontor wants to achieve, namely a university with a boarding school system, Islamization of knowledge, and mastery of the language of the Qur'an. However, this CSP also has limitations. The results in a design schedule for daily student activities are still in the form of a draft proposal that has yet to become a policy, so follow-up is needed at the future CSP