22 research outputs found

    Perceived Social support and compliance with stay-at-home orders during the COVID-19 outbreak: Evidence from Iran

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    Background: Strong evidence demonstrates that social support plays a key role in facilitating preventive health behaviors. The major aim of the current study was to assess the effects of perceived social support on compliance with stay-at-home advice in response to a COVID-19 outbreak during the Persian New Year (Nowruz) holydays, since Nowruz holidays of 2020 coincided with the peak of the coronavirus epidemic in Iran. Methods: This cross-sectional survey was carried out based on phone interviews of 1073 adults aged over 18 years from 4 to 12 April 2020 in Mashhad, Khorasan-Razavi Province, as the second largest city of Iran. A systematic random sampling was carried out using fixed phone number lists provided by Telecommunication Company of Khorasan-Razavi Province. Phone interviews were carried out by four trained interviewers from the Iranian Students Polling Agency (ISPA) at various times of the day. The survey included sociodemographic questions, perceived social support scale (MSPSS) and questions about self-isolation. Statistical analysis included Chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis and multivariate logistic regression. Results: 20.5% of participants reported poor compliance with self-isolation during the first two weeks of Nowruz. Clear social gradients were not found in people’s compliance with self-isolation. When controlling sociodemographic factors, perceived social support, interestingly, both fostered and hindered personal compliance with self-isolation, depending on the source of support from family members (OR = .875, 95% CI = .800, .957, p < .005), friends (OR = 1.147, 95% CI = 1.073, 1.223, p < .001) and a significant other person (OR = .916, 95% CI = .833, 1.007, p = .069). Conclusions: Public health messaging may need to emphasize the role that friends and families can play in helping to protect those in their friendship/family groups by promoting compliance with social distancing. Further in-depth studies are recommended to evaluate how this kind of messaging can most effectively encourage people to engage in social distancing practices.This study was supported by Mashhad University of Medical Sciences [grant No. 981846]. The funding body had no role in the study design, data collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or writing the manuscript

    Assessment of unhealthy days of urban marginal inhabitants and effective factors in Mashhad, Iran

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    Background: The concept of the quality of life (HRQOL) related to health and its determinants contain aspects of quality of life that clearly affect people’s physical or mental health. One of the newest ways to assess the health and also the quality of life-related to health is the self-assessed health of the individual. The aim of the present study was assessment of unhealthy days, self-reported health status, and its influencing factors on residents of the marginalpart of Mashhad, Iran. Methods: In the current cross-sectional study, 580 citizens of the marginal regions and slum areas of Mashhad city were enrolled through cluster sampling method using governmental health care services divisions. The Persian version of the questionnaire CDC HRQOL-4 was used to measure the unhealthy days. Data was analyzed using SPSS, version 11.5, running ANOVA, chi-square, and t-tests. P-value of less than 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. Results: In the present study, 359 persons (61%) were women and the mean age of participants was 32.6±11.51 years. The means of unhealthy days, physically unhealthy days, mentally unhealthy days, and days with dysfunction were found to be 7.2, 2.8, 4.1, and 1.7 days, respectively. The unhealthiest days (physical and mental) were seen in unemployed people and the best to excellent health days were seen in housewives. Conclusion: Unhealthy days and days with dysfunction were reported higher in slum inhabitants, especially female, low literacy, and housewife participants. Providing the education and employment facilities for people who live in marginal city areas might decrease the unhealthy days.Keywords: Unhealthy days; Health; Urban Marginal Inhabitants; Mashha

    Assessing the questionnaires on perceived oral healthcare need: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Perception of the need for oral healthcare plays a key role in creating motivation and demand for utilization of oral healthcare services. Furthermore, people with perceived needs to oral healthcare, due to the higher profit potential of services, will be on higher priority for services. The aim of this study was to undertake a systematic review of the existing literature about questionnaires used for assessing the perceived oral healthcare needs. METHODS: The search was conducted in PubMed, ISI and Scopus databases in March 2016. Questionnaire-based and the papers which aimed to determine the perceived need for any type of oral healthcare and dental treatment were included to this study. After determining the appropriate papers, related data were extracted and reviewed. RESULTS: Out of 7069 records found, 190 questionnaire-based papers were included in the review. Ninety-four papers were related to the overall evaluation of oral healthcare need, which did not ask the need for types of oral healthcare service. Sixty-six papers studied the need for a specified dental service, and thirty papers recorded the types of oral healthcare service via asking the open or multiple choices questions. There were not comprehensive and standard questionnaires covering all the common types of oral healthcare services. CONCLUSION: Despite the importance of considering the perception of needs for oral healthcare, there is a lack of the comprehensive and standard questionnaires. Studies aimed to assess perceived oral healthcare needs should use questionnaires which include appropriate items on common types of oral healthcare services based on the characteristics of the target group. Concordance with perceived and normative need is an issue that should be addressed in future researches. KEYWORDS: Oral Health; Surveys and Questionnaires; Review; Nee

    Prevalence of chromosomal aberrations in couples with recurrent miscarriages in the city of Mashhad, Iran: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Recurrent miscarriage is defined as two or more recurrent spontaneous miscarriages. Several causes have been suggested, among which, chromosomal abnormalities in couples is considered to have a role in this regard. However, its significance varies among different populations. The present study was carried out to evaluate the prevalence of chromosomal aberrations in couples with recurrent miscarriages in the city of Mashhad.Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed on patient records at Medical Genetics Clinic of Imam Reza hospital in Mashhad (north-east of Iran) between 2003 and 2006.Results: Of 151 records of recurrent miscarriages, 59 couples had undergone Karyotyping testing. Among those who had Karyotyping results, only one (1.7%) had chromosomal abnormality. The observed abnormality was associated with chromosome 9 inversion. The prevalence of consanguineous marriage among these couples was 59.0%.Conclusion: In our study, unlike similar studies in other countries, the prevalence of chromosomal abnormalities was much lower. This could be interpreted either due to laboratory errors in our clinic or the real reduction in the association of chromosomal abnormalities with recurrent miscarriages in our population. Regarding our data, it seems that, at least among our population, costly Karyotyping testing is not necessary to predict further miscarriages or it could be limited to fewer cases having other associated factors

    Comparison of Oral Zinc Sulfate with Systemic Meglumine Antimoniate in the Treatment of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate comparison between oral zinc sulfate and meglumine antimoniate in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL). So 100 patients with CL were included and randomly divided into two groups. The first group was treated with oral zinc sulfate (10 mg/kg/day during 45 days period), and the second group was treated with systemic meglumine antimoniate (20 mg/kg/day intramuscularly for 20 days). Acceptable cure after completing 45 days of followup occurred in 30.2% of lesions in first group, while this was 35.5% for the second group. There is not any significant difference between the two treatment groups (P = 0.42). Serious side effects resulting in treatment discounting occurred in only meglumine antimoniate group. Although cure rate of systemic meglumine antimoniate group was better the treatment with zinc sulfate is much easier, cheaper, more convenient in consumption, safer, and nearly close cure percentage to systemic meglumine antimoniate injections without serious side effect

    The Efficiency of Medical Extern\'s Logbook from the Viewpoints of Externs and Faculties of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences: An Integration of Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

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    Introduction: As an instrument for supervising and directing teaching-learning procedure of learners, logbooks were developed and put into practice according to national educational objectives. This study was performed to determine the efficiency of externs’ educational logbooks. Methods: This descriptive evaluation study was performed in year 2012 in Mashhad Faculty of Medicine. Three study instruments included a 4-point Likert scale questionnaire, 3 multiple-choice questions, and 3 open-ended queries designed in Educational Development Office of faculty of medicine. Instruments’ validity and reliability was approved using content analysis and internal consistency methods (α= 0.91). Sample size was calculated by pilot study, 84 externs, and 51 faculties. Initially, 8 clinical groups were randomly selected, and then the questionnaire for completing sample size was given to faculties and externs. Ordinal and nominal data were reported using descriptive methods and analyzed by JMP4 software using chi square. Qualitative data were analyzed using summative content analysis method. Results: Seventy one externs (83%) and 40 faculties (81%), reported logbook’s information accuracy less than 60% averagely. Twenty five faculties (49%) believed that logbooks must have its own score as a document indicating student’s in-ward activity. This is while 43 students (51%) believed that this could lead to increasing registration of feigned information. Concerning achievement in 14 expected objectives, externs evaluated logbooks to be significantly less effective compared to the extent to which faculties did (p<0001). Systematically approaching this process, qualitative findings in areas of modality, structure, implementation, and outcome showed that students did not substantively object use of logbook. In fact they opposed the structure and the way in which logbook was used. Conclusion: Evaluation of procedures and outcomes of using logbooks for directing teaching-learning process showed that executive shortcomings have prevented the fulfillment of expected objectives. Further justification for teachers and learners as well as content and procedure revision is needed

    The pattern of antibiotic administration for toddlers and infants with acute respiratory infections (Mashhad- Iran)

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    ABSTRACT Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are the main cause for antibiotic (AB) use in all age groups specially the first two years of life. The local information about the pattern of AB prescription in ARI is a necessary part for any program which aims logical use of AB. The current study was designed to find the frequency and types of AB administration for ARI in young children (<2years) in Mashhad, Iran. Method: This is an observational cohort study which was started in November 2005 and ended up at May 2006. The study group was composed of 1000 infants between 6 month and 20 months old. The children were followed monthly by telephone calls (up to six month after the first interview) and were asked about signs and symptoms of acute respiratory infection and systemic antibiotic use during each month. Results: The average monthly incidence of ARI was 34.5% in the study population, 66.3 %( mean) of the children with ARI were visited by a doctor, which led to AB prescription in 32.7 %( mean) of times. The frequency of inject able antibiotics was almost two times of oral Abs, and benzatin penicillin was the most prescribed AB (54%of all Abs). Conclusion: The rate of AB administration for infants with ARI is not very high in Mashad, but the frequency of AB injections is unacceptable

    The Epidemiology of Cold–weather Injuries in Infants in Mashhad, Iran

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    Background: Injury is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children. There is insufficient data on the epidemiology or incidence of injuries in the first two years of life, especially in Iran. The main objective of this study was to describe the incidence and causes of injuries in a sample group of infants and toddlers in Mashhad, Iran. Methods: This prospective, observational study, was conducted on 1000 infants (6-24 months old), admitted to 46 healthcare centers of Mashhad. The infants were observed in terms of the occurrence of injuries and the outcomes over six months. Results: At the beginning of the study, the mean age of the infants was 13.8±7.8 months. During six months of observation, 382 episodes of injuries were detected. The injuries were burning (134 episodes), falling (132 episodes), cuts and lacerations (63 episodes), choking due to foreign body aspiration (40 episodes), poisoning (9 episodes), traffic accidents and electrical injuries (2 episodes each) and drowning (no case), respectively. During the study period, 42 injury-related outpatient visits (by a physician) were recorded, which were caused by burning (28 visits), falling (13 visits) and traffic accidents (one visit), respectively. Twenty-one cases of hospital admission were reported, although only two of them were caused by accidents (a case of falling and a case of burning). Conclusion: During the cold months, burns and falls were the main causes of injury in children, aged 6-24 months in Mashhad. However, injury was not a major cause of hospital admission in this group

    Autoantibody Profile in Systemic Sclerosis

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    Systemic sclerosis is a generalized disorder of connective tissue clinically characterized by thickening and fibrosis of the skin and by distinctive forms of involvement of internal organs. One of the hallmarks of systemic sclerosis is the presence of serum autoantibodies against a variety of nuclear and cytoplasmic antigens. The primary purpose of this study was to identify the autoantibodies profile in the scleroderma sera and the secondary goal was to determine the correlation and discrepancy of autoantibody profile. Autoantibody profile was determined in 118 samples stored in the Advanced Diagnostic Laboratory at the University of Calgary. 78 sera were provided from Canadian and 40 sera were provided from Ukraine. We used the following techniques to identify autoantibodies profile in scleroderma patients: 1. Antinuclear antibody (ANA) by indirect immunofluorescence on human epithelial cell substrate 2. Detection and identification of specific autoantibodies by Innolia strip assay 3. Detection and identification of specific autoantibodies against extractable nuclear antigens. 111 out of 118 patients showed positive ANA results by indirect immunofluorescence and 7 patients had negative ANA results. Anti-ENA analyses by Inolia were positive in 84 patients, while by western blotting 81 patients showed positive results. In this study, we compared the results of anti-ENA antibody by Innolia with SLR technique. A significant correlation was found between anti-SCl-70 antibodies (P=0.000) and anti- RNP antibodies (P=0.001) and JO-1 antibodies (P=0.014). Thus, we may propose that SLR and Innolia techniques could be used for the detection of autoantibody in systemic sclerosis

    Assessing the questionnaires on perceived oral healthcare need: A systematic review

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Perception of the need for oral healthcare plays a key role in creating motivation and demand for utilization of oral healthcare services. Furthermore, people with perceived needs to oral healthcare, due to the higher profit potential of services, will be on higher priority for services. The aim of this study was to undertake a systematic review of the existing literature about questionnaires used for assessing the perceived oral healthcare needs. METHODS: The search was conducted in PubMed, ISI and Scopus databases in March 2016. Questionnaire-based and the papers which aimed to determine the perceived need for any type of oral healthcare and dental treatment were included to this study. After determining the appropriate papers, related data were extracted and reviewed. RESULTS: Out of 7069 records found, 190 questionnaire-based papers were included in the review. Ninety-four papers were related to the overall evaluation of oral healthcare need, which did not ask the need for types of oral healthcare service. Sixty-six papers studied the need for a specified dental service, and thirty papers recorded the types of oral healthcare service via asking the open or multiple choices questions. There were not comprehensive and standard questionnaires covering all the common types of oral healthcare services. CONCLUSION: Despite the importance of considering the perception of needs for oral healthcare, there is a lack of the comprehensive and standard questionnaires. Studies aimed to assess perceived oral healthcare needs should use questionnaires which include appropriate items on common types of oral healthcare services based on the characteristics of the target group. Concordance with perceived and normative need is an issue that should be addressed in future researches