780 research outputs found

    On the Dirichlet problem for a mixed-type equation of the second kind with strong degeneration

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    By separation of variables, we construct particular solutions of an equation of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic type of the second kind with strong degeneration in a rectangular domain. We pose certain transmission conditions on the singular line. The constructed solutions satisfy the equation in the entire mixed domain and are used to study the uniqueness of the solution of the Dirichlet problem for this domain. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Mulheres mils impact assessment : building research capacity across nations; a reflection paper for the 2013 IDRC Canadian Learning Forum

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    Given the distinction between knowledge for understanding and knowledge for action, it is arguable that additional criteria should be considered in defining and promoting research excellence in development contexts. Research excellence for development is, or should be, rigorous, adhering to foundational standards of ethics, and as well, include knowledge for action – enhancing capacity building, and helping communities to create the capacity to act. The Mulheres Mil program (meaning a thousand strong women) successfully worked to improve women’s quality of family life, economic opportunities and greater participation in the political process

    Physical work capacity of athletes with different types of adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system

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    Indices of physical work capacity in athletes with different types of adaptation of the cardiorespiratory system that are engaged in various kinds of sports and have sports ranks from Master of Sports to Grade 2 have been studied. It has been shown that the highest physical work capacity is typical of athletes that have the inotropic type of adaptation, and the lowest, of athletes with the chronotropic type of adaptation. High indices of physical work capacity were recorded in athletes with the respiratory type of adaptation. Types of adaptation affect the indices of physical work capacity, and it is possible to forecast sports results on their basis. © MAIK Nauka 2008

    The conflictual dynamics of polities and ethnopolitogenesis

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    © Medwell Journals, 2016.The study puts forward the idea of relationship of polities dynamics with ethnogenetic dynamics that allows to suggest the existence of ethnopolitogenesis as a single process. The ethnogenetic dynamics is expressed by the fact that the ethnicity undergoes throughout its life a series of age phases, stable periods and phase transitions separating these periods-unstable crisis periods, for which is specific large-scale domestic conflicts and major military defeats of the state established by it. The ethnogenetic dynamics is determined by the population qualitative composition dynamics, i.e., by the dynamics of the proportion of the individuals of different energy types as the part of the ethnic group. It's developed a universal and invariant regularity with regard to polity types, ethnicities and historic epochs, linking the polity dynamics in its conflictual aspect with the dynamics of population quality, the numerical algorithm of ethnopolitogenesis. The following hypothesis is stated that at the bottom of the algorithm existence is the synchronization dynamics quality by climatic cycles associated with solar activity cycles


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    The article analyzes role of the religion in the constitution of the Lebanese republic of 1926. It is demonstrated that the principles ofIslam and Christianity occupy a rather modest place in the Basic Law of the country. This is largely due to the specifi cs of the political development of the Lebanese state, as well as presence of sectarian cleavages. Also during the adoption of the constitution, the country was under the protectorate of France, which left an imprint on the content of the Basic Law towards liberalization and democracy.Moreover, increase of the number, as well as infl uence of the Muslim population, can lead to an intensifi cation of Islamism, which will undoubtedly lead to abolition of the old and adoption of a new constitution.Статья посвящена роли религии в конституции Ливанской Республики 1926 года. Отмечается, что принципы ислама и христианства занимают достаточно скромное место в Основном Законе страны. Во многом это объясняется особенностями политическогоразвития Ливанского государства, а также его поликонфессиональностью. Кроме того, в период принятия конституции страна находилась под протекторатом Франции, что наложило отпечаток на содержание Основного Закона, способствовав его либерализации и демократизации. Однако увеличение численности мусульманского населения, а также рост его влияния могут вызвать усиление исламизма, что, безусловно, приведет к отмене старой и принятию новой конституции


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of a rather specifi c project of Islamism promoted by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Iranian Islamism is based on the ideas of Ayatollah Khomeini about the ideal “Islamic state”, in which Islam has close contact with politics, with the government of the country. However, after the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, the country’s new elite became more pragmatic about the mission of spreading the Shi‘ite version of Islam. In particular, emphasis was placed on rapprochement with those countries and groups that showed friendly feelings to Tehran. In many respects this concerned the countries of the Arab region in which the Shi‘a community was present or prevailed. One of these states is Yemen. In particular, Iran’s participation in the Yemeni crisis, in which Tehran is trying to strengthen its own positions and prevent the strengthening of Saudi positions in Yemen by means of the Zaydi group of the Houthi, is being considered.Статья посвящена анализу особенностей достаточно специфического проекта политического ислама, продвигаемого Исламской Республикой Иран. В основе иранского исламизма лежат идеи аятоллы Хомейни об идеальном «исламском государстве», в котором ислам находится в тесном соприкосновении с политикой, с управлением страной. После смерти аятоллы Хомейни новая элита страны продемонстрировала более прагматичное отношение к вопросу о миссии по распространению шиитской версии ислама. В частности, ставка была сделана на сближение с теми странами и группами, которые проявляют к Тегерану дружеские чувства. Во многом это касается стран Арабского региона, в которых присутствует либо преобладает шиитская община. Одним из таких государств является Йемен. В статье подробно рассматривается вопрос об участии Ирана в йеменском кризисе, в котором Тегеран с помощью зейдитской группировки хуситов пытается укрепить собственные позиции, предотвратив тем самым усиление саудовских позиций в регионе


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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the ideological features of the movement of Arab nationalism, which took shape and became popular after the Second world war. Particular attention is paid to the ideas that contributed to the unifi cation of the Arab population throughout the Arab region. These ideas led to the formation of nationalist projects that were aimed to some extent at consolidating the Arab population within one or several countries. Among the most successful nationalist projects are the Egyptian, Iraqi, Syrian, and Algerian and Libyan projects.Статья посвящена разбору идеологических особенностей движения арабского национализма, которое оформилось и стало популярным после Второй мировой войны. Особое внимание уделено идеям, способствовавшим объединению арабского населения во всем Арабском регионе. Данные идеи привели к образованию националистических проектов, которые в той или иной степени были направлены на консолидацию арабского населения в пределах одной либо нескольких стран. Среди наиболее успешных националистических проектов можно назвать египетский, иракский, сирийский, а также алжирский и ливийский проекты

    Myogenic Trigger Zone of Trapezius Muscle Increases the Tone of the Middle Cerebral Artery

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.A myogenic trigger zone (MTZ) has been shown to affect the tone of the surface arteries of the head and lower limbs. However, it remains largely unknown whether the tone of the intracranial arteries is regulated by MTZ. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of MTZ in trapezius muscle on the tone of the middle cerebral artery. Using ultrasound measurements of the peak velocity of blood flow and the Lindegaard index (LI), we found that the presence of an active MTZ in a trapezius muscle was per se associated with an increased LI values and that pressure stimulation of the MTZ further increases LI. When MTZ was eliminated by means of manual therapy, the indices of blood flow and LI returned to normal values. We conclude that the reflex spasm of the middle cerebral artery can occur in the presence of an active MTZ-TM and that this phenomenon contributes to the pathogenesis and the clinical symptoms associated with the cervicogenic and tension headaches

    Influence of polycations on antibacterial activity of lysostaphin

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    © 2015, Pleiades Publishing, Inc. The synergistic antibacterial activity of lysostaphin and polycations of different chemical structures against Staphylococcus aureus has been shown. Polycations improved the lytic activity of lysostaphin against the peptidoglycan of staphylococci. It is proposed that this resulted in decreased binding of positively charged lysostaphin with S. aureus cell-wall teichoic acids. These data provide an opportunity to search for polycations that would amplify the synergistic effect of lysostaphin or other antibacterial proteins against staphylococci

    Systems analysis of process control capabilities for forging accuracy

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    © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland. The significance matrix for the parameters of “material-billet-equipment-process-toolpersonnel- environment” system was compiled using the systems approach to the assurance of forging dimensional accuracy, and the expert analysis revealed the most significant process parameters that affect the accuracy. The application of simulation modeling helped to establish the dependence of forging force on the dimensions of an incoming billet. The paper suggests a solution to increase the accuracy of the sized forgings