61 research outputs found

    Improving Geoidal Height Estimates from Global Geopotential Model Using Regression Model and GPS Data

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    Conventionally, for most application, position of a point is often referred to the geoid as the reference surface. Thus there is an important need for the knowledge of the geoid undulation in the area where positioning tasks is performed, This requirement is made more apparent with the advent of high precision using GPS where the resulting ellipsoid height must be converted to orthometric height. An ideal solution is to use a precise gravimetric solution where the geoidal height at each GPS point is computed and applied. Unfortunately, at the moment there is no such solution available in Malaysia. However. efforts are currently being made to develop a precise gravimetric geoid, For the time being, an alternative method would have to be use and the global geopotential model is one of them. [n order to increase the accuracy of computed geoid height from the geopotential model. a regression model is used in conjunction with the GPS data. The resulting accuracy estimates of the geoid height determination increases from around 60 cm 'to about 10 cm leve1

    Height determination using GPS data, local geoid and global geopotential models

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    Orthometric heights are normally derived using the spirit levelling. This requires the spirit level equipment to be set up from point 10 point along a levelling line which is a time consuming and tedious task. GPS offers a new altematiV)O in orthometric height determination very accurately over a comparatively short period. The ellipsoidal height derived from GPS technique can be transformed into orthometric height if we know the geoidal height normally derived from a gravimetric geoid of the area. Unfortunately, we have yet to compute an accurate gravimetric geoid for such purpose, largely due to nonexistence of gravity data for a larger part of the Country. As an alternative, a study was undertaken to look into the feasibility of using a simple local geoid solution and a global geopotential geoid model solution The data used in this study consist of GPS data and known orthometric height ofseveral GPS points. This paper present some of the results obtained so far in estimating orthometric height from GPS data in local en,ironment

    The 1st. Turkish International Symposium on Deformations

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    Preamble This write up attempts to report on the conference' on deformation the writer attended in September, 1994 held in Istanbul, Turkey. This report will try to inform the reader on the following; the conference and the organizer, the place, the papers presented and the participants, the social Events and lastly some personal observation on the conference and Istanbu

    Anthocyanin stability studies in Tibouchina semidecandra L.

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    The effects of pH, storage period, temperature, light and dark conditions on the stability of anthocyanins extracted from Tibouchina semidecandra flowers of different developmental stages was evaluated. Fully formed but unopened flower bud had the highest amount of total anthocyanin extracted from fresh petals. The anthocyanin contents for all flower developmental stages were stable at pH 0.5–3.0 but the colour of the extracts faded at higher pH values. Degradation percentages of total anthocyanins in the extracts kept at 25 °C were 7–20% lower than that maintained at 31 °C. Extracts stored in darkness at 25 °C maintained their purple colour for 26 days while light exposure reduced it to an average of 10 days. The study shows that suitable storage condition for coloured anthocyanin pigments in extracted form is in acidic conditions in the dark. This implies the potential usage of coloured anthocyanins as natural food colourants and shelf life indicator for acidic foods

    Perbandingan antigen larut (SA) Brugia malayi dan Brugia pahangi di dalam pengembangan sistem ELISA untuk diagnosis penyakit Filaria

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    Brugia malayi and Brugia pahangi adult worm soluble antigens were used in digoxigenin-sandwich ELISA to detect filarial specific anti-IgG4 and antiIgG2 antibodies in different groups of filarial patients, soil-transmitted helminth infected patients and in normal individuals. Both kinds of antigens showed positive IgG4 responses with all sera of microfilaraemic patients. However, ELISA using B. pahangi antigen also showed positive ELISA readings with some sera of patients with soil-transmitted helminth infections and some sera of normal individuals. On the other hand no such cross-reactivities were demonstrated when B. malayi was used as the antigen. In the analysis of anti-filarial IgG2 antibody responses, all chronic elephantiasis sera gave positive readings in ELlS As that employed B. malayi as the antigen; and no cross-reactivity with other helminthic infections were observed. In comparison, only some sera of chronic elephantiasis patients were positive for antifilaral IgG2 antibodies when B. pahangi was used as the antigen. Furthermore, with the use of B. pahangi antigen coated plates, some sera from soil-transmitted helminth infected patients and from normal individuals also showed positive titres of antifilarial IgG2 antibodies. This study demonstrated that B. pahangi soluble adult worm antigen is not a suitable substitute for B. malayi soluble adult worm antigen in the diagnosis of brugian filariasis by ELISA

    Ionospheric residual analysis for network-RTK in low-latitude area: towards solar cycle 24

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    Network-RTK positioning technique has been proven efficient to ameliorate a significant portion of spatially correlated errors over its coverage. Amongst them, the dispersive effect of ionosphere, which exhibits dynamic spatial and temporal variations, remains the largest error contributor in GPS positioning. Dispersive network residuals are expected to increase towards Solar Cycle 24. Investigation in ISKANDARnet found that the behaviour of equatorial ionospheric residuals reveals noticeable correlation with geomagnetic storm outburst

    How green is your supply chain? Evidence from ISO 14001 certified manufacturers in Malaysia

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    Extraordinary current consumption in the developed countries as well as in the Asian region, as a result of rapid industrialization, has increased the levels of energy and material consumption. This has posed negative consequences on the natural resources and the environment. The question of how to make economic and infrastructure growth environmentally and socially sustainable, so that it can continue to benefits people while conserving the natural assets and ecosystem continues to challenge policy makers, industry, and consumers. This research investigates the level of green supply chain management (GSCM) practices adopted by ISO 14001 certified manufacturers in Malaysia. Based on the data collected through the questionnaire survey, it was found that most manufacturers have not yet fully adopted the green practices within their supply chain activities. Only 17 percent of the total respondents were proactive adopters of the GSCM practices. The internal environmental practices have been found to be the top GSCM practices, followed by eco-design and investment recovery. The least common GSCM practice is reverse logistics. The study offers implications to both theory and practice

    Parasitological and serological investigation into lymphatic filariasis among immigrants at Semenyih Detention Centre, Selangor, West Malaysia

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    Parasitological and serological investigations for lymphatic filariasis were performed on 450 immigrants detained at the Immigration Centre at Semenyih, Seiangor, West Malaysia. The country of origin of these immigrants were Indonesia, The Philippines, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. Brugia malayi adult worm homogenate (BmAH) antigen was used for the detection of antifilarial IgG. A monoclonal antibody-based ELISA (MAb.XC3~ELISA) specific for filarial circulating antigens and non-phosphorylcholine reactive was used to detect antigenemia in these immigrants. Parasitologically 67 (14.89 %) were positive for W, bancrofti and 54 (12.0%) for Brugia malayi. Serologically 63 % had antifilarial IgG titre to the BmAH antigen. While Bancroftian filariasis is now unknown in Peninsular Malaysia, the potential of it to be reintroduced into Peninsular Malaysia by the immigrant population is discussed

    Leadership in disaster management: theory versus reality

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    Leaders should be competent in managing disaster situations to minimize the damage of the events. However, when disaster strikes these leadership competencies may not always come into play. This paper aims to identify the incongruence between what leaders should do and what leaders do when managing real disasters and what can be learned from it. This paper reviews the Aceh Earthquake and Tsunami disaster in 2004 and the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster in 2011, as case studies. Published and grey literatures relating to these events were searched from online sources. Two major mismatches between leadership theory and reality were noted: effective communication and ability to co-ordinate resources at all levels. To improve leadership in disaster management, mitigation measures, preparedness and skills in crisis communication must be top-notch, communication disruption must be overcomed as soon as possible; and all entities involved in disaster management must know their roles

    Radiation protection literacy and its associated factors among healthcare workers in Negeri Sembilan

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    Background: Ionizing radiation can be an occupational hazard that need protection when in the form of particle which can produce biological changes to cells, tissues or organs. About 19.7% of worldwide average radiation dose is due to the medical use of radiation. In Malaysia, about 700,000 X-ray examinations were performed in 2014. The objective of this study is to assess the level and predictors for radiation protection literacy among healthcare workers in Negeri Sembilan. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in health facilities in Negeri Sembilan from April 2018 to June 2018 among 151 healthcare workers. Respondents were selected based on their workplace using proportionate stratified random sampling method and data was obtained using validated self-administered questionnaire that focused on knowledge, attitude and practices on radiation protection. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS version 23.0. Result: 52.3% of respondents had high knowledge, 80.8% had positive attitude and 56.3 % had good practice on radiation protection. Significant predictors for high knowledge were the use of radiation hazard monitoring device and being a radiation worker meanwhile for positive attitude was received medical surveillance. Significant predictors for good practice were the use of radiation hazard monitoring, being a radiation worker, being a health professional and being a health associate professional. Conclusion: Attitude on radiation protection among healthcare workers in Negeri Sembilan was still positive despite knowledge and practice was marginal. Future radiation protection awareness programme, education and training should be strengthen in order to improve radiation protection literacy among healthcare worker in Negeri Sembilan