222 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran,peran Kuasa Pengguna Anggaran,kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran di Moderasi oleh Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah (Studi Empiris pada Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kota Pekanbaru)

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    This Study aims to identify and analyze the effect of budgetery participation,the role of authority of the budget user,clarity of budget goal.organizational culture as moderating variabel on the regional government performance.primary data were collected using a survey of civil servant (PNS) in 32 work units (SKPD) Pekanbaru city government consisting of 96 people head on education public and employment head section and sub-section .the sampling technique used purposive sampling,analysis of the data in this study using multiplelinear regression analysis by using spss version 20.0 The result of this study show that organizational culture as moderating variabel has no effect relation the role of authority of the budget user and the regional government performance

    The Implementation of Learning Organization in Order to Increase Supply Chain Performance in SPR Maju Bersama Bojonegoro

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    Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) Maju Bersama was formed 3 years ago. SPR Maju Bersama still has some weaknesses in terms of human resource and supply chain performance. Learning organizations are needed for organizations to form an organization that can continuously run independent learning process, so that it has a fast thinking and acting to respond any changes. Therefore, SPR has to implement the learning organization. This paper aims to identify the effect of learning organization on supply chain performance in SPR Maju Bersama. A Model was developed and tested with quantitative and qualitative analysis. A total of 99 members of Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat Maju Bersama were used as data in this study. Quantitative data were analyzed using Structural Equation Mode- Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS). The results showed that learning organization had a positive impact on supply chain performance but not significant. Supply chain driver had a positive and significant impact on supply chain performance. Supply chain driver was significantly impacted by learning organization. Leadership style had a positive and significant impact on learning organization. SPR Maju Bersama needs to optimize its facility and information utility as a strategy to improve its supply chain performance

    Enhanced Buffer Management Policy and Packet Prioritization for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Limited storage of the sensor node is one of the main causes of packet drop in the Wireless sensor network (WSN).   Frequent link disconnection is also another cause of packet drop.  Due to lack of continues end-to-end connection; two nodes may not be able to communicate with one another. Thus, communication may be established with the help of store and forward approach between the source and destination node. In that case, the sensor node may not be capable of storing a chunk of data since the buffer is available in a small amount. In order to store the data packets in the buffer when the link is down, an effective buffer management scheme is highly needed to keep the data packets for a long time until the link is re-established. This paper proposes a new buffer management scheme called Packet Priority Heterogonous Queue (PPHQ), which based on prioritizing and classifying the packets into different categories to minimize the loss of important packets. Unlike the existing Multi-layer WSN, that treats the data packets differently; we considered the data packets such as; temperature, humidity, and pressure to be same. However, the classification of different packet types is based on the sensor’s information value.  We completely divide the whole buffer into different queues, and thus the newly arrived packets are inserted in their corresponding queue. The buffer will then prioritize and schedule on which packet to be stored or transmit first when the buffer is overloaded. Our result exhibits that PPHQ scheme indeed provides minimum packet drop as well as maximum throughput compared to existing Multi-layer WSN buffer management schemes

    Perencanaan Anggaran Berbasis Kinerja di Kabupaten Pasuruan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses perencanaan anggaran berbasis kinerja di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Adapun fokus penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah proses penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja di Kabupaten Pasuruan tahun anggaran 2012. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Data dalam penelitian ini dianlisis menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif model interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman. Adapun keabsahan data diperoleh melalui uji credibility, transferability, dependability, dan confirmability. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usulan program dan kegiatan melalui proses musrenbang berpotensi menciptakan rencana program dan kegiatan pembangunan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Akan tetapi usulan program dan kegiatan pembangunan dari masyarakat tidak bisa terakomodir semuanya dikarenakan masyarakat kurang mendapatkan informasi program pembangunan yang menjadi prioritas pemerintah daerah tahun bersangkutan. Penyusunan anggaran berbasis kinerja di Kabupaten Pasuruan masih menunjukkan dua hal yaitu: (a) kurangnya komitmen pemerintah daerah yang ditunjukkan dengan belum disusunnya ASB serta terlambatnya penyusunan Standar Satuan Harga, (b) kurangnya pemahaman petugas perencana terhadap indikator kinerja yang ditunjukan dengan adanya perbedaan indikator outcome untuk kegiatan-kegiatan dalam satu program dan adanya perbedaan target kinerja sasaran renstra SKPD dengan RPJMD

    Identification of a potential marker for Brugia malayi infection by Western Blot analysis

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    Brugia malayi adult antigen was electrophoresed on SDS-PAGE gels and electrophoretically transferred onto PVDF membranes. The membrane strips were incubated with different categories of human sera, followed by successive incubations with blocking solution, monoclonal anti-human IgG4 antibody and peroxidase rabbit anti-mouse IgG antibody; with adequate washings done in between each incubation steps. Chemiluminescence detection was used to develop the blots. Two antigenic epitopes (molecular weights of -67-68 kDa and -54-55 kDA) were found to be present in the Western blots of all microfilaraemic sera, all amicrofilaraemic sera with positive anti-filarial IgG4 antibodies, some treated patients and some elephantiasis patients. We hypothesized that last two groups are still harbouring live adult worms despite being treated or in the chronic stage respectively. The two epitopes did not simultaneously react with soil-transmitted helminth sera, normal endemic sera and sera of city dwellers.Therefore the simultaneous presence of both epitopes may potentially serve as a marker for Brugia malayi infection

    Implementasi Association Rules dengan Algoritma Apriori pada Dataset Kemiskinan

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    Usaha pengentasan kemiskinan terus dilakukan di Kabupaten Tanah Laut. Untuk membantu pemerintah dalam Perumusan kebijakan pengentasan kemiskinan maka diperlukan pengetahuan mengenai indikator yang berkaitan dengan kemiskinan dan bagaimana indikator-indikator tersebut saling mempengaruhi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menerapkan Association rules dengan algoritma Apriori pada dataset kemiskinan untuk mencari pola hubungan antar indikator. Dataset yang terdiri dari 46 atribut merupakan data sekunder BPS Kabupaten Tanah Laut dan BPS Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan tahun 2010-2014. Hasil penerapan association rules dengan algoritma apriori menggunakan minimum support 30% dan minimum confidence 80% menghasilkan 4614 rules hubungan antar indikator

    Wound trauma mediated inflammatory signaling attenuates a tissue regenerative response in MRL/MpJ mice

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Severe trauma can induce pathophysiological responses that have marked inflammatory components. The development of systemic inflammation following severe thermal injury has been implicated in immune dysfunction, delayed wound healing, multi-system organ failure and increased mortality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study, we examined the impact of thermal injury-induced systemic inflammation on the healing response of a secondary wound in the MRL/MpJ mouse model, which was anatomically remote from the primary site of trauma, a wound that typically undergoes scarless healing in this specific strain. Ear-hole wounds in MRL/MpJ mice have previously displayed accelerated healing and tissue regeneration in the absence of a secondary insult.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Severe thermal injury in addition to distal ear-hole wounds induced marked local and systemic inflammatory responses in the lungs and significantly augmented the expression of inflammatory mediators in the ear tissue. By day 14, 61% of the ear-hole wounds from thermally injured mice demonstrated extensive inflammation with marked inflammatory cell infiltration, extensive ulceration, and various level of necrosis to the point where a large percentage (38%) had to be euthanized early during the study due to extensive necrosis, inflammation and ear deformation. By day 35, ear-hole wounds in mice not subjected to thermal injury were completely closed, while the ear-hole wounds in thermally injured mice exhibited less inflammation and necrosis and only closed partially (62%). Thermal injury resulted in marked increases in serum levels of IL-6, TNFα, KC (CXCL1), and MIP-2α (CXCL2). Interestingly, attenuated early ear wound healing in the thermally injured mouse resulted in incomplete tissue regeneration in addition to a marked inflammatory response, as evidenced by the histological appearance of the wound and increased transcription of potent inflammatory mediators.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that the observed systemic inflammatory response of a severe thermal injury undoubtedly has an adverse effect on wound healing and tissue regeneration.</p

    Supplier Performance Management in Higher Educational Institutions

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    Due to diversity of Supply Chain Management (SCM), it could be applied at various industries, including manufacturing and service industries. This paper reveals the Supplier Performance Management activities in the educational institutions, one of the very common sectors in the service industries. This research is significant in view of the need in ensuring that the supply chain activities at the education sector is aligned with the objective to provide the best service to the stake holders especially the future human capital resource, which is the graduates. The research has successfully been carried out at University Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) Strategic Business Unit (SBU) or campuses. This research analysed Supplier Performance Management practice between the campuses, criteria used for supplier performance and identify barrier elements in applying supplier performance management. Data collection has been carried out by the primary data, i.e. using questionnaires and interview session. The study revealed significant finding which contributed to the Supply Chain Knowledge and practices. There is a gap between the supplier assessment criteria adopted by the campuses as compared with literature review. There are differences in supplier evaluation criteria between the 7 campuses involved in the research. ISO certification, top management commitment and poor knowledge on benefits of Supplier Performance Management system are barrier factors. The research found variances of supplier evaluation criteria among the campuses. It is suggested to explore further on the connection/relationship between Quality Management System (QMS) or ISO 9001 certified organization and Supplier Performance Management adoption

    Computer Vision Based Robotic Polishing Using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Polishing is a highly skilled manufacturing process with a lot of constraints and interaction with environment. In general, the purpose of polishing is to get the uniform surface roughness distributed evenly throughout part’s surface. In order to reduce the polishing time and cope with the shortage of skilled workers, robotic polishing technology has been investigated. This paper studies about vision system to measure surface defects that have been characterized to some level of surface roughness. The surface defects data have learned using artificial neural networks to give a decision in order to move the actuator of arm robot. Force and rotation time have chosen as output parameters of artificial neural networks. Results shows that although there is a considerable change in both parameter values acquired from vision data compared to real data, it is still possible to obtain surface defects characterization using vision sensor to a certain limit of accuracy. The overall results of this research would encourage further developments in this area to achieve robust computer vision based surface measurement systems for industrial robotic, especially in polishing proces