214 research outputs found

    A Study of the Possible Implications of Current Institutional Practices on the Future of International Higher Education and a Broader Higher Education Bubble

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    The hypothesis of a higher education bubble in the United States is one that has been discussed in literature for a number of years, with parallels being drawn to the inflation and deflation of prices of commodities in industries such as housing and the stock market. This study examines the applicability of such a hypothesis to the international education sector of the higher education industry in the United States. The focus of this study is (a) the perceived impact of current institutional practices in the field of international education on the long term viability of the field overall and (b) the opinions of practitioners in the field on current trends and practices. Complicating factors include both (a) U.S.-based influences such as policies and attitudes at individual institutions and (b) external influences such as international completion and U.S. foreign policy. The health and outlook of international education in the United States is gauged through critical literature review and through the surveying of 84 practitioners in the field of international higher education. Several areas of potential action or improvement are identified by practitioners in the field. The study offers recommendations regarding the sustainability of international higher education in the United States such as the importance of reducing the dependence of academic programs or institutions on students from a singular source. Data collected from survey questionnaire participants provides additional clarity and perspective to existing research on the topic and confirms much of the concerns illustrated by the literature review. Immediate internal and external pressures on the field often override longer term concerns regarding slowing down growth for the sake of a more sustainable higher education environment. Despite the existence of actionable concerns, collected data points to general optimism about the future of the field of international higher education

    A Study of the Possible Implications of Current Institutional Practices on the Future of International Higher Education and a Broader Higher Education Bubble

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    The hypothesis of a higher education bubble in the United States is one that has been discussed in literature for a number of years, with parallels being drawn to the inflation and deflation of prices of commodities in industries such as housing and the stock market. This study examines the applicability of such a hypothesis to the international education sector of the higher education industry in the United States. The focus of this study is (a) the perceived impact of current institutional practices in the field of international education on the long term viability of the field overall and (b) the opinions of practitioners in the field on current trends and practices. The health and outlook of international education in the United States is gauged through critical literature review and through the surveying of 84 practitioners in the field of international higher education. The study offers recommendations regarding the sustainability of international higher education in the United States as the important of reducing the dependence of academic programs or institutions on students from a singular source. Despite the existence of actionable concerns, collected data points to general optimism about the future of the field of international higher education. *Outstanding Staff Poster Winnerhttps://fuse.franklin.edu/ss2014/1048/thumbnail.jp

    Amamentação e riscos de cárie na primeira infância

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    Introdução: O leite humano tem muitos benefícios para a criança, contendo nutrientes e anticorpos essenciais, particularmente para proteger contra as infeções mais comuns durante esta fase da vida. A escolha deste tema baseou-se no atual desconhecimento das grávidas sobre a importância da higiene oral do bebé e das consultas dentárias no período pré-natal, bem como o concomitante interesse em aprofundar conhecimentos na área de Odontopediatria, nomeadamente os efeitos da amamentação na cárie precoce da infância. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar, por meio de uma revisão sistemática, se as características do leite materno têm relação positiva com a cárie precoce da infância. Materiais e métodos: A pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada na base de dados PubMeD nos últimos 10 anos (2012-2022) e publicados em língua inglesa. Os artigos incluídos na presente revisão sistemática, foram selecionados de acordo com os seguintes critérios, seguindo a estratégia PICOS. Conclusão: A amamentação até os 12 meses de idade não está associada ao aumento do risco de cárie dentária e pode realmente oferecer alguma proteção. No entanto, as crianças amamentadas além de 24 meses tiveram um risco aumentado de cárie dentária. A introdução de fontes alimentares para bebés deve ser pobre em carbohidratos simples e as práticas de higiene oral devem começar com a erupção do primeiro dente temporário para remover a placa bacteriana das superfícies dos dentes e então reduzir o risco de cárie dentária.Introduction: Human milk has many benefits for the infant, containing essential nutrients and antibodies, particularly to protect against the most common infections during this stage of life. The choice of this topic was based on the current lack of knowledge of pregnant women about the importance of oral hygiene of the baby and prenatal dental consultations, as well as the concomitant interest in deepening knowledge in the field of pediatric dentistry, namely the effects of breastfeeding on early childhood caries. Objective: The objective of this study was to verify, through a systematic review, whether the characteristics of breast milk have a positive relationship with early childhood caries. Materials and methods: The bibliographic search was carried out in the PubMeD database in the last 10 years (2012-2022) and published in English. The articles included in this systematic review were selected according to the following criteria, following the PICOS strategy. Conclusion: Breastfeeding up to 12 months of age is not associated with an increased risk of tooth decay and may actually offer some protection. However, children breastfed beyond 24 months had an increased risk of tooth decay. Introducing baby food sources should be low in simple carbohydrates and oral hygiene practices should begin with the eruption of the first temporary tooth to remove plaque from tooth surfaces and then reduce the risk of tooth decay

    Efficacité des compostières domestiques pour la mise en valeur des matières putrescibles dans la MRC du Val-Saint-François

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    La MRC du Val-Saint-François fait face aujourd’hui à un problème de gestion des matières organiques. Dans le cadre de la préparation de son second plan de gestion des matières résiduelles, elle envisage une collecte et une mise en valeur des matières putrescibles pour l’atteinte des objectifs de 60 %. Jusqu’à présent, la MRC a misé sur le compostage domestique et plus particulièrement sur les compostières domestiques pour valoriser les matières organiques. Le présent essai, ayant pour objectif d’évaluer l’efficacité des compostières domestiques pour la mise en valeur des matières putrescibles, a révélé qu’elles ont une faible capacité de détournement de l’enfouissement. Ainsi, il en ressort que la collecte de 3e voie constitue la meilleure méthode pour la valorisation des matières putrescibles même si ses coûts d’implantation et de transport sont élevés. Une diminution de la fréquence des collectes des déchets ultimes devrait être apportée pour réduire les émissions de GES issues du transport

    La notion d'État en droit international et en droit européen : de l'impossible approche conceptuelle à la nécessaire approche fonctionnelle

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    Partant de l’intuition que la notion d’État en droit international et en droit européen fait apparaître des éléments tellement épars et désordonnés, on a pu démontrer que cette intuition de départ se reflète très bien dans la réalité. En effet, d’une branche à l’autre, on se rend compte que les ordres juridiques étudiés offrent une vision polymorphe de la notion d’État, sous la forme d’« une figure à géométrie variable ». En explorant les règles d’imputation, les règles de rattachement et les règles d’expression de la volonté de l’État, force est de constater que la notion d’État peut être appréhendée du point de vue organique, du point de vue matériel et du point de vue factuel. Au-delà de cette variabilité, il convient de rechercher l’unité fonctionnelle de la notion d’État. On en vient, dès lors, à la conclusion selon laquelle : la fonction singulière de la notion d’État est sa propension à être un outil au service des nécessités systémiques de l’ordre juridique international et européen. La notion d’État est en effet mobilisée pour servir un objectif particulier, ce qui rend concevable sa géométrie variable. Ainsi, notre thèse s’évertue à faire ressortir l’unité dans la variabilité. Elle comporte toutefois en filigrane une proposition théorique, celle de « l’État fonctionnel ». Par « État fonctionnel », nous entendons toute entité qui n’est pas statutairement un État, mais qui néanmoins exerce pleinement et entièrement des fonctions de nature étatique, et ceci de façon autonome. On vise par-là certaines entités fédérées (comme celles de la Belgique et le Québec) et certaines entités sécessionnistes ((comme la RTCN) ou des groupes terroriste (comme l’État islamique). La théorie de « l’État fonctionnel » ne va pas jusqu’à postuler la reconnaissance de la qualité d’État à ces entités, mais seulement de les considérer comme tel, de façon ponctuelle, afin de permettre une application effective et efficace de la norme internationale et/ou européenne. Mots-clés : notion d’État ; droit international ; droit européen ; notion fonctionnelle ; État fonctionnel, souveraineté, droits de l’homme, intégration.Extending from the intuition that the concept of State in international and European law revealed various components, it is demonstrated that such intuition reflects the reality. Indeed, from one branch of another, we realize that the different legal orders we study, reflect a multiform face of State, a variable geometry. In exploring rules for imputation, rules for express the consent of State and rules allowing to link an entity to State, we have to admit that the concept of State can be defined through organic, material or factual criterion. Beyond this variability, it is appropriate to search the functional unit of the concept of State. We come therefore to the conclusion that the function of the concept of State is to serve the international and European legal orders requirement. The concept of State is used to serve a fixed objective, what explain his variable geometry. Thereby, our thesis is striving to demonstrate unity in diversity. It includes a theoretical proposal which is “the functional State” as watermark. “Functional State” is from our perspective an entity which is not State by statute but is State by functions. We target certain federal entities (such Belgium one’s or Quebec in Canada) and certain secessionist entities (as Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) or terrorist group (as Islamic State). This theoretical proposal does not extend to recognize such entities as States, but just to consider them as States on an ad hoc basis in the purpose to apply effectively and fully the international or the European norm. Keywords: concept of State, functional concept, functional State, International law, European law, sovereignty, human rights, integration

    History of Bounkiling in Arabic

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    The entire manuscript is available for download as a PDF file(s). Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact [email protected]. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Fallou Ngom (Pricipal Investigator; Director, African Studies Center), Ablaye Diakité (Local Project Manager), Mr. Ibrahima Yaffa (General Field Facilitator), and Ibrahima Ngom (photographer). Technical Team: Professor Fallou Ngom (Principal Investigator; Project Director and former Director of the African Studies Center at Boston University)), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Mandinka Ajami materials is copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. This is a joint project between BU and the West African Research Center (WARC), funded by the British Library/Arcadia Endangered Archives Programme. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are fully cited using the information below. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Ngom, Fallou, Castro, Eleni, & Diakité, Ablaye. (2018). African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/27112. For Inquiries: please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). For technical assistance, please contact [email protected] / Custodial history: The owner wrote the text based on his research.A contemporary Arabic document, which deals with the history of the town of Bounkiling, the arrival of Islam, and the communities that first settled in the area. It also discusses the Quranic schools in the area and their curriculum

    Análisis de la construcción del aprendizaje autónomo en ELE en el contexto escolar senegalés: caso del alumnado del Lycée Tamba Commune

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    Resumen: En este trabajo se estudia cómo se construye el aprendizaje autónomo en alumnos secundarios de Senegal. Se siguen líneas teóricas eclécticas como la metodología de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras, los principios socioconstructivistas de intervención educativa, la teorización del aprendizaje autónomo y la competencia estratégica. El método cualitativo empírico de investigación utilizado se basa en la técnica de la encuesta repartida entre dos cuestionarios para recopilar los datos empíricos: uno dirigido a veinte alumnos de «Première L´1» del Lycée Tamba Commune (L.T.C) y otro a seis profesores de ELE de los institutos Lycée Tamba Commune y Lycée Mame Cheikh Mbaye de Tambacounda. Los resultados obtenidos corroboran una serie de factores que dificultan la construcción de la autonomía en el aprendizaje en los alumnos de «Première L´1». La construcción difícil del aprendizaje autónomo en el alumnado debe suscitar la búsqueda de estrategias metodológicas para convertir los obstáculos en ventajas didácticas

    Análisis de la transferencia de wolof y del francés en la adquisición de los actos de habla directivos en ELE por alumnos senegaleses

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    El objetivo principal del análisis de la transferencia del wolof y del francés en la adquisición de los actos de habla directivo en ELE por el alumnado senegalés es de investigar cómo este los adquiere. Problematizar este cómo permite enfocar supuestos tocantes a la transferencia positiva y/o negativa morfosintáctica, morfosemántica y pragmática del wolof (lingua franca) y del francés (lengua oficial) al ELE, al uso óptimo del francés como lengua-puente entre el wolof y el ELE y a más transferencia del francés que del wolof por distancia tipológica y psicotipológica. Nuestra indagación se enmarca dentro de teorías de la lingüística contrastiva que atisban el papel de la lengua materna y/o primera en la comisión de errores en la adquisición de una L2 o LE (AC, el AE, AI, PIL o ILP) y que conceptúan el error como desviación sistemática de la lengua meta, obstáculo en el proceso del aprendizaje (AC) y factor producente necesario (AE) vinculables con la sistematicidad, la variabilidad, la permeabilidad, la distancia lingüística, la diferencia y la similitud, la transferencia lingüística y pragmática, la fosilización, la interlengua, la lengua-puente, el conocimiento lingüístico previo, etc. Esta teorización funciona como un andamiaje con vistas a enfocar la metodología de investigación basada en el eclecticismo metodológico con una selección bibliográfica sobre la LC y el uso de los enfoques cualitativo y cuantitativo..

    Modeling the political choice of public health insurance

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    This article aimed to study the choice that people have to make between two health insurance systems in a monopolistic scheme. The first health insurance system proposes a uniform contribution level and the second one proposes a contribution level that is proportional to the probability of getting sick. The individuals differ (or are distinguished) by their number in a group, the net income, the contribution level, the probability of getting sick, and health cost. Two kinds of voting models using the welfare function are used; a direct vote that involves a size effect and a probabilistic vote that involves a bias in favor of one system. The results, according to theoretical models, indicate that a uniform contribution level is adopted by high-risk individuals and also if wealth and illness are strongly negatively correlated. However, when wealth and illness are not correlated or are poorly correlated, a contribution proportional to the probability of getting sick is adopted. These results were explained by the fact that the loss of wellbeing for low-income and sick people is more important


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    The entire manuscript is available for download as a PDF file(s). Higher-resolution images may be available upon request. For technical assistance, please contact [email protected]. Fieldwork Team: Dr. Fallou Ngom (Pricipal Investigator; Director, African Studies Center), Ablaye Diakité (Local Project Manager), Mr. Ibrahima Yaffa (General Field Facilitator), and Ibrahima Ngom (photographer). Technical Team: Professor Fallou Ngom (Principal Investigator, Project Director and former Director of the African Studies Center at Boston University)), and Eleni Castro (Technical Lead, BU Libraries). This collection of Mandinka Ajami materials is copied as part of the African Studies Center’s African Ajami Library. This is a joint project between BU and the West African Research Center (WARC), funded by the British Library/Arcadia Endangered Archives Programme. Access Condition and Copyright: These materials are subject to copyright and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License, which permits non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are fully cited using the information below. For use, distribution or reproduction beyond these terms, contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). Citation: Materials in this web edition should be cited as: Ngom, Fallou, Castro, Eleni, & Diakité, Ablaye. (2018). African Ajami Library: EAP 1042. Digital Preservation of Mandinka Ajami Materials of Casamance, Senegal. Boston: Boston University Libraries: http://hdl.handle.net/2144/27112. For Inquiries: please contact Professor Fallou Ngom ([email protected]). For technical assistance, please contact [email protected] / Custodial history: The owner inherited it from his father, Al-hadji Lamine Cisse. His father inherited it from his father Arfang Aliou Cisse. Aliou Cisse was born in Woy-Manambu in present-day Guinea Bissau and died in Yiracounda. He was a famous Mandinka religoius scholar. His community commemorates his life every year.The manuscript, called Dureedubaa by its owner, provides a local history of Sufi writings and training. It celebrates scholars who devoted their lives to the quest and expansion of mystical Sufi knowledge. The manuscript is written in Arabic with glosses in Arabic and Soninke Ajami