122 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Biomass Gassifier Stove for Domestic Purpose

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    Pakistan is facing issues with respect to sustainable energy and increasing of greenhouse gases, therefore, there is needed to take holistic approach to reduce energy crisis through the solution of renewable energy by natural resource management in the future. That is why this work has been carried out to develop and evaluate the performance of energy efficient biomass gasifier stove for domestic purposes as well as to compare its performance with improved cooking stove using locally available biomass fuels like wood chips. A biomass gasifier stove was developed and evaluated on wood chips fuel at National Agriculture Research Center (NARC), Islamabad. The design improvement of the stove focused on the following areas: provision of insulation around the chamber to reduce conduction heat loss across the walls of the chamber, incorporation of pot supporter as to minimize the smoke by direct contact to the fire and provision of sizable and adjustable air inlet to ensure the availability of sufficient air for the complete combustion of the fuel wood. The results obtained from this study showed that the gasifer wood stove has a maximum thermal efficiency of 30% as compared the thermal efficiency of improved stove of 18 %. Similarly, with a higher the useful heat energy output per kg of wood used was 1239.60 kJ/ kg than the useful heat energy output per kg of wood used by improved stove was 144.43 kJ/ kg. So, the performance of gasifier stove much better than improved stove. Keywords: Energy, Biomass, Gasifier Stove, Cooking Stove and Gasifer Wood Stov


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strukturasi kekuasaan dan kekerasan simbolik yang terjadi dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. Fokus penelitian yaitu 1) strukturasi kekuasaan; dan 2) kekerasan simbolik dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. Penelitian ini menggunakan perspektif Pierre Bourdieu untuk menemukan strukturasi kekuasaan dan kekerasan simbolik. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Data penelitian yakni strukturasi kekuasaan dan kekerasan simbolik. Sumber data adalah kutipan, kalimat dan paragraf yangĀ  terdapat dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu teknik pustaka, baca dan catat. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan cara mengidentifikasi, mengklasifikasi, menganalisis, mendeskripsikan dan menyimpulkan hasil analisis data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertama terdapat strukturasi kekuasaan dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini yakni (1) adanya keempat modal di dalam novel tersebut yakni modal ekonomi, modal sosial, modal budaya dan simbolik. Namun, modal yang paling berpengaruh yakni modal sosial. (2) kelas-kelas di dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini di pengaruhi oleh modal yang mereka miliki. Agen yang memiliki modal yang paling banyak dan habitus yang berpihak kepada mereka menduduki kelas dominan, sementara kelas bourjuis kecil diduduki oleh para agen yang memiliki ambisi untukĀ  menaiki tangga sosial, kelas ini memiliki modal yang lebih banyak dari kelas popular, namun bukan berarti mereka tidak menerima kekerasan simbolik. Selanjutnya, kelas popular berisikan agen yang memiliki modal paling sedikit, sehingga paling sering mendapatkan kekerasan simbolik. (3) habitus dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini merupakan habitus sosial yang terdapat dalam masyarakat Bali. (4) ranah yang terdapat dalam novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini yakni ranah sosial masyarakat Bali.Ā  Kedua kekerasan simbolik dalam Novel Tempurung karya Oka Rusmini menggunakan mekanisme eufemisme dan sensorik. Kekerasan simbolik yang paling banyak terjadi yakni kekerasan simbolik yang dilakukan oleh para agen pemilik modal sosial seperti orang tua terhadap anaknya dan hubungan sosial lainnya

    P2-498 Parents\u27 perceptions and practices regarding consanguinity related to Ī²-thalassaemia: a matched case control study

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    introduction b-thalassaemia is most common genetically transmitted disorder in Eastern Mediterranean region including Pakistan. Like other recessive disorders, prevalence increases through consanguinity; Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey reports 50% consanguineous marriages. Perceptions about consanguinity in our population have recently not been studied. Objectives were to determine consanguinity related characteristics among parents of children with thalassaemia and without thalassaemia visiting a major health centre in Karachi-Pakistan. To compare consanguinity practices among such families and to assess susceptibility, benefits and barriers towards thalassaemia. Methods Sample of 340 cases and 340 controls; age-sex matched were selected from February to April 2010. Parents of thalassaemic children and parents of non-thalassaemic children were interviewed after consent. Consanguinity related characteristics followed in families were inquired. Perceptions regarding susceptibility to thalassaemia, benefits and barriers to screening were determined. Conditional logistic regression used to calculate matched OR. Parentsā€™ approaches towards index child were assessed. Results Compared to no cousin marriage, parents of thalassaemic children had more cousin marriages (MOR: 7.3, 95% CI 3.6 to 14.6), and grand-parents cousin marriage (MOR: 2.8, 95% CI 1.8 to 4.4) than controls, more cousin marriages occurred in immediate family in last 5 years of cases than controls (MOR: 2.7, 95% CI 1.7 to 4.3) adjusting for ethnicity defined by mother tongue. Among case parents, (51%) were taking index child to social events and only 21% were satisfied with attitudes of otherā€™s towards index child. Conclusion Study supports hypothesis that among parents of thalassaemic (cases), practices and perceptions favouring consanguinity were greater as compared to parents of non-thalassaemic children (controls)

    Spatial Environmental Criteria for Siting Industries

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    The paper presents the solution for identifying appropriate locations for industrial setup in Lahore districtusing GIS based multi-criteria decision analysis as decision support tool (DST). Several environmental indicators wereused in this study including air quality index, water quality index, landcover, and built-up/settlements. Thematic layerswere developed for these indicators followed by analysis in ArcGIS softwareā€™s model builder using various geoprocessing techniques. As a result the study area is divided into four types of zones (e.g., not suitable, less suitablemoderately suitable and suitable) depending on environmental criteria and industrial categorization. The results revealthat 52 % of district area goes to environmentally sensitive zone . In remaining areas possibility of setting industrieswith their pollution index is proposed. The areas are proposed considering the industry categories such as schedule Iindustries which are air emission industries and Schedule II industries which are effluent discharge industries as persectoral guidelines of Pakistan

    Human linker histones: interplay between phosphorylation and O-Ī²-GlcNAc to mediate chromatin structural modifications

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    Eukaryotic chromatin is a combination of DNA and histone proteins. It is established fact that epigenetic mechanisms are associated with DNA and histones. Initial studies emphasize on core histones association with DNA, however later studies prove the importance of linker histone H1 epigenetic. There are many types of linker histone H1 found in mammals. These subtypes are cell specific and their amount in different types of cells varies as the cell functions. Many types of post-translational modifications which occur on different residues in each subtype of linker histone H1 induce conformational changes and allow the different subtypes of linker histone H1 to interact with chromatin at different stages during cell cycle which results in the regulation of transcription and gene expression. Proposed O-glycosylation of linker histone H1 promotes condensation of chromatin while phosphorylation of linker histone H1 is known to activate transcription and gene regulation by decondensation of chromatin. Interplay between phosphorylation and O-Ī²-GlcNAc modification on Ser and Thr residues in each subtype of linker histone H1 in Homo sapiens during cell cycle may result in diverse functional regulation of proteins. This in silico study describes the potential phosphorylation, o-glycosylation and their possible interplay sites on conserved Ser/Thr residues in various subtypes of linker histone H1 in Homo sapiens

    The acceptance of social media video for knowledge acquisition, sharing and application: A comparative study among YouYube users and TikTok usersā€™ for medical purposes

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    YouTube and TikTok have gained increasing recognition as social network sites to support online knowledge acquisition, sharing, and application via social media platforms in the medical field. This study examines which aspect of TikTok and YouTube stimulates doctors, nurses, and any other YouTube and TikTok in the medical setting, to rely on them as sources of knowledge acquisition and sharing to keep their medical repertoire updated. A hybrid model is designed to investigate usersā€™ acceptance of YouTube and TikTok as social media platforms. The model focuses on four main external factors: Content richness, innovativeness, satisfaction, and enjoyment. These factors are connected with two TAM constructs which are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The results have shown that both YouTube and TikTok are affected by PEOU, PU, personal innovativeness, flow theory, and content richness. Both social media networks provide up-to-date sources described as useful, enjoyable, and relevant. Nevertheless, the comparative results have shown that YouTube has deeply influenced usersā€™ medical perception and knowledge compared to TikTok. It is created for the very mere purpose of socialization and self-expression. In contrast, YouTube is used for educational and non-educational purposes due to the type of uploaded content and time management. Therefore, TikTok developers and influencers should initiate highly specialized videos and create content that raises awareness of medical field issues

    Factors Affecting Medical Studentsā€™ Acceptance of the Metaverse System in Medical Training in the United Arab Emirates

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    Aim: Medical training activities have been disrupted in many regions following the outbreak and rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) across the globe. The most affected areas include organizationsā€™ process of leveraging high-tech medical equipment from abroad to facilitate a practical approach to learning. Also, as countries implemented COVID-19 safety regulations, it became difficult for organizations to conduct face-to-face training. Consequently, non-face-to-face learning methods have been introduced in the medical field to enable instructors to remotely engage with learners. The current research investigated the students' perceptions of the use of metaverse systems in medical training within the medical community of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).   Methods: A conceptual model comprising the adoption properties of personal innovativeness, perceived enjoyment, and Technology Acceptance Model concepts was utilised. The current research targeted students in UAE medical universities. Data was obtained by conducting online surveys that were implemented in the winter semester of 2021/2022 between 15th February and 15th May 2022. 500 questionnaires were issued to students following their voluntary participation and 435 questionnaire responses were obtained i.e. an 87% response rate. The research team tested the measurement model employing Structural Equation Modeling using Smart Partial Least Squares Version (3.2.7).   Results: Statistically significant associations were confirmed to exist between Personal Innovativeness (PI) influenced by both the Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU) (Ī²= 0.456) and (Ī²= 0.563) at P<0.001. The statistically significant associations involving Perceived Enjoyment (EJ) and PEOU and PU (Ī²= 0.554, P<0.05), (Ī²= 0.571, P<0.05) were further confirmed. Additionally, PEOU had a relationship with PU (Ī²= 0.863, P<0.001). Eventually, PEOU and PU significantly influenced the participantsā€™ inclination to use the metaverse technology with (Ī²= 0.745, P<0.001) and (Ī²= 0.416, P<0.001), respectively.     Conclusion: Conclusions made during the research add to the existing literature regarding technology adoption by demonstrating how adoption properties, perceived enjoyment, and personal innovativeness influence studentsā€™ perceptions concerning innovational technologies used in education.   Conflicts of interest: None declared

    Factors Affecting Medical Studentsā€™ Acceptance of the Metaverse System in Medical Training in the United Arab Emirates

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    Aim: Medical training activities have been disrupted in many regions following the outbreak and rapid spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) across the globe. The most affected areas include organizationsā€™ process of leveraging high-tech medical equipment from abroad to facilitate a practical approach to learning. Also, as countries implemented COVID-19 safety regulations, it became difficult for organizations to conduct face-to-face training. Consequently, non-face-to-face learning methods have been introduced in the medical field to enable instructors to remotely engage with learners. The current research investigated the students' perceptions of the use of metaverse systems in medical training within the medical community of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods: A conceptual model comprising the adoption properties of personal innovativeness, perceived enjoyment, and Technology Acceptance Model concepts was utilised. The current research targeted students in UAE medical universities. Data was obtained by conducting online surveys that were implemented in the winter semester of 2021/2022 between 15th February and 15th May 2022. 500 questionnaires were issued to students following their voluntary participation and 435 questionnaire responses were obtained i.e. an 87% response rate. The research team tested the measurement model employing Structural Equation Modeling using Smart Partial Least Squares Version (3.2.7). Results: Statistically significant associations were confirmed to exist between Personal Innovativeness (PI) influenced by both the Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU) (Ī²= 0.456) and (Ī²= 0.563) at P<0.001. The statistically significant associations involving Perceived Enjoyment (EJ) and PEOU and PU (Ī²= 0.554, P<0.05), (Ī²= 0.571, P<0.05) were further confirmed. Additionally, PEOU had a relationship with PU (Ī²= 0.863, P<0.001). Eventually, PEOU and PU significantly influenced the participantsā€™ inclination to use the metaverse technology with (Ī²= 0.745, P<0.001) and (Ī²= 0.416, P<0.001), respectively
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