551 research outputs found

    Morphometric and meristic characteristics of Vimba vimba persa in Sefidrud River

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    During years 1999-2001, a series of sampling was carried out in Sefidrud River to study morphometric and meristic characteristics of Caspian Vimba. 149 specimens were collected and then necessary measurements were considered and following results were obtained: T.L= 171.2±31.6mm, W= 62.9±19.7g, age= 3.49±0.9 year, average number of scales on lateral line = 50.83±1.8, branched ray of dorsal and anal fins = 7.96±0.2 and 17.58±1.0 respectively. The mean morphometric measurements with respect to body standard length (%) were: head length 24.47±1.9, eye diameter 6.10±1.07, body maximum depth 26.17±1.4, dorsal fin height and length 20.22±1.5 and 10.96±0.8, anal fin height and length 12.66±0.8 and 18.17±1.5, pectoral fin length 18.17±1.2, ventral fin length 14.97±1.1, pecto-ventral fins distance 24.18±l.7 and ventral-anal distance 20.00±1.5 and pre-dorsal distance 52.21±1.7. Adults and juveniles showed difference in 2 meristic and 15 morphometric parameters. On the other hand, the adult males and females showed difference in 16 morphometric parameters (esp. body depth, lengths of dorsal, pectoral, pelvic and anal fins). Also, adult males have a series of fine epithelial tubercles on head and body and their color is darker with more reddish anal and ventral fins

    Studying natural reproduction, spawning grounds and spawning period of Vimba vimba persa population in Sefid-roud river, Guilan Province in north Iran

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    To evaluate spawning status of Vimba vimba ,population in Sefid-roud river, 621 breeders, 1136 larvae, fries and fingerlings were caught in the river using beach seine, cast-net and electro-choker over the years 1999-2000. We found that the fish started spawning migration in March and continued it until July with its peak occurring between mid-April to late-May. Fork length was 116 - 208 mm (153.1 ± 17.95) in male specimens and 122 - 222 mm (173.5 ± 1 6.46) in females. Total body weight ranged 21.1-116.1g (52.92 ± 19.23) in males and 23.1 - 170.0 g (77.90 ± 22.88) in females. Males aged 2-6 years (3.53±0.86) and females aged 3-7 years (4.19±0.92) participated in the spawning with their maturity age being calculated as 2 and 3 years respectively. In all, breeders were composed of 51.82% males and 48.18% females with the ratio being significantly different only in May. Gonad weight was 1.13-7.92 g (Avg. 2.89±0.29) in males and 3.21-25.47g (Avg. 10.40±1.52) in females. We found the highest gonad weight for the fish in June and that the gonad weight in female breeders increased upwards of the estuary. Gonado-somatic index was 19-21% in 85.7% of the females and 3-8% in 95.5% of the males. Spawning of the species took place during day and night from late May to late June with its peak in May in water temperature ranging 18-29 degrees centigrade on pebble and gravel pounds from 25 to 75kms away from estuary. The Disaam tributary was distinguished as the major spawning area for the species

    Morphometric analysis of the common carp, (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in Anzali Lagoon, south west Caspian Sea

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    We used electroshocker, cast net and gillnet twice a week in four areas of Anzali Lagoon from April to September 2001 to sample common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Specimens were subjected to biometric measurments in the lab. In all, eighteen morphometric and seven meristic measurements were done on the samples. We determined the equation for the fish total fork length and body weight for males and females. Also, Van Bertalanffy growth model was applied to the male and female fish

    Length frequency, length-weight relationship and distribution of Psettodes erumei in the Oman Sea

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    Psettodes erumei is the sole fish species belonging to Psettodidae family that lives in the Oman Sea. The species has a flat body and is thicker than other flat fishes. It has a large mouth with strong teeth and gray-brown color on body surface; and is mostlysround in muddy-sandy substrates up to 25m depths. The species is carnivorous and feeds on prey fishes. The common trawl and gillnet are commonly used for catching the fish. This study was carried out in the Oman Sea in 2002 covering 86 trawling stations. After each haul, the trawl was emptied on board for separation, identification and weight measurement of the catch items. The CPUA was calculated by Swept Area method and used as an index for distribution analysis of the fish species. The maximum snout-length was found to be 66cm for the study area and the length-weight relationship was calculated as W = 0.0294TL^2 7973

    Identification of Pleuronectiformes species in the Persian Gulf (Khuzestan province) using morphometrics and meristics characteristics

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    This study was carried out to identify the different species of Pleuronectiformes order in the Khuzestan province waters (Persian Gulf) from March 2003 to June 2005. A Total of 671 specimens were collected by bottom trawl or from 7 main landings. The sampling period was seasonal. 36 main morphometric and meristic characteristics were measured. The results showed that 6 families of Soleidae, Cynoglossidae, Paralichtidae, Bothidae, Psettodidae and Citharidae are found in the studied area consist of 25 species of: Brachirus orentalis, Solea elongata, Monochirus lutenus, Parachirus marmoratus (family Soleidae); Cynoglossus ard, C. bilineatus, C. Puncticeps, C. durbanensis, C. lachneri (family Cynoglossidae); Pseudorombus annulatus, P. elevatus, P. arsius, P. malayanus, P. navaleusis, Paralichthodes algoensis, Poecilopstei javanicus (family Paralichtidae); Arnoglossus aspilos, A. arabicus, Engwrosopon grandisquama, Laeopes guentheri, L. natalensis, L. pectoralis, Psettina brevirictis (family Bothidae); Psettodes erumei (family Psettodidae) and Citharoides macrolepis (family Citharidae)

    Evaluation of hydrogen peroxide effectiveness in fungal desinfection of Acipenser persicus eggs

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    Fungal infection during incubation of A cipenser persicus eggs claims high mortalities in the hatcheries each year. Malachite Green has been used for many years to disinfect eggs during incubation, but recent studies have shown that the compound might be toxic and potentially mutagenic. In addition, there are implications in the literature for the chemical to be teratogenic and tumor promoter in animals and humans. One of the best replacements for the chemical is Hydrogen Peroxide (H_2O_2) which has been categorized as a low priority regulation (LPR) drug by FDA. During a two year study, six experiments were carried out on the effectiveness of Malachite Green and Hydrogen Peroxide on the infected eggs of Persian sturgeon with fungi while keeping another group of the eggs as control in Yuschenkov incubators. The chemicals were applied to the eggs at a concentration of 750, 1000, 1500, 2000, 3000 and 9000 ml/l. Hatching rate and number of fungal colonies weight percentage of infected to that of healthy eggs were used to assess the usefulness of the chemicals in controling the infection. The results showed that eggs treated with 1000 and 1500 ml/l of H_20_2, compared to Malachite Green and other doses of the chemicals, had higher hatching rate, and were free from fungal infections. The separation and removal of the infected eggs was also easier when H_2O_2 was used. Hence, the chemical can be introduced to the sturgeon hatcheries as an appropriate anti-fungal agent

    An assessment of haematological and serum biochemical indices in Salmo trutta caspius

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    Haematological and biochemical serum analyses were carried out in 131 fish specimens in three age and size groups including smolt, juvenile and breeder. Of these groups, smolt fish were 40 specimens in the average total length range 195.45±12.426mm and had an average weight of 84±15.5g, juvenile fish were 25 individuals and their average total length and weight were 267±20.877mm and 217.20±22.013g, respectively. The 41 breeder fish had an average total length of 578.24±68.487mm and an average weight of 1994.2±775.379g. Another 25 breeder fish were also sampled in the spawning season for blood biochemical analyses had an average total length range of 617±59.9mm and weighed on average 2227.5±647.5g each. Red blood cell counts were 866600 per mm super(3) and 1259400 per mm ^(3) in smolt and breeder fish respectively. The average hematocrit was 48.39% in smolt and 44.29% in breeder fish. The average hemoglobin was 8.85g/dl in smolt and 10.91g/dl in breeder fish. White blood cell count was 8781.58 per mm ^(3) in smolt and 5217.65 per mm ^(3) in breeder fish. Other measurements were as follows: Lymphocyte 90.57% in smolt and 73.22% in breeders, Neutrophil 5.12% in smolt and 16.92% in breeders, Monocyte 1.27% in smolt and 4.24% in breeders, and clotting time was 282.34 seconds in smolt and 291.47 seconds in breeder fish. We also measured MCV, MCH and MCHC in smolt and breeder fish along with biochemical parameters. The glucose level was 2.97mmol/1 in juvenile and 1.99mmol/1 in breeder fish. The cholesterol level was 4.26mmol/l in juvenile and 7.06mmol/1 in breeders. The triglyceride amount was 2.35mmol/l in juvenile and 2.47mmol/l in breeder specimens and the calcium level was 2.44 in juvenile and 2.61 mmol/1 in breeder fish

    Studying Caspian shad (Alosa caspia caspia) diet in southwest coastal area of the Caspian Sea, Guilan Province waters

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    Little is known about the biological characteristics of the Caspian shad, a commercial fish of Clupeidae family living in the Caspian Sea. Monthly random samples of the fish were collected at the Guilan province shores, southwest of the Caspian Sea from October 2001 to August 2003. Beach seine and gill nets were used in the sampling. Food items, condition factor and feeding changes with the change in the fish age, sex, station and season after invasion of زtenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi to the Caspian Sea were studied. Samples (n=262) had fork length 88-235 (156.7±31.9) mm, weighed 8-196 (51.92±32.7) grams and aged 1-6 (2.81±0.9) years old. The Vacuity Index (CV), Intestinal Relative Length (RLG) and Index of Fullness (IF) of the specimens were determined as 10.3%, 0.52±0.03 and 102.9±114.5, respectively. Phytoplankton (specially Rhizosolenia and Spirogyra) comprised 1.8%, zooplanktons (Ostracoda, Rhizopoda, Cladocera, Rotatoria, Copepoda, Cirripedia, Mysidacea, Bivalvia larvae and bony fishes larvae and eggs) comprised 98.0% and benthic fauna (Framinifera, Porifera, Cumacea, Amphipoda, insects larvae and Palaemonidae) comprised 0.2% of the food abundance in the fish stomach and intestine. Among the food items, orders Copepoda (Acartia spp.) and Cirripedia (Cypris balanus) were the main food, comprising 83.1 and 12.9% of abundance, respectively. Acartia comprised 97.3, 80.4, 48.0 and 68.3% of the food in autumn, winter, spring and summer, respectively. For Cypris balanus, these figures were 2.0, 2.6, 41.9 and 25.3% for the seasons. No significant difference was found in food diversity and its abundance between male and female fish and between different ages. Generally, Acartia spp. and Balanus were dominant food items in the male and female fish and in different sized specimens. Acartia comprised about 97.0% of the food abundance in Talesh and Kiashahr areas and 65.7% in Anzali shores. The zooplankton, as the main food item of the fish have suffered a major decrease due to the invasion of Mnemiopsis leidyi to the southern Caspian Sea. Hence, the index of fullness (IF) and growth of the fish shows a great reduction recently

    Study on some hematological factors of Salmo trutta caspius

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    Regarding to measure some hematological factors of Caspian Salmon (Salmo Trutta caspius), 55 immature and 21 mature individuals were studied. The main results were: Immature Mature - Hemoglobin value (gr/dl) 7.20 9.87 - Hematocrit 34.1 39.2 - Mean No. of red blood cells (per mm3) 934300 1306200 - Mean No. of white blood (per mm3) 8380 6219 - Mean No. of platelets (per mm3) 21180 13159 As the results showed the number of white blood cells and platelets in immature individuals were more than mature specimen. The obtained results of blood indices were as follow: Immature Mature - Mean MCV (FL) 385.4 302.9 - Mean MCH (Pg) 82.0 75.5 - Mean MCHC (%) 21.6 25.6 - Lymphocyte (%) 96.1 69.9 - Neutrophil (%) 3.4 29.4 - Monocyte (%) 0.52 1.14 Notice: Eosinophil and basophil cells weren't observed

    Diet of Rutilus frisii kutum x Ctenopharyngodon idella hybrid

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    This research project was carried out in Gulian Fisheries Research Center in 1998. For this purpose, two ponds were selected: Pond No. 1 with 450m2 area and pond No.2 with 250m2 area and then 3500 pieces/hectar of hybrids with 5-7g weight were added to the ponds. In order to determine their main food, they were fed by pelletes and grass according to their mean weight. Meanwhile, by adding mineral and organic fertilizers to the water, a suitable media including phytoplanktons, zooplanktons and benthoses were prepared for feeding of fishes. The stomach contents observations of 160 specimen of hybrids showed that this hybrid is a herbivorous fish and macrophytes were their main diet; and phytoplanktons could be considered as the secondary random food