66 research outputs found

    Astronomical Phenomena in Music Composition

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    Space is the next frontier for humankind. In recent years, its sounds and images have increased in quality due to technological advances, providing rich pickings for composers. This thesis explores astronomical phenomena in music composition with a focus on my composition portfolio. Beginning with the history of astronomy as a source of music inspiration, from Plato to Björk, this paper analyses my portfolio, the composition method and the ways in which space influences can be clearly demonstrated. The portfolio consists of five solo and piano accompanied works, one trio and a music theatre chamber work. Astronomical influences are shown in the use of sounds of nebulae, stars and galaxies based on electro-magnetic waves through a spectrograph, (courtesy of astronomer Paul Francis) and use of space images and concepts. These are incorporated into the compositions as accompanied sound, as a source of pitch material, contours of space images informing melodic shapes, as well as use of astrophysical concepts in a broader sense

    ICT Competence and Use of Digital Library by Post Graduate Students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Rumuolumeni, Port Harcourt, Rivers State

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    Abstract This study was conducted to determine the relationship between ICT competence and the use of digital library by postgraduate students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education (IAUE) in Rivers State, Nigeria. The study adopted a Correlation design. The population of the study comprised 1800 postgraduates in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 210 Postgraduates. Four specific objectives, four research questions and four null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A structured questionnaire was designed for data collection. Simple Linear Regression was used to answer the research questions and test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The result obtained revealed a significant relationship between internet browsing competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .841); Electronic Database competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .713); Social media (LinkedIn & Pinterest) competence and use of digital library, the strength of relationship was (R = .890); and content sharing competence and use of digital library the strength of relationship was (R = .820). From the findings, the study concluded that there is a significant relationship between ICT competence and the use of digital library among postgraduate students of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study recommends among others that effective steps should be taken to encourage the postgraduate students to utilize the electronic databases so that the huge sum invested in subscribing for these databases will not be a waste. It was further recommended that library management should organise a training workshop on the importance of electronic databases, its uses and how to filter search by keywords. IAUE Digital library should lecture users on the importance of information sharing, through the use of Pinterest, LinkedIn and content sharing as they are the heavy hitter of information promulgation

    Colorectal Cancer Awareness and Screening Guideline for African American Populations

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    Colorectal cancer is the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Early screening provides the best prospects for preventing the morbidity and mortality associated with the disease. Nurses have the duty to promote health and prevent diseases. However, low rates of colorectal cancer screening continue to be reported, especially among African Americans who continue to suffer disproportionately from the disease. There is a need for a culturally-sensitive clinical practice guideline that nurses can use to educate patients appropriately on colorectal cancer. The practice focused question for this project was designed to explore whether a culturally-sensitive clinical practice guideline to increase colorectal cancer screening among African Americans could be developed using best practices. The health belief model informed the background, development, and implementation of this project. Evidence from peer-reviewed nursing literature was synthesized in a literature review matrix and then used to develop a clinical practice guideline to increase colorectal cancer screening. It is anticipated that this guideline will improve nursing practice by equipping nurses with the knowledge and skill to provide culturally-sensitive education on colorectal cancer and screening. Through the patient education and enhanced nursing practice stipulated in the clinical practice guideline, health care providers may work to eliminate disparities in colorectal cancer screening among African Americans

    O que pode ser uma curadoria descolonial?

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    Neste ensaio, a pergunta “O que pode ser uma curadoria descolonial?” é respondida por meio de uma operação cirúrgica que reflete sobre o significado de cada termo. O exercício coreográfico busca menos revelar os significados intrínsecos a cada palavra do que os vazios existentes entre elas

    Administrators and Teachers\u27 Perceptions of Instructional Leadership Practices to Increase Student Achievement

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    AbstractThe lack of achievement in public schools has been a concern globally and has negatively affected the growth of communities and the economy. School principals have a central role in implementing effective instructional practices and creating a positive teaching and learning environment that fosters student achievement. The problem addressed was a lack of instructional leadership in a British territory. The conceptual framework for this research was the instructional leadership model of Hallinger and Murphy, which defines three main dimensions of instructional leadership: (a) defining the school\u27s mission, (b) managing the instructional program, and (c) promoting a positive school learning climate. The research question concerned how school administrators use instructional leadership practices to increase student achievement. Purposive sampling was used to collect data for this basic qualitative research study. The participants were 16 public school educators from a local school district. The data were collected by conducting interviews on Zoom. Data analysis involved a systematic process of coding and thematic analysis. The identified themes were understanding of instructional leadership, common instructional leadership practices, and the challenges of instructional leadership. The findings reinforce that a principal’s instructional leadership practices are critical to increase student success, although there remains some ambiguity regarding what constitutes instructional leadership. This study\u27s implications for positive social change include increasing principals’ awareness of the best practices for instructional leadership, which they can potentially apply to increase student achievement. Higher student achievement may encourage the growth of communities and the economy


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    PT XYZ adalah salah satu perusahaan yang menjadi produsen dan distributor minuman non-alkohol siap minum, dengan produk yang beragam. Dalam upaya meningkatkan pencapaian kinerja khususnya karyawan di perusahaan tersebut, maka diperlukannya perbaikan kinerja perusahaan maupun SDM dapat dilakukan dengan cara merancang manajemen kinerja. Berdasarkan hasil observasi dan wawancara, saat ini perusahaan hanya melakukan pengukuran kinerja untuk tingkat individu saja, belum dilakukannya pengukuran kinerja secara menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukannya sistem pengukuran kinerja yang tidak hanya dapat mengukur kinerja individu saja tetapi juga dapat mengukur kinerja terhadap kontribusi divisi SDM demi tercapainya visi, misi, dan strategi perusahaan. Salah satu sistem pengukuran kinerja yang mampu mengatasi permasalahan SDM adalah metode Balanced Scorecard yang merupakan sistem pengukuran kinerja yang menghubungkan karyawan, strategi perusahaan, dan kinerja melalui empat perspektif, yaitu perspektif keuangan, perspektif pelanggan, perspektif proses bisnis internal, dan perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran. Untuk melakukan pengukuran kinerja SDM di PT XYZ dimulai dengan penjabaran visi dan misi perusahaan dan kemudian merancang Critical Success Factor, menyusun Key Performance Indicator untuk mengetahui indikator apa saja yang diperlukan berdasarkan CSF. Selanjutnya dilakukan pembobotan dengan menggunakan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP).setelah itu mengukur kinerja pada PT XYZ. Berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data, terdapat 6 sasaran strategi, dan 12 KPI. Hasil akhir skor kinerja PT XYZ untuk perspektif keuangan adalah 3,457 dengan kriteria baik, untuk perspektif pelanggan adalah 4,000 dengan kriteria baik, untuk perspektif proses bisnis internal adalah 4,372 dengan kriteria baik, dan untuk perspektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajaran adalah 3,479 dengan kriteria baik. Sehingga secara keseluruhan kinerja PT XYZ adalah 3,8488 dengan kriteria baik

    Estrategias didácticas para fortalecer el Desarrollo Emocional en niños y niñas de Educación Inicial

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    This current focused on solving the following problem: How to strengthen the emotional intelligence development intro children from Initial Education? And it is projected as a general aim: to elaborate a methodological strategies didactic guide to strengthen the emotional intelligence development intro Initial Education children from Salcedo Educational Unit", by starting from a previous made diagnosis by Taguada and Sagñay in the 2022 year with the topic: "Emotional Intelligence Development in the children Teaching-Learning Process intro of Initial Education", what they tag, which emotions intervene into relationship with others and that they must occupy a space within learning. Since the methodological is assumed a qualitative approach and the inductive method to draw the conclusions, documentary analysis to work on the background, modeling to elaborate the proposal and expert criteria for validation. Working on the Emotional Intelligence development is essential due to because it has many benefits into educational settings, favoring in children the recognition, understanding and emotions expression into a correct way, in order for facilitating relationships with others and improves the Initial education teaching-learning processes. The proposal is presented, through a methodological guide as a tool for teachers with strategies, activities and resources for initial education children for strengthening educational quality around the Emotional Intelligence development in the classroom, in this sense, recreation and playful are essential to create scenarios focused about emotional education and after submitting the guide to a validation process, it is denoted the activities relevance into emotional development and a correct application beneficiary or all educational community members and specifically children.El presente proyecto se enfocó en resolver el siguiente problema: ¿Cómo fortalecer el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en niños de Educación Inicial? Y se proyecta como objetivo general: elaborar una guía didáctica de estrategias metodológicas para fortalecer el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en niños de Educación Inicial de la Unidad Educativa Salcedo”, partiendo de un previo diagnóstico realizado por Taguada y Sagñay en el 2022 con el tema: “Desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional en el Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje de los niños de Educación Inicial” que señalan que las emociones intervienen en las relación con otros y que deben ocupar un espacio dentro del aprendizaje. Desde lo metodológico se asume un enfoque cualitativo y el método inductivo, para elaborar las conclusiones, análisis documental para trabajar los antecedentes, la modelación para elaborar la propuesta y el criterio de experto para la validación. Trabajar en el desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional es fundamental debido a que tiene muchos beneficios en los ámbitos educativos, favoreciendo en los niños el reconocimiento, la comprensión y expresión de emociones de una manera acertada, de forma que facilite las relaciones con los demás y la mejora los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en Educación Inicial. La propuesta se presenta a través de una Guía metodológica como una herramienta para docentes con estrategias, actividades y recursos para niños de educación inicial para el fortalecimiento de la calidad educativa en torno al desarrollo de la Inteligencia Emocional en las aulas de clase, en tal sentido la recreación y la lúdica son esenciales para crear escenarios enfocado a una educación emocional y después de someter la guía a un proceso de validación se denota la relevancia de las actividades en el desarrollo emocional y una correcta aplicación beneficiaria o todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa y específicamente a los niños

    “O homem adora o que é doce e óbvio”, de Colette Omogbai

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    Publicado originalmente em 1965 na extinta Revista Nigeria1, o manifesto O homem adora o que é doce e óbvio foi uma resposta de Colette Oluwabamise Omogbai a uma acusação, por parte do circuito artístico nigeriano, de que suas pinturas – com traços estilísticos surrealistas e expressionistas, rejeitando o realismo acadêmico – não seriam femininas

    Use of Networking Apps and Knowledge Sharing among Librarians in University of Port Harcourt

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    The study investigated the use of networking applications for knowledge sharing among librarians in University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The purpose was to identify the types of networking apps used, the extent of use, perceived benefits, and problems associated with the use of networking apps for knowledge sharing. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The population comprised the total of 25 librarians (both practicing & teaching staff). Structured Questionnaire was used as primary instrument for data collection. Data collected was analysed using descriptive statistics of arithmetic mean and standard deviation. The study however identifies email apps, whatsapp, facebook app, instagram app, zoom app, and tweeter app as the types of networking apps used for knowledge sharing, but only few persons used linkedin app and skype app. The study also shows that email apps, whatsapp, facebook app, instagram app and tweeter app were used frequently due to some identified benefits to include ease of use, cost effectiveness, speed of access and retrieval, automatic storage and preservation, external and internal communication and collaboration amongst others. In spite of these overwhelming benefits, high cost of networking devices/subscription, lack of interest, lack of skills, inadequate internet access, fear of criticism and others still militate against the use of networking apps for knowledge sharing among librarians. The study thus recommends adequate capacity building on the use of emerging networking applications for knowledge sharing for all librarians to keep pace with new media. Also, the culture, enthusiasm and the willingness to share knowledge using networking apps should be developed among librarians

    ፍቅር (amor em amárico)

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    Esta entrevista é parte de uma série de conversas que compõem um mosaico de diferentes vozes, visões, perspectivas do que seria essa relação de uma escola de arte do século XXI a partir desse binário “Escola / Floresta”. Esse binário é uma reverência, certamente, a todas as fricções que Oswald de Andrade coloca no Manifesto Antropofágico. Keyna Eleison representa uma das importantes fronteiras de resgates antropofágicos da arte contemporânea. Nos últimos anos, sua atuação vem assumindo a convergência de resgates transculturais, de ancestralidades afro-brasileiras que não se enquadraram ou foram reprimidas pela razão europeia. Nesta entrevista, Keyna Eleison fala dessa virada para a produção de conhecimento que não venha pelos cânones e padrões dessa mesma razão esteticista visual. Aqui tem-se um pouco do reconhecimento do poder da voz, da linguística como cognição de presenças ancestrais