3,148 research outputs found

    Analysis of the symbiotic star AG Pegasi

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    High and low dispersion IUE data are analyzed in conjunction with coincident ground based spectrophotometric scans and supplementary infrared photometry of the symbiotic object AG Pegasi. The IUE observations yield an improved value of E(B-V) = 0.12. The two stellar components are easily recognized in the spectra. The cool component may be an M1.7 III star and the hot component appears to have T (sub eff) of approximately 30000 K. The emission lines observed in the ultraviolet indicate two or three distince emitting regions. Nebular component ultraviolet intercombination lines suggest an electron density of several times 10 billion/cu cm

    Analytical and experimental studies of shock interference heating in hypersonic flows

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    An analytical and experimental study is presented of the aerodynamic heating resulting from six types of shock interference patterns encountered in high speed flow. Centerline measurements of pressure and heat transfer distributions on basic bodies were obtained in four wind tunnels for Mach numbers from 6 to 20, specific heat ratios from 1.27 to 1.67, and free stream Reynolds numbers from 3 million to 25.6 million per meter. Peak heating and peak pressures up to 17 and 7.5 times stagnation values, respectively, were measured. In general, results obtained from semiempirical methods developed for each of the six types of interference agreed with the experimental peaks

    Electron-Acoustic Phonon Energy Loss Rate in Multi-Component Electron Systems with Symmetric and Asymmetric Coupling Constants

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    We consider electron-phonon (\textit{e-ph}) energy loss rate in 3D and 2D multi-component electron systems in semiconductors. We allow general asymmetry in the \textit{e-ph} coupling constants (matrix elements), i.e., we allow that the coupling depends on the electron sub-system index. We derive a multi-component \textit{e-ph}power loss formula, which takes into account the asymmetric coupling and links the total \textit{e-ph} energy loss rate to the density response matrix of the total electron system. We write the density response matrix within mean field approximation, which leads to coexistence of\ symmetric energy loss rate FS(T)F_{S}(T) and asymmetric energy loss rate FA(T)F_{A}(T) with total energy loss rate F(T)=FS(T)+FA(T) F(T)=F_{S}(T)+F_{A}(T) at temperature TT. The symmetric component F_{S}(T) isequivalenttotheconventionalsinglesubsystemenergylossrateintheliterature,andintheBlochGru¨neisenlimitwereproduceasetofwellknownpowerlaws is equivalent to the conventional single-sub-system energy loss rate in the literature, and in the Bloch-Gr\"{u}neisen limit we reproduce a set of well-known power laws F_{S}(T)\propto T^{n_{S}},wheretheprefactorandpower, where the prefactor and power n_{S}dependonelectronsystemdimensionalityandelectronmeanfreepath.For depend on electron system dimensionality and electron mean free path. For F_{A}(T)weproduceanewsetofpowerlawsFA(T)TnA we produce a new set of power laws F_{A}(T)\propto T^{n_{A}}. Screening strongly reduces the symmetric coupling, but the asymmetric coupling is unscreened, provided that the inter-sub-system Coulomb interactions are strong. The lack of screening enhances FA(T)F_{A}(T) and the total energy loss rate F(T)F(T). Especially, in the strong screening limit we find FA(T)FS(T)F_{A}(T)\gg F_{S}(T). A canonical example of strongly asymmetric \textit{e-ph} matrix elements is the deformation potential coupling in many-valley semiconductors.Comment: v2: Typos corrected. Some notations changed. Section III.C is embedded in Section III.B. Paper accepted to PR

    The Potential Energy Landscape and Mechanisms of Diffusion in Liquids

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    The mechanism of diffusion in supercooled liquids is investigated from the potential energy landscape point of view, with emphasis on the crossover from high- to low-T dynamics. Molecular dynamics simulations with a time dependent mapping to the associated local mininum or inherent structure (IS) are performed on unit-density Lennard-Jones (LJ). New dynamical quantities introduced include r2_{is}(t), the mean-square displacement (MSD) within a basin of attraction of an IS, R2(t), the MSD of the IS itself, and g_{loc}(t) the mean waiting time in a cooperative region. At intermediate T, r2_{is}(t) posesses an interval of linear t-dependence allowing calculation of an intrabasin diffusion constant D_{is}. Near T_{c} diffusion is intrabasin dominated with D = D_{is}. Below T_{c} the local waiting time tau_{loc} exceeds the time, tau_{pl}, needed for the system to explore the basin, indicating the action of barriers. The distinction between motion among the IS below T_{c} and saddle, or border dynamics above T_{c} is discussed.Comment: submitted to pr

    Federal Lands Grazing Permits, Managing Rangeland Resources

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    This fact sheet describes federal lands grazing permits, how they came about, structure of the permit, grazing systems, administration, and costs

    Potential energy landscape-based extended van der Waals equation

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    The inherent structures ({\it IS}) are the local minima of the potential energy surface or landscape, U(r)U({\bf r}), of an {\it N} atom system. Stillinger has given an exact {\it IS} formulation of thermodynamics. Here the implications for the equation of state are investigated. It is shown that the van der Waals ({\it vdW}) equation, with density-dependent aa and bb coefficients, holds on the high-temperature plateau of the averaged {\it IS} energy. However, an additional ``landscape'' contribution to the pressure is found at lower TT. The resulting extended {\it vdW} equation, unlike the original, is capable of yielding a water-like density anomaly, flat isotherms in the coexistence region {\it vs} {\it vdW} loops, and several other desirable features. The plateau energy, the width of the distribution of {\it IS}, and the ``top of the landscape'' temperature are simulated over a broad reduced density range, 2.0ρ0.202.0 \ge \rho \ge 0.20, in the Lennard-Jones fluid. Fits to the data yield an explicit equation of state, which is argued to be useful at high density; it nevertheless reproduces the known values of aa and bb at the critical point

    Inherent-Structure Dynamics and Diffusion in Liquids

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    The self-diffusion constant D is expressed in terms of transitions among the local minima of the potential (inherent structure, IS) and their correlations. The formulae are evaluated and tested against simulation in the supercooled, unit-density Lennard-Jones liquid. The approximation of uncorrelated IS-transition (IST) vectors, D_{0}, greatly exceeds D in the upper temperature range, but merges with simulation at reduced T ~ 0.50. Since uncorrelated IST are associated with a hopping mechanism, the condition D ~ D_{0} provides a new way to identify the crossover to hopping. The results suggest that theories of diffusion in deeply supercooled liquids may be based on weakly correlated IST.Comment: submitted to PR

    Stochastic Paleoclimatology: Modeling the EPICA Ice Core Climate Records

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    We analyze and model the stochastic behavior of paleoclimate time series and assess the implications for the coupling of climate variables during the Pleistocene glacial cycles. We examine 800 kyr of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and temperature proxy data from the EPICA Dome-C ice core, which are characterized by 100~kyr glacial cycles overlain by fluctuations across a wide range of time scales. We quantify this behavior through multifractal time-weighted detrended fluctuation analysis, which distinguishes near red-noise and white-noise behavior below and above the 100~kyr glacial cycle respectively in all records. This allows us to model each time series as a one-dimensional periodic non-autonomous stochastic dynamical system, and assess the stability of physical processes and the fidelity of model-simulated time series. We extend this approach to a four-variable model with linear coupling terms, which we interpret in terms of the interrelationships between the time series. Methane and nitrous oxide are found to have significant destabilizing influences, while carbon dioxide and temperature have smaller stabilizing influences. We draw conclusions about causal relationships in glacial transitions and the climate processes that may have facilitated these couplings, and highlight opportunities to further develop stochastic modeling approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Geogia Red Knot Resights report 2014

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    Expanding the Red Knot resight program to include other important staging areas along the Atlantic Coast is a stated priority of the USFWS Red Knot Spotlight Species Action Plan (2010) and the Red Knot Conservation Plan (2010). Our objectives in expanding the program into the Georgia Coast during spring migration are to: 1) estimate the population of Red Knots using the Georgia Coast as a spring stopover, 2) estimate spring stopover duration along the Georgia Coast, 3) determine the primary stopover locations and provide this information to local land managers, 4) contribute to the range-wide demographic studies and studies in migratory connectivity of the Red Knot in the Western Hemisphere, and 5) contribute data to the current listing process initiated by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Regional population estimates and identification of major stopover sites are considered to be the highest priority for the Georgia Department of Natural Resources State Wildlife Action Plan, the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Initiative (Winn et al. 2013), the US Shorebird Plan (Brown et al. 2001), the USFWS Red Knot Action Plan (2010) and the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Red Knot Conservation Plan for the Western Hemisphere (Niles et al. 2010a). Providing a population estimate for various staging areas is a stated goal of the WHSRN Red Knot Conservation Plan for the Western Hemisphere (Niles et al. 2010a), the Atlantic Flyway Shorebird Strategy, and the US FWS Red Knot Action Plan (2010). The Georgia Department of Natural Resources State Wildlife Action Plan ranks the Red Knot as a high priority species (with state status of “Rare”) and ranks research of the Red Knot as one primary conservation actions needed within the state

    Instantaneous Normal Mode analysis of liquid HF

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    We present an Instantaneous Normal Modes analysis of liquid HF aimed to clarify the origin of peculiar dynamical properties which are supposed to stem from the arrangement of molecules in linear hydrogen-bonded network. The present study shows that this approach is an unique tool for the understanding of the spectral features revealed in the analysis of both single molecule and collective quantities. For the system under investigation we demonstrate the relevance of hydrogen-bonding ``stretching'' and fast librational motion in the interpretation of these features.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pages, 5 eps figures included. Minor changes in the text and in a figure. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let