60 research outputs found

    Reconstructing Merger Timelines Using Star Cluster Age Distributions: The Case of MCG+08-11-002

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    We present near infrared imaging and integral field spectroscopy of the centre of the dusty luminous infrared galaxy merger MCG+08-11-002, taken using the Near InfraRed Camera 2 (NIRC2) and the OH-Suppressing InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (OSIRIS) on Keck II. We achieve a spatial resolution of ∼25 pc in the K band, allowing us to resolve 41 star clusters in the NIRC2 images. We calculate the ages of 22/25 star clusters within the OSIRIS field using the equivalent widths of the CO 2.3μm absorption feature and the Brγ nebular emission line. The star cluster age distribution has a clear peak at ages ≲ 20 Myr, indicative of current starburst activity associated with the final coalescence of the progenitor galaxies. There is a possible second peak at ∼65 Myr which may be a product of the previous close passage of the galaxy nuclei. We fit single and double starburst models to the star cluster age distribution and use Monte Carlo sampling combined with two-sided K-S tests to calculate the probability that the observed data are drawn from each of the best fit distributions. There is a >90 per cent chance that the data are drawn from either a single or double starburst star formation history, but stochastic sampling prevents us from distinguishing between the two scenarios. Our analysis of MCG+08-11-002 indicates that star cluster age distributions provide valuable insights into the timelines of galaxy interactions and may therefore play an important role in the future development of precise merger stage classification systems

    Probing the physics of narrow-line regions of Seyfert galaxies I: The case of NGC 5427

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    We have used the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) on the ANU 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring to observe the nearby, nearly face-on, Seyfert 2 galaxy, NGC 5427. We have obtained integral field spectroscopy of both the nuclear regions and the HII regions in the spiral arms. We have constrained the chemical abundance in the interstellar medium of the extended narrow line region (ENLR) by measuring the abundance gradient in the circum-nuclear \ion{H}{ii} regions to determine the nuclear chemical abundances, and to use these to in turn determine the EUV spectral energy distribution for comparison with theoretical models. We find a very high nuclear abundance, 3.0\sim 3.0 times solar, with clear evidence of a nuclear enhancement of N and He, possibly caused by massive star formation in the extended (100\sim 100pc) central disk structure. The circum-nuclear narrow-line region spectrum is fit by a radiation pressure dominated photoionisation model model with an input EUV spectrum from a Black Hole with mass 5×107M5\times10^7 M_{\odot} radiating at 0.1\sim 0.1 of its Eddington luminosity. The bolometric luminosity is closely constrained to be logLbol.=44.3±0.1\log L_{\mathrm bol.} = 44.3\pm 0.1 erg s1^{-1}. The EUV spectrum characterised by a soft accretion disk and a harder component extending to above 15keV. The ENLR region is extended in the NW-SE direction. The line ratio variation in circum-nuclear spaxels can be understood as the result of mixing \ion{H}{ii} regions with an ENLR having a radius-invariant spectrum.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics, 14 pages, 13 figure

    ZFIRE: A KECK/MOSFIRE Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies in Rich Environments at z~2

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    We present an overview and the first data release of ZFIRE, a spectroscopic redshift survey of star-forming galaxies that utilizes the MOSFIRE instrument on Keck-I to study galaxy properties in rich environments at 1.5<z<2.51.5<z<2.5. ZFIRE measures accurate spectroscopic redshifts and basic galaxy properties derived from multiple emission lines. The galaxies are selected from a stellar mass limited sample based on deep near infra-red imaging (KAB<25\mathrm{K_{AB}<25}) and precise photometric redshifts from the ZFOURGE and UKIDSS surveys as well as grism redshifts from 3DHST. Between 2013--2015 ZFIRE has observed the COSMOS and UDS legacy fields over 13 nights and has obtained 211 galaxy redshifts over 1.57<z<2.661.57<z<2.66 from a combination of nebular emission lines (such as \Halpha, \NII, \Hbeta, \OII, \OIII, \SII) observed at 1--2\micron. Based on our medium-band NIR photometry, we are able to spectrophotometrically flux calibrate our spectra to \around10\% accuracy. ZFIRE reaches 5σ5\sigma emission line flux limits of \around3×1018 erg/s/cm2\mathrm{3\times10^{-18}~erg/s/cm^2} with a resolving power of R=3500R=3500 and reaches masses down to \around109^{9}\msol. We confirm that the primary input survey, ZFOURGE, has produced photometric redshifts for star-forming galaxies (including highly attenuated ones) accurate to Δz/(1+zspec)=0.015\Delta z/(1+z\mathrm{_{spec})}=0.015 with 0.7%0.7\% outliers. We measure a slight redshift bias of <0.001<0.001, and we note that the redshift bias tends to be larger at higher masses. We also examine the role of redshift on the derivation of rest-frame colours and stellar population parameters from SED fitting techniques. The ZFIRE survey extends spectroscopically-confirmed z2z\sim 2 samples across a richer range of environments, here we make available the first public release of the data for use by the community.\footnote{\url{http://zfire.swinburne.edu.au}}Comment: Published in ApJ. Data available at http://zfire.swinburne.edu.au, Code for figures at https://github.com/themiyan/zfire_survey, 31 pages, 24 figure

    Probing the Physics of Narrow Line Regions in Active Galaxies II: The Siding Spring Southern Seyfert Spectroscopic Snapshot Survey (S7)

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    Here we describe the \emph{Siding Spring Southern Seyfert Spectroscopic Snapshot Survey} (S7) and present results on 64 galaxies drawn from the first data release. The S7 uses the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) mounted on the ANU 2.3m telescope located at the Siding Spring Observatory to deliver an integral field of 38×2538\times25~ arcsec at a spectral resolution of R=7000R=7000 in the red (530710530-710nm), and R=3000R=3000 in the blue (340560340-560nm). {From these data cubes we have extracted the Narrow Line Region (NLR) spectra from a 4 arc sec aperture centred on the nucleus. We also determine the Hβ\beta and [OIII]~λ\lambda5007 fluxes in the narrow lines, the nuclear reddening, the reddening-corrected relative intensities of the observed emission lines, and the Hβ\beta and \lOIII\ luminosities {determined from spectra for which the stellar continuum has been removed.} We present a set of images of the galaxies in [OIII]~λ\lambda5007, [NII]~λ\lambda6584 and Hα\alpha which serve to delineate the spatial extent of the extended narrow line region (ENLR) and {\bf also to} reveal the structure and morphology of the surrounding \HII\ regions. Finally, we provide a preliminary discussion of those Seyfert~1 and Seyfert~2 galaxies which display coronal emission lines in order to explore the origin of these lines.Comment: Accepted for publication 9 Jan 2015, Astrophysical Journal Supplements. 49pages, 8 figure

    S7 : Probing the physics of Seyfert Galaxies through their ENLR & HII Regions

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    Here we present the first results from the Siding Spring Southern Seyfert Spectroscopic Snapshot Survey (S7) which aims to investigate the physics of ~140 radio-detected southern active Galaxies with z<0.02 through Integral Field Spectroscopy using the Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS). This instrument provides data cubes of the central 38 x 25 arc sec. of the target galaxies in the waveband 340-710nm with the unusually high resolution of R=7000 in the red (530-710nm), and R=3000 in the blue (340-560nm). These data provide the morphology, kinematics and the excitation structure of the extended narrow-line region, probe relationships with the black hole characteristics and the host galaxy, measures host galaxy abundance gradients and the determination of nuclear abundances from the HII regions. From photoionisation modelling, we may determine the shape of the ionising spectrum of the AGN, discover whether AGN metallicities differ from nuclear abundances determined from HII regions, and probe grain destruction in the vicinity of the AGN. Here we present some preliminary results and modelling of both Seyfert galaxies observed as part of the survey.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Invited Talk at the IAU symposium 30

    Probing the Physics of Narrow Line Regions in Active Galaxies III: Accretion and Cocoon Shocks in the LINER NGC1052

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    We present Wide Field Spectrograph (WiFeS) integral field spectroscopy and HST FOS spectroscopy for the LINER galaxy NGC 1052. We infer the presence of a turbulent accretion flow forming a small-scale accretion disk. We find a large-scale outflow and ionisation cone along the minor axis of the galaxy. Part of this outflow region is photoionised by the AGN, and shares properties with the ENLR of Seyfert galaxies, but the inner (R1.0R \lesssim 1.0~arcsec) accretion disk and the region around the radio jet appear shock excited. The emission line properties can be modelled by a "double shock" model in which the accretion flow first passes through an accretion shock in the presence of a hard X-ray radiation, and the accretion disk is then processed through a cocoon shock driven by the overpressure of the radio jets. This model explains the observation of two distinct densities (104\sim10^4 and 106\sim10^6 cm3^{-3}), and provides a good fit to the observed emission line spectrum. We derive estimates for the velocities of the two shock components and their mixing fractions, the black hole mass, the accretion rate needed to sustain the LINER emission and derive an estimate for the jet power. Our emission line model is remarkably robust against variation of input parameters, and so offers a generic explanation for the excitation of LINER galaxies, including those of spiral type such as NGC 3031 (M81).Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. 16 pages, 12 figure

    Dissecting Galaxies: Separating Star Formation, Shock Excitation and AGN Activity in the Central Region of NGC 613

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    The most rapidly evolving regions of galaxies often display complex optical spectra with emission lines excited by massive stars, shocks and accretion onto supermassive black holes. Standard calibrations (such as for the star formation rate) cannot be applied to such mixed spectra. In this paper we isolate the contributions of star formation, shock excitation and active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity to the emission line luminosities of individual spatially resolved regions across the central 3 ×\times 3 kpc2^2 region of the active barred spiral galaxy NGC\sim613. The star formation rate and AGN luminosity calculated from the decomposed emission line maps are in close agreement with independent estimates from data at other wavelengths. The star formation component traces the B-band stellar continuum emission, and the AGN component forms an ionization cone which is aligned with the nuclear radio jet. The optical line emission associated with shock excitation is cospatial with strong H2H_2 and [Fe II] emission and with regions of high ionized gas velocity dispersion (σ>100\sigma > 100 km s1^{-1}). The shock component also traces the outer boundary of the AGN ionization cone and may therefore be produced by outflowing material interacting with the surrounding interstellar medium. Our decomposition method makes it possible to determine the properties of star formation, shock excitation and AGN activity from optical spectra, without contamination from other ionization mechanisms.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA