105 research outputs found

    Endogenic and Exogenic Contributions to Visible-wavelength Spectra of Europa’s Trailing Hemisphere

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    The composition of Europa's trailing hemisphere reflects the combined influences of endogenous geologic resurfacing and exogenous sulfur radiolysis. Using spatially resolved visible-wavelength spectra of Europa obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, we map multiple spectral features across the trailing hemisphere and compare their geographies with the distributions of large-scale geology, magnetospheric bombardment, and surface color. Based on such comparisons, we interpret some aspects of our spectra as indicative of purely exogenous sulfur radiolysis products and other aspects as indicative of radiolysis products formed from a mixture of endogenous material and magnetospheric sulfur. The spatial distributions of two of the absorptions seen in our spectra—a widespread downturn toward the near-UV and a distinct feature at 530 nm—appear consistent with sulfur allotropes previously suggested from ground-based spectrophotometry. However, the geographies of two additional features—an absorption feature at 360 nm and the spectral slope at red wavelengths—are more consistent with endogenous material that has been altered by sulfur radiolysis. We suggest irradiated sulfate salts as potential candidates for this material, but we are unable to identify particular species with the available data

    The Mid-IR Spectral Effects of Darkening Agents and Porosity on the Silicate Surface Features of Airless Bodies

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    We systematically measured the mid-IR spectra of different mixtures of three silicates (antigorite, lizardite, and pure silica) with varying effective porosities and amounts of darkening agent (iron oxide and carbon). These spectra have broad implications for interpretation of current and future mission data for airless bodies, as well as for testing the capabilities of new instruments. Serpentines, such as antigorite and lizardite, are common to airless surfaces, and their mid-IR spectra in the presence of darkening agents and different surface porosities would be typical for those measured by spacecraft. Silica has only been measured in the plumes of Enceladus and presents exciting possibilities for other Saturn-system surfaces due to long range transport of E-ring material. Results show that the addition of the IR-transparent salt, KBr, to simulate surface porosity affected silicate spectra in ways that were not predictable from linear mixing models. The strengthening of silicate bands with increasing pore space, even when only trace amounts of KBr were added, indicates that spectral features of porous surfaces are more detectable in the mid-IR. Combining iron oxide with the pure silicates seemed to flatten most of the silicate features, but strengthened the reststrahlen band of the silica. Incorporating carbon with the silicates weakened all silicate features, but the silica bands were more resistant to being diminished, indicating silica may be more detectable in the mid-IR than the serpentines. We show how incorporating darkening agents and porosity provides a more complete explanation of the mid-IR spectral features previously reported on worlds such as Iapetus

    Positive-Buoyancy Rover for Under Ice Mobility

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    A buoyant rover has been developed to traverse the underside of ice-covered lakes and seas. The rover operates at the ice/water interface and permits direct observation and measurement of processes affecting freeze- over and thaw events in lake and marine environments. Operating along the 2- D ice-water interface simplifies many aspects of underwater exploration, especially when compared to submersibles, which have difficulty in station-keeping and precision mobility. The buoyant rover consists of an all aluminum body with two aluminum sawtooth wheels. The two independent body segments are sandwiched between four actuators that permit isolation of wheel movement from movement of the central tether spool. For normal operations, the wheels move while the tether spool feeds out line and the cameras on each segment maintain a user-controlled fixed position. Typically one camera targets the ice/water interface and one camera looks down to the lake floor to identify seep sources. Each wheel can be operated independently for precision turning and adjustments. The rover is controlled by a touch- tablet interface and wireless goggles enable real-time viewing of video streamed from the rover cameras. The buoyant rover was successfully deployed and tested during an October 2012 field campaign to investigate methane trapped in ice in lakes along the North Slope of Alaska

    Sodium chloride on the surface of Europa

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    The potential habitability of Europa’s subsurface ocean depends on its chemical composition, which may be reflected in that of Europa’s geologically young surface. Investigations using Galileo Near-Infrared Mapping Spectrometer data led to the prevailing view that Europa’s endogenous units are rich in sulfate salts. However, recent ground-based infrared observations have suggested that, while regions experiencing sulfur radiolysis may contain sulfate salts, Europa’s more pristine endogenous material may reflect a chloride-dominated composition. Chlorides have no identifying spectral features at infrared wavelengths, but develop distinct visible-wavelength absorptions under irradiation, like that experienced on the surface of Europa. Using spectra obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, we present the detection of a 450-nm absorption indicative of irradiated sodium chloride on the surface. The feature correlates with geologically disrupted chaos terrain, suggesting an interior source. The presence of endogenous sodium chloride on the surface of Europa has important implications for our understanding of its subsurface chemistry

    H_2O_2 within Chaos Terrain on Europa's Leading Hemisphere

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    Hydrogen peroxide is part of an important radiolytic cycle on Europa and may be a critical source of oxidants to the putative subsurface ocean. The surface geographic distribution of hydrogen peroxide may constrain the processes governing its abundance as well as its potential relevance to the subsurface chemistry. However, maps of Europa's hydrogen peroxide beyond hemispherical averages have never been published. Here, we present spatially resolved L-band (3.16–4 μm) observations of Europa's 3.5 μm hydrogen peroxide absorption, which we obtained using the Near InfraRed Spectrograph (NIRSPEC) and the adaptive optics system on the Keck II telescope. Using these data, we map the strength of the 3.5 μm absorption across the surface at a nominal spatial resolution of ~300 km. Though previous disk-integrated data seemed consistent with the laboratory expectation that Europa's hydrogen peroxide exists primarily in its coldest and iciest regions, we find nearly the exact opposite at this finer spatial scale. Instead, we observe the largest hydrogen peroxide absorptions at low latitudes on the leading and anti-Jovian hemispheres, correlated with chaos terrain, and relative depletions toward the cold, icy high latitudes. This distribution may reflect the effects of decreased hydrogen peroxide destruction due to efficient electron scavenging by CO_2 within chaos terrain
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