44 research outputs found

    Correlation of circular differential optical absorption with geometric chirality in plasmonic meta-atoms

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    We report a strong correlation between the calculated broadband circular differential optical absorption (CDOA) and the geometric chirality of plasmonic meta-atoms with two-dimensional chirality. We investigate this correlation using three common gold meta-atom geometries: L-shapes, triangles, and nanorod dimers, over a broad range of geometric parameters. We show that this correlation holds for both contiguous plasmonic meta-atoms and non-contiguous structures which support plasmonic coupling effects. A potential application for this correlation is the rapid optimization of plasmonic nanostructure for maximum broadband CDOA

    Chemical bath deposition of semiconductor thin films & nanostructures in novel microreactors

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    Chemical bath deposition (CBD) offers a simple and inexpensive route to deposit semiconductor nanostructures and thin fims, but lack of fundamental understanding and control of the underlying chemistry has limited its versatility. CBD is traditionally performed in a batch reactor, requiring only a substrate to be immersed in a supersaturated solution of aqueous precursors such as metal salts, complexing agents, and pH buffers. Highlights of CBD include low cost, operation at low temperature and atmospheric pressure, and scalability to large area substrates.In this dissertation, I explore CBD of semiconductor thin films and nanowire arrays in batch and continuous ow microreactors. Microreactors offer many advantages over traditional reactor designs including a reduction in mass transport limitations, precise temperature control and ease of production scale-up by \numbering up". Continuous ow micoreactors other the unique advantage of providing reaction conditions that are time-invariant but change smoothly as a function of distance down the reaction channel. Growth from a bath whose composition changes along the reactor length results in deposited materials whose properties vary as a function of position on the substrate, essentially creating a combinatorial library. These substrates can be rapidly characterized to identify relationships between growth conditions and material properties or growth mechanisms.I have used CBD in a continuous ow microreactor to deposit ZnO nanowire arrays and CdZnS films whose optoelectronic properties vary as a function of position. The spatially-dependent opto-electronic properties of these materials have been correlated to changes in the composition, structure or growth mechanisms of the materials and ultimately their growth conditions by rigorous spatial characterization. CBD in a continuous ow microreactor, coupled with spatial characterization, provides a new route to understanding the connection between CBD growth conditions and the resulting optoelectronic properties of the film.The high surface-to-volume ratio of a microreactor also lends itself to in situ characterization studies. I demonstrated the first in situ x-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (XAFS) study of CBD. The high sensitivity and ability to characterize liquid, amorphous and crystalline materials simultaneously make in situ XAFS spectroscopy an ideal tool to study the CBD of inorganic nanomaterials.Ph.D., Chemical and Biological Engineering -- Drexel University, 201

    Resonant Plasmonic–Biomolecular Chiral Interactions in the Far-Ultraviolet: Enantiomeric Discrimination of sub-10 nm Amino Acid Films

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    Resonant plasmonic–molecular chiral interactions are a promising route to enhanced biosensing. However, biomolecular optical activity primarily exists in the far-ultraviolet regime, posing significant challenges for spectral overlap with current nano-optical platforms. We demonstrate experimentally and computationally the enhanced chiral sensing of a resonant plasmonic–biomolecular system operating in the far-UV. We develop a full-wave model of biomolecular films on Al gammadion arrays using experimentally derived chirality parameters. Our calculations show that detectable enhancements in the chiroptical signals from small amounts of biomolecules are possible only when tight spectral overlap exists between the plasmonic and biomolecular chiral responses. We support this conclusion experimentally by using Al gammadion arrays to enantiomerically discriminate ultrathin (\u3c10 nm thick) films of tyrosine. Notably, the chiroptical signals of the bare films were within instrumental noise. Our results demonstrate the importance of using far-UV active metasurfaces for enhancing natural optical activity

    Complex chiral colloids and surfaces via high-index off-cut silicon

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    Silicon wafers are commonly etched in potassium hydroxide solutions to form highly symmetric surface structures. These arise when slow-etching {111} atomic planes are exposed on standard low-index surfaces. However, the ability of nonstandard high-index wafers to provide more complex structures by tilting the {111} planes has not been fully appreciated. We demonstrate the power of this approach by creating chiral surface structures and nanoparticles of a specific handedness from gold. When the nanoparticles are dispersed in liquids, gold colloids exhibiting record molar circular dichroism (>5 × 10 9 M-1 cm-1) at red wavelengths are obtained. The nanoparticles also present chiral pockets for binding. © 2014 American Chemical Society.This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation under Award Number 200021-146747 and the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship Program by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe

    Evidence for faster etching at the mask-substrate interface: atomistic simulation of complex cavities at the micron-/submicron-scale by the continuous cellular automaton

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    We combine experiments and simulations to study the acceleration of anisotropic etching of crystalline silicon at the mask-substrate interface, as a function of the coordination number of the substrate atoms located at the junction between obtuse-angled {1 1 1} facets and the mask layer. Atomistic simulations based on the use of the continuous cellular automaton (CCA) conclude that the interface atoms react faster with the etchant, thus initiating a step flow process that results in increased etch rates for the obtuse facets. By generating a wide range of complex cavities on high-index silicon wafers with a single-side, single-step etching, the comparison of the experimental and simulated results strongly indicates that the CCA method is suitable for accurately describing not only the development of micron-scaled structures but also, for the first time, the formation of submicron shapes. The study also describes the acceleration of obtuse facets formed through double-side etching, obtaining results in good agreement with previous experiments.This work was supported by the Ramón y Cajal Fellowship Program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (M A Gosálvez), the Swiss National Science Foundation (Award Number 200021-146747), the JAE-Doc grant from the ’Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios’ program co-funded by FSE (N Ferrando), and the Professor Partnership Program by NVIDIA Corporation.Peer reviewe

    Fabrication of smooth patterned structures of refractory metals, semiconductors, and oxides via template stripping

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    The template-stripping method can yield smooth patterned films without surface contamination. However, the process is typically limited to coinage metals such as silver and gold because other materials cannot be readily stripped from silicon templates due to strong adhesion. Herein, we report a more general template-stripping method that is applicable to a larger variety of materials, including refractory metals, semiconductors, and oxides. To address the adhesion issue, we introduce a thin gold layer between the template and the deposited materials. After peeling off the combined film from the template, the gold layer can be selectively removed via wet etching to reveal a smooth patterned structure of the desired material. Further, we demonstrate template-stripped multilayer structures that have potential applications for photovoltaics and solar absorbers. An entire patterned device, which can include a transparent conductor, semiconductor absorber, and back contact, can be fabricated. Since our approach can also produce many copies of the patterned structure with high fidelity by reusing the template, a low-cost and high-throughput process in micro- and nanofabrication is provided that is useful for electronics, plasmonics, and nanophotonics.ISSN:1944-8244ISSN:1944-825