63 research outputs found

    Cluster analysis of wind turbine alarms for characterising and classifying stoppages

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    Turbine alarm systems can give useful information to remote technicians on the cause of a fault or stoppage. However, alarms are generally generated at much too high a rate to gain meaningful insight from on their own, so generally require extensive domain knowledge to interpret. By grouping together commonly occurring alarm sequences, the burden of analysis can be reduced. Instead of analysing many individual alarms that occur during a stoppage, the stoppage can be linked to a commonly occurring sequence of alarms. Hence, maintenance technicians can be given information about the shared characteristics or root causes of stoppages where that particular alarm sequence appeared in the past. This research presents a methodology to identify relevant alarms from specific turbine assemblies and group together similar alarm sequences as they appear during stoppages. Batches of sequences associated with 456 different stoppages are created, and features are extracted from these batches representing the order the alarms appeared in. The batches are grouped together using clustering techniques, and evaluated using silhouette analysis and manual inspection. Results show that almost half of all stoppages can be attributed to one of 15 different clusters of alarm sequences

    Automatically identifying and predicting unplanned wind turbine stoppages using SCADA and alarms system data: case study and results

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    Using 10-minute wind turbine SCADA data for fault prediction offers an attractive way of gaining additional prognostic capabilities without needing to invest in extra hardware. To use these data-driven methods effectively, the historical SCADA data must be labelled with the periods when the turbine was in faulty operation as well the sub-system the fault was attributed to. Manually identifying faults using maintenance logs can be effective, but is also highly time consuming and tedious due to the disparate nature of these logs across manufacturers, operators and even individual maintenance events. Turbine alarm systems can help to identify these periods, but the sheer volume of alarms and false positives generated makes analysing them on an individual basis ineffective. In this work, we present a new method for automatically identifying historical stoppages on the turbine using SCADA and alarms data. Each stoppage is associated with either a fault in one of the turbine's sub-systems, a routine maintenance activity, a grid-related event or a number of other categories. This is then checked against maintenance logs for accuracy and the labelled data fed into a classifier for predicting when these stoppages will occur. Results show that the automated labelling process correctly identifies each type of stoppage, and can be effectively used for SCADA-based prediction of turbine fault

    Diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults from SCADA data using support vector machines

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    Unscheduled or reactive maintenance on wind turbines due to component failure incurs significant downtime and, in turn, loss of revenue. To this end, it is important to be able to perform maintenance before it's needed. To date, a strong effort has been applied to developing Condition Monitoring Systems (CMSs) which rely on retrofitting expensive vibration or oil analysis sensors to the turbine. Instead, by performing complex analysis of existing data from the turbine's Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, valuable insights into turbine performance can be obtained at a much lower cost. In this paper, fault and alarm data from a turbine on the Southern coast of Ireland is analysed to identify periods of nominal and faulty operation. Classification techniques are then applied to detect and diagnose faults by taking into account other SCADA data such as temperature, pitch and rotor data. This is then extended to allow prediction and diagnosis in advance of specific faults. Results are provided which show recall scores generally above 80\% for fault detection and diagnosis, and prediction up to 24 hours in advance of specific faults, representing significant improvement over previous techniques

    Biosecurity on poultry farms from on-farm fluidized bed combustion and energy recovery from poultry litter

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    peer-reviewedThe spreading of poultry litter in recent years has led to a serious increase in levels of eutrophication, nitrate leaching, high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), ammonia toxicity, high chlorine concentrations and pathogen contamination. The review presented here details the optimum standards that should be met when storing litter for On-Farm Fluidized Bed Combustion. Storage conditions are paramount to a fuel combusting to its highest possible potential. Safety measures such as the prevention of leaching and spontaneous combustion must be adhered to, so too should the prevention and containment of possible diseases and pathogens to minimize the effects of contamination

    Issues with data quality for wind turbine condition monitoring and reliability analyses

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    In order to remain competitive, wind turbines must be reliable machines with efficient and effective maintenance strategies. However, thus far, wind turbine reliability information has been closely guarded by the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), and turbine reliability studies often rely on data that are not always in a usable or consistent format. In addition, issues with turbine maintenance logs and alarm system data can make it hard to identify historical periods of faulty operation. This means that building new and effective data-driven condition monitoring techniques and methods can be challenging, especially those that rely on supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system data. Such data are rarely standardised, resulting in challenges for researchers in contextualising these data. This work aims to summarise some of the issues seen in previous studies, highlighting the common problems seen by researchers working in the areas of condition monitoring and reliability analysis. Standards and policy initiatives that aim to alleviate some of these problems are given, and a summary of their recommendations is presented. The main finding from this work is that industry would benefit hugely from unified standards for turbine taxonomies, alarm codes, SCADA operational data and maintenance and fault reporting

    The suitability of machine learning to minimise uncertainty in the measurement and verification of energy savings

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    Accurate energy modelling is a critical step in the measurement and verification (M&V) of energy savings, as a model for consumption in the baseline period is required. Machine learning (ML) algorithms offer an alternative approach to train these models with data-driven techniques. Industrial buildings offer the most challenging environment for the completion of M&V due to their complex energy systems. This paper investigates the novel use of ML algorithms for M&V of energy savings in industrial buildings. This approach enables the extension of the traditional project boundary also. The ML techniques applied consist of bi-variable and multi-variable ordinary least squares regression, decision trees, k-nearest neighbours, artificial neural networks and support vector machines. The prediction performances of the models are validated in the context of a biomedical manufacturing facility to find the optimal model parameters. Results show that models constructed using ML algorithms are more accurate than the conventional approach. A 51.09% reduction in error was achieved using the optimal model algorithm and parameters. The use of a higher measurement frequency reduced the spread of error across the six models. However, further analysis proved the use of more granular data did not always benefit model performance. Results of the sensitivity analysis showed the proposed ML approach to be beneficial in circumstances where missing baseline data limits the model training period length

    From M&V to M&T: An artificial intelligence-based framework for real-time performance verification of demand-side energy savings

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    The European Union's Energy Efficiency Directive is placing an increased focus on the measurement and verification (M&V) of demand side energy savings. The objective of M&V is to quantify energy savings with minimum uncertainty. M&V is currently undergoing a transition to practices, known as M&V 2.0, that employ automated advanced analytics to verify performance. This offers the opportunity to effectively manage the transition from short-term M&V to long-term monitoring and targeting (M&T) in industrial facilities. The original contribution of this paper consists of a novel, robust and technology agnostic framework that not only satisfies the requirements of M&V 2.0, but also bridges the gap between M&V and M&T by ensuring persistence of savings. The approach features a unique machine learning-based energy modelling methodology, model deployment and an exception reporting system that ensures early identification of performance degradation. A case study demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach. Savings from a real-world project are found to be 177,962 +/- 12,334 kWh with a 90% confidence interval. The uncertainty associated with the savings is 8.6% of the allowable uncertainty, thus highlighting the viability of the framework as a reliable and effective tool

    A robust prescriptive framework and performance metric for diagnosing and predicting wind turbine faults based on SCADA and alarms data with case study

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    Using 10-minute wind turbine supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system data to predict faults can be an attractive way of working toward a predictive maintenance strategy without needing to invest in extra hardware. Classification methods have been shown to be effective in this regard, but there have been some common issues in their application within the literature. To use these data-driven methods effectively, historical SCADA data must be accurately labelled with the periods when turbines were down due to faults, as well as with the reason for the fault. This can be manually achieved using maintenance logs, but can be highly tedious and time-consuming due to the often unstructured format in which this information is stored. Alarm systems can also help, but the sheer volume of alarms and false positives generated complicate efforts. Furthermore, a way to implement and evaluate the field deployed system beyond simple classification metrics is needed. In this work, we present a prescribed and reproducible framework for: (i) automatically identifying periods of faulty operation using rules applied to the turbine alarm system; (ii) using this information to perform classification which avoids some of the common pitfalls observed in literature; and (iii) generating alerts based on a sliding window metric to evaluate the performance of the system in a real-world scenario. The framework was applied to a dataset from an operating wind farm and the results show that the system can automatically and accurately label historical stoppages from the alarms data. For fault prediction, classification scores are quite low, with precision of 0.16 and recall of 0.49, but it is envisaged that this can be greatly improved with more training data. Nonetheless, the sliding window metric compensates for the low raw classification scores and shows that 71% of faults can be predicted with an average of 30 h notice, with false alarms being active for 122 h of the year. By adjusting some of the parameters of the fault prediction alerts, the duration of false alarms can be drastically reduced to 2 h, but this also reduces the number of predicted faults to 8%

    Stromal senescence establishes an immunosuppressive microenvironment that drives tumorigenesis

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    Age is a significant risk factor for the development of cancer. However, the mechanisms that drive age-related increases in cancer remain poorly understood. To determine if senescent stromal cells influence tumorigenesis, we develop a mouse model that mimics the aged skin microenvironment. Using this model, here we find that senescent stromal cells are sufficient to drive localized increases in suppressive myeloid cells that contributed to tumour promotion. Further, we find that the stromal-derived senescence-associated secretory phenotype factor interleukin-6 orchestrates both increases in suppressive myeloid cells and their ability to inhibit anti-tumour T-cell responses. Significantly, in aged, cancer-free individuals, we find similar increases in immune cells that also localize near senescent stromal cells. This work provides evidence that the accumulation of senescent stromal cells is sufficient to establish a tumour-permissive, chronic inflammatory microenvironment that can shelter incipient tumour cells, thus allowing them to proliferate and progress unabated by the immune system