80 research outputs found

    The evolving mission of modern zoos and aquariums: An internal appraisal

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    Behavioral Response to a Novel “X” Shape Target Stimuli in a Harbor Seal

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    The objective of this study was to provide an environmental enrichment device (shape target) to determine if it improved the Harbor Seal’s visibility in the underwater viewing windows when housed at the Blank Park Zoo. One male harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) 3-years of age weighing 39 kg was used. Testing occurred Saturday through Tuesday over 6 consecutive weeks between 1300 and 1330 h. Live observations were collected continuously by one observer. Latency, frequency, and duration were measured. All data is presented descriptively. During baseline the Seal had no interest in the window. Upon presenting the “X” target, he approached quickly and interacted well. However by week 5, the seal’s interest to approach took longer but once the seal targeted he spent more time interacting with the device. Within the context of this study, the use of novel target enrichment for the seal showed promise in causing the seal to be more active towards the target and he was more visible in the underwater viewing windows

    Highly sensitive quantitative PCR for the detection and differentiation of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and other Pseudogymnoascus species

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    White-nose syndrome is a fungal disease that has decimated bat populations across eastern North America. Identification of the etiologic agent, Pseudogymnoascus destructans (formerly Geomyces destructans), in environmental samples is essential to proposed management plans. A major challenge is the presence of closely related species, which are ubiquitous in many soils and cave sediments and often present in high abundance. We present a dual-probe real-time quantitative PCR assay capable of detecting and differentiating P. destructans from closely related fungi in environmental samples from North America. The assay, based on a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) specific to P. destructans, is capable of rapid low-level detection from various sampling media, including sediment, fecal samples, wing biopsy specimens, and skin swabs. This method is a highly sensitive, high-throughput method for identifying P. destructans, other Pseudogymnoascus spp., and Geomyces spp. in the environment, providing a fundamental component of research and risk assessment for addressing this disease, as well as other ecological and mycological work on related fungi

    Retrospective evaluation of thoracic computed tomography findings in dogs naturally infected by Angiostrongylus vasorum

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    Angiostrongylus vasorum (A. vasorum) is an important emerging disease of canidae. Cardiorespiratory signs are common in affected dogs, therefore thoracic imaging is critical for diagnosing andmonitoring disease. Descriptions of thoracic computed tomography (CT) findings in dogs naturallyinfected with A. vasorum are currently lacking. Aims of this multicenter, retrospective study were to describe thoracic CT findings in a group of dogs with confirmed disease, determine whether any changes were consistent among dogs, and propose standardized terms for describing thoracic CT findings. Nine UK-based referral centers’ clinical and imaging databases were searched for dogs that had a confirmed diagnosis of A. vasorum, and had undergone thoracic CT examination. Eighteen dogs, from seven of the centers, fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The lung lobes were divided into the following three zones and the CT changes described in each: pleural (zone 1), subpleural (zone 2), and peribronchovascular (zone 3). The predominent abnormality was increased lung attenuation due to poorly defined ground-glass opacity or consolidation. There were regions of mosaic attenuation due to peripheral bronchiectasis. Nine/18 (50%) dogs showed hyperattenuating nodules of varying sizes with ill-defined margins. The distribution always affected zones 1and 2 with varied involvement of zone 3; this resulted in clear delineation between zones 2 and 3.Tracheobronchial lymphadenomegaly was frequently noted. Findings were nonspecific and there was considerable overlap with other pulmonary conditions. However, authors recommend that A. vasorum be considered a likely differential diagnosis for dogs with a predominantly peripheral distribution of lung changes

    Changes in depressive symptoms, perceived stres, and food security among study participants with metabolic syndrome during a COVID-19-mandated research pause

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    Introduction: This study explored how food security, perceived stress and mental health of persons with metabolic syndrome (MetS) changed in the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: An online survey was administered to persons enrolled in a 2-year lifestyle intervention trial to reverse metabolic syndrome at baseline; the survey was repeated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Outcomes were a change in depressive symptoms, perceived stress, and food security as measured by the Patient Health Questionnaire-8, Cohen Stress Scale, and USDA 10-item Food Security Screener. Changes in outcomes were analyzed with measures of association, paired t-test, repeated measures and independent t-test. Results: Participants (n = 132; MetS diagnosis) were mostly female (67%), White (70%), middle-aged, well-educated, with median income of $86,000. Perceived stress was significantly higher at baseline than follow-up (18.5 ± 6.4 vs. 14.9 ± 7.2; P Conclusion: A high-risk sample for COVID-19 did not experience increased stress or food insecurity, but demonstrated increased depressive symptoms after the onset of COVID-19 pandemic, with some baseline susceptibility noted

    First isolation and characterization of Brucella microti from wild boar

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    Background: Brucella microti was first isolated from common vole ( Microtus arvalis ) in the Czech Republic in Central Europe in 2007. As B. microti is the only Brucella species known to live in soil, its distribution, ecology, zoonotic potential, and genomic organization is of particular interest. The present paper is the first to report the isolation of B. microti from a wild boar ( Sus scrofa ), which is also the first isolation of this bacterial species in Hungary. Results: The B. microti isolate was cultured, after enrichment in Brucella -selective broth, from the submandibular lymph node of a female wild boar that was taken by hunters in Hungary near the Austrian border in September 2014. Histological and immunohistological examinations of the lymph node sections with B. abortus- , B. suis- and B. canis -specific sera gave negative results. The isolate did not require CO 2 for growth, was oxidase, catalase, and urease positive, H 2 S negative, grew well in the presence of 20 μ g/ml basic fuchsin and thionin, and had brownish pigmentation after three days of incubation. It gave strong positive agglutination with anti-A and anti-M but had a negative reaction with anti-R monospecific sera. The API 20 NE test identified it as Ochrobactrum anthropi with 99.9 % identity, and it showed B. microti -specific banding pattern in the Bruce- and Suis-ladder multiplex PCR systems. Whole genome re-sequencing id entified 30 SNPs in orthologous loci when compared to the B. microti reference genome available in GenBank, and the ML VA analysis yielded a unique profile. Conclusions: Given that the female wild boar did not develop any clinical disease, we hypothesize that this host species only harboured the bacterium, serving as a possible reservoir capable of maintaining and spreading this pathogen. The infectious source could have been either a rodent, a carcass that had been eaten or infection occurred via the boar rooting in soil. The low number of discovered SNPs suggests an unexpectedly high level of genetic homogeneity in this Brucella species. Keywords: Biochemistry, Brucella microti , Immunohistochemistry, MLVA, Morphology, Wild boar, Whole genome sequencing, Hungary

    A decade of plague in Mahajanga, Madagascar: insights into the global maritime spread of pandemic plague

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    A cluster of human plague cases occurred in the seaport city of Mahajanga, Madagascar, from 1991 to 1999 following 62 years with no evidence of plague, which offered insights into plague pathogen dynamics in an urban environment. We analyzed a set of 44 Mahajanga isolates from this 9-year outbreak, as well as an additional 218 Malagasy isolates from the highland foci. We sequenced the genomes of four Mahajanga strains, performed whole-genome sequence single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery on those strains, screened the discovered SNPs, and performed a high-resolution 43-locus multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis of the isolate panel. Twenty-two new SNPs were identified and defined a new phylogenetic lineage among the Malagasy isolates. Phylogeographic analysis suggests that the Mahajanga lineage likely originated in the Ambositra district in the highlands, spread throughout the northern central highlands, and was then introduced into and became transiently established in Mahajanga. Although multiple transfers between the central highlands and Mahajanga occurred, there was a locally differentiating and dominant subpopulation that was primarily responsible for the 1991-to-1999 Mahajanga outbreaks. Phylotemporal analysis of this Mahajanga subpopulation revealed a cycling pattern of diversity generation and loss that occurred during and after each outbreak. This pattern is consistent with severe interseasonal genetic bottlenecks along with large seasonal population expansions. The ultimate extinction of plague pathogens in Mahajanga suggests that, in this environment, the plague pathogen niche is tenuous at best. However, the temporary large pathogen population expansion provides the means for plague pathogens to disperse and become ecologically established in more suitable nonurban environments. Maritime spread of plague led to the global dissemination of this disease and affected the course of human history. Multiple historical plague waves resulted in massive human mortalities in three classical plague pandemics: Justinian (6th and 7th centuries), Middle Ages (14th to 17th centuries), and third (mid-1800s to the present). Key to these events was the pathogen’s entry into new lands by “plague ships” via seaport cities. Although initial disease outbreaks in ports were common, they were almost never sustained for long and plague pathogens survived only if they could become established in ecologically suitable habitats. Although plague pathogens’ ability to invade port cities has been essential for intercontinental spread, these regions have not proven to be a suitable long-term niche. The disease dynamics in port cities such as Mahajanga are thus critical to plague pathogen amplification and dispersal into new suitable ecological niches for the observed global long-term maintenance of plague pathogens

    Genomics reveals historic and contemporary transmission dynamics of a bacterial disease among wildlife and livestock

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    Whole-genome sequencing has provided fundamental insights into infectious disease epidemiology, but has rarely been used for examining transmission dynamics of a bacterial pathogen in wildlife. In the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), outbreaks of brucellosis have increased in cattle along with rising seroprevalence in elk. Here we use a genomic approach to examine Brucella abortus evolution, cross-species transmission and spatial spread in the GYE. We find that brucellosis was introduced into wildlife in this region at least five times. The diffusion rate varies among Brucella lineages (∼3 to 8 km per year) and over time. We also estimate 12 host transitions from bison to elk, and 5 from elk to bison. Our results support the notion that free-ranging elk are currently a self-sustaining brucellosis reservoir and the source of livestock infections, and that control measures in bison are unlikely to affect the dynamics of unrelated strains circulating in nearby elk populations

    Genomics of Brucellosis in Wildlife and Livestock of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

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    Brucellosis, a disease caused by the bacterium Brucella abortus, has recently been expanding its distribution in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (GYE), with increased outbreaks in cattle and rising seroprevalence in elk (Cervus elaphus) over the past decade. Genetic studies suggest elk are a primary source of recent transmission to cattle. However, these studies are based on Variable Number Tandem Repeat (VNTR) data, which are limited in assessing and quantifying transmission among species. The goal of this study was to (i) investigate the introduction history of B. abortus in the GYE, (ii) identify B. abortus lineages associated with host species and/or geographic localities, and (iii) quantify transmission across wildlife and livestock host species and populations. We sequenced B. abortus whole genomes (n= 207) derived from isolates collected from three host species (bison, elk, cattle) over the past 30 years, throughout the GYE. We identified genetic variation among isolates, and applied a spatial diffusion phylogeographic modeling approach that incorporated temporal information from sampling. Based on these data, our results suggest four divergent Brucella lineages, with a time to most recent common ancestor of ~130 years ago, possibly representing a minimum of four brucellosis introductions into the GYE. Two Brucella lineages were generally clustered by geography. Evidence for cross-species transmission was detected among all species, though most events occur within species and herds. Understanding transmission dynamics is imperative for implementing effective control measures and may assist in identifying source populations responsible for past and future brucellosis infections in wildlife and outbreaks in livestock