526 research outputs found

    Cerebral perfusion simulation using realistically generated synthetic trees for healthy and stroke patients

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    Background and objective Cerebral vascular diseases are among the most burdensome diseases faced by society. However, investigating the pathophysiology of diseases as well as developing future treatments still relies heavily on expensive in-vivo and in-vitro studies. The generation of realistic, patient-specific models of the cerebrovascular system capable of simulating hemodynamics and perfusion promises the ability to simulate diseased states, therefore accelerating development cycles using in silico studies and opening opportunities for the individual assessment of diseased states, treatment planning, and the prediction of outcomes. By providing a patient-specific, anatomically detailed and validated model of the human cerebral vascular system, we aim to provide the basis for future in silico investigations of the cerebral physiology and pathology. Methods In this retrospective study, a processing pipeline for patient-specific quantification of cerebral perfusion was developed and applied to healthy individuals and a stroke patient. Major arteries are segmented from 3T MR angiography data. A synthetic tree generation algorithm titled tissue-growth based optimization (GBO) is used to extend vascular trees beyond the imaging resolution. To investigate the anatomical accuracy of the generated trees, morphological parameters are compared against those of 7 T MRI, 9.4 T MRI, and dissection data. Using the generated vessel model, hemodynamics and perfusion are simulated by solving one-dimensional blood flow equations combined with Darcy flow equations. Results Morphological data of three healthy individuals (mean age 47 years ± 15.9 [SD], 2 female) was analyzed. Bifurcation and physiological characteristics of the synthetically generated vessels are comparable to those of dissection data. The inability of MRI based segmentation to resolve small branches and the small volume investigated cause a mismatch in the comparison to MRI data. Cerebral perfusion was estimated for healthy individuals and a stroke patient. The simulated perfusion is compared against Arterial-Spin-Labeling MRI perfusion data. Good qualitative agreement is found between simulated and measured cerebral blood flow (CBF). Ischemic regions are predicted well, however ischemia severity is overestimated. Conclusions GBO successfully generates detailed cerebral vascular models with realistic morphological parameters. Simulations based on the resulting networks predict perfusion territories and ischemic regions successfully

    Bottom-Up and Top-Down Approaches for MgO

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    In this chapter, we present an overview of synthesis of MgO nanoparticles and thin films by using top-down and bottom-up approaches. The bottom-up approaches are generally utilized to grow nanoparticles by the methods that involve chemical reactions. Sometimes, methods based on these reactions are also able to grow thin films. The top-down approaches are preferred for growing thin films where bulk material is used for depositions. The methods, which are frequently used, are radio frequency sputtering, pulsed lased deposition, and molecular beam epitaxy and e-beam evaporation. Sometimes, methods like mechanical milling and high energy ball milling are used to grow nanoparticles

    Učinci gama-zračenja na folikule jajnika

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    In order to observe the morphological and endocrinological changes of the rat and mouse ovarian follicles by gamma-radiation, rats were whole-body irradiated with doses of 3.2 Gy and 8.0 Gy and mice with 2.9 Gy and 7.2 Gy. Sections of ovaria were examined by light microscopy. Concentrations of progesterone, testosterone, and estradiol in ovarian homogenate were determined by radioimmunoassay techniques. Gamma-radiation resulted in the increased percentage of atretic follicles in the groups killed on day 0, day 4, and day 8 after irradiation. The decrease in granulosa cell viability was found in animals killed on day 4 after irradiation. The finding of the high ratio of testosterone to estradiol compared to that of progesterone to testosterone suggests that aromatase activity — steroid biosynthesis from testosterone to estradiol — in granulosa cell could be affected by gamma-radiation.U radu su procjenjivane strukture i endokrinološke promjene u folikulima jajnika štakorica i mišica izazvane gama-zračenjem. Štakorice su bile izložene zračenju od 3,2 Gy ili 8,0 Gy, a mišice od 2,9 Gy ili 7,2 Gy. Životinje su usmrćene dana 0, dana 4, odnosno dana 8 nakon ozračenja. Rezovi debljine 7 µm pripremljeni su za mikroskopiranje. Koncentracije progesterona, testosterona i estradiola u homogenatu jajnika određene su specifičnim radioimunoesejem. Gama-zračenje uzrokovalo je povećanje broja atretičnih folikula u obje skupine životinja usmrćenih 4 odnosno 8 dana nakon ozračivanja. Gama-zračenje također je smanjilo životni vijek granuloza stanica u skupinama usmrćenim 4. dan nakon ozračivanja. Utvrđeno povećanje omjera testosterona prema estradiolu u usporedbi s omjerom progesterona prema testosteronu upućuje na to da gama-zračenje utječe na aktivnost aromataze u steroidnoj biosintezi testosterona u estradiol u granuloza stanicama