10 research outputs found

    Using Surface Strategy Taxonomy (SST) in Analyzing Students’ Errors in Conducting Recount Paragraph

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    Writing is considered as one of the most complicated skill in English that leads students to do some errors in conducting particular paragraph. This research was conducted to analyze students’ error in writing recount paragraph. A Theory on Surface Strategy Taxonomy (SST) which is proposed by Dulay, Burt, and Krashen (1982) was used to analyze the students’ work. There were 4 types of errors had been classified according to the theory, namely: omission, addition, malformation, and disordering. A qualitative design was administered in conducting this research. Meanwhile, as the data, a 200-to-250-word recount paragraph had written by each of 30 female students of the tenth grade of a Senior High School in Aceh. The findings showed that the most errors made by the students was in the form of disordering for 29,4%; errors in omission for 27,5%; errors in  addition for 21,8%; and errors in malformation for 21,3%. As the conclusion, although errors in writing recount paragraph was something possible to be made by EFL students, to decrease them, the teachers or instructors should facilitate and  expedite EFL classroom with more appropriate and various ways of recount text material learning process.


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    For English teaching practice, it is important to deliberate productive talks that spur students’ comprehension, creativity, and problem solving ability. This research aimed at finding out the spoken discourse based on six phases of macrostructure in English classrooms. In this study, the writers employed observation guide sheets to collect the data and it was employed to 2 English teachers in Aceh Besar. The guide was developed based on Van Dijk (1980) on macrostructure in discourse society. The theory was adopted and adjusted based on the classroom spoken discourse. The data were analyzed using the interactive model analysis by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). The steps were data condensation, data display, and data verification by using a percentage formula. The findings indicate that two teachers conducted the process of teaching and learning activities according to the lesson plans that they had previously designed. Even though both of them had different teaching strategies, but the lesson plans had a complete structure with 6 steps in macro-phases

    Pre-Service English Teachers’ Perception towards Online Assessment Method

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    This study aims to figure out pre-service English teachers’ perception towards online testing system. In this study, the writers employed questionnaire to collect the data, and it was distributed to a total of 82 English Department students in Banda Aceh and Langsa City, Aceh. The questionnaire was developed based on a relevant previous study’s questionnaire, and in this study, the questionnaire itself was conducted in Google form consisted of 13 questions that asked about the university students’ perception about online test. Then all obtained data were analyzed by using percentage formula. The findings indicate that63% or 55 respondents have positive perception toward online assessment. On the other hand, the negative perception goes to the other 37% or 27 respondents.     

    “[eɪ], [oʊ], [aɪ]”: A Quantitative Study on High School Students’ Errors in Pronouncing English Diphthong

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    The objective of this study was to find out the errors made by students in pronouncing diphthong “eɪ, oʊ, aɪ”. This study used a quantitative approach. To obtain valid data, the researchers administered a test that was carried out to 30 students as the sample taken from IX IPA 1 of SMA Negeri 4 Langsa. Based on the research, the data showed that one student made errors 6 times and got score 50, three students made errors 5 times and got score 58. Seven students made errors 4 times and got score 67, four students made errors 3 times and got score 75. Eight students made errors 2 times and got score 83. Six students made errors 1 time and got score 92. There was only one student who made no errors and got score 100. The cause of errors in pronouncing English diphthongs was revealed to be affected by interference of the mother tongue which is popular as the basic principle of contrastive analysis. The coming pre-service teachers were able to devise appropriate lesson plan in diphthong pronunciation teaching. In addition, it is also hoped that they can construct the suitable material for various levels and needs of learners


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    This study aims to develop a questionnaire as the valid and reliable instrument to measure the students’ self-efficacy and motivation in learning English. The development process in this study was based on the theory of the two main constructs (self-efficacy and motivation). The writers employ cognitive interview to create some adjustment and/or adaptation to fit the Indonesian learning and process context, and pilot tested to a group of students. The product of this study is a ready-to-use questionnaire that is considered appropriate in Indonesian context. Further research is suggested to check the validity and reliability of thisinstrument in other contexts

    Am I getting my point across? Microstructure of English classroom discourses by Acehnese teachers

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    For English teaching practice, productive talks that spur students’ comprehension, creativity, and problem-solving ability are vital. This research aimed at finding out the spoken discourse based on six phases of microstructure in English classrooms. The data were obtained recordings and observations of two English teachers, chosen through purposive sampling, from Islamic senior high schools in Aceh. The data were concerned with the lexical density or the ratio of content to grammatical or function words within a clause. They were analyzed through thematic analysis which consists of five steps: data familiarization, code generation, theme search, themes revision, and theme definition. It was found that the total lexical density obtained by the first teacher in Class A was 63.66% and in class, B was 66.52%, while the second teacher in Class A was 71. 74% and in Class B was 68.12%. The second teacher 2 in Class A had a higher lexical density than the first teacher even though both of them are considered to produce a high lexical density of around 60-70%. The formality of spoken discourse of the two teachers shows that the first teacher produced 172.5 while the second teacher produced 184. It means that the second teacher's spoken discourse was more formal than the first teacher’s discourse. To analyze the utterances of teachers and to find the density of language used in the classrooms during the teaching and learning process is important because they implicitly inform whether the language used is understandable for the students or not

    “Don't sweep the floor!” Verbal and nonverbal taboo in Nagan Raya, Aceh

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    In daily life, individuals occasionally use language to connect with other individuals, and they have their specific manner to pick the language variety which can affirm their character. This language can be in the form of verbal and nonverbal language. This research aimed at finding out the types of verbal and non-verbal taboo, along with the mythical and factual reasons underlying their usage. The method used was qualitatively based. The data collection was done through several interviews with the participants who are the native speakers of Acehnese in Nagan Raya. Later on, the data were recorded using an android device and in the analysis, the three-step analysis was employed. The process was data reduction, data display, and data verification. Then the results show that, first, nine swearing taboo words are occasionally used by the people there. The reason for using these words is generally to express anger and disappointment. Second, concerning the non-verbal taboo, there were 10 data obtained concerning non-verbal taboo, and the reason behind using these nonverbal taboo is to threat the youth to get them obedient so that they can carry out the day safely


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    Name : Meta KeumalaStudent No. : 0706102020006Study Program : English Education Thesis Title : The Implementation of Think-Pair -Share in Teaching Reading for Senior High School Students The aim of this study is to describe some given theories and research findings on the use of Think-Pair-Share in teaching reading skill. Reading plays an important role for the success of language teaching and learning. However, many students get difficulties in understanding English texts, especially in finding the main ideas, references, explicit and implicit information. To solve the problems, teacher should implement the compatible strategy in teaching reading. Think-Pair-Share, one of cooperative learning models, is highly recommended in this study. The method of this study is library research where the writer collects data from many literatures such as books, thesis, journals, articles, or magazines those are related to the teaching reading through Think-Pair-Share. The data findings then classifiably compiled and described in qualitative. This study shows that Think-Pair-Share can make students actively participate in learning process and understand the text easier by sharing ideas with friends. The improvement of the students seen in the classroom situations such as; almost all students give more attention to the teacher explanation, give more response toward the teacher's instruction. more motivated and tend to be more active during the learning process. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that Think Pair Share is effective to be applied in the process of teaching and learning reading skill


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    Kedudukan Lembaga Negara yang dibentuk Undang-Undang merupakan lembaga Negara pendukung yang menjalankan tugasnya berdasarkan Undang-Undang, namun dalam sengketa kewenangan lembaga Negara, lembaga Negara tersebut dibatasi oleh Undang-Undang Dasar khususnya Pasal 24 C. Terkait legal standing lembaga Negara yang dibentuk Undang-Undang dapat bersengketa dengan lembaga Negara lainnya sepanjang subjectum litis dan objectum litis memiliki nilai kepentingan konstitusionalnya. Adapun kedudukan Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 8/PMK/2006 sebagai tindak lanjut dari Hukum Acara sengketa kewenangan lembaga Negara yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2003, namun terkait sengketa kewenangan lembaga Negara, lembaga yang dibentuk Undang-Undang masih dibatasi berdasarkan lembaga Negara yang dapat beracara hanya lembaga Negara yang kewenangannya dibentuk oleh Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia Tahun 194