12 research outputs found

    La comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica en la formaci贸n de profesionales

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    Introduction: the main research results of the authors, about the study of pedagogical oral communication and the position that it occupies in the professional training are discussed.Objective: to analyze epistemologically the main theoretical elements defined that are addressed in the national and international literature on the oral pedagogical communication category and its importance in the context of the training of professionals.Method: a descriptive study was carried out from a bibliographic review and from the theoretical point of view the methods used were: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive, which allowed the analysis of concepts on the subject from different approaches.Development: in the work, relevant concepts and theories were systematized that take pedagogical oral communication into account in the communicative process, from the importance of communication as a universal human activity, which presupposes a set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that go beyond the linguistic components to establish and maintain effective communication in the professional field.Conclusion: the incorporation into the study curriculum of Higher Education was sought for their continuous attention; it is essential because it is so necessary for the success of the subjects in the interaction process in the different contexts of professional performance that allow the graduation of better prepared and truly competent professionals.Introducci贸n: se abordan los principales resultados de investigaciones de los autores, acerca del estudio de la comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica y se argumenta la posici贸n que ocupa en la formaci贸n del profesional.Objetivo: analizar聽 epistemol贸gicamente los principales聽 elementos聽 te贸ricos definidos聽 que聽 se聽 abordan聽 en聽 la literatura聽 nacional聽 e聽 internacional sobre聽 la聽 categor铆a聽 comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica y su importancia en el聽 contexto de la formaci贸n de profesionales.M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo a partir de una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica y desde el punto de vista te贸rico se utilizando m茅todos: hist贸rico-l贸gico, an谩lisis-s铆ntesis e inductivo-deductivo, que permitieron el an谩lisis de conceptos sobre el tema desde diversos enfoques.Desarrollo: en el trabajo se sistematizaron conceptos y teor铆as relevantes que tienen en cuenta dentro del proceso comunicativo聽 la comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica, desde la importancia que tiene la comunicaci贸n como actividad humana universal, que presupone un conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades, valores y actitudes que van m谩s all谩 de los componentes ling眉铆sticos para establecer y mantener una comunicaci贸n efectiva en el 谩mbito profesional.Conclusi贸n: se pretendi贸 la incorporaci贸n al curr铆culo de estudio de las carreras de la Educaci贸n Superior para su continua atenci贸n; se hace imprescindible por ser tan necesaria para el 茅xito de los sujetos en el proceso de interacci贸n en los diferentes contextos de actuaci贸n profesional que permitan la graduaci贸n de profesionales mejores preparados y verdaderamente competentes

    Oral pedagogical communication in the training of professionals

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    Introduction: the main research results of the authors, about the study of pedagogical oral communication and the position that it occupies in the professional training are discussed. Objective: to analyze epistemologically the main theoretical elements defined that are addressed in the national and international literature on the oral pedagogical communication category and its importance in the context of the training of professionals. Method: a descriptive study was carried out from a bibliographic review and from the theoretical point of view the methods used were: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive, which allowed the analysis of concepts on the subject from different approaches. Development: in the work, relevant concepts and theories were systematized that take pedagogical oral communication into account in the communicative process, from the importance of communication as a universal human activity, which presupposes a set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that go beyond the linguistic components to establish and maintain effective communication in the professional field. Conclusion: the incorporation into the study curriculum of Higher Education was sought for their continuous attention; it is essential because it is so necessary for the success of the subjects in the interaction process in the different contexts of professional performance that allow the graduation of better prepared and truly competent professionals

    Oral pedagogical communication in the training of professionals

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    Introducci贸n: se abordan los principales resultados de investigaciones de los autores, acerca del estudio de la comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica y se argumenta la posici贸n que ocupa en la formaci贸n del profesional.Objetivo: analizar聽 epistemol贸gicamente los principales聽 elementos聽 te贸ricos definidos聽 que聽 se聽 abordan聽 en聽 la literatura聽 nacional聽 e聽 internacional sobre聽 la聽 categor铆a聽 comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica y su importancia en el聽 contexto de la formaci贸n de profesionales.M茅todo: se realiz贸 un estudio descriptivo a partir de una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica y desde el punto de vista te贸rico se utilizando m茅todos: hist贸rico-l贸gico, an谩lisis-s铆ntesis e inductivo-deductivo, que permitieron el an谩lisis de conceptos sobre el tema desde diversos enfoques.Desarrollo: en el trabajo se sistematizaron conceptos y teor铆as relevantes que tienen en cuenta dentro del proceso comunicativo聽 la comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica, desde la importancia que tiene la comunicaci贸n como actividad humana universal, que presupone un conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades, valores y actitudes que van m谩s all谩 de los componentes ling眉铆sticos para establecer y mantener una comunicaci贸n efectiva en el 谩mbito profesional.Conclusi贸n: se pretendi贸 la incorporaci贸n al curr铆culo de estudio de las carreras de la Educaci贸n Superior para su continua atenci贸n; se hace imprescindible por ser tan necesaria para el 茅xito de los sujetos en el proceso de interacci贸n en los diferentes contextos de actuaci贸n profesional que permitan la graduaci贸n de profesionales mejores preparados y verdaderamente competentes.Introduction: the main research results of the authors, about the study of pedagogical oral communication and the position that it occupies in the professional training are discussed.Objective: to analyze epistemologically the main theoretical elements defined that are addressed in the national and international literature on the oral pedagogical communication category and its importance in the context of the training of professionals.Method: a descriptive study was carried out from a bibliographic review and from the theoretical point of view the methods used were: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive, which allowed the analysis of concepts on the subject from different approaches.Development: in the work, relevant concepts and theories were systematized that take pedagogical oral communication into account in the communicative process, from the importance of communication as a universal human activity, which presupposes a set of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that go beyond the linguistic components to establish and maintain effective communication in the professional field.Conclusion: the incorporation into the study curriculum of Higher Education was sought for their continuous attention; it is essential because it is so necessary for the success of the subjects in the interaction process in the different contexts of professional performance that allow the graduation of better prepared and truly competent professionals

    La comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica como habilidad

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    La comunicaci贸n humana ha sido tratada desde diversas aristas. Como proceso representa una forma de interrelaci贸n humana. En ella se expresa c贸mo los hombres interact煤an y a su vez, constituye una v铆a para la interacci贸n. Como competencia es una forma de transmisi贸n de significados al introducir informaci贸n, ideas, emociones, sentimientos. Como habilidad es trascendental en la formaci贸n y en el funcionamiento de la personalidad. Es importante destacar que el desarrollo de la habilidad, conlleva al incremento de la independencia cognoscitiva de los sujetos, y se ve dentro del proceso comunicativo como contribuci贸n al mismo

    The pedagogical oral communication as an ability

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    Human communication has been treated from several points of view. As a process it represents a form of human interrelation in which it is expressed how human beings interact and at the same time, it is a way for that interaction. As a competence, it is a way to transmit meanings; convey information, ideas, emotions, feelings. As ability it has a great significance in the formation and functioning of personality. It is important to emphasize that the development of the ability leads and increases the cognitive in dependence of the subjects and in the communicative process it has seen as a contribution to the process

    La comunicaci贸n oral pedag贸gica como habilidad

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    Human communication has been treated from several points of view. As a process it represents a form of human interrelation in which it is expressed how human beings interact and at the same time, it is a way for that interaction. As a competence, it is a way to transmit meanings; convey information, ideas, emotions, feelings. As ability it has a great significance in the formation and functioning of personality. It is important to emphasize that the development of the ability leads and increases the cognitive in dependence of the subjects and in the communicative process it has seen as a contribution to the process.La comunicaci贸n humana ha sido tratada desde diversas aristas. Como proceso representa una forma de interrelaci贸n humana. En ella se expresa c贸mo los hombres interact煤an y a su vez, constituye una v铆a para la interacci贸n. Como competencia es una forma de transmisi贸n de significados al introducir informaci贸n, ideas, emociones, sentimientos. Como habilidad es trascendental en la formaci贸n y en el funcionamiento de la personalidad. Es importante destacar que el desarrollo de la habilidad, conlleva al incremento de la independencia cognoscitiva de los sujetos, y se ve dentro del proceso comunicativo como contribuci贸n al mismo

    La lectura: un acercamiento a su evoluci贸n hist贸rica y su conceptualizaci贸n

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    La sociedad necesita crear un hombre reflexivo, que tenga la capacidad de conocer sus propias formas de c贸mo aprender, de cu谩les son sus cambios para llegar al saber. Se plantea que los fines de la educaci贸n est谩n condicionados por los cambios sociales, la ideolog铆a predominante, la concepci贸n filos贸fica de la humanidad. El desarrollo cient铆fico y tecnol贸gico alcanzado a trav茅s de la historia exige de una poblaci贸n con una gran capacidad lectora a fin de desarrollarse exitosamente en diferentes 谩reas. Las personas necesitan niveles de capacidad para leer e interpretar los contenidos cada vez m谩s elevados

    Reading: an approach to its historical evolution and conceptualisation

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    Society needs to create a reflexive man, which has the capacity to know his own ways to learn which changes has to perform to learn. It is known that educational objectives are conditioned by social changes, a dominant ideology and a phylosofical conception of humanity. The scientific and tecnological development demands from people a great reading capacity to develop themselves successfully in diferents areas. People need levels of capacity to read and to understand difficult contents

    La lectura: un acercamiento a su evoluci贸n hist贸rica y su conceptualizaci贸n

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    Society needs to create a reflexive man, which has the capacity to know his own ways to learn which changes has to perform to learn. It is known that educational objectives are conditioned by social changes, a dominant ideology and a phylosofical conception of humanity. The scientific and tecnological development demands from people a great reading capacity to develop themselves successfully in diferents areas. People need levels of capacity to read and to understand difficult contents.La sociedad necesita crear un hombre reflexivo, que tenga la capacidad de conocer sus propias formas de c贸mo aprender, de cu谩les son sus cambios para llegar al saber. Se plantea que los fines de la educaci贸n est谩n condicionados por los cambios sociales, la ideolog铆a predominante, la concepci贸n filos贸fica de la humanidad. El desarrollo cient铆fico y tecnol贸gico alcanzado a trav茅s de la historia exige de una poblaci贸n con una gran capacidad lectora a fin de desarrollarse exitosamente en diferentes 谩reas. Las personas necesitan niveles de capacidad para leer e interpretar los contenidos cada vez m谩s elevados