711 research outputs found

    History and prospect of Muslims in Central America

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    The birth of Islam over fourteen centuries ago was a monumental event in human history with an everlasting effect on humanity. For centuries researchers contemplated on the growth and distribution of Muslims throughout the World. The purpose of this manuscript is to present a reliable estimate of the Muslim population in Central America since the inception of Islam at the start of the 7th century to the start of the 24th century. The considered region consists of eight countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. A centennial data estimate for these countries from 600 to 2300 (approximately 1H to 1700H) of the total population, and corresponding Muslim population and its percentage is provided. Furthermore, the same data in decennial order from 1790 to 2100 (or 1210H to 1520H) are provided for each country. These data are summarized to be a reference for other studies and discussions related to the Muslim population

    Solving the Cubic Monotone 1-in-3 SAT Problem in Polynomial Time

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    The exact 3-satisfiability problem X3SAT is known to remain NP-complete when restricted to expressions where every variable has exactly three occurrences even in the absence of negated variables Cubic Monotone 1-in-3 SAT Problem The present paper shows that the Cubic Monotone 1-in-3 SAT Problem can be solved in polynomial time and therefore prove that the conjecture P NP hold

    A Verifiable Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Cloud Computing Security

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    Performing smart computations in a context of cloud computing and big data is highly appreciated today. Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a smart category of encryption schemes that allows working with the data in its encrypted form. It permits us to preserve confidentiality of our sensible data and to benefit from cloud computing powers. Currently, it has been demonstrated by many existing schemes that the theory is feasible but the efficiency needs to be dramatically improved in order to make it usable for real applications. One subtle difficulty is how to efficiently handle the noise. This paper aims to introduce an efficient and verifiable FHE based on a new mathematic structure that is noise free

    History and prospect of Muslims in Central America

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    The birth of Islam over fourteen centuries ago was a monumental event in human history with an everlasting effect on humanity. For centuries researchers contemplated on the growth and distribution of Muslims throughout the World. The purpose of this manuscript is to present a reliable estimate of the Muslim population in Central America since the inception of Islam at the start of the 7th century to the start of the 24th century. The considered region consists of eight countries: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Panama. A centennial data estimate for these countries from 600 to 2300 (approximately 1H to 1700H) of the total population, and corresponding Muslim population and its percentage is provided. Furthermore, the same data in decennial order from 1790 to 2100 (or 1210H to 1520H) are provided for each country. These data are summarized to be a reference for other studies and discussions related to the Muslim population

    An Inventory of Existing Neuroprivacy Controls

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    Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) facilitate communication between brains and computers. As these devices become increasingly popular outside of the medical context, research interest in brain privacy risks and countermeasures has bloomed. Several neuroprivacy threats have been identified in the literature, including brain malware, personal data being contained in collected brainwaves and the inadequacy of legal regimes with regards to neural data protection. Dozens of controls have been proposed or implemented for protecting neuroprivacy, although it has not been immediately apparent what the landscape of neuroprivacy controls consists of. This paper inventories the implemented and proposed neuroprivacy risk mitigation techniques from open source repositories, BCI providers and the academic literature. These controls are mapped to the Hoepman privacy strategies and their implementation status is described. Several research directions for ensuring the protection of neuroprivacy are identified

    Distribution of black fungus gnats (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Morocco, with an updated list of species and an emphasis on Moroccan crop pest species

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    The present work deals with the spatial distribution of the sciarid species (black fungus gnats) recorded from Morocco throughout the major biogeographical regions: Rif, Eastern Morocco, Atlantic Plain, Middle Atlas, High Atlas, and Anti-Atlas, providing for the first time an atlas of the distribution of Moroccan sciarid fauna. The analysis of the species distribution showed differences between the regions, revealing that the High Atlas and the Rif hosted the greatest specific richness. Of the surveyed sites, forests, crop fields, and aquatic habitats seem to be the most favourable for supporting many sciarid species. Ecological preferences for each species are discussed, indicating a clear preference for medium altitudes ranging from 500 to 1000 m. Alongside the study on the distribution of species, a review of the species recorded in Morocco and gathered from the literature has enabled us to update the checklist of sciarid species, which comprises 65 so far in Morocco. Particular emphasis focused on black fungus gnats considered potentially harmful, with the aim of assessing their distribution in the country, has revealed that Bradysia transitata, B. trivittata, B. xenoreflexa, Lycoriella sativae, Scatopsciara subarmata were collected from strawberry greenhouses (Rosaceae: strawberries), Bradysia placida, B. santorina, B. scabricornis, B. tilicola, B. trivittata and Camptochaeta jeskei were collected from fruit trees (Rosaceae: almond trees), Bradysia santorina, Corynoptera saccata and C. semipedestris were found on palms (Arecaceae: date palms), Scatopsciara atomaria and S. curvilinea were captured in crop fields (Poaceae, Fabaceae), Bradysia scabricornis, Bradysiopsis vittata were collected from Liliaceae, Scatopsciara atomaria was also found on Asteraceae and Solanaceae, and Corynoptera praeparvula was exclusively reported from Solanaceae
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