139 research outputs found

    Covering Paths and Trees for Planar Grids

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    Given a set of points in the plane, a covering path is a polygonal path that visits all the points. In this paper we consider covering paths of the vertices of an n x m grid. We show that the minimal number of segments of such a path is 2min(n,m)12\min(n,m)-1 except when we allow crossings and n=m3n=m\ge 3, in which case the minimal number of segments of such a path is 2min(n,m)22\min(n,m)-2, i.e., in this case we can save one segment. In fact we show that these are true even if we consider covering trees instead of paths. These results extend previous works on axis-aligned covering paths of n x m grids and complement the recent study of covering paths for points in general position, in which case the problem becomes significantly harder and is still open

    Coloring half-planes and bottomless rectangles

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    We prove lower and upper bounds for the chromatic number of certain hypergraphs defined by geometric regions. This problem has close relations to conflict-free colorings. One of the most interesting type of regions to consider for this problem is that of the axis-parallel rectangles. We completely solve the problem for a special case of them, for bottomless rectangles. We also give an almost complete answer for half-planes and pose several open problems. Moreover we give efficient coloring algorithms

    More on Decomposing Coverings by Octants

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    In this note we improve our upper bound given earlier by showing that every 9-fold covering of a point set in the space by finitely many translates of an octant decomposes into two coverings, and our lower bound by a construction for a 4-fold covering that does not decompose into two coverings. The same bounds also hold for coverings of points in R2\R^2 by finitely many homothets or translates of a triangle. We also prove that certain dynamic interval coloring problems are equivalent to the above question

    Aligned plane drawings of the generalized Delaunay-graphs for pseudo-disks

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    We study general Delaunay-graphs, which are natural generalizations of Delaunay triangulations to arbitrary families, in particular to pseudo-disks. We prove that for any finite pseudo-disk family and point set, there is a plane drawing of their Delaunay-graph such that every edge lies inside every pseudo-disk that contains its endpoints

    Convex Polygons are Self-Coverable

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    We introduce a new notion for geometric families called self-coverability and show that homothets of convex polygons are self-coverable. As a corollary, we obtain several results about coloring point sets such that any member of the family with many points contains all colors. This is dual (and in some cases equivalent) to the much investigated cover-decomposability problem