43 research outputs found

    Uma entrevista com Grant H. Kester

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    O crítico e historiador de arte Grant H. Kester tem se dedicado à pesquisa das práticas de arte socialmente engajada, da cultura visual de movimentos de reforma norte-americanos e das relações entre o político e a teoria estética. Entre os anos de 1990 e 1996 ele foi o editor de artes visuais e de media-art do periódico Afterimage. Grant H. Kester tem uma asta produção de ensaios e de livros, sendo os mais recentes Conversation Pieces: Community + Communication in Modern Art (University of California Press, 2004) e The One and the Many: Contemporary Collaborative Art in a Global Context (Duke University Press, 2011). Em 2006 Grant H. Kester foi convidado a visitar Dublin, Irlanda, pelo projeto City Arts para realizar uma conferência sobre suas pesquisas recentes. Alguns dias mais tarde, em 11/6/2006, ele foi entrevistado por Tim Stott para o periódico Circa

    The Artist in the Library

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    Through the course of this paper I seek to intertwine a story of my own creative relationship with libraries with accounts of artists’ work, including the work of my students. My goal is to articulate the ways in which artists work with, in, and on libraries and in doing this to define features of a library aesthetic. It is impossible, writing in London in 2016, to ignore the dire context for UK public libraries. Reductions in local government funding have resulted in widespread disregard by local authorities to their responsibilities under the 1964 Public Libraries and Museums Act – their statutory duty to provide a ‘comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons to make use thereof’. (Culture, Media and Sport Committee 2012, online) Cuts to library services continue apace [{note}]1. Writers, poets, artists and authors add their pleas to the protests against closures [{note}]2, but go largely unheeded. The idea of defining a library aesthetic might seem futile in the face of this austerity drive, but through my analysis of such an aesthetic, I hope to explore the potential of artworks to highlight and extend our understanding of its possibilities

    Catalysis Research of Relevance to Carbon Management: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities

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    Conversation Pieces : Community and Communication in Modern Art

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    "Some of the most innovative art of the past decade has been created far outside conventional galleries and museum: at a parking garage in Oakland, California; on a pleasure boat on the Lake of Zurich in Switzerland; at a public market in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Artists working in such places, operating at the intersection of art and cultural activism, have developed new forms of collaboration with diverse audiences and communities. Their projects have addressed such issues as political conflict in Northern Ireland, gang violence on Chicago's West Side, and the problems of sex workers in Switzerland." -- p. [4] of cover