10,450 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Look at the Physics Reach of a Solar Neutrino TPC: Time-Independent Two Neutrino Oscillations

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    This paper will discuss the physics reach of a solar neutrino TPC containing many tons of He4 under high pressure. Particular attention is given to the LMA and SMA solutions, which are allowed by current data, and which are characterized by a lack of time-dependent phenomena (either summer-winter or day-night asymmetries). In this case, the physics of neutrino masses and mixing is all contained in the energy dependence of the electron neutrino survival probability, (or in its reciprocal, the electron neutrino disappearance probability).Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Fuel quality/processing study. Volume 2: Appendix. Task 1 literature survey

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    The results of a literature survey of fuel processing and fuel quality are given. Liquid synfuels produced from coal and oil shale are discussed. Gas turbine fuel property specifications are discussed. On-site fuel pretreatment and emissions from stationary gas turbines are discussed. Numerous data tables and abstracts are given

    Generalized Schrieffer-Wolff Formalism for Dissipative Systems

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    We present a formalized perturbation theory for Markovian open systems in the language of a generalized Schrieffer-Wolff (SW) transformation. A non-unitary rotation decouples the unper- turbed steady states from all fast degrees of freedom, in order to obtain an effective Liouvillian, that reproduces the exact low excitation spectrum of the system. The transformation is derived in a constructive way, yielding a perturbative expansion of the effective Liouville operator. The presented formalism realizes an adiabatic elimination of fast degrees of freedom to arbitrary orders in the perturbation. We exemplarily employ the SW formalism to two generic open systems and discuss general properties of the different orders of the perturbation.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Fuel quality processing study, volume 1

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    A fuel quality processing study to provide a data base for an intelligent tradeoff between advanced turbine technology and liquid fuel quality, and also, to guide the development of specifications of future synthetic fuels anticipated for use in the time period 1985 to 2000 is given. Four technical performance tests are discussed: on-site pretreating, existing refineries to upgrade fuels, new refineries to upgrade fuels, and data evaluation. The base case refinery is a modern Midwest refinery processing 200,000 BPD of a 60/40 domestic/import petroleum crude mix. The synthetic crudes used for upgrading to marketable products and turbine fuel are shale oil and coal liquids. Of these syncrudes, 50,000 BPD are processed in the existing petroleum refinery, requiring additional process units and reducing petroleum feed, and in a new refinery designed for processing each syncrude to produce gasoline, distillate fuels, resid fuels, and turbine fuel, JPGs and coke. An extensive collection of synfuel properties and upgrading data was prepared for the application of a linear program model to investigate the most economical production slate meeting petroleum product specifications and turbine fuels of various quality grades. Technical and economic projections were developed for 36 scenarios, based on 4 different crude feeds to either modified existing or new refineries operated in 2 different modes to produce 7 differing grades of turbine fuels. A required product selling price of turbine fuel for each processing route was calculated. Procedures and projected economics were developed for on-site treatment of turbine fuel to meet limitations of impurities and emission of pollutants

    Figures of merit of thermoelectric and bolometric thermal radiation sensors

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    Figures of merit condensing the performance parameters of radiation sensors such as responsivity, noise equivalent power, and time constant in a single number can be useful for rating the performance of a particular sensor in comparison to other ones or to fundamental performance limits. The classification system and the figures of merit of radiation sensors introduced by R. C. Jones are revisited for thermal radiation sensors with the focus on thermopiles and bolometers. As a result it is stated that radiation thermopiles and bolometers should be classified differently: type III detectors for thermopiles vs. type II detectors for bolometers. Modified figures of merit are suggested and relations between them given. The figures of merit are applied in an overview on state-of-the-art thermopiles and bolometers operated at room temperature

    Symplectic geometry on moduli spaces of J-holomorphic curves

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    Let (M,\omega) be a symplectic manifold, and Sigma a compact Riemann surface. We define a 2-form on the space of immersed symplectic surfaces in M, and show that the form is closed and non-degenerate, up to reparametrizations. Then we give conditions on a compatible almost complex structure J on (M,\omega) that ensure that the restriction of the form to the moduli space of simple immersed J-holomorphic Sigma-curves in a homology class A in H_2(M,\Z) is a symplectic form, and show applications and examples. In particular, we deduce sufficient conditions for the existence of J-holomorphic Sigma-curves in a given homology class for a generic J.Comment: 16 page

    Velocity Fluctuations in Dynamical Fracture: the Role of Microcracks

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    We address the velocity fluctuations of fastly moving cracks in stressed materials. One possible mechanism for such fluctuations is the interaction of the main crack with micro cracks (irrespective whether these are existing material defects or they form during the crack evolution). We analyze carefully the dynamics (in 2 space dimensions) of one macro and one micro crack, and demonstrate that their interaction results in a {\em large} and {\em rapid} velocity fluctuation, in qualitative correspondence with typical velocity fluctuations observed in experiments. In developing the theory of the dynamical interaction we invoke an approximation that affords a reduction in mathematical complexity to a simple set of ordinary differential equations for the positions of the cracks tips; we propose that this kind of approximation has a range of usefulness that exceeds the present context.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure


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    The scenes are laid in London, New York, Berlin, and Paris. The plot begins with a debtor\u27s giving his creditor a negotiable instrument in payment of the debt. Complications are introduced when the creditor fails to perfect his rights on the instrument, and yet, naturally enough, wishes to collect his debt. Initially both debtor and creditor are satisfied when the negotiable instrument is given in payment. If it is a time instrument, the debtor has obtained an extension of credit. The creditor, on the other hand, has placed his claim in liquid form; he may realize upon it by discounting the instrument. The Anglo-American, German, and French legal systems, in their own way, attempt to safeguard both the interests of the debtor and the creditor