160 research outputs found

    Youth Transitions among Descendants of Turkish Immigrants in Amsterdam and Strasbourg:

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    This open access book maps the youth transitions of descendants of migrants from Turkey living in Amsterdam and Strasbourg, through a comparative mixed-methods research design. As such, it is of interest to discussions in youth sociology, social mobility and second-generation research. The book follows transition trajectories of the second-generation, from school to activity or inactivity in the labour market, to marriage or further study and, deepens our understanding of transitions by unravelling the macro and micro mechanisms behind individual pathways. On the one hand, the author reveals the ongoing significance of distinct macro institutional settings as well as social structures such as social class, ethnicity and gender in shaping the youth transition experience. On the other, she shows that youth transitions are not predestined to social reproduction when institutional and social structures create conditions for the development of resources necessary for social mobility. Therefore, through an examination of how immigrants’ descendants develop forms of capital in their social trajectories, in relation to institutional and social structures, the book advances the theoretical discussion on Bourdieu’s capital theory. Moreover, in times when native-born descendants of immigrants are at the forefront of public debate being subjected to normative integration demands, the book significantly shifts the lens and draws our attention to the daily challenges and realities faced by ethnic minority youth

    Nationalism in post-1980 Turkey : with special reference to True Path Party

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    Ankara : The Department of Political Science and Public Administration of Bilkent University, 1992.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1992.Includes bibliographical references.Turkish political system, experiencing a process of change after World War I, has been deeply influenced by the metamorphosis of the political elite and of the all other political actors. The fact that the metamorphosis is not an ongoing linear process, the breaks that Turkish democracy faced are also the milestones of this change. 1980 military intervention, defining its raison d'etre as the lack of reconciliation among the politicians, initiated a new phase in Turkish political system. In this context, and in the context of Turkic republics proclaiming their independence one after another, PanTurkism and New-Ottomanism being discussed again, and ethnic questions coming to the agenda in Turkey and in the world, this study endeavors to investigate if and to what extent some of the political elite in the True Path Party are subscribed to ethnic rather than territorial nationalism, the latter being the nationalism conception of the Republic of Turkey from its very beginning.Keskiner, KorkutM.S

    The (un)making of Dutch ‘care girls’: An ethnographic study on aspirations, internship experiences and labour market perspectives

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    In this study, we focus on the role of Dutch Level 2 senior vocational training in care work in relation to the prospects and options it provides for students who follow this programme. Similar to the ‘care girls’ from previous studies our participants are young women from lower-class backgrounds who aspire to various jobs in the care sector, but are steered away from their original aspirations by their vocational training programme. The major difference between this research and previous studies is that we examine the Dutch institutional and broader structural context of care work. In the Netherlan

    Revisiting migrant networks: migrants and their descendants in labour markets

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    In this volume, both established and new scholars present their findings on the networks of migrants and their descendants and explore the content of their social ties for educational and labor market success. The book brings together quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, including network analysis, various migrant groups across seven European countries and varied professional contexts. As noted by the editors in their introductory chapter, this book aims to address some key questions about the role of network in migration contexts, particularly in relation to how migrants, and their descendants, access the labour market and develop their employment trajectories over time. In so doing, this book offers critical interrogations of the role of co-ethnic networks and examines the extent to which migrants may rely upon dynamic strong and weak ties. Rather than adopting a narrow or essentialising ethnic lens, the research presented in this book explores intersectional identities of class, generation and gender. Looking beyond the ethnic lens, the chapters, explore the role of interpersonal ties across different segments of the labour market, including public and private sectors, with varied recruitment procedures. By focusing on the kinds of capital circulating between ties, including the dark side of social capital, the book offers insights into power dynamics and the potentially exclusionary dimension of networks. Taking a long term view, across generations, the research in this book shows how migrants and their descendants may mobilise resources to tackle discrimination and enhance their position within particular labour markets. Taken together, the contributions to this book, offer alternative approaches to understanding the complexity, contextuality and dynamism of social networks in how migrants and their descendants access labour markets and build employment trajectories within different sectors

    A Kitaev-type spin liquid on a quasicrystal

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    We develop an exactly solvable model with Kitaev-type interactions and study its phase diagram on the dual lattice of the quasicrystalline Ammann-Beenker lattice. Our construction is based on the Γ\Gamma-matrix generalization of the Kitaev model and utilizes the cut-and-project correspondence between the four-dimensional simple cubic lattice and the Ammann-Beenker lattice to designate four types of bonds. We obtain a rich phase diagram with gapped (chiral and abelian) and gapless spin liquid phases via Monte Carlo simulations and variational analysis. We show that the ground state can be further tuned by the inclusion of an onsite term that selects 21 different vison configurations while maintaining the integrability of the model. Our results highlight the rich physics at the intersection of quasicrystals and quantum magnetism

    Temperature variation on root surface with three root-end cavity preparation techniques

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    Introduction. Thermal changes can occur on the external root surface when root-end cavity preparation is performed, which may damage periodontal ligament cells and alveolar bone. Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the temperature changes during preparation of the root-end cavities at 1 and 3 mm to the sectioned apical root surfaces when either tungsten carbide round bur, diamond round bur or ultrasonic diamond tip was used. Methods. Root-end resection was performed at 90° to the long axis of the root, 3 mm from the apex. Specimens were randomly divided into three groups of 12 teeth each for three different root-end cavity preparation techniques to be used, i.e. tungsten carbide bur, diamond bur and ultrasonic diamond retro tip. Thermocouples were used to measure temperature changes at 1 mm (T1) and 3 mm (T2) to the cutting plane during the preparations. Results. For T1, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 3.53°C and 4.34°C were recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. For T2, the lowest and the highest mean temperature increases of 2.62°C and 4.39°C where recorded for the carbide and diamond burs, respectively. The mean temperatures with the ultrasonic tip were 3.68 and 3.04 ºC at T1 and T2 region, respectively. For root-end preparation, the ultrasonic preparation technique took the shortest preparation time (10.25 sec) and the diamond bur took the longest time (28.17 sec). Conclusion. Ultrasonic retro tips and burs caused temperature to rise from 2.62° to 4.39°C, and these rises were within safety levels

    Correlation of Hepatitis C Antibody Levels in Gingival Crevicular Fluid and Saliva of Hepatitis C Seropositive Hemodialysis Patients

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    Search for hepatitis C virus (HCV) in body fluids other than blood is important when assessing possible nonparenteral routes of viral transmission. However, the role of oral fluids in HCV transmission remains controversial. Our aim was to compare the prevalence of HCV antibody (HCV Ab) levels in saliva, and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) of HCV seropositive hemodialysis patients. Serum, saliva and GCF samples were collected from thirty-nine patients. Samples were analyzed for HCV Ab using the Ortho HCV 3.0 SAVe enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HCH Ab levels in saliva and GCF of all HCV-seropositive patients were statistically compared. Reported here are the results of the study designed to determine the correlation between HCV-RNA positivity in serum and the detection of antibodies in GCF and saliva. One hundred percent (100%) of the 39 patients have antibodies to HCV in their serum, 15.4% have antibodies to HCV in GCF, and saliva found out. HCV Ab seropositivity in GCF and saliva was significantly correlated (kappa = 0.462; P < .001). This study supports the concept that GCF may be a significant source of HCV in saliva

    The Concept of ecological sustainability examined via 3D shadow analysis: the case of Amasya University Hâkimiyet Campus

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    Çalışmada; küçük ölçekte kent modeli olarak değerlendirilen üniversite yerleşkesi ele alınarak Amasya ili Merkez ilçe sınırları içerisinde yer alan Amasya Üniversitesi Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’nde yer alan eğitim ve idari binaların yeşil alanlar üzerinde oluşturdukları gölge süresi uzunlukları doğrultusunda yerleşke yeşil alanlarında kullanılan bitkilerin ışık-gölge-su isteklerine göre bitki tür seçiminin doğru olup olmadığını tespit ederek yerleşkelerin ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğe ve kent ekosistemine olan katkısını belirlemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikle literatür taraması ile arazi çalışması yapılarak yerleşkede bulunan bitki türleri tespit edilerek farklı açılardan fotoğraf çekimi yapılmıştır. Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’nde bulunan 3 eğitim binası ve 3 idari bina CityEngine yazılımı kullanılarak, prosedürel modelleme teknikleriyle 3 boyutlu (3B) olarak modellenmiştir. 3B Kampüs modeli, Sketchup Pro 2019 programına aktarılarak, yılın farklı aylarına göre 3B gölge analizi yapılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular ışığında Hâkimiyet Yerleşkesi’ndeki binaların oluşturduğu gölge sürelerinin Aralık ve Ocak aylarında daha fazla, Haziran ve Temmuz aylarında ise daha az olduğu görülmektedir. Yerleşkenin 392-400 m. ile 410-420 m. kotları arasında yerleşke sınırlarında yer alan her dem yeşil ağaç ve ağaççıklar ile çalı gruplarının binaların oluşturduğu gölgeden olumsuz etkilenmediği, 400-410 m. kot aralığında bina yakın çevrelerinde yer alan yaprağını döken ağaç ve ağaççık bitki türleri ile çalı gruplarının ise bu durumdan olumsuz etkilendiği belirlenmiştir. Bulgular dâhilinde yerleşkenin ekolojik sürdürülebilirliğinin sağlanmasına yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.The Amasya University Hâkimiyet Campus, located within the central district of Amasya, was chosen as the study area. The university campus was considered as a small-scale urban model. The aim of the study was to determine whether the plant species selection was correct according to the lightshadow-water requirements of the plants used in the green areas of the campus and in line with the duration of the shadows cast on the green areas of the educational and administrative buildings of the Hâkimiyet Campus and also to determine the contribution of the campus to ecological sustainability and the urban ecosystem. To this purpose, the plant species in the campus were identified by first carrying out a literature review and a field study and then taking photographs from different angles. Three educational buildings and three administrative buildings on the Hâkimiyet Campus were modeled in three-dimension (3D) using procedural modeling techniques via CityEngine software. The 3D campus model was transferred to the Sketchup Pro 2019 program and a 3D shadow analysis was performed according to different months of the year. The findings indicated that the shadows cast by the buildings on the Hâkimiyet Campus persisted for a longer time in December and January, and a shorter time in June and July. Evergreen trees, shrubs, and bush groups located on the boundaries of the campus at the elevations of 392-400 and 410-420 m were not adversely affected by the shadows of the buildings; however, those located in the vicinity of the buildings at the elevation range of 400-410 m were negatively affected by this situation. Within the scope of the findings, recommendations were made to ensure the ecological sustainability of the campus