15 research outputs found

    Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri: Başarı Koşulları ve Politika Çıkarımları

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    Innovation system approach, as a result of change in understanding of the innovation process, can be examined in sectoral, regional and national level. Regional innovation system initiatives which aim at increasing the innovative capacity regions have been implemented in the West for a long time. Examining the successful cases and defining the success factors of past experiences will shed light on new efforts on establishing regional innovation systems. In Turkey, efforts of building regional innovation systems have recently increased. This study aims to provide several policy recommendations on the successful formation and implementation of regional innovation systems with the help of Western experiences. In the study, the concept of regional innovation system is examined in detail in terms of its emergence, elements, success conditions and policies. As a result of the study, it is concluded that four factor became prominent in building regional innovation system and gaining regional competitive advantage. These factors are (i) region-specific sectoral clusters, (ii) local and global networks, (iii) education/science infrastructure and links with university, and (iv) entrepreneurship supporting policies

    Coğrafi Yakınlık 'Hala' Önemli mi ? Mekansal İnovasyon Modellerinden Çok-Yerelli Bilgi Dinamiklerine Dönüşüm

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    Especially during the last 15-20 years, economists, economic geographers and planners dealing with regional development have devoted the large portion of their time to seeking a "new" model. The concepts which are developed in regional development focus on geographic proximity as a pioneering factor of innovation. However, “new” theories highlight the increased mobility of knowledge and the transfer of knowledge between long-distance places. Therefore, in addition to intra-regional networks, long distance and inter-regional Networks have also played a critical role. In this study, the increasing importance of innovation-knowledge economy and the growing literature on network theory will be discussed. Firstly, the concepts of industrial zones, innovative environment, clusters, regional innovation systems and learning regions which can be defined as "Territorial Innovation Models" will be examined. Then, whether the “geographical” proximity is still important will be discussed in parallel with the transformations of innovation, knowledge and regional development and long distance interactions will be mentioned in terms of the new theories

    Bölgesel İnovasyon Sistemleri: Başarı Koşulları ve Politika Çıkarımları

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    Innovation system approach, as a result of change in understanding of the innovation process, can be examined in sectoral, regional and national level. Regional innovation system initiatives which aim at increasing the innovative capacity regions have been implemented in the West for a long time. Examining the successful cases and defining the success factors of past experiences will shed light on new efforts on establishing regional innovation systems. In Turkey, efforts of building regional innovation systems have recently increased. This study aims to provide several policy recommendations on the successful formation and implementation of regional innovation systems with the help of Western experiences. In the study, the concept of regional innovation system is examined in detail in terms of its emergence, elements, success conditions and policies. As a result of the study, it is concluded that four factor became prominent in building regional innovation system and gaining regional competitive advantage. These factors are (i) region-specific sectoral clusters, (ii) local and global networks, (iii) education/science infrastructure and links with university, and (iv) entrepreneurship supporting policies

    Bölgesel Politika Ekseninde Yaşanan Dönüşüm: Türkiye’de Kalkınma Planlarında Bölgesel Politikaların Değişimi

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı küreselleşme-yerelleşme eğilimlerine koşut olarak bölgesel politikalarda yaşanan dönüşümleri incelemektir. Bu çerçevede yaşanan dönüşümlerin Türkiye’deki kalkınma planlarının bölgesel politikalarında yarattığı değişimleri (planlarındaki yansımalarını) ortaya çıkarmaktır. Çalışma kapsamında, 1963-2007 yılları arasında uygulamaya koyulan (ve sonuncusu halen uygulanmakta olan) dokuz kalkınma planında yer alan bölgesel politikalar ve bu politikaların yeni teorileri ne ölçüde takip ettiği değerlendirilmektedir

    Coğrafi Yakınlık 'Hala' Önemli mi ? Mekansal İnovasyon Modellerinden Çok-Yerelli Bilgi Dinamiklerine Dönüşüm

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    Especially during the last 15-20 years, economists, economic geographers and planners dealing with regional development have devoted the large portion of their time to seeking a "new" model. The concepts which are developed in regional development focus on geographic proximity as a pioneering factor of innovation. However, “new” theories highlight the increased mobility of knowledge and the transfer of knowledge between long-distance places. Therefore, in addition to intra-regional networks, long distance and inter-regional Networks have also played a critical role. In this study, the increasing importance of innovation-knowledge economy and the growing literature on network theory will be discussed. Firstly, the concepts of industrial zones, innovative environment, clusters, regional innovation systems and learning regions which can be defined as "Territorial Innovation Models" will be examined. Then, whether the “geographical” proximity is still important will be discussed in parallel with the transformations of innovation, knowledge and regional development and long distance interactions will be mentioned in terms of the new theories


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    As it is known, Turkey experienced a severe economic crisis in the year 2001. This economic crisis has been costly for the Turkish economy and has typically been accompanied by a collapse of output and employment as well as striking declines in real wages. Not only economic insufficiencies and bottlenecks but also political uncertainty had sizeable impacts in the formation of economic crisis. The 2001 Crisis interestingly caused a set of catastrophe and it is worthy to analyze its emergence, mal-administration, and wide damage on the Turkish economy and to show the structure that transformed political climate in the post-crisis period. The interaction of political and economic dimensions of 2001 crisis also accompanies strong implications for 2008 recession and this paper finally discusses lessons of 2001 crisis for 2008 recession through the lenses of interplay between politics and economics

    Can SMEs in developing countries resist crisis? An analysis on Turkish and Albanian cases

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    SMEs have an important role in terms of their economic share in developedand developing economies, though there are different definitions of SMEamong various organizations and countries. Today, instead of giantindustries, SMEs having gained importance in the developing economies,become advantageous being economic enterprises having the capability ofquick adjudication, working with less capital but more intense labor andhaving low cost of management and thus having cheap production. In short,the concept of small is beautiful becomes important in the current economic conjuncture with giant firms.In this context, SME definition and SME's role in Turkish and Albanianeconomies will be dealt with. It will be also questioned whether SMEs indeveloping countries resist crisis or not

    Kümelenme ve sektörel bağlantıları açısından Isparta ili orman ürünleri endüstrisinin değerlendirilmesi

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    Günümüzde küreselleşme süreci, yeni üretim süreçlerinin ortaya çıkması ve teknolojik gelişmeler bölgesel kalkınma politikalarını yeniden Şekillendirmektedir. İş dünyasındaki aynı ve/veya ilişkili sektörlerdeki firmaların yakın fiziksel mesafede faaliyet gösterme ve yerleşme eğilimleri, bu yeni politikalar üzerinde etkili olmaktadır. Gittikçe artan küresel rekabete uyum sağlama ihtiyacı ve ekonomilerini yerelleşmiş firma grupları üzerine kuran gelişmiş bölge örnekleri, yerel, bölgesel ve ulusal yönetimlerin, girişimci kümelenmeler üzerine kurulan politikalara yönelmelerine neden olmuştur. Bölgesel politikalarda daha önceki dönemlerde sanayileşme temel amaç iken artık bölgesel politikalarla rekabet gücünü artırmak uygulanan politikaların temel amacı konumundadır. Merkezi politikalarla özel sektörünün rekabet gücünün geliştirilmesinde kümelenmelere dayalı sanayi politikaları ve yerel yatırım ortamlarının iyileştirilmesi kritik bir öneme sahiptir. Henüz Türkiye?nin ekonomi politikaları gündeminde yeni yeni yerini almaya başlayan kümelenme yaklaşımı, dünyada özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerin ekonomi politikalarında son yirmi yıldan bu yana önemi giderek artan biçimde yerini almıştır. Özel sektöre dayalı bir ekonominin büyüme ve kalkınma potansiyelinin firmaların küresel ve yerel pazarlarda rekabet edebilme potansiyeline bağlı olduğu göz önüne alındığında kümelenme yaklaşımının önemi de daha iyi kavranmaktadır. Bu çerçevede, çalışmada öncelikle küreselleşmenin Şekillendirdiği yeni ekonomi ve bilginin doğasındaki dönüşüm, küreselleşme yerelleşme paradoksu, küyerelleşme olguları incelenmiş, bu bağlamda bölgesel politika ve modellerde yaşanan değişim araştırılmıştır. İkinci olarak Kümelenme yaklaşımının teorik temelleri değerlendirilmiş ve kümelenme ile ilgili Dünya'daki ve Türkiye'deki uygulamalara yer verilmiştir. Çalışmada üçüncü olarak Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi ve ulusal/küresel eğilimler genel hatları ile araştırılmıştır. Dördüncü olarak ise hem Isparta ekonomisinin genel özellikleri hem de ilde yer alan Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. İldeki Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisinin değerlendirilmesinde mevcut verilerden, sektör işletmelerine uygulanan anket çalışması ve mülakat bulgularından yararlanılmıştır. Böylelikle tezin uygulama ölçeğini oluşturan Isparta İli Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi kapsamında yapılacak analize temel oluşturulması sağlanmıştır. Beşinci olarak da Isparta Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi kümelenmesi, stratejik ilişkileri ve rekabet gücü incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme için Isparta Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi Kümelenmesinin Pajek programı kullanılarak network analizleri yapılmış ve kümelenmenin aktörleri arasındaki bağlantıları gösteren kümelenme haritaları çizilmiştir. Daha sonra Kümelenmenin karakteristik özellikleri istatistiksel analiz yapılarak ve SPSS programı kullanılarak gerçekleştirilmiştir. En son olarak da kümelenmeye Porter?ın "Karo" modeli uygulanarak iş kümelenmesi analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışma iki temel amaca hizmet etmektedir. Birincisi, araştırılan kümelenmenin; Isparta orman ürünleri endüstrisi kümelenmesinin profilini belirlemektir. İkinci amaç İş kümelenmesi analizi ile kümelenmenin rekabetçi avantajları ve dezavantajlarını belirleyerek kümelenmenin geliştirilmesi için neler yapılabileceği, eksikliklerinin neler olduğu ve nasıl giderileceğinin belirlenmesidir. Tezin temel sonucu; Isparta Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi Kümelenmesi gizli ve gelişmemiş kümelenme profili çizmekte, dikey kümelenme baskın bir karakteristik sergilemektedir. Dolayısıyla kamu politikası yatay kümelenmeyi güçlendirecek biçimde Şekillenerek dikey-yatay ilişkileri bütünleşik olarak geliştirmelidir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Kümelenme Yaklaşımı, Bölgesel Kalkınma, Isparta Ekonomisi, Orman Ürünleri Endüstrisi, Rekabetçilik, Rekabetçi Avantaj, İş Kümelenmeleri, Karo Modeli.\ud The process of globalisation, the emergence of new production processes and technological developments have recently reconfigured regional development policies. The tendencies of similar and/or related enterprises in the business environment to operate and settle geographically proximity have been effective on these new policies. The need to accommodate the ever increasing global competition and the instances of developed regions that establish their economies on localised groups of enterprises have caused local, regional and national administrations to incline the policies formalised on entrepreneurial clusters. While industrialisation was the fundamental goal of regional policies in previous periods, it is now to foster competitive power through regional policies. The cluster based industrial policies for the development of competitive power of private sector through centralised policies and the enhancement of local investment environments have critical importance. The recently engagement of clustering in the economic policies of Turkey has been increasingly discussed for economic policies of the whole world, especially of developed countries. As the fact that the growth and development potential of an economy based on private sector depend on the potential of enterprises to compete in global and local markets is taken into account the significance of clustering could be grasped better. In this framework, the phenomenon of new economy shaped by globalisation and the transformation of nature of knowledge, the globalisation-localisation paradox, and glocalisation are examined in the study; in this context the alterations in regional policies and models are investigated. Secondly, the theoretical foundations of lustering are assessed and the clustering related applications in the world and in Turkey are analysed. Thirdly, the Forest Products Industry and national/global trends are explored in general. Fourthly, both the general characteristics of the economy of the province of Isparta and the Forest Products Industry located in the province are studied and evaluated in detail. In the evaluation of the provincial Forest Product Industry the available data, the survey applied on the enterprises performing in the sector and interview findings are utilised. In this way the basics of the analysis of the Forest Products Industry of the province of Isparta that constitutes the empirical scope of the dissertation is provided. Fifthly, the Clustering of Forest Products Industry of the province of Isparta, strategic relations and competitive power are analysed. In the network analyse of the Clustering of Forest Products Industry of the province of Isparta the Pajek software is utilized and the clustering maps displaying the connections among the actors of the cluster are drawn. Afterwards the characteristics of the Cluster are analysed statistically through SPSS statistical software. Finally the business cluster analyse is made with the application of Porter's "Diamond'model. The study primarily serves to two major goals. The first goal is to determine the profile of the clustering analysed, namely the clustering of forest products industry of the province of Isparta. Second goal is to designate what would be done for the development of the clustering, what are the deficiencies and how these deficiencies would be remedied through ascertaining the competitive advantages and disadvantages of the cluster with a business cluster analysis. The fundamental finding of the dissertation is that the Clustering of Forest Products Industry of the Province of Isparta has an impression of hidden and under-developed cluster, and exhibits a vertical-clustering dominant characteristic. Therefore public policy should be formalized in order to strengthen horizontal clustering for the integrated development of vertical-horizontal relations. Keywords: Clustering, Regional Development, Economy of Isparta, Forest Product Industry, Competitiveness, Competitive Advantage, Business Clusters, Diamond Model


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    Gelişmekte olan ülkelerde KOBİ’ler milli gelirin temel kaynağını oluşturmanın yanısıra girişimcilik için önemli bir alan yaratması ve istihdamı arttırması açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışmada hem Avrupa Birliği’ne tam üye olmayı hem de karşılıklı ekonomik ve politik ilişkilerini güçlendirmeyi hedeflemeleri sebebiyle Türkiye ve Arnavutluk KOBİ’leri araştırma konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı, Avrupa Birliği KOBİ sınıflandırmaları çerçevesinde Türkiye ve Arnavutluk KOBİ’lerini karşılaştırarak ülke ekonomilerindeki önemini ortaya çıkarmaktır.ABSTRACT In developing countries SMEs constitute the main sources of national income and create an important area for entrepreneurship. Also they have great importance in terms of increase employment. Turkey and Albania aims to become a full member of the European Union and aims to strengthen mutual economic and political relations between them. So, Turkey and Albania SMEs have been selected as research subject in this study. In this context, the aim of this study is to make a comparison on Turkish and Albanian SMEs within the framework of the European Union SMEs classification and reveal the importance of the SMEs for national economy.