475 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this paper is to investigate the specifi cities of food-related lifestyle segmentation in Croatia. Specifi cally our purposes are: 1. To see what segments can be distinguished on the basis of food-related lifestyles; 2.To compare the attributes of the distinguished segments; and 3.To identify the specifi c socio-demographic features of the subtracted segments. A survey was conducted in 2006 on a sample of 902 consumers. Households were se-lected using random zone sampling in the fi ve largest cities in Croatia. In this study, use was made of the cross-culturally validated instrument developed by Brunsø and Grunert (FRL; Brunsø and Grunert, 1995; 1998) with 69 ques-tions on ways of shopping, cooking methods, quality aspects, consumption situations, and purchasing motives. Segmentation was done by using cluster analysis (joining-tree clustering procedure). Five distinct food-related lifestyle segments were identified: Relaxed, Traditionalists, Modern, Concerned Nutritionists, and Experimentalists. The socio-demographic features of the distinguished segments are described in the paper.Cilj rada je istražiti mogućnosti segmentacije prema životnom stilu u prehrani u Hrvatskoj. Pored toga specifični ciljevi rada su: 1. vidjeti koji segmenti se mogu izdvojiti temeljem stila života u prehrani; 2. Usporediti obilježja izdvojenih segmenata; i 3. Identificirati specifična sociodemografska obilježja izdvojenih segmenata. Anketa je provedena 2006. godine na uzorku od 902 potrošača. Kućanstva su odabrana korištenjem slučajnog zonskog uzorka u pet najvećih hrvatskih gradova. U istraživanju je korišten kroskulturno potvrđeni instrument kojega su razvili Brunsø i Grunert (FRL; Brunsø and Grunert, 1995; 1998). Instrument se sastoji od 69 pitanja koja su se odnosila na način kupovine, metode kuhanja, aspekte kvalitete, situacije konzumacije i motive kupovanja. Segmentacija je izvršena primjenom klaster analize (joining-tree clustering procedure). Identificirano je pet različitih segmenata s obzirom na životni stil u prehrani: Relaksirani, Tradicionalisti, Moderni, Zabrinuti nutricionisti i Eksperimentatori. Analizirane su socio-demografske karakteristike istaknutih segmenata

    Active and passive Darwinism

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    Čovjek se oduvijek zanimao za podrijetlo svog postanka. Već su grčki mislioci došli do nekih spoznaja o postanku živog svijeta koji nas okružuje. Evolucija se kao znanost razvila tada, a i danas je u velikom usponu. Veliki znanstvenik koji je dao veliki doprinos evoluciji, ali i znanosti sveukupno, je Charles Darwin. Njegov dugotrajni i bogat rad rezultirao je 1859. godine jednom od najpoznatijih knjiga današnjice: „Postanak vrsta putem prirodnog odabira“, u kojem je iznio svoju teoriju evolucije. Darwinova djela i razmišljanja izvor su za mnoga djela i radove danas. Njegova teorija naziva se i darvinizam. Danas poznajemo aktivni i pasivni darvinizam. Darwin je predstavnik pasivnog darvinizma, a predstavnik aktivnog darvinizma je Karl Popper. Prema Karlu Popperu i aktivnom darvinizmu, kreativna snaga u evoluciji je aktivnost organizama, dok je prema Darwinu i pasivnom darvinizmu to prirodna selekcija.Man has always been interested in his origins. Even Greek philosophers came to some knowledge about the origins of living world that surrounds us. Evolution then developed as a science, and still today its importance continues to rise. A great scientist who has made a great contribution to the evolution, and science overall, is Charles Darwin. In 1859 his long and rich work resulted in one of the most popular books today: "The origin of species by natural selection", in which he expounded his theory of evolution. Darwin's works and thoughts are source for many books and works today. His theory is also known as Darwinism. Darwinism can be divided into active and passive Darwinism. Darwin represents the passive Darwinism, and Karl Popper is the representative of the active Darwinism. According to Karl Popper and the active Darwinism, creative force in the evolution is the activity of organisms, and according to Darwin and the passive Darwinism it is the natural selection

    Marketing in contemporary world: situational vs. postmodern paradigm

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    Tema ovoga rada jest razumijevanje ponašanja potrošača i shvaćanje uloge utjecajnih čimbenika, što otvara mnoga pitanja koja se razjašnjavaju situacijskom i postmodernom paradigmom. Situacijska se paradigma temelji na konceptu impulzivne kupovine, pri čemu se kao glavna okosnica spomenute paradigme analiziraju situacijski čimbenici kao dominatni pokretači ponašanja potrošača čime se naglašava značajnost vanjskih čimbenika. S druge strane, isto tako se naglašava neizbježnost uključivanja postmoderne paradigme koja se temelji na hiperrealnosti, fragmentaciji tržišta, promijenjenim ulogama proizvodnje i potrošnje te decentriranju potrošača, a time se naglašava promjena uloge potrošača od “ribe u ribara“. Ova se temeljna promjena uloge potrošača obrađuje kroz postmodernu paradigmu koja se oslanja na kastomizaciju dopuštajući potrošaču oblikovanje marketinških elemenata i prilagodbu njegovim potrebama čime on postaje aktivan sudionik, odnosno proizvođač vlastitog iskustva. Uvažavajući ponašanje potrošača kao još uvijek jednu nepoznanicu marketinškog proučavanja, dolazi se do zaključka kako ono počiva na dvjema spomenutim paradigmama iako su iste u suprotnosti. Upravo ta suprotnost stvara temelje za integrirano razmatranje ovoga marketinškog područja ponašanja potrošača pri čemu jedno ne isključuje drugo, nego baš naprotiv nalaže prihvaćanje mnogostrukosti utjecaja koji se javljaju kao okosnica postmodernog doba, odnosno marketinga u suvremenom svijetu.This paper points to the need for understanding consumer behavior and a variety of factors that influence consumer behavior, which is explained through situational and postmodern paradigms. The situational paradigm is based on the concept of impulse buying and focuses on the situational factors as dominant consumer behavior motivators, underlining the importance of external factors. On the other hand, this paper also underlines the inevitable existence of the postmodern paradigm which has its roots in hyperreality, fragmentation, a change in the roles of production and consumption and consumer decentralization. It stresses the need for reconsidering various factor categories that model consumer behavior, instead of relying on any single category. Consumer behavior is analyzed through the postmodern paradigm that includes customization, allowing the consumer to shape marketing elements and adjust them to his needs so that he becomes an active participant and an experience producer. Considering consumer behavior as a little known marketing field leads to the conclusion that it rests on both these paradigms, even though they are contradictory. Such a contradiction lays the foundation for an integrated exploration of consumer behavior with no exclusion of either paradigm, one that will accept various influences forming the backbone of the postmodern era, and of marketing in the contemporary world

    Longitudinal study of food-related lifestyle of Croatian consumers

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    Ovim radom predstavljeno je longitudinalno istraživanje koje upućuje na postojanje promjena u segmentima hrvatskih potrošača s obzirom na njihov stil života u prehrani, i to u desetogodišnjem razdoblju (od 1997. godine do 2006. godine). U promatranom su razdoblju provedena tri anketna istraživanja (1997., 2000. i 2006. godine). Korišten je kroskulturalno testirani mjerni instrument FRL (Food-Related Lifstyle). Riječ je o instrumentu koji mjeri stavove potrošača prema prehrambenim proizvodima, od procesa kupovine do procesa konzumiranja istih. Glavne dimenzije navedenog mjernog instrumenta, temeljem kojih se determinira stil života u prehrani, jesu: način kupovine, aspekt kvalitete prehrambenih proizvoda, način pripremanja hrane, situacije u kojima se hrana konzumira, te motivi kupovine prehrambenih proizvoda. Klaster analizom izdvojeno je pet različitih tržišnih segmenata: Relaksirani, Eksperimentalisti, Moderni, Zabrinuti nutricionisti i Tradicionalisti. Obilježja navedenih pet segmenata nisu se mijenjala tijekom prvih dvaju istraživanja, ali se mijenjala veličina pojedinih segmenata. U posljednjem istraživanju najveće su promjene zabilježene u obilježjima segmenta Modernih koji su se isprepleli sa segmentom Zabrinutih nutricionista. Najstabilnijim su se pokazala tri segmenta hrvatskih potrošača: Tradicionalisti, Zabrinuti nutricionisti i Eksperimentalisti. Ipak, treba naglasiti da se tijekom analiziranog razdoblja značajno promijenila i veličina svih izdvojenih tržišnih segmenata. Rezultati ovog istraživanja mogu biti od posebnog značaja proizvođačima prehrambenih proizvoda koji mogu prilagoditi svoje marketinške strategije pojedinim tržišnim segmentima s obzirom na njihov stil živo¬ta u kupovini, pripremi i konzumiranju prehrambenih proizvoda.The aim of this paper is to report longitudinal changes in the market segments concerning a food-related lifestyle in the Republic of Croatia during a ten-year period. In the course of 1997, 2000 and 2006, three personal surveys were conducted. A cross-culturally tested instrument, i.e. Food-Related Lifestyle (FRL) Instrument was used. This instrument measures consumers’ attitudes with regard to food products. The principal dimensions that determine the food-related lifestyle are as follows: ways of shopping, quality aspects, cooking methods, consumption situations and purchasing motives. Using cluster analysis, five different food-related lifestyle segments of Croatian consumers were identified: Relaxed, Experimentalists, Modern, Concerned Nutritionists and Traditionalists. In 1997 and 2000, the characteristics of food-related lifestyle segments remained the same but their size changed. In the latest research (in 2006) major changes refer to certain characteristics of the Modern segment. Some Modern consumers became a part of the Concerned Nutritionists segment. Traditionalists, Concerned Nutritionists and Experimentalists appear to be the most stable segments. This longitudinal study provides insights into a change of the consumer lifestyle and identifies the size of individual segments. It may be of substantial help to food producers, enabling them to adjust their food products to new lifestyle segments and their respective preferences in buying and consuming food products

    Maritime transport in digital world

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    Authors investigate the impact of the electronic economy to the transport value chain, and especially the port as technological node. The electronic economy impacts on the transport chain, and on logistics outline different view on the port operations. The ports do not only bound themselves to basic transit operations only, but rather involve the sophisticated logistic operations. Simulation has been used to define economic behaviour of the model and its entities for two generic case studies – usage of the electronic and paper documents. The results show that electronic documents can decrease the transaction costs Electronic documents diminish the time used to obtain, create the documents, and thus the costs are decreased. For one shipment (total of 103 documents) electronic documents are 39% cheaper then paper documents and the difference between the electronic and paper documents is 295.44$ for one set of 103 documents in one shipment


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    Photography is admitted as one of the widely used methods in criminal investigation which has a significant evidentiary potential, but only if it is made according to special technical and procedural rules. Considering its great value in the collecting and examination of material evidences, in this paper it will be presented the review of application of photography in the process of proving the facts in criminal proceedings. At first, it will be presented the general legal rules on the manner of proving and assessment of the evidence in criminal proceedings, which are decisive in considering photography as evidence. The focus will be on photographs which are used or obtained by conducting evidentiary actions, such as witnesses’ identification and covert surveillance and audio and video recording and photographs which represent technical contribution to other evidentiary actions, such as crime scene investigation. Finally, it will be considered evidentiary action named proving by a record, under which the use of photography as evidence could be subsumed, with reference to relevant cases from the case law in Republic of Serbia

    Phytochemical Profile of Honey

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    Marketing of Professional and Financial Services in Croatia

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    Based on sample survey of professional and financial service companies in Croatia, in this article, the authors try to analyse their marketing orientation in business practices. With the help of the data they assess the extent of companies’ understanding of usefulness of marketing — concepts, methods and techniques — in their daily operations