49 research outputs found

    A reconnaissance of the possible donor stars to the Kepler supernova

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    The identity of Type Ia supernova progenitors remains a mystery, with various lines of evidence pointing towards either accretion from a non-degenerate companion, or the rapid merger of two degenerate stars leading to the thermonuclear destruction of a white dwarf. In this paper we spectroscopically scrutinize 24 of the brightest stars residing in the central 38" x 38" of the SN 1604 (Kepler) supernova remnant to search for a possible surviving companion star. We can rule out, with high certainty, a red giant companion star - a progenitor indicated by some models of the supernova remnant. Furthermore, we find no star that exhibits properties uniquely consistent with those expected of a donor star down to L>10Lsun. While the distribution of star properties towards the remnant are consistent with unrelated stars, we identify the most promising candidates for further astrometric and spectroscopic follow-up. Such a program would either discover the donor star, or place strong limits on progenitor systems to luminosities with L<<Lsun.Comment: accepted by Ap

    The rotation of surviving companion stars after type Ia supernova explosions in the WD+MS scenario

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    In the SD scenario of SNe Ia the companion survives the SN explosion and thus should be visible near the center of the SN remnant and may show some unusual features. A promising approach to test progenitor models of SNe Ia is to search for the companion in SNRs. Here we present the results of 3D hydrodynamics simulations of the interaction between the SN Ia blast wave and a MS companion taking into consideration its orbital motion and spin. The primary goal of this work is to investigate the rotation of surviving companions after SN Ia explosions in the WD+MS scenario. We use Eggleton's code including the optically thick accretion wind model to obtain realistic models of companions. The impact of the SN blast wave on these companions is followed in 3D hydrodynamic simulations employing the SPH code GADGET3. We find that the rotation of the companion does not significantly affect the amount of stripped mass and the kick velocity caused by the SN impact. However, in our simulations, the rotational velocity of the companion is significantly reduced to about 14% to 32% of its pre-explosion value due to the expansion of the companion and the fact that 55%-89% of the initial angular momentum is carried away by the stripped matter. Compared with the observed rotational velocity of the presumed companion star of Tycho's SN, Tycho G, of 6 km/s the final rotational velocity we obtain is still higher by at least a factor of two. Whether this difference is significant, and may cast doubts on the suggestion that Tycho G is the companion of SN 1572, has to be investigated in future studies. Based on binary population synthesis results we present, for the first time, the expected distribution of rotational velocities of companions after the explosion which may provide useful information for the identification of the surviving companion in observational searches in other historical SNRs.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Type Iax SNe as a few-parameter family

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    We present direct spectroscopic modeling of five Type Iax supernovae (SNe) with the one dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer code TARDIS. The abundance tomography technique is used to map the chemical structure and physical properties of the SN atmosphere. Through via fitting of multiple spectral epochs with self-consistent ejecta models, we can then constrain the location of some elements within the ejecta. The synthetic spectra of the best-fit models are able to reproduce the flux continuum and the main absorption features in the whole sample. We find that the mass fractions of IGEs and IMEs show a decreasing trend toward the outer regions of the atmospheres using density profiles similar to those of deflagration models in the literature. Oxygen is the only element, which could be dominant at higher velocities. The stratified abundance structure contradicts the well-mixed chemical profiles predicted by pure deflagration models. Based on the derived densities and abundances, a template model atmosphere is created for the SN Iax class and compared to the observed spectra. Free parameters are the scaling of the density profile, the velocity shift of the abundance template, and the peak luminosity. The results of this test support the idea that all SNe Iax can be described by a similar internal structure, which argues for a common origin of this class of explosions.Comment: 21 pages, 7 tables, 16 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Hunting for the progenitor of SN 1006: High resolution spectroscopic search with the FLAMES instrument

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    Type Ia supernovae play a significant role in the evolution of the Universe and have a wide range of applications. It is widely believed that these events are the thermonuclear explosions of carbon-oxygen white dwarfs close to the Chandrasekhar mass (1.38 M\odot). However, CO white dwarfs are born with masses much below the Chandrasekhar limit and thus require mass accretion to become Type Ia supernovae. There are two main scenarios for accretion. First, the merger of two white dwarfs and, second, a stable mass accretion from a companion star. According to predictions, this companion star (also referred to as donor star) survives the explosion and thus should be visible in the center of Type Ia remnants. In this paper we scrutinize the central stars (79 in total) of the SN 1006 remnant to search for the surviving donor star as predicted by this scenario. We find no star consistent with the traditional accretion scenario in SN1006.Comment: 11 pages, accepted by Ap

    Dalek -- a deep-learning emulator for TARDIS

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    Supernova spectral time series contain a wealth of information about the progenitor and explosion process of these energetic events. The modeling of these data requires the exploration of very high dimensional posterior probabilities with expensive radiative transfer codes. Even modest parametrizations of supernovae contain more than ten parameters and a detailed exploration demands at least several million function evaluations. Physically realistic models require at least tens of CPU minutes per evaluation putting a detailed reconstruction of the explosion out of reach of traditional methodology. The advent of widely available libraries for the training of neural networks combined with their ability to approximate almost arbitrary functions with high precision allows for a new approach to this problem. Instead of evaluating the radiative transfer model itself, one can build a neural network proxy trained on the simulations but evaluating orders of magnitude faster. Such a framework is called an emulator or surrogate model. In this work, we present an emulator for the TARDIS supernova radiative transfer code applied to Type Ia supernova spectra. We show that we can train an emulator for this problem given a modest training set of a hundred thousand spectra (easily calculable on modern supercomputers). The results show an accuracy on the percent level (that are dominated by the Monte Carlo nature of TARDIS and not the emulator) with a speedup of several orders of magnitude. This method has a much broader set of applications and is not limited to the presented problem.Comment: 6 pages;5 figures submitted to AAS Journals. Constructive Criticism invite

    A High-Resolution Spectroscopic Search for the Remaining Donor for Tycho's Supernova

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    In this paper, we report on our analysis using Hubble Space Telescope astrometry and Keck-I HIRES spectroscopy of the central six stars of Tycho's supernova remnant (SN 1572). With these data, we measured the proper motions, radial velocities, rotational velocities, and chemical abundances of these objects. Regarding the chemical abundances, we do not confirm the unusu- ally high [Ni/Fe] ratio previously reported for Tycho-G. Rather, we find that for all metrics in all stars, none exhibit the characteristics expected from traditional SN Ia single-degenerate-scenario calculations. The only possible exception is Tycho-B, a rare, metal-poor A-type star; however, we are unable to find a suitable scenario for it. Thus, we suggest that SN 1572 cannot be explained by the standard single-degenerate model.Comment: 34 pages, 11 Figures, revised and resubmitted to Ap