126 research outputs found

    Possible coupling between climatically induced lake level change, volcanic eruptions and seismotectonic activation in the Rukwa-Rungwe-Nyasa rift, SW Tanzania

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    The Rukwa rift basin is presently a closed hydrogeological depression containing a shallow lake (max 20 me deep) with its surface at an altitude around 810 m above sea level. Lacustrine terraces and paleo-shorelines are known up to 980 m above sea level, an altitude at which it reach the overflow sill towards Lake Tanganyika. Both Lakes Tanganyika and Nyasa (Malawi) are presently overflowing, but as their lake level fluctuates, they have been disconnected from their outlet in the recent past. High resolution seismic profiling in both Lakes Rukwa and Malawi has show the presence of active fault systems underneath the lake floor. Some of these fault systems appear to have had a cyclic activity, with alternating periods of high tectonic activity/sedimentation and periods of tectonic quiescence. The accommodation zone between Lake Rukwa and Nyasa is occupied by the Rungwe volcanic Province, with the Ngozi, Rungwe and Kiejo volcanoes presenting signs of recent volcanic activity. The Rungwe Province is cross-cut by several directions of faults, which clearly control the location of the volcanic vents.In our work, we reviewed the available data on recent (Late Pleistocene – Holocene) volcanic eruptions, in the Rungwe area itself, in the drill cores from the surrounding lakes and from aerial observations up to 300 km away from the Rungwe Province. We performed morphotectonic and paleoseismic investigations of the Kanda fault, a major normal fault between lakes Rukwa and Tanganyika. We investigated lacustrine deposits of the Rukwa basin corresponding to the two last cycles of high lake level. The chronological framework was established using 30 new radiocarbon dating and the most prominent volcanic tephra layers were used as a reference in the correlations. The results are still preliminary, but a good correlation already appear between climatically induced lake level change (in Lake Rukwa), seismo-tectonic activation of the regional fault network (underneath Lake Rukwa and the Kanda fault between Lakes Rukwa and Tanganyika) and the timing of the recent strong volcanic eruptions in the Rungwe Volcanic Province since the last 40.000 years. This relation is explained taking into account that Lake Rukwa is very sensitive to climate change as it occupies a flat depression and its overflow outlet is 180 m above its present-day level. Its lake level rises rapidly when the climate becomes more humid as it was the case during the Last Glacial Maximum and during the Younger Dryas event. Increase in lake level means increasing of the load in the basin and perturbation of the ambient tectonic stresses. In most of the Rukwa rift, the tectonic stress is of extensional (normal faulting) regime, with the maximum principal stress axis (sigma 1) subvertical. In these conditions, increasing the vertical load will increase the shear stress on the existing normal faults, triggering (seismogenic) normal faulting deformation. As the architecture of the active volcanoes in the Rungwe Province is tectonically controlled, activation of the faults, together with a greater pressure of water in the tectonic discontinuities are likely to trigger large volcanic eruptions, strongly explosive

    Earthquake geology of the Kanda fault system (Tanganyika-Rukwa rift, SW highlands of Tanzania)

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    The 160 km-long Kanda normal fault system is running longitudinally across the Ufipa tilted horst between the Tanganyika and Rukwa rift basins in the western branch of the East African Rift System. It is likely to have been affected the Ms 7.4 earthquake in 1910 whose instrumental epicentre was located approximately near Sumbawanga town, along the northern portion of the fault. Remote sensing, morphotectonic, and palaeoseismological investigations together with structural geology and electric resistivity profiling allow to characterise the main seismological parameters of this major active fault.In order to reconstruct the along-trend displacement profile and fault segmentation, topographic profiles were made across the fault scarp using data from differential GPS, Hand GPS and the 90 m resolution STRM DEM. Comparison of topographic profiles from the same site using the different topographic data provides some insight on the methodology and validity of topographic profiles extraction. Due to the large dimensions of the fault scarp (10-30 m high) the strong magnitude of the potential earthquakes (Ms. 7.5) and the large associated co-seismic slip (2-4 m), classical paleoseismic trenching is difficult to apply. Instead, we used existing exposures such as natural trenches, road cuts and outcrops, supplemented by a dense topographic survey (5000 points on differential GPS over less than 1 km2) to produce a 2 m resolution digital elevation model, performed detailed geological mapping, airphoto interpretation, electric resistivity profiling, small drillings, and C14 dating. Efforts were concentrated on a promising site where river sediments and peat deposits are interbedded with volcanic tephra layers and largely exposed on the footwall. Results show that the Kanda fault had different cycles of activity, separated by tectonically quite periods. The last period of activity probably started by 11 cal Ka BP, soon after the deposition of a marked tephra layer, but sedimentation on the footwall continued up to 5 Ka cal BP. Since then, the minimum offset is estimated at 17.9 m, which gives a minimum slip rate of 3.58 mm/year, of an equivalent of one earthquakes generating 3.58 m slip per 1000 years (Ms in the range of 7.0 - 7.5)

    Surface ruptures associated to the July-August 2007 Gelai volcano-tectonic event, North Tanzania

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    A seismic crisis with a series of moderate earthquakes started on July 12th 2007 in the Natron area in North Tanzania. According to the USGS-NEIC earthquake catalogue, it lasted up to the 8th of September and 80 teleseismic earthquakes were recorded, with the strongest one on July 17th (Mw 5.9). Soon after the main event of July 17th, the presence of open surface fissures was reported on the ground, on the southern flank of the recent (th event shows the presence of two surface fracture systems delimiting a NNE-trending narrow graben in the southern flank of the Gelai volcano. These features were subsequently mapped in relative detail in the field in October 2007 before the following rain season. They turn to be subvertical open fissures, arranged in en-échelon way and displaying horizontal dilation as well as vertical offset. They are interpreted to evolve at depth into 60-75° dipping normal fault systems. According to their calculated dip, these fault systems converge at depth where they should either merge or intersect. Assuming a 50 m high vertical portion for the open fracture, the depth and horizontal coordinates of the fault intersection point are calculated for a series of profiles drawn across the graben structure.It is suspected that the July-August moderate-magnitude earthquake swam crisis might correspond to a volcano-tectonic event during which a magmatic dyke was injected at depth under the southern flank of the Gelai volcano. In this scenario, the observed graben structure bounded by the open fracture network and the inferred normal faults at depth are similar to the volcano-extensional structures that commonly form in the upper crust above a thin subvertical dyke injection. The top of this inferred dyke should correspond approximately to the intersection of the lines prolonging the two normal faults (even if physically the faults did not join the top of dyke), with an average depth of 4000m under the topographic surface

    Global Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 Degassing Using Sentinel-5 Precursor Tropomi

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    We present here the TROPOMI SO 2 product, which is publicly available since April 2018. We describe the capabilities and limitations of the product for the monitoring of volcanic SO 2 degassing. With several examples, we illustrate the benefit of a small satellite pixel of 3.5 x 5.5 km 2 . Owing to its improved detection limit, the data can be used to generate time series of SO 2 mass over number of volcanoes, with a large range of SO 2 emissions. We use Nyiragongo as a show case and correlate the SO 2 mass data with lava lake level estimates and local measurements of the seismicity. This paper also presents on-going developments to further improve the performance of the product for weak SO 2 loadings using a new algorithm, COBRA

    Anomalous coarsening driven by reversible charge transfer at metal–organic interfaces

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    The unique electronic properties and functional tunability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons have recently fostered high hopes for their use in flexible, green, portable, and cheap technologies. Most applications require the deposition of thin molecular films onto conductive electrodes. The growth of the first few molecular layers represents a crucial step in the device fabrication since it determines the structure of the molecular film and the energy level alignment of the metal–organic interface. Here, we explore the formation of this interface by analyzing the interplay between reversible molecule–substrate charge transfer, yielding intermolecular repulsion, and van der Waals attractions in driving the molecular assembly. Using a series of ad hoc designed molecules to balance the two effects, we combine scanning tunnelling microscopy with atomistic simulations to study the self-assembly behavior. Our systematic analysis identifies a growth mode characterized by anomalous coarsening that we anticipate to occur in a wide class of metal–organic interfaces and which should thus be considered as integral part of the self-assembly process when depositing a molecule on a conducting surface
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