14 research outputs found

    Systematics of the release of residual nuclei from relativistic nucleus-nucleus interactions

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    We have examined relativistic nuclei of krypton, xenon, holmium, and gold, accelerated in a partially stripped state to a maximum rigidity of about 5.6 GeV, interacting with targets of aluminum, carbon, and polyethylene. For each projectile and target combination we determined the total and partial charge changing cross sections for the production of lighter fragments. From these measurements we have developed a new representation of the dependence of the total charge changing cross sections on beam and target charge. We have also identified simple representations of the variation of the partial cross sections with the charge of the produced fragments and shown that they are dependent on the charge and energy of the beam. The fission of gold nuclei at high energies in these various targets has also been studied

    Prototype Tests for the CELESTE Solar Array Gamma--Ray Telescope

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    The CELESTE experiment will be an Atmospheric Cherenkov detector designed to bridge the gap in energy sensitivity between current satellite and ground-based gamma-ray telescopes, 20 to 300 GeV. We present test results made at the former solar power plant, Themis, in the French Pyrenees. The tests confirm the viability of using a central tower heliostat array for Cherenkov wavefront sampling.Comment: LaTeX2e,30 pages including 14 figures, accepted for publication by Nuclear Instruments & Methods Section

    A new analysis method for very high definition Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes as applied to the CAT telescope

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    A new method of shower-image analysis is presented which appears very powerful as applied to those Cherenkov Imaging Telescopes with very high definition imaging capability. It provides hadron rejection on the basis of a single cut on the image shape, and simultaneously determines the energy of the electromagnetic shower and the position of the shower axis with respect to the detector. The source location is also reconstructed for each individual gamma-ray shower, even with one single telescope, so for a point source the hadron rejection can be further improved. As an example, this new method is applied to data from the CAT (Cherenkov Array at Themis) imaging telescope, which has been operational since Autumn, 1996.Comment: 22 pages. submitted to Elsevier Preprin

    Telegramas enviados pelo Deputado Marcos Kertzmann a outros deputados

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    Telegramas enviados pelo Deputado Marcos Kertzmann, relator da Comissão Parlamentar de Inquérito destinada a investigar a legislação indígena, aos Deputados Salvador Julianelli, Raul Schoinden e Sinval Antunes de Souza. Nos telegramas, o relator informa sobre a visita da Comissão à tribo dos Kanelas, Maranhão.CEV-PRÓtim

    Correlação linear e espsacial entre a produtividade de feijão e a porosidade de um Latossolo Vermelho de Selvíria (MS) Linear and spatial correlation between common bean yield and porosity of a Red Latosol in Selvíria (MS), Brazil

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    A porosidade do solo exerce grande influência sobre o crescimento e desenvolvimento vegetal, uma vez que o crescimento das raízes, tal como a produtividade das culturas, é limitado pela profundidade que atingem. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a variabilidade espacial e as correlações lineares entre a produtividade de feijão e a porosidade do solo. No ano de 2004/2005, no município de Selvíria, MS, foram analisadas a produtividade de grãos de feijão (PG), cultivar IAC Carioca, irrigado, a macroporosidade (MA), a microporosidade (MI) e a porosidade total (PT) do solo em quatro profundidades: 1 (0,0-0,10); 2(0,10-0,20); 3(0,20-0,30) e 4(0,30-0,40 m), num Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. As amostras de solo e planta foram coletadas em uma malha geoestatística com 75 pontos espaçados de 10 x 10 m, mais 60 pontos de quatro malhas de refinamento numa área de 50 x 150 m. Os atributos estudados, além de não terem variado aleatoriamente, apresentaram média e baixa variabilidades. Seguiram padrões espaciais bem definidos, com alcances entre 11,70 e 104,40 m. A correlação linear entre o atributo da planta e os do solo, em função do elevado número de observações, foi baixa. As de melhor correlação linear com a PG foram a MA1, MI1 e a PT3. Entretanto, do ponto de vista espacial, houve excelente correlação inversa entre a PG e a #PT2. Assim, nos sítios onde a #PT2 diminuiu (0,030-0,045 m³ m-3 ), a PG variou entre 2.173 e 3.529 kg ha-1. Já naqueles onde aumentou (0,045-0,076 m³ m-3 ), a PG ficou entre 1.630-2.173 kg ha-1. Assim, a porosidade total do solo, quando avaliada na camada de 0,10-0,20 m (#PT2), indicou a importância do contato raiz/solo e, de modo inverso, apresentou satisfatório indicador da qualidade física do solo estudado, quando destinado à produtividade de grãos de feijão irrigado.<br>Soil porosity influences plant development since root growth and crop yield are determined by the root depth. The objective of this study was to investigate the linear and spatial variability and correlations between common bean yield and soil porosity. The bean grain yield of the irrigated cultivar Carioca IAC was analyzed in the growing season 2004/2005, in Selviria-MS, as well as macroporosity (MA), microporosity (MI) and total porosity (TP), in a Dystroferric Red Latosol, at four depths: 1 (0.0-0.10 m), 2 (0.10-0.20 m), 3 (0.20-0.30 m) and 4 (0.30-0.40 m). Soil and plant data were collected in a geostatistical grid with 135 points spaced 10 m apart, covering an area of 50 x 150 m. The data of the studied attributes did not vary randomly and the values were intermediate to low. They followed well-defined spatial standards, reaching between 11.70-104.40 m. On the other hand, the linear correlation between the plant and soil attributes was low, due to the high number of observations. Grain yield had the best linear correlations with MA1b, MI1 and TP3. From the spatial point of view, the inverse correlation between PG and #TP2 was outstanding. At the sites where #TP2 diminished (0.030-0.045 m³ m-3 ) the yield varied from 2,173 to 3,529 kg ha-1 and where it increased (0.045-0.076 m³ m-3 ), the yield was between 1,630 and 2,173 kg ha-1. Therefore, the total soil porosity, evaluated in the 0.10-0.20 m layer (#TP2), indicated the importance of the contact root/soil and was in turn a satisfactory indicator of soil physical quality, with a view to the grain yield of irrigated common bean