264 research outputs found

    Improving educational outcomes: Why don't remote schools in Australia measure up?

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    The link between one's postcode and probable school 'success' is well recognised. For those in remote Australian schools, it is an indicator that the further one lives from the metropolis, the less likely they are to be successful. Improved educational outcomes are desirable for students in remote communities to broaden their future life choices. This paper considers what neo-conservative policies around 'improvement' and 'success' - largely formed and mandated in metropolitan centres of education governance - mean for students living in remote locations. Using an example of leading a remote Australian school, we consider if educational success for students in remote schools can be readily evidenced through standardised testing alone. We also consider what this means for teachers, teaching in a remote site. This article draws primarily on the experiences of a school leader conducting an autoethnography, following their three-year tenure as a leader in a remote school. Through applied qualitative inquiry, drawing in particular on reflexive self-study, the paper explores one remote school's response to calls from governments for 'improvement'

    Promoting Client Welfare and Preserving Autonomy: Ethical Treatment of Eating Disorders

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    Counselors often experience an ethical dilemma when mandating treatment for clients with eating disorders. In this article, the authors will briefly discuss the characteristics of eating disorders, the impact of cognitive impairment on the decision to mandate treatment, and the ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, and nonmalificence that counselors must consider when work-ing with clients from this population. To address ethical concerns, the authors will apply Welfel’s (2010) ethical decision-making model to a case involving a client with Anorexia Nervosa

    Characterization of Transient Pressure Loads in the Reservoir of a Hypersonic Blowdown Tunnel

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    When flow through a hypersonic blowdown tunnel is initiated by the bursting of a diaphragm, expansion of the process gas into the downstream vacuum of the facility creates a strong rarefaction wave. This rarefaction propagates upstream, generating significant pressure drops in upstream components, such as a heater. These pressure drops can be attenuated with the use of a metering orifice, which requires an accurate prediction of the pressure drop for proper sizing. So as to be generally applicable and to provide physical insight, a closed-form or simple numerical solution for determining this pressure drop is preferred over computational fluid dynamics. Three methods are investigated: acoustic reflection, flow pattern assumption, and the Method of Characteristics. By examining the three methods in conjunction, tradeoffs between complexity and physical accuracy can be analyzed. Ultimately, this study shall lead to the design of an experiment to verify the accuracy of the three methods

    A new electron diffraction approach for structure refinement applied to Ca3Mn2O7

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    The digital large-angle convergent-beam electron diffraction (D-LACBED) technique is applied to Ca3Mn2O7 for a range of temperatures. Bloch-wave simulations are used to examine the effects that changes in different parameters have on the intensity in D-LACBED patterns, and atomic coordinates, thermal atomic displacement parameters and apparent occupancy are refined to achieve a good fit between simulation and experiment. The sensitivity of the technique to subtle changes in structure is demonstrated. Refined structures are in good agreement with previous determinations of Ca3Mn2O7 and show the decay of anti-phase oxygen octahedral tilts perpendicular to the c axis of the A21am unit cell with increasing temperature, as well as the robustness of oxygen octahedral tilts about the c axis up to ∼400°C. The technique samples only the zero-order Laue zone and is therefore insensitive to atom displacements along the electron-beam direction. For this reason it is not possible to distinguish between in-phase and anti-phase oxygen octahedral tilting about the c axis using the [110] data collected in this study

    Incorporating ecological and evolutionary processes into continental-scale conservation planning

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    Systematic conservation planning research has focused on designing systems of conservation areas that efficiently protect a comprehensive and representative set of species and habitats. Recently, there has been an emphasis on improving the adequacy of conservation area design to promote the persistence and future generation of biodiversity. Few studies have explored incorporating ecological and evolutionary processes into conservation planning assessments. Biodiversity in Australia is maintained and generated by numerous ecological and evolutionary processes at various spatial and temporal scales. We accommodated ecological and evolutionary processes in four ways: (1) using sub-catchments as planning units to facilitate the protection of the integrity and function of ecosystem processes occurring on a sub-catchment scale; (2) targeting one type of ecological refugia, drought refugia, which are critical for the persistence of many species during widespread drought; (3) targeting one type of evolutionary refugia which are important for maintaining and generating unique biota during long-term climatic changes; and (4) preferentially grouping priority areas along vegetated waterways to account for the importance of connected waterways and associated riparian areas in maintaining processes. We identified drought refugia, areas of relatively high and regular herbage production in arid and semiarid Australia, from estimates of gross primary productivity derived from satellite data. In this paper, we combined the novel incorporation of these processes with a more traditional framework of efficiently representing a comprehensive sample of biodiversity to identify spatial priorities across Australia. We explored the trade-offs between economic costs, representation targets, and connectivity. Priority areas that considered ecological and evolutionary processes were more connected along vegetated waterways and were identified for a small increase in economic cost. Priority areas for conservation investment are more likely to have long-term benefits to biodiversity if ecological and evolutionary processes are considered in their identification

    Vitamin D with Calcium reduces mortality: patient level pooled analysis of 70,528 patients from eight major vitamin D trials

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    Introduction: Vitamin D may affect multiple health outcomes. If so, an effect on mortality is to be expected. Using pooled data from randomized controlled trials, we performed individual patient data (IPD) and trial level meta-analyses to assess mortality among participants randomized to either vitamin D alone or vitamin D with calcium. Subjects and Methods: Through a systematic literature search, we identified 24 randomized controlled trials reporting data on mortality in which vitamin D was given either alone or with calcium. From a total of 13 trials with more than 1000 participants each, eight trials were included in our IPD analysis. Using a stratified Cox regression model, we calculated risk of death during 3 yr of treatment in an intention-to-treat analysis. Also, we performed a trial level meta-analysis including data from all studies. Results: The IPD analysis yielded data on 70,528 randomized participants (86.8% females) with a median age of 70 (interquartile range, 62–77) yr. Vitamin D with or without calcium reduced mortality by 7% [hazard ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.88–0.99]. However, vitamin D alone did not affect mortality, but risk of death was reduced if vitamin D was given with calcium (hazard ratio, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.84–0.98). The number needed to treat with vitamin D plus calcium for 3 yr to prevent one death was 151. Trial level meta-analysis (24 trials with 88,097 participants) showed similar results, i.e. mortality was reduced with vitamin D plus calcium (odds ratio, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.88–0.99), but not with vitamin D alone (odds ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.91–1.06). Conclusion: Vitamin D with calcium reduces mortality in the elderly, whereas available data do not support an effect of vitamin D alone

    Recentered importance sampling with applications to Bayesian model validation

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    Since its introduction in the early 1990s, the idea of using importance sampling (IS) with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) has found many applications. This article examines problems associated with its application to repeated evaluation of related posterior distributions with a particular focus on Bayesian model validation. We demonstrate that, in certain applications, the curse of dimensionality can be reduced by a simple modification of IS. In addition to providing new theoretical insight into the behavior of the IS approximation in a wide class of models, our result facilitates the implementation of computationally intensive Bayesian model checks. We illustrate the simplicity, computational savings, and potential inferential advantages of the proposed approach through two substantive case studies, notably computation of Bayesian p-values for linear regression models and simulation-based model checking. Supplementary materials including the Appendix and the R code for Section 3.1.2 are available online