37 research outputs found

    The role of biomarkers in diagnosis of COVID-19 - A systematic review.

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    AIMS:As of the 28th April 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has infiltrated over 200 countries and affected over three million confirmed people. We review different biomarkers to evaluate if they are able to predict clinical outcomes and correlate with the severity of COVID-19 disease. METHODS:A systematic review of the literature was carried out to identify relevant articles using six different databases. Keywords to refine the search included 'COVID-19', 'SARS-CoV2', 'Biomarkers', among others. Only studies which reported data on pre-defined outcomes were included. KEY FINDINGS:Thirty-four relevant articles were identified which reviewed the following biomarkers: C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A, interleukin-6, lactate dehydrogenase, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, D-dimer, cardiac troponin, renal biomarkers, lymphocytes and platelet count. Of these, all but two, showed significantly higher levels in patients with severe complications of COVID-19 infection compared to their non-severe counterparts. Lymphocytes and platelet count showed significantly lower levels in severe patients compared to non-severe patients. SIGNIFICANCE:Although research is still in its early stages, the discovery of how different biomarkers behave during the course of the disease could help clinicians in identifying severe disease earlier and subsequently improve prognosis. Nevertheless, we urge for more research across the globe to corroborate these findings

    Quantum Shalat : Metode praktis meraih kekhusyukan shalat dalam 30 hari./ Kermali

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    224 hal. : tab. ; 15 cm

    Seed security in Badakshan, Afghanistan

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    Badakshan is located in the extreme northeastern comer of Afghanistan and has not yet come under Taliban control. The province is virtually cut off from the rest of the country and is traditionally food deficient. The 20-year-old conflict in the region has further aggravated the situation, causing massive population displacement and al most complete destruction of civil institutions and infrastructure. The situation has become so serious that food aid has to be distributed in the period of grain deficit, starting from before the harvest. Simultaneously, efforts are being made to rehabilitate and improve the agricultural systems of these farming communities. In all formal and informal surveys in the area over the last three years, the farmers have identified good seed of wheat cultivars and fertilizer as being their main priority. Currently the seed of high-yielding cultivars acquired from the Centro International de Mejoramiento de Maíz y Trigo (CIMMYT) are available, but such varieties do not always perform well under farmer’s conditions. The potential of these varieties can not be realized without the use of fertilizers. Almost all the available animal dung is used to as fuel and Iittle is available for use as manure. The small amounts of chemical fertilizer available are total inadequate in quantity and exorbitant in price. In response to these needs, improved varieties of wheat, potatoes, and vegetables are being provided to over 100 villages in five isolated districts bordering Tajikistan. Three to eight farmers in each village are testing the new planting materials under their local Conditions. These farmer-Ied, on-farm evaluations are al so serving as demonstration plots for the remainder of the farmers in the village. The farmers will compare the performance of the varieties provided with their existing varieties. Cultivation of the better of the two will be encouraged through farmer-to-farmer exchanges and credit through village organizations for the inputs. This procedure will be repeated every growing season whenever new potential materials, including varieties, landraces, and different crop species are available. A secondary goal is to enhance on-farm genetic diversity among and within different crop species. These activities will be gradually transformed into participatory breeding, allowing the community to gain full control over the type and amount of varieties being produced and exchanged with their neighbors. Participation in the management and decision making for seed security by the farming community will contribute to reestablishing local food security and peace in the are

    Apprendre Ă  comprendre et Ă  raconter en petite section de maternelle avec le dispositif Narramus

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    This reflective scientific writing presents an experiment of the Narramus method, carried out with kindergarten students on the children story book Le Machin ». It is being done in a context where the results of the latest international surveys bring out a decrease in reading comprehension performances of French students, and a differentials hike, correlated with social inequalities. The tested method thus falls within the latest ministerial directives, which shift pedagogical practices towards reading-comprehension explicit education as early as kindergarten, in order to attempt to amend this ascertainment. This study aspired to check in what way the Narramus tool allows for students’ better comprehension in order to better narrate. The delivered results by attending the pedagogical sequence of the method demonstrate both its ritualistic progression by focus, the regular oral training and the use of narration aids implement, allowed to improve students' narrative skills, and theirs dare to narrate competences. Comparison between two classes’ pupils originated from distant social backgrounds also demonstrates the method allows to mitigate differentials between the two backgrounds, thus giving a glimpse of hope of succeeding in combating social determinism at school.Cet Ă©crit scientifique rĂ©flexif prĂ©sente une expĂ©rimentation du dispositif Narramus, menĂ©e avec des Ă©lĂšves de petite section de maternelle sur l’album Le Machin. Elle est conduite dans un contexte oĂč les rĂ©sultats des derniĂšres enquĂȘtes internationales mettent en Ă©vidence une baisse des performances des Ă©lĂšves français en comprĂ©hension de l’écrit, et des Ă©carts qui se creusent, corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  des inĂ©galitĂ©s sociales. La mĂ©thode expĂ©rimentĂ©e s’inscrit ainsi dans la lignĂ©e des derniĂšres instructions ministĂ©rielles, qui orientent les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques vers un enseignement explicite de la lecture-comprĂ©hension dĂšs la maternelle, pour tenter de corriger ce constat. Cette Ă©tude visait Ă  vĂ©rifier dans quelle mesure l’outil Narramus permet aux Ă©lĂšves de mieux comprendre pour mieux raconter. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus en suivant le scĂ©nario pĂ©dagogique de la mĂ©thode, montrent qu’à la fois sa progression ritualisĂ©e par cibles, l’entraĂźnement rĂ©gulier Ă  l’oral et l’utilisation de supports Ă  la narration, ont permis d’amĂ©liorer les compĂ©tences narratives des Ă©lĂšves, et l’oser raconter. La comparaison entre les Ă©lĂšves de deux classes issus de milieux sociaux Ă©loignĂ©s, montre par ailleurs que le dispositif permet d’attĂ©nuer les Ă©carts entre les deux milieux, laissant ainsi entrevoir un espoir de parvenir Ă  lutter contre le dĂ©terminisme social Ă  l’école

    Quantum Shalat : Metode praktis meraih kekhusyukan shalat dalam 30 hari./ Kermali

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    224 hal. : tab. ; 15 cm

    COVID‐19: The heart of the issue

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    A review on the deeper understanding of inflammation and infection of the thoracic aorta

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    ObjectiveTo review the current literature regarding infection and inflammation of the thoracic aorta and to summarise its aetiologies, pathogenesis and clinical presentation. Additionally, the authors sought to compare diagnostic methods and to analyse the different management options.MethodA comprehensive electronic search using PubMed, MEDLINE, Scopus and Google Scholar was conducted to find relevant journal articles with key search terms including: 'aortitis', 'thoracic aortic infection' and 'surgical management of infected thoracic aortic aneurysms'. Prominent publications from 1995 till present (2021) were analysed to achieve a deeper understanding of thoracic aorta infection and inflammation, and the information was then collated to form this review.ResultsThe literature review revealed that infectious causes are more prominent than non-infectious causes, with Gram positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Enterococcus and Streptococcus accounting for approximately 60% of the infections. The authors also noted that Staphylococcus Aureus was associated with poorer outcomes. Key diagnostic tools include MRI and multi-slice CT imaging, which are useful imaging modalities in defining the extent of the disease thus allowing for planning surgical intervention. Surgical intervention itself is extremely multifaceted and the rarity of the condition means no large-scale comparative research between all the management options exists. Until more large-scale comparative data becomes available to guide treatment, the optimal approach must be decided on a case-by-case basis, considering the benefits and drawback of each treatment option.ConclusionA high index of suspicion and a comprehensive history is required to effectively diagnose and manage infection and inflammation of the thoracic aorta. Differentiating between infectious and inflammatory cases is crucial for management planning, as infectious causes typically require antibiotics and surgical intervention. Over the years, the post treatment results have shown significant improvement due to earlier diagnosis, advancement in surgical options and increasingly specific microbial therapy