364 research outputs found

    What is the impact of health trainer interventions within a mental health setting?

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    This paper relates to a single case study that was part of a larger project using a tried and tested evaluation methodology to evaluate the role of health trainers (HTs) working with groups who are considered ‘difficult’ to engage in health care. In this example, the HTs were based in a mental health centre run by a charity. The service was commissioned by a Primary Care Trust (PCT) located in the North East of England. Data collected between April 2010 and July 2011 included quantitative data from 72 service users from the National Data Collection and Reporting System. Additional quantitative data were obtained from the HTs relating to the usage of group activities and a satisfaction questionnaire completed by service users. Qualitative data included interviews with four key stakeholders, a focus group with service users, case studies and progress reports provided as part of the Centre’s annual reporting requirements for the PCT. Findings reveal that more service users aged 26-44 used the service compared with national figures. Partnership working was essential to embed the initiative into the Centre. HT interventions that were flexible, and gave service users options, encouraged mental health promotion. The success of the intervention depended less on what the HT did and more importantly on how they did it

    Calculating the Sun\u27s Photospheric Temperature, an Undergraduate Physics Laboratory

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    We provide physics students and teachers with a simple technique for measuring the solar spectrum and a method for analyzing that spectrum through popular computer software. We discuss modern physics concepts related to blackbody radiation while modeling the sun\u27s spectrum to determine the temperature of the sun\u27s photosphere. We provide a reliable method to determine the sun\u27s photospheric temperature with a typical error of less than 10%, primarily dependent on atmospheric conditions. The focus of this work is on data analysis, not acquisition

    Measurement of Solar Spectral Irradiance and Surface Ozone at Carrollton, Georgia, USA, During the Great American Eclipse on 21 August 2017

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    Measurements conducted at the University of West Georgia, Carrollton, Georgia, during the time of the solar eclipse of 21st August 2017 demonstrated that the integrated spectral irradiance in defined wavelength ranges in the ultraviolet and visible calculated as a fraction of the total irradiance reached a minimum at maximum obscuration of the Sun, whereas in an infrared range it was maximum. The method of analysis adopted supports the view that the changes in spectral irradiance during highly obscured partial phases is a consequence of limb darkening. In a surface ozone measurement, a minimum in ozone concentration occurred 30 +_ minutes after the instant of maximum obscuration. The observation is explained as a combined effects of change in reaction rates of photochemical generation and degradation of ozone

    Cómo formular una propuesta para la elaboración de un Proyecto Ambiental Escolar (PRAE) a través del estudio de las situaciones ambientales del Instituto Comercial Loreto ubicado en la localidad octava de Bogotá (Kennedy)

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    Los Proyectos Ambientales Escolares (PRAE) son estrategias de la educación ambiental que desde el aula y la institución escolar se vinculan a la solución integral de la problemática ambiental particular de una localidad o región. En este articulo se presenta una experiencia de investigación que muestra la formulación, construcción y desarrollo colectivo del (PRAE) con la comunidad educativa del Instituto Comercial Loreto, ubicada en la localidad octava de Bogotá (Kennedy), que parte inicialmente de una recolección de datos y descripción de las situaciones ambientales que se evidenciaron, y continúa con una metodología para identificar cuáles de éstas son las situaciones más críticas que se deben abordar, y finalmente se plantean unas alternativas de solución para las mismas. El objetivo es promover y consolidar el verdadero sentido con el que fueron propuestos y creados los (PRAE) dentro de la Política Nacional de Educación Ambiental, como herramientas fundamentales de cambio y mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de quienes se involucran estos proyectos

    AI in Production: Video Analysis and Machine Learning for Expanded Live Events Coverage

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    In common with many industries, TV and video production is likely to be transformed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), with software and algorithms assisting production tasks that, conventionally, could only be carried out by people. Expanded coverage of a diverse range of live events is particularly constrained by the relative scarcity of skilled people, and is a strong use case for AI-based automation. This paper describes recent BBC research into potential production benefits of AI algorithms, using visual analysis and other techniques. Rigging small, static UHD cameras, we have enabled a one-person crew to crop UHD footage in multiple ways and cut between the resulting shots, effectively creating multi-camera HD coverage of events that cannot accommodate a camera crew. By working with programme makers to develop simple deterministic rules and, increasingly, training systems using advanced video analysis, we are developing a system of algorithms to automatically frame, sequence and select shots, and construct acceptable multicamera coverage of previously untelevised types of event

    Development of Direction Selectivity in Mouse Cortical Neurons

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    SummaryPrevious studies of the ferret visual cortex indicate that the development of direction selectivity requires visual experience. Here, we used two-photon calcium imaging to study the development of direction selectivity in layer 2/3 neurons of the mouse visual cortex in vivo. Surprisingly, just after eye opening nearly all orientation-selective neurons were also direction selective. During later development, the number of neurons responding to drifting gratings increased in parallel with the fraction of neurons that were orientation, but not direction, selective. Our experiments demonstrate that direction selectivity develops normally in dark-reared mice, indicating that the early development of direction selectivity is independent of visual experience. Furthermore, remarkable functional similarities exist between the development of direction selectivity in cortical neurons and the previously reported development of direction selectivity in the mouse retina. Together, these findings provide strong evidence that the development of orientation and direction selectivity in the mouse brain is distinctly different from that in ferrets
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