62 research outputs found
Zwischen GeschĂ€ftspolitik und persönlichem Anstand â ein kompliziertes Spannungsfeld
[Abstract fehlt
Estimating the Impact of Physical Climate Risks on Firm Defaults: A Supply-Chain Perspective
In this research, an agent-based model was developed to study the propagation of physical climate shocks through supply chain networks. By combining supply chain and financial models, the study examines the effects of climate shocks on firmsâ production capacities and their subsequent impacts on firm default risk. A comprehensive mathematical framework is presented for the simulation of physical risks, their subsequent up- and downstream impacts along the supply chain, and the translation of physical impacts into an increased level of default risk. The results highlight the importance of supply chains as a transmission channel for physical climate risks and emphasize the effectiveness of implementing adaptation measures. Practical examples demonstrate the modelâs behavior under different hypothetical climate scenarios and identify the sectors most vulnerable to increases in the frequency and intensity of climate events. Overall, this study provides insights into the transmission dynamics of climate shocks and emphasizes the need for resilience against climate events in supply chain networks
Imaging NeuroVascular, Endothelial and STructural Integrity in prepAration to TrEat Small Vessel Diseases. The INVESTIGATE-SVDs study Protocol
Background: Sporadic cerebral small vessel disease (SVD) and cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) share clinical and neuroimaging features and possibly vascular dysfunction(s). However few studies have included both conditions, assessed more than one vascular dysfunction simultaneously, or included more than one centre. The INVESTIGATE-SVDs study will assess several cerebrovascular dysfunctions with MRI in participants with sporadic SVD or CADASIL at three European centres. Methods: We will recruit participants with sporadic SVDs (ischaemic stroke or vascular cognitive impairment) and CADASIL in Edinburgh, Maastricht and Munich. We will perform detailed clinical and neuropsychological phenotyping of the participants, and neuroimaging including structural MRI, cerebrovascular reactivity MRI (CVR: using carbon dioxide challenge), phase contrast MRI (arterial, venous and CSF flow and pulsatility), dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (blood brain barrier (BBB) leakage) and multishell diffusion imaging. Participants will measure their blood pressure (BP) and its variability over seven days using a telemetric device. Discussion: INVESTIGATE-SVDs will assess the relationships of BBB integrity, CVR, pulsatility and CSF flow in sporadic SVD and CADASIL using a multisite, multimodal MRI protocol. We aim to establish associations between these measures of vascular function, risk factors particularly BP and its variability, and brain parenchymal lesions in these two SVD phenotypes. Additionally we will test feasibility of complex multisite MRI, provide reliable intermediary outcome measures and sample size estimates for future trials
The EffecTs of Amlodipine and other Blood PREssure Lowering Agents on Microvascular FuncTion in Small Vessel Diseases (TREAT-SVDs) trial: Study protocol for a randomised crossover trial
Background: Hypertension is the leading modifiable risk factor for cerebral small vessel diseases (SVDs). Yet, it is unknown whether antihypertensive drug classes differentially affect microvascular function in SVDs. Aims: To test whether amlodipine has a beneficial effect on microvascular function when compared to either losartan or atenolol, and whether losartan has a beneficial effect when compared to atenolol in patients with symptomatic SVDs. Design: TREAT-SVDs is an investigator-led, prospective, open-label, randomised crossover trial with blinded endpoint assessment (PROBE design) conducted at five study sites across Europe. Patients aged 18 years or older with symptomatic SVD who have an indication for antihypertensive treatment and are suffering from either sporadic SVD and a history of lacunar stroke or vascular cognitive impairment (group A) or CADASIL (group B) are randomly allocated 1:1:1 to one of three sequences of antihypertensive treatment. Patients stop their regular antihypertensive medication for a 2-week run-in period followed by 4-week periods of monotherapy with amlodipine, losartan and atenolol in random order as open-label medication in standard dose. Outcomes: The primary outcome measure is cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR) as determined by blood oxygen level dependent brain MRI signal response to hypercapnic challenge with change in CVR in normal appearing white matter as primary endpoint. Secondary outcome measures are mean systolic blood pressure (BP) and BP variability (BPv). Discussion: TREAT-SVDs will provide insights into the effects of different antihypertensive drugs on CVR, BP, and BPv in patients with symptomatic sporadic and hereditary SVDs. Funding: European Union's Horizon 2020 programme
Tendencias reveladas por las encuestas European Values Study y perspectivas de futuro
Las encuestas europeas de valores llevadas a cabo por la fundaciĂłn European Values Study reflejan los valores y la identidad especĂfica de los europeos, destacando tanto las diferencias como los puntos en comĂșn y su evoluciĂłn a lo largo de estos Ășltimos treinta años. En este artĂculo, uno de los mayores impulsores del proyecto nos muestra los principales resultados
EVS - European Values Study 1999 - Belgium
Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of Europeans. Topics: Leisure time: importance of areas of life; feeling of happiness; memberships and honorary activities in clubs, parties, organizations, citizensÂŽ initiatives and occupation organizations; interactions in leisure time; tolerance regarding minorities, those of other beliefs and foreigners; inter-human trust; self-effectiveness (scale); general contentment with life (scale). Work: importance of selected characteristics of occupational work (scale); personal employment; general work satisfaction (scale); self-determination at work (scale); work ethic (scale); attitude to achievement-based pay and following work instructions without criticism; priority of nationals over foreigners as well as men over women with shortage of jobs; assumed priority of individual or social reasons for the situation of economic need of individuals; freedom of the unemployed to reject a job offer (scale). Politics: party preference; attitude to foreign workers in oneÂŽs country; fear of the future; assimilation and integration of immigrants; concept of a just society (more welfare state or liberalism, scale); interest in political news in the media; individualism and thinking of the community; interest in politics; political participation; self-assessment on a left-right continuum (scale); self-responsibility or governmental provision (scale); attitude to competition freedom and entrepreneur freedom (scale); satisfaction with democracy; attitude to the current political system of the country and judgment on the political system of the country ten years ago (scale); preference for a democratic political system or for strong leadership of an individual politician (scale); attitude to democracy (scale); loss of national characteristics through unification of Europe. Religion: individual or general standard for good and evil; current and perhaps earlier religious denomination; current frequency of church attendance and at the age of 12; importance of religious celebration at birth, marriage and funeral; self-assessment of religiousness; ability of the religious community in moral questions, with problems in family life, spiritual needs and current social problems of the country; belief in God, life after death, hell, heaven, sin, telepathy and reincarnation; belief in God or nihilism (scale); importance of God in oneÂŽs own life (scale); comfort and strength through belief; prayer and meditation; frequency of prayer; possession and belief in lucky charms or talisman (scale); reading and observing horoscopes; attitude to separation of church (religion) and state (scale). Family and marriage: important criteria for a successful marriage (scale); attitude to marriage and the traditional family structure (scale); attitude to oneÂŽs own children (scale); attitude to traditional understanding of oneÂŽs role of man and woman in occupation and family (scale); attitude to a traditional or liberal parent-child relation; importance of educational goals; attitude to abortion. Society: preference for individual freedom or social equality; post-materialism (scale); preferred social development (scale); attitude to technical progress; trust in institutions; observing individual human rights in the country; attitude to environmental protection (scale); closeness to family, the neighborhood, people in the region, countrymen, Europeans and humanity; closeness to older people, the unemployed, foreigners and handicapped well as readiness to make an effort for these groups; personal reasons for assistance with older people as well as foreigners; identification with the city, the region, the nation, Europe and the world; national pride. morals and sexuality: moral attitudes (tax evasion, theft, use of drugs, lying, bribe money, corruption, euthanasia, suicide, environmental pollution, alcohol at the wheel; scale); moral attitudes to partnership and sexuality (homosexuality, abortion, divorce, promiscuity; scale); assumed spreading of immoral behavior in the population of the country (scale); attitude to punishment dependent on the situation of the culprit or the victim (scale). Demography: sex; year of birth; marital status and living together with a partner; number of children; school education; age at termination of school training; employment; superior function and span of control; company size; occupation (ISCO88) and occupational position; length of unemployment; size of household; ages of children in household; head of household; characteristics of head of household; household income. Additional country specific questions included. Interviewer rating: social class of respondent; willingness of respondent to cooperate. Also coded: city size; region; date of interview; length of interview.Moralische, religiöse, gesellschaftliche, politische, ökonomische und soziale Wertvorstellungen der EuropĂ€er. Themen: Freizeit: Wichtigkeit der Lebensbereiche; GlĂŒcksgefĂŒhl; Mitgliedschaften und ehrenamtliche TĂ€tigkeiten in Vereinen, Parteien, Organisationen, BĂŒrgerinitiativen und Berufsorganisationen; Verkehrskreise in der Freizeit; Toleranz gegenĂŒber Minderheiten, AndersglĂ€ubige und AuslĂ€nder; zwischenmenschliches Vertrauen; Selbstwirksamkeit (Skalometer); allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit (Skalometer). Arbeitswelt: Wichtigkeit ausgewĂ€hlter Merkmale beruflicher Arbeit (Skala); eigene ErwerbstĂ€tigkeit; allgemeine Arbeitszufriedenheit (Skalometer); Selbstbestimmung in der Arbeit (Skalometer); Arbeitsethos (Skala); Einstellung zu einer leistungsorientierten Bezahlung und zum kritiklosen Befolgen von Arbeitsanweisungen; PrioritĂ€t von InlĂ€ndern gegenĂŒber AuslĂ€ndern sowie MĂ€nnern gegenĂŒber Frauen bei Arbeitsplatzknappheit; vermuteter Vorrang individueller oder gesellschaftlicher Ursachen fĂŒr die wirtschaftliche Notlage Einzelner; Entscheidungsfreiheit von Arbeitslosen zur Ablehnung eines Arbeitsangebots (Skalometer). Politik: ParteiprĂ€ferenz; Einstellung zu auslĂ€ndischen Arbeitnehmern im eigenen Land; Zukunftsangst; Assimilation und Integration von Immigranten; Vorstellung von einer gerechten Gesellschaft (mehr Wohlfahrtsstaat oder Liberalismus, Skala); Interesse an politischen Nachrichten in den Medien; Individualismus und Gemeinschaftsdenken; Politikinteresse; politische Partizipation; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum (Skalometer); Selbstverantwortlichkeit oder staatliche Vorsorge (Skalometer); Einstellung zur Wettbewerbsfreiheit und Unternehmerfreiheit (Skalometer); Demokratiezufriedenheit; Einstellung zum derzeitigen politischen System des Landes und Beurteilung des politischen Systems des Landes vor zehn Jahren (Skalometer); PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr ein demokratisches politisches System oder fĂŒr eine starke FĂŒhrerschaft eines einzelnen Politikers (Skala); Einstellung zur Demokratie (Skala); Verlust nationaler Charakteristika durch die Vereinigung Europas. Religion: individueller oder genereller MaĂstab fĂŒr Gut und Böse; derzeitige und gegebenenfalls frĂŒhere Konfession; derzeitige KirchgangshĂ€ufigkeit und im Alter von 12 Jahren; Wichtigkeit religiöser Feiern bei Geburt, Hochzeit und Beerdigung; SelbsteinschĂ€tzung der ReligiositĂ€t; Kompetenz der Religionsgemeinschaft in moralischen Fragen, bei Problemen im Familienleben, bei geistigen BedĂŒrfnissen und aktuellen sozialen Problemen des Landes; Glaube an Gott, an ein Leben nach dem Tod, an die Hölle, den Himmel, die SĂŒnde, an Telepathie und an Wiedergeburt; GottglĂ€ubigkeit oder Nihilismus (Skala); Wichtigkeit von Gott im eigenen Leben (Skalometer); Trost und Kraft durch den Glauben; Beten und Meditation; GebetshĂ€ufigkeit; Besitz und Glauben an GlĂŒcksbringer oder Talisman (Skalometer); Lesen und BerĂŒcksichtigen von Horoskopen; Einstellung zur Trennung von Kirche (Religion) und Staat (Skala). Familie und Ehe: wichtigste Kriterien fĂŒr eine erfolgreiche Ehe (Skala); Einstellung zur Ehe und zur traditionellen Familienstruktur (Skala); Einstellung zu eigenen Kindern (Skala); Einstellung zum traditionellen RollenverstĂ€ndnis von Mann und Frau in Beruf und Familie (Skala); Einstellung zu einer traditionellen oder liberalen Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; Wichtigkeit von Erziehungszielen; Einstellung zur Abtreibung. Gesellschaft: PrĂ€ferenz fĂŒr individuelle Freiheit oder soziale Gleichheit; Postmaterialismus (Skala); prĂ€ferierte gesellschaftliche Entwicklung (Skala); Einstellung zum technischen Fortschritt; Vertrauen in Institutionen; Beachtung der individuellen Menschenrechte im Lande; Einstellung zum Umweltschutz (Skala); NĂ€he zur Familie, zur Nachbarschaft, den Menschen in der Region, zu den Landsleuten, den EuropĂ€ern und der Menschheit; NĂ€he zu Ă€lteren Menschen, zu Arbeitslosen, AuslĂ€ndern und Behinderten sowie Bereitschaft sich fĂŒr diese Gruppen einzusetzen; persönliche GrĂŒnde fĂŒr Hilfeleistungen bei Ă€lteren Menschen sowie bei AuslĂ€ndern; Identifikation mit dem Ort, der Region, der Nation, Europa und der Welt; Nationalstolz. Moral und SexualitĂ€t: moralische Einstellungen (Steuerhinterziehung, Diebstahl, Drogengebrauch, LĂŒgen, Schmiergelder, Korruption, Euthanasie, Selbstmord, Umweltverschmutzung, Alkohol am Steuer; Skala); moralische Einstellungen zu Partnerschaft und SexualitĂ€t (HomosexualitĂ€t, Abtreibung, Scheidung, PromiskuitĂ€t; Skala); vermutete Verbreitung unmoralischer Verhaltensweisen in der Bevölkerung des Landes (Skala); Einstellung zu einer Bestrafung in AbhĂ€ngigkeit von der Situation des TĂ€ters bzw. des GeschĂ€digten (Skala). Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsjahr; Familienstand und Zusammenleben mit einem Partner; Kinderzahl; Schulbildung; Alter bei Beendigung der Schulausbildung; BerufstĂ€tigkeit; Vorgesetztenfunktion und Kontrollspanne; BetriebsgröĂe; Beruf (ISCO88) und berufliche Stellung; Dauer der Arbeitslosigkeit; HaushaltsgröĂe; Alter der Kinder im Haushalt; Haushaltsvorstand; Charakteristika des Haushaltsvorstands; Haushaltseinkommen. Der Fragebogen enthĂ€lt weitere lĂ€nderspezifische Fragen. Interviewerrating: Schichtzugehörigkeit des Befragten; Kooperationsbereitschaft des Befragten. ZusĂ€tzlich kodiert: OrtsgröĂe; Region; Datum des Interviews; Dauer des Interviews
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