42 research outputs found

    A step-wise approach for establishing a multidisciplinary team for the management of tuberous sclerosis complex: a Delphi consensus report.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disorder associated with mutations in TSC1 and TSC2 genes, upregulation of mammalian target of rapamycin signaling, and subsequent tumor formation in various organs. Due to the many manifestations of TSC and their potential complications, management requires the expertise of multiple medical disciplines. A multidisciplinary care approach is recommended by consensus guidelines. Use of multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) has been shown to be beneficial in treating other complex diseases, such as cancer. In a lifelong disease such as TSC, an MDT may facilitate the transition from pediatric to adult care. However, little guidance exists in the literature regarding how to organize an MDT in TSC. METHODS: To discuss the best approach to assembling an MDT, this project was initiated in October 2017 with a meeting of 12 physicians from various specialties and various countries. Following this first meeting, the experts generated statements on the most important aspects to implement in establishing an MDT for TSC by 3 rounds of selection using a Delphi process via electronic correspondence. Finally, TSC patient advocates reviewed the findings and provided additional insights from a patient perspective. RESULTS: A 3-step roadmap was recommended, starting with identifying a single individual to begin organizing care (Step 1), then establishing a small core team (Step 2), and finally, establishing a larger multi-disciplinary team (Step 3). Because of the multisystemic nature of TSC, the MDT should include specialists such as a neurologist, a neurosurgeon, a nephrologist, a urologist, a pulmonologist, an ophthalmologist, a cardiologist, a dermatologist, a geneticist, and a psychiatrist/psychologist. The MDT should recommend a care plan for each patient based on the individual's needs and in consultation with him/her or his/her family. Some of the most important aspects of an MDT that were agreed upon included identifying a case manager to help coordinate care, providing access to health care professionals of varying specialties, and including a lead physician who takes medical responsibility for patients' overall care. CONCLUSIONS: The results of our consensus provide guidance to support the initiation of an MDT in TSC

    Factor H autoantibody is associated with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in children in the United Kingdom and Ireland

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    Factor H autoantibodies can impair complement regulation, resulting in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, predominantly in childhood. There are no trials investigating treatment, and clinical practice is only informed by retrospective cohort analysis. Here we examined 175 children presenting with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome in the United Kingdom and Ireland for factor H autoantibodies that included 17 children with titers above the international standard. Of the 17, seven had a concomitant rare genetic variant in a gene encoding a complement pathway component or regulator. Two children received supportive treatment; both developed established renal failure. Plasma exchange was associated with a poor rate of renal recovery in seven of 11 treated. Six patients treated with eculizumab recovered renal function. Contrary to global practice, immunosuppressive therapy to prevent relapse in plasma exchange–treated patients was not adopted due to concerns over treatment-associated complications. Without immunosuppression, the relapse rate was high (five of seven). However, reintroduction of treatment resulted in recovery of renal function. All patients treated with eculizumab achieved sustained remission. Five patients received renal transplants without specific factor H autoantibody–targeted treatment with recurrence in one who also had a functionally significant CFI mutation. Thus, our current practice is to initiate eculizumab therapy for treatment of factor H autoantibody–mediated atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome rather than plasma exchange with or without immunosuppression. Based on this retrospective analysis we see no suggestion of inferior treatment, albeit the strength of our conclusions is limited by the small sample siz

    Renal malformations associated with mutations of developmental genes: messages from the clinic

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    Renal tract malformations (RTMs) account for about 40% of children with end-stage renal failure. RTMs can be caused by mutations of genes normally active in the developing kidney and lower renal tract. Moreover, some RTMs occur in the context of multi-organ malformation syndromes. For these reasons, and because genetic testing is becoming more widely available, pediatric nephrologists should work closely with clinical geneticists to make genetic diagnoses in children with RTMs, followed by appropriate family counseling. Here we highlight families with renal cysts and diabetes, renal coloboma and Fraser syndromes, and a child with microdeletion of chromosome 19q who had a rare combination of malformations. Such diagnoses provide families with often long-sought answers to the question “why was our child born with kidney disease”. Precise genetic diagnoses will also help to define cohorts of children with RTMs for long-term clinical outcome studies

    Expression of Fraser syndrome genes in normal and polycystic murine kidneys

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    BACKGROUND: Fraser syndrome (FS) features renal agenesis and cystic kidneys. Mutations of FRAS1 (Fraser syndrome 1)and FREM2 (FRAS1-related extracellular matrix protein 2)cause FS. They code for basement membrane proteins expressed in metanephric epithelia where they mediate epithelial/mesenchymal signalling. Little is known about whether and where these molecules are expressed in more mature kidneys. METHODS: In healthy and congenital polycystic kidney (cpk)mouse kidneys we sought Frem2 expression using a LacZ reporter gene and quantified Fras family transcripts. Fras1 immunohistochemistry was undertaken in cystic kidneys from cpk mice and PCK (Pkhd1 mutant) rats (models of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease) and in wildtype metanephroi rendered cystic by dexamethasone. RESULTS: Nascent nephrons transiently expressed Frem2 in both tubule and podocyte epithelia. Maturing and adult collecting ducts also expressed Frem2. Frem2 was expressed in cpk cystic epithelia although Frem2 haploinsufficiency did not significantly modify cystogenesis in vivo. Fras1 transcripts were significantly upregulated, and Frem3 downregulated, in polycystic kidneys versus the non-cystic kidneys of littermates. Fras1 was immunodetected in cpk, PCK and dexamethasone-induced cystepithelia. CONCLUSIONS: These descriptive results are consistent with the hypothesis that Fras family molecules play diverse roles in kidney epithelia. In future, this should be tested by conditional deletion of FS genes in nephron segments and collecting ducts

    Chronic allograft nephropathy

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    Chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) is the leading cause of renal allograft loss in paediatric renal transplant recipients. CAN is the result of immunological and nonimmunological injury, including acute rejection episodes, hypoperfusion, ischaemia reperfusion, calcineurin toxicity, infection and recurrent disease. The development of CAN is often insidious and may be preceded by subclinical rejection in a well-functioning allograft. Classification of CAN is histological using the Banff classification of renal allograft pathology with classic findings of interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, glomerulosclerosis, fibrointimal hyperplasia and arteriolar hyalinosis. Although improvement in immunosuppression has led to greater 1-year graft survival rates, chronic graft loss remains relatively unchanged and opportunistic infectious complications remain a problem. Protocol biopsy monitoring is not current practice in paediatric transplantation for CAN monitoring but may have a place if new treatment options become available. Newer immunosuppression regimens, closer monitoring of the renal allograft and management of subclinical rejection may lead to reduced immune injury leading to CAN in the paediatric population but must be weighed against the risk of increased immunosuppression and calcineurin inhibitor nephrotoxicity

    Genetic approaches to human renal agenesis/hypoplasia and dysplasia

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    Congenital abnormalities of the kidney and urinary tract are frequently observed in children and represent a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. These conditions are phenotypically variable, often affecting several segments of the urinary tract simultaneously, making clinical classification and diagnosis difficult. Renal agenesis/hypoplasia and dysplasia account for a significant portion of these anomalies, and a genetic contribution to its cause is being increasingly recognized. Nevertheless, overlap between diseases and challenges in clinical diagnosis complicate studies attempting to discover new genes underlying this anomaly. Most of the insights in kidney development derive from studies in mouse models or from rare, syndromic forms of human developmental disorders of the kidney and urinary tract. The genes implicated have been shown to regulate the reciprocal induction between the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. Strategies to find genes causing renal agenesis/hypoplasia and dysplasia vary depending on the characteristics of the study population available. The approaches range from candidate gene association or resequencing studies to traditional linkage studies, using outbred pedigrees or genetic isolates, to search for structural variation in the genome. Each of these strategies has advantages and pitfalls and some have led to significant discoveries in human disease. However, renal agenesis/hypoplasia and dysplasia still represents a challenge, both for the clinicians who attempt a precise diagnosis and for the geneticist who tries to unravel the genetic basis, and a better classification requires molecular definition to be retrospectively improved. The goal appears to be feasible with the large multicentric collaborative groups that share the same objectives and resources

    Mapping the Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™) Generic Core Scales onto the Child Health Utility Index–9 Dimension (CHU-9D) Score for Economic Evaluation in Children

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    Background: The Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL™) questionnaire is a widely used, generic instrument designed for measuring health-related quality of life (HRQoL); however, it is not preference-based and therefore not suitable for cost–utility analysis. The Child Health Utility Index–9 Dimension (CHU-9D), however, is a preference-based instrument that has been primarily developed to support cost–utility analysis. Objective: This paper presents a method for estimating CHU-9D index scores from responses to the PedsQL™ using data from a randomised controlled trial of prednisolone therapy for treatment of childhood corticosteroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome. Methods: HRQoL data were collected from children at randomisation, week 16, and months 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48. Observations on children aged 5 years and older were pooled across all data collection timepoints and were then randomised into an estimation (n = 279) and validation (n = 284) sample. A number of models were developed using the estimation data before internal validation. The best model was chosen using multi-stage selection criteria. Results: Most of the models developed accurately predicted the CHU-9D mean index score. The best performing model was a generalised linear model (mean absolute error = 0.0408; mean square error = 0.0035). The proportion of index scores deviating from the observed scores by 13 years) or patient groups with particularly poor quality of life. ISRCTN Registry No: 1664524