8 research outputs found

    ソロモン島における昆虫成長制御剤ピリプロキシフェンの Anopheles farauti に対する野外効力評価

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    金沢大学留学生センター昆虫に対して高い幼若ホルモン様活性を示すピリプロキシフェン(S-31183)のAnopheles farautiに対する野外効力試験を, ソロモン諸島国, ガダルカナル島北部の淡水および半塩水の発生源で行った。その結果, ピリプロキシフェン乳剤の0.1ppm施用により, 淡水, 半塩水のいずれの発生源においても約2カ月以上にわたって70%以上の防除効果が得られた。ピリプロキシフェンの散布後に採集された幼虫および蛹が白色化しているのが観察され, 羽化阻害効果が持続する期間, この現象が続いた。 A field study to control the malarian vector, Anopheles farauti, with an insect growth regulator, pyriproxyfen (S-31183), was carried out in northern Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. An emulsifiable concentrate of 1% pyriproxyfen was applied to two breeding sites : one with fresh water and another with brackish water. Pyriproxyfen at a dosage of 0.1ppm inhibited emergence of An. farauti completely, at both test sites, for at least 5 weeks after treatment and the efficacy (more than 70% inhibition) lasted for ca. 2 months. The body color of the larvae and pupae in the test sites whitened noticeably after the application of the compound

    Resistance of Anopheles farauti eggs to desiccation

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    金沢大学留学生センターソロモン諸島国におけるマラリアの主媒介種であるAnopheles farautiの卵の耐乾性を調べるために, 実験コロニーより得られた卵を使って室内実験を行った。濡れたペーパータオルまたは濡れた枯葉の上に, 夜間産まれた卵を翌朝そのまま室内で乾燥させ, 温度29±2℃, 湿度70∿90%の条件下で保存した。次の日から一部を水に浸し, 孵化する卵の割合を10日間にわたって調べた。孵化率は乾燥期間が長くなるにしたがい低下したが, 少数の卵は6日間の乾燥の後でも生き残り, 孵化した

    Permethrin impregnated bednets and DDT residual spraying, multicentre comparative trial in Solomon Islands

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    A malaria intervention comparative trial was carried out in Solomon Islands between 1987 and 1992, involving 7 pairs 14 communities, with 29,182 people. Seven communities were given bed nets impregnated with permethrin annually at 0.5g/m2, and the others sprayed biannually with DDT at dosage 2g/m2. Each pair was evaluated for about two years, by measuring entomological indices, prevalence of infection, incidence of infection, and levels of community compliance. An intensive differential cost analysis of both interventions was done in one pair of the communities and an analysis on cost and benefit of PCD mechanism was done in three pairs. Anopheles farauti, the main vector, (A. punctulatus, an inland vector became very rare with interventions), maintained the early evening biting peak and high outdoor biting. The highest transmission potential was indoor with high parity (54.1%) and sporozoite rate (1.42%). It avoided contact on DDT sprayed surface and was not killed even though it was still sensitive with a 75.1% mortality. There were neither changes in biting density, nor parous rates with DDT spraying. Permethrin impregnated bed nets reduced biting density by an estimated 53.69%. The parous rate indoor was reduced by 11.64% when compared with that in the comparison area, and those caught in the bed nets area did not have any sporozoites. Prevalence of infection, by quarterly prevalence surveys revealed a 21.2% difference between the intervention areas after two years. The most significant decline was in the under 10 year old group (p<0.01) in permethrin treated bed nets, including in infants (p<0.05). The decline was especially marked with Plasmodium falciparum. There were increases in the DDT area, including P. falciparum in the younger age groups. DDT spraying did not have any effect on the incidence of infection. Permethrin impregnated bed nets reduced malaria incidence, by an estimated 49%. This reduction was particularly significant however on children under ten years old (p<0.0001) and marked with P. falciparum. Compliance with DDT declined by 30% but with bednets it remained high above 85%. These results confirmed that permethrin impregnated bednets are more effective than DDT residual spraying in controlling malaria in Solomon Islands. The operational costs for DDT spraying was 8.53andimpregnatedbednets8.53 and impregnated bed nets 3.85 per capita per year. The mean cost of processing and examining a PCD slide is $0.40. These cost indices took account of all materials, personnel and administration involved. It took a mean of 6.1 days from the time the smear was taken to the time examined (SE = 0.21,95%CI 5.71 to 6.53 days). It would take twice this time for a result to be received by the health workers managing patients. Only 20% of blood slides could contribute to patient management. Based on these findings, all that is necessary is to make blood smears of patients less than 10 years of age for epidemiological evaluation of vector control interventions in malaria programme. This will save scarce resources at primary health care level. Making blood slides of everyone would not further add significant information and benefit, at an extra cost. The only exceptions are, those critically ill with malaria, complicated malaria and a patient suspected to have drug resistant malaria. Permethrin impregnated bednets are a cost effective way to control malaria in primary health care and the most cost benefit way to evaluate vector control intervention is careful monitoring of PCD results, especially with P. falciparum malaria of children under 10 years old

    Resistance of Anopheles farauti eggs to desiccation

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