2,272 research outputs found

    The Application of Harvester -Mounted Forage Yield Sensing Devices.

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    End of Project ReportThe development and application of precision agriculture technology to forage crops offers scope for improved management practices and targeting of inputs. In particular, the ability to measure forage throughput on a harvester would form the basis for improved management decisions and the ability to exploit precision agriculture technology, including accurate application of forage additives. The aim of this project was to develop a forage throughput sensor and to use that sensor to record yield variability and to accurately control additive application. Following preliminary trials, a force sensing plate placed in a forage harvester chute was developed and assessed. A very good relationship between sensed throughput and measured throughput was achieved, with regression coefficients of between 0.88 and 0.96 recorded in a series of trials. The relationship was established on a fresh-weight basis. Calibration could present difficulties in practice. The forage throughput sensor was linked to a GPS positioning system and a modified yield monitor/recording system to facilitate the measurement of yield variability in the field. Considerable difficulties were encountered with compatibility of the various components, including the analysis software. While a forage yield map was created and illustrated the levels of yield variability within a field, the need for simultaneous on-harvester dry matter sensing was apparent. A throughput-based additive application control system was designed, developed and tested. The unit performed satisfactorily, resulting in less variation in the quantity of additive applied to harvested grass compared to conventional application systems. In conclusion, there is scope for the application of precision agriculture technology, based on forage yield sensing, on grassland farms. However, there are many differences between the adoption of this technology on grassland farms compared to arable farms. In particular, yield-sensing accuracy is unlikely to be as good, and the need for simultaneous DM sensing is critical. Forage yield sensors will be commercialised soon. There will then be a need to evaluate these systems and the application of precision agriculture technology to grassland systems

    Interpolation in waveform space: enhancing the accuracy of gravitational waveform families using numerical relativity

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    Matched-filtering for the identification of compact object mergers in gravitational-wave antenna data involves the comparison of the data stream to a bank of template gravitational waveforms. Typically the template bank is constructed from phenomenological waveform models since these can be evaluated for an arbitrary choice of physical parameters. Recently it has been proposed that singular value decomposition (SVD) can be used to reduce the number of templates required for detection. As we show here, another benefit of SVD is its removal of biases from the phenomenological templates along with a corresponding improvement in their ability to represent waveform signals obtained from numerical relativity (NR) simulations. Using these ideas, we present a method that calibrates a reduced SVD basis of phenomenological waveforms against NR waveforms in order to construct a new waveform approximant with improved accuracy and faithfulness compared to the original phenomenological model. The new waveform family is given numerically through the interpolation of the projection coefficients of NR waveforms expanded onto the reduced basis and provides a generalized scheme for enhancing phenomenological models.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Towards Rapid Parameter Estimation on Gravitational Waves from Compact Binaries using Interpolated Waveforms

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    Accurate parameter estimation of gravitational waves from coalescing compact binary sources is a key requirement for gravitational-wave astronomy. Evaluating the posterior probability density function of the binary's parameters (component masses, sky location, distance, etc.) requires computing millions of waveforms. The computational expense of parameter estimation is dominated by waveform generation and scales linearly with the waveform computational cost. Previous work showed that gravitational waveforms from non-spinning compact binary sources are amenable to a truncated singular value decomposition, which allows them to be reconstructed via interpolation at fixed computational cost. However, the accuracy requirement for parameter estimation is typically higher than for searches, so it is crucial to ascertain that interpolation does not lead to significant errors. Here we provide a proof of principle to show that interpolated waveforms can be used to recover posterior probability density functions with negligible loss in accuracy with respect to non-interpolated waveforms. This technique has the potential to significantly increase the efficiency of parameter estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Associating object names with descriptions of shape that distinguish possible from impossible objects.

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    Five experiments examine the proposal that object names are closely linked torepresentations of global, 3D shape by comparing memory for simple line drawings of structurally possible and impossible novel objects.Objects were rendered impossible through local edge violations to global coherence (cf. Schacter, Cooper, & Delaney, 1990) and supplementary observations confirmed that the sets of possible and impossible objects were matched for their distinctiveness. Employing a test of explicit recognition memory, Experiment 1 confirmed that the possible and impossible objects were equally memorable. Experiments 2–4 demonstrated that adults learn names (single-syllable non-words presented as count nouns, e.g., “This is a dax”) for possible objectsmore easily than for impossible objects, and an item-based analysis showed that this effect was unrelated to either the memorability or the distinctiveness of the individual objects. Experiment 3 indicated that the effects of object possibility on name learning were long term (spanning at least 2months), implying that the cognitive processes being revealed can support the learning of object names in everyday life. Experiment 5 demonstrated that hearing someone else name an object at presentation improves recognition memory for possible objects, but not for impossible objects. Taken together, the results indicate that object names are closely linked to the descriptions of global, 3D shape that can be derived for structurally possible objects but not for structurally impossible objects. In addition, the results challenge the view that object decision and explicit recognition necessarily draw on separate memory systems,with only the former being supported by these descriptions of global object shape. It seems that recognition also can be supported by these descriptions, provided the original encoding conditions encourage their derivation. Hearing an object named at encoding appears to be just such a condition. These observations are discussed in relation to the effects of naming in other visual tasks, and to the role of visual attention in object identification

    Investigating the effect of precession on searches for neutron-star-black-hole binaries with Advanced LIGO

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    The first direct detection of neutron-star-black-hole binaries will likely be made with gravitational-wave observatories. Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo will be able to observe neutron-star-black-hole mergers at a maximum distance of 900Mpc. To acheive this sensitivity, gravitational-wave searches will rely on using a bank of filter waveforms that accurately model the expected gravitational-wave signal. The angular momentum of the black hole is expected to be comparable to the orbital angular momentum. This angular momentum will affect the dynamics of the inspiralling system and alter the phase evolution of the emitted gravitational-wave signal. In addition, if the black hole's angular momentum is not aligned with the orbital angular momentum it will cause the orbital plane of the system to precess. In this work we demonstrate that if the effect of the black hole's angular momentum is neglected in the waveform models used in gravitational-wave searches, the detection rate of (10+1.4)M(10+1.4)M_{\odot} neutron-star--black-hole systems would be reduced by 333733 - 37%. The error in this measurement is due to uncertainty in the Post-Newtonian approximations that are used to model the gravitational-wave signal of neutron-star-black-hole inspiralling binaries. We describe a new method for creating a bank of filter waveforms where the black hole has non-zero angular momentum, but is aligned with the orbital angular momentum. With this bank we find that the detection rate of (10+1.4)M(10+1.4)M_{\odot} neutron-star-black-hole systems would be reduced by 263326-33%. Systems that will not be detected are ones where the precession of the orbital plane causes the gravitational-wave signal to match poorly with non-precessing filter waveforms. We identify the regions of parameter space where such systems occur and suggest methods for searching for highly precessing neutron-star-black-hole binaries

    Interspecific competition and vertical niche partitioning in Fiji’s forest birds

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    Charles Darwin proposed his ‘principle of divergence’ to account for changes in traits that could promote speciation and coexistence of diverse forms through occupation of different niches to reduce interspecific competition. We explore interspecific foraging behaviour overlap in Fiji’s forest birds, and address two main questions: (1) Is there vertical stratification of foraging behavior? and (2) Is there evidence of interspecific competition driving the differences in foraging behaviour? We explore these questions across three foraging guilds, nectarivores (three species), insectivores (two species), and omnivores (two species), and find vertical portioning of foraging in each group. To investigate the effect of interspecific competition, we compared foraging heights of the Orange-breasted Myzomela (Myzomela jugularis) honeyeater on Viti Levu Island (where it coexists with two other honeyeater species) and Leleuvia Island (no other honeyeater species). On the main island Viti Levu, we found evidence for vertical niche partitioning within each foraging guild. On Leleuvia, with the ‘one-species only foraging guild’, Orange-breasted Myzomela occupied broader vertical foraging niche than on Viti Levu with two other competitor honeyeater species. This result supports the idea that vertical foraging height can be shaped by interspecific competition. The findings of this study support Darwin’s principle of divergence in Fiji’s forest birds for every foraging guild measured and adds to our understanding of the significance of interspecific competition and niche divergence for patterns of ecological speciation on islands

    Avian diversity and abundance across years: consistent patterns in forests but not grasslands on Viti Levu, Fiji

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    Context. Habitat loss is a global problem and in Fiji >50% of the land area once covered by forests has been converted to grasslands and agricultural land. About 99% of Fiji’s endemic biodiversity and 80% of the land bird species have been identified as forest species. Aims. In this study, we compare forest and grassland sites and test for consistency in avian diversity, abundance, foraging guild, and distribution status (endemic, native, introduced to Fiji) over a 5-year period (2016–2020). Methods. We surveyed bird communities using the point count method with a 100 m radius and 7-min observation period per site. Key results. A one-way analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) analysis showed significant differences in species composition and bird abundance between the forested habitats and grassland habitats. A general linear model test showed significant differences in foraging guild composition and distribution status between forested and grassland habitats. There were no significant differences between the three forested sites (primary montane forest, secondary old-growth forest, old-growth mahogany plantations with regenerating native species), while grassland sites had stronger annual change in species composition. Implications. Forest cover, irrespective of whether these forests are of primary or secondary nature, therefore plays an important role in maintaining the native and endemic land bird species and other biodiversity in oceanic island ecosystems such as Viti Levu Island, Fiji

    Pruning or Tuning? Maturational Profiles of Face Specialization During Typical Development

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    Introduction: Face processing undergoes significant developmental change with age. Two kinds of developmental changes in face specialization were examined in this study: specialized maturation, or the continued tuning of a region to faces but little change in the tuning to other categories; and competitive interactions, or the continued tuning to faces accompanied by decreased tuning to nonfaces (i.e., pruning). Methods: Using fMRI, in regions where adults showed a face preference, a face- and object-specialization index were computed for younger children (5-8 years), older children (9-12 years) and adults (18-45 years). The specialization index was scaled to each subject\u27s maximum activation magnitude in each region to control for overall age differences in the activation level. Results: Although no regions showed significant face specialization in the younger age group, regions strongly associated with social cognition (e.g., right posterior superior temporal sulcus, right inferior orbital cortex) showed specialized maturation, in which tuning to faces increased with age but there was no pruning of nonface responses. Conversely, regions that are associated with more basic perceptual processing or motor mirroring (right middle temporal cortex, right inferior occipital cortex, right inferior frontal opercular cortex) showed competitive interactions in which tuning to faces was accompanied by pruning of object responses with age. Conclusions: The overall findings suggest that cortical maturation for face processing is regional-specific and involves both increased tuning to faces and diminished response to nonfaces. Regions that show competitive interactions likely support a more generalized function that is co-opted for face processing with development, whereas regions that show specialized maturation increase their tuning to faces, potentially in an activity-dependent, experience-driven manner

    Towards constraints on fossil fuel emissions from total column carbon dioxide

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    We assess the large-scale, top-down constraints on regional fossil fuel emissions provided by observations of atmospheric total column CO_2, X_CO_2. Using an atmospheric general circulation model (GCM) with underlying fossil emissions, we determine the influence of regional fossil fuel emissions on global X_CO_2 fields. We quantify the regional contrasts between source and upwind regions and probe the sensitivity of atmospheric X_CO_2 to changes in fossil fuel emissions. Regional fossil fuel X_CO_2 contrasts can exceed 0.7 ppm based on 2007 emission estimates, but have large seasonal variations due to biospheric fluxes. Contamination by clouds reduces the discernible fossil signatures. Nevertheless, our simulations show that atmospheric fossil X_CO_2 can be tied to its source region and that changes in the regional X_CO_2 contrasts scale linearly with emissions. We test the GCM results against X_CO_2 data from the GOSAT satellite. Regional X_CO_2 contrasts in GOSAT data generally scale with the predictions from the GCM, but the comparison is limited by the moderate precision of and relatively few observations from the satellite. We discuss how this approach may be useful as a policy tool to verify national fossil emissions, as it provides an independent, observational constraint

    Electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering in the impulse approximation regime

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    A quantitative understanding of the weak nuclear response is a prerequisite for the analyses of neutrino experiments such as K2K and MiniBOONE, which measure energy and angle of the muons produced in neutrino-nucleus interactions in the energy range 0.530.5-3 GeV and reconstruct the incident neutrino energy to determine neutrino oscillations. In this paper we discuss theoretical calculations of electron- and neutrino-nucleus scattering, carried out within the impulse approximation scheme using realistic nuclear spectral functions.Comparison between electron scattering data and the calculated inclusive cross section off oxygen, at beam energies ranging between 700 and 1200 MeV, show that the Fermi gas model, widely used in the analysis of neutrino oscillation experiments,fails to provide a satisfactory description of the measured cross sections,and inclusion of nuclear dynamics is needed.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure