236 research outputs found

    The Political Sociology of Islamism

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    By the year 2000, Islamism will be approximately a quarter of a century old. This movement, though it claimed deep roots, surfaced and flourished with the major social breakdown which took place in the mid 1970s in the Muslim world. Twenty-five years later, social sciences - provided they take stock - have the opportunity to make a significant breakthrough in the analyses of what was one of the most puzzling - if unexpected - social phenomena of the contemporary period

    Institut d'Etudes Politiques Doctoral Programme on the Muslim World

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    Institut d'Etudes Politiques Doctoral Programme on the Muslim Worl

    Uji Resistensi Bakteri Escherichia Coli Yang Di Isolasi Dari Plak Gigi Menggunakan Merkuri Dan Ampisilin

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    : Bactery resistance toward antybiotic is a natural form. The danger of antybiotic resistance is one of the problem that can threaten people health. Amphicylin one of penicylin-type antybiotic was reported resistence to Escherichia coli. Besides it\u27s cheap price, ampicylin is very easy to found, and many are consumed by the people without paying attention to the dosage. This thing that fastened the resistance procces of the antibiotic. Resistance process was found also on mercury. One of mercury display is happen to people that has metal patch with mercury content inside the mouth. This kind of patch is called amalgam that used a lot in dentistry. This research is aiming to find out whether the Escherichia coli that has been isolated from tooth plaque resistance to mercury (HgCl2) and ampisilin. After that mercury resistance test towards Escherichia coli is made using Luria Bertani (LB) Broth media and ampisilin resistance test towards Escherichia coli using fluid Luria Bertani (LB) media. From mercury resistance test research result, on 10ppm concentrate, 20ppm and 40 ppm bacteria can still grow. While on 80ppm concentrate bacteria was done growing or was dead. On antibiotic resistance test with three times repetition, was found on each of it\u27s obstruct zone are 7mm it means Escherichia coli resistance to ampisilin

    Pertumbuhan Alga Cokelat Padina Australis Hauch Di Perairan Pesisir, Desa Kampung Ambon, Kecamatan Likupang Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Alga laut adalah bagian terbesar dari tumbuhan laut, namun dari segi morfologi tumbuhan ini mempunyai perbedaan dengan tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang ada di daratan. Alga merupakan tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang tidak memiliki perbedaan susunan kerangka seperti alat pelekat (holdfast), batang (stipe) dan daun (blade) meskipun wujudnya tampak seperti ada perbedaan, tetapi sesungguhnya merupakan bentuk thallus belaka. Pemanfaatan rumput laut di Indonesia sendiri dimulai sejak tahun 1920 yang digunakan secara tradisional sebagai makanan seperti lalap, sayur dan manisan. Akan tetapi dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan, pemanfaatan alga laut ke arah komersial untuk diekspor semakin meningkat. Hal ini dikarenakan kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam alga laut seperti agar dan karaginan yang terdapat pada alga merah, algin pada alga cokelat serta alga hijau yang merupakan sumber karbonat. Salah satu jenis alga laut cokelat yaitu Padina. Pada tahun 2014, telah dikembangkan produk anti-ageing oleh PT APRO yang bekerja sama dengan CEVA (Centre d‟Etude et de Valorisation des Algues) di Pleubian, Perancis yang berasal dari Padina australis yang dipanen dari Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pertumbuhan alga cokelat Padina australis untuk menentukan waktu panen yang tepat untuk pengembangan budidaya

    An Italian foreign policy of religious engagement: challenges and prospects

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    A new awareness of the role of religion in international relations has started to inform concrete policy discussions in several Western Ministries of Foreign Affairs under the heading of ‘religious engagement’ in foreign policy. Italy is no exception, but as the country which hosts the Holy See, it represents a special case. As the approach to religion found in the historical record of Italian foreign policy shows, Italy has a comparative advantage and could well develop a unique model of religious engagement by strengthening the central structures involved in religious matters and foreign policy, as well as by using the vast network of Rome-based religious non-state actors as a forum of consultation and policy advice

    Syncretism and fundamentalism: a comparison

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    In several ways, syncretism and fundamentalism can be viewed as opposite reactions to the processes of modernization and globalization. Within religious contexts, syncretists and fundamentalists make different choices when confronted with alternatives and with challenges to the accepted practices of daily life. The power dimension is an important aspect for this comparison. But the study of these two modern religious phenomena also points to a similarity with a paradigmatic debate, the contrast between positivist and constructivist approaches. Though the comparison is not the most obvious, there are striking similarities between fundamentalists and positivists, on the one hand, and between constructivists and syncretists, on the other. © 2005 Social Compass

    Primordialists and Constructionists: a typology of theories of religion

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    This article adopts categories from nationalism theory to classify theories of religion. Primordialist explanations are grounded in evolutionary psychology and emphasize the innate human demand for religion. Primordialists predict that religion does not decline in the modern era but will endure in perpetuity. Constructionist theories argue that religious demand is a human construct. Modernity initially energizes religion, but subsequently undermines it. Unpacking these ideal types is necessary in order to describe actual theorists of religion. Three distinctions within primordialism and constructionism are relevant. Namely those distinguishing: a) materialist from symbolist forms of constructionism; b) theories of origins from those pertaining to the reproduction of religion; and c) within reproduction, between theories of religious persistence and secularization. This typology helps to make sense of theories of religion by classifying them on the basis of their causal mechanisms, chronology and effects. In so doing, it opens up new sightlines for theory and research

    Socio-economic voter profile and motives for Islamist support in Morocco

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    Based on an original dataset of merged electoral and census data, this article is a study of electoral support for the Islamist Party in Morocco in the 2002 and 2007 elections. It differentiates between the clientelistic, grievance and horizontal network type of supporters. We disentangle these profiles empirically on the basis of the role of education, wealth and exclusion for Islamist votes. We find no evidence of the clientelistic profile, but a shift from grievance in 2002 to a horizontal network profile in 2007. World Values Survey individual level data are used as a robustness check, yielding similar results. Qualitative evidence on a changing mobilization pattern of the party between 2002 and 2007 supports our conclusions

    A shifting enemy: analysing the BBC’s representations of “al-Qaeda” in the aftermath of the September 11th 2001 attacks

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    This article seeks to explore how the BBC made sense of the al-Qaeda phenomenon in its flagship “News at Ten” bulletin during the aftermath of the September 11th 2001 attacks. Using Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis, it shows how the BBC’s representations function as a dynamic and continually shifting site upon which a range of fears, identities, discourses and forms of knowledge and power struggle and contend, and through which a number of different “al-Qaedas” manifest themselves. In particular, three shifting modes of visual and verbal representation are identified within the BBC’s coverage which each correspond to a separate understanding of al-Qaeda: the “Islamic” mode, the “Personalised” mode and the “Elusive” mode. These representations both draw upon and challenge the dominant discourses surrounding Islam, non-state terrorism and the identities of terrorist suspects, providing audiences with a variety of often conflicting ways of seeing and speaking about this entity. As such, the article provides insight into the complex nature of the BBC’s representations of al-Qaeda during its coverage of the September 11th 2001 attacks, and shows how such complexity serves, albeit inadvertently, to legitimise the far-reaching counterterrorism policies that were enacted in the aftermath of these attacks