608 research outputs found

    Moving the Archivist Closer to the Creator: Implementing Integrated Archival Policies for Born Digital Photography at Colleges and Universities

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    This article discusses integrated approaches to the management and preservation of born digital photography. It examines the changing practices among photographers, and the needed relationships between the photographers using digital technology and the archivists responsible for acquiring their born digital images. Special consideration is given to technical issues surrounding preservation and access of image formats. It explores how integrated policies can enhance the success of managing born digital photographs in an academic setting and illustrates the benefits and challenges to acquisition, description, and dissemination of born digital photographs. It advocates for the archivist’s active involvement in the photographer’s image management practices to improve the acquisition and preservation of images

    Concrete Beam Design Optimization with Genetic Algorithms

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    This paper demonstrates an application of the natural selection process to the design of structural members. Reinforced concrete beam design is used as the example to show how various chromosomes representing a design solution can be formulated. Fitter chromosomes (or better solutions) have a better chance of being selected for cross over; this in turn creates better generations. Random mutation is used to enhance the diversity of the population. The evolution progresses through several generations, and the best solution is then used in the design. The method gives reasonable results, but sometimes a local (as opposed to the global) optimized solution is obtained

    The Sensitivity of Auditory-Motor Representations to Subtle Changes in Auditory Feedback While Singing

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    Singing requires accurate control of the fundamental frequency (F0) of the voice. This study examined trained singers’ and untrained singers’ (nonsingers’) sensitivity to subtle manipulations in auditory feedback and the subsequent effect on the mapping between F0 feedback and vocal control. Participants produced the consonant-vowel /ta/ while receiving auditory feedback that was shifted up and down in frequency. Results showed that singers and nonsingers compensated to a similar degree when presented with frequency-altered feedback (FAF); however, singers’ F0 values were consistently closer to the intended pitch target. Moreover, singers initiated their compensatory responses when auditory feedback was shifted up or down 6 cents or more, compared to nonsingers who began compensating when feedback was shifted up 26 cents and down 22 cents. Additionally, examination of the first 50 ms of vocalization indicated that participants commenced subsequent vocal utterances, during FAF, near the F0 value on previous shift trials. Interestingly, nonsingers commenced F0 productions below the pitch target and increased their F0 until they matched the note. Thus, singers and nonsingers rely on an internal model to regulate voice F0, but singers’ models appear to be more sensitive in response to subtle discrepancies in auditory feedback

    Lower Extremity Power and its Relationship to Qualitative and Quantitative Measures of Landing Performance

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    Bond Strength of Hollow-Core Bar Micropiles

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    The foundation of two bridges was retrofitted using micropiles. The micropiles consisted of hollow core bars installed under limited headroom conditions. Of the total number of micropiles, 180 were installed in submerged sand and 80 were installed in stiff, silty clay. The micropiles were drilled using a lean cement grout which was re-circulated for de-sanding and re-use. Final grout was injected upon completion of drilling to the design tip elevation. The micropiles were subject to a rigorous quality control that included grout quality testing and proof-testing of each production micropile. All production micropiles were proof-tested up to 150 percent of the design load. In addition, four verification tests were performed on sacrificial micropiles to at least two and a half times the design load or to failure. This paper presents a description of the procedure for installation and quality control of the micropiles, and the results of the verification and proof tests performed for this project. It also provides estimated of bond strength for hollow core bar micropiles in soils similar to those encountered at the project sites. This work shows that hollow core bar micropiles provide a significant unit bond capacity in both granular and fine soils, which may be greater than that typically expected in pressure-grouted (Type B) micropiles in granular soils

    Does interspecific competition affect offspring provisioning?

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    Offspring size is one of the most well-studied life-history traits, yet it is remarkable that few field studies have examined the manner in which the relationship between offspring size and performance (and thus, optimal offspring size) is affected by the local environment. Furthermore, while offspring size appears to be plastic in a range of organisms, few studies have linked changes in offspring size to changes in the relationship between offspring size and performance in the field. Interspecific competition is a major ecological force in both terrestrial and marine environments, but we have little understanding of its role in shaping selection on offspring size. Here we examine the effect of interspecific competition on the relationship between offspring size and performance in the field for the marine bryozoan Watersipora subtorquata along the south coast of Australia. Both interspecific competition and offspring size had strong effects on the post-metamorphic performance of offspring in the field, but importantly, they acted independently. While interspecific competition did not affect the offspring size-performance relationship, mothers experiencing competition still produced larger offspring than mothers that did not experience competition. Because larger offspring are more dispersive in this species, increasing offspring size may represent a maternal strategy whereby mothers produce more dispersive offspring when they experience high competition themselves. This study shows that, while offspring size is plastic in this species, post-metamorphic factors alone may not determine the size of offspring that mothers produce

    Chapter 18. DAYCENT Simulated Effects of Land Use and Climate on County Level N Loss Vectors in the USA

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    We describe the nitrogen (N) gas (NH3, NOx, N2O, N2) emission and NO3 leaching submodels used in the DAYCENT ecosystem model and demonstrate the ability of DAYCENT to simulate observed N2O emission and NO3 leaching rates for various sites representing different climate regimes, soil types, and land uses. DAYCENT simulated seven major crops, grazing lands, and potential native vegetation at the county level for the United States. At the national scale, NO3 leaching was the major loss vector, accounting for 86%, 66%, and 56% of total N losses for cropped soils, grazed lands, and native vegetation, respectively. NH3 volatilization + NOx emissions made up the majority of national N gas losses, accounting for 58%, 89%, and 86% of N gas losses from cropped soils, grazed lands, and native vegetation, respectively. However, there was considerable spatial variability in the N loss vectors, with leaching accounting for less than 20% of total N losses and NOx + NH3 emissions accounting for less than 50% of N gas losses in some counties. Land use area weighted mean annual N losses were 43.9 (SD = 26.8) and 12.3 (SD = 22.2)kg N/ha for cropped/grazed and native systems, respectively. Area weighted mean annual N gas losses were 11.8 (SD = 4.8) and 5.4 (SD = 2.1)kg N/ha for cropped/grazed and native systems, respectively. Total N losses and NO3 leaching tended to increase as N inputs and precipitation increased, and as soils became coarser textured. Total N gas losses also increased with N inputs and as soils became coarser textured, but N2O and N2 made up a larger portion of N gas losses as soils became finer textured and as precipitation increased

    Optimizing internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for alcohol misuse—a randomized factorial trial examining effects of a pre-treatment assessment interview and guidance

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    Background: Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (ICBT) for alcohol misuse has potential to radically improve access to evidence-based care, and there is a need to investigate ways to optimize its delivery in clinical settings. Guidance from a clinician has previously been shown to improve drinking outcomes in ICBT, and some studies suggest that pre-treatment assessments may contribute in initiating early change. The objective of this study was to investigate the added and combined effects of a pre-treatment assessment interview and guidance on the outcomes of ICBT for alcohol misuse delivered in an online therapy clinic. Methods: A 2X2 factorial randomized controlled trial was conducted where participants received access to an 8-week ICBT program, and either a pre-treatment assessment interview (Factor 1), guidance (Factor 2), a combination of these, or neither of these. Participants were 270 individuals (66.8% female, mean age = 46.5) scoring 8 or more on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test and consuming 14 standard drinks or more in the preceding week. Primary outcomes were number of drinks consumed and number of heavy drinking days during the preceding week, 3 months post-treatment. Results: Large within-group effects were found in terms of alcohol reductions (dw ≥ 0.82, p < 0.001), but neither of the factors significantly improved drinking outcomes. Guidance was associated with greater adherence (i.e. completed modules). Conclusions: Neither a pre-treatment assessment interview nor guidance from a clinician appears to improve drinking outcomes resulting from internet-delivered cognitive behaviour therapy for alcohol misuse when delivered in a routine online therapy clinic. Trial registration: NCT03984786. Registered 13 June 2019, https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT03984786. Keywords: Alcohol; Assessment reactivity; Cognitive behavior therapy; Guidance; Internet; Treatmen

    Effectiveness of a web-based self-help tool to reduce problem gambling: A randomized controlled trial.

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    Problem gambling constitutes a public health concern associated with psychopathological comorbidity, substance use, and financial difficulties. Most individuals with gambling problems avoid counseling services due to perceived stigma and their preference for self-reliance. Treatment accessibility could be improved through web-based interventions. We recruited 360 individuals with gambling problems and randomized them to a web-based intervention (n = 185) or an active control group consisting of a self-help manual for problem gambling (n = 175). The primary outcome was the number of days of gambling in the last 30 days. Secondary outcomes included money spent in the last 30 days, time gambling in the last 7 days, gambling-related problems, consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, and psychopathological comorbidity measured at posttreatment and 6-month follow-up. The primary outcome decreased significantly for both groups, with no significant difference between the groups. There were significant group × time interactions according to the Gambling Symptom Assessment Scale (F = 8.83, p &lt;0 .001), the Problem Gambling Severity Index (F = 3.54, p = 0.030), for cigarettes smoked in the last 7 days (F = 26.68, p &lt; 0.001), the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (F = 19.41, p &lt;0 .001), and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (F = 41.09, p &lt;0 .001) favoring the intervention group. We experienced an overall high dropout rate (76%). Win Back Control seems to be an effective low-threshold treatment option for individuals with gambling problems that might otherwise be unapproachable for outpatient treatment services. Nevertheless, the high dropout rate should be considered when interpreting the study results, as they may have introduced a degree of variability

    Examining differential responses to the Take Care of Me trial: A latent class and moderation analysis

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    Given prevalent alcohol misuse-emotional comorbidities among young adults, we developed an internet-based integrated treatment called Take Care of Me. Although the treatment had an impact on several secondary outcomes, effects were not observed for the primary outcome. Therefore, the goal of the current study was to examine heterogeneity in treatment responses. The initial RCT randomized participants to either a treatment or psychoeducational control condition. We conducted an exploratory latent class analysis to distinguish individuals based on pre-treatment risk and then used moderated regressions to examine differential treatment responses based on class membership. We found evidence for three distinct groups. Most participants fell in the “low severity” group (n = 123), followed by the “moderate severity” group (n = 57) who had a higher likelihood of endorsing a previous mental health diagnosis and treatment and higher symptom severity than the low group. The “high severity” group (n = 42) endorsed a family history of alcoholism, and the highest symptom severity and executive dysfunction. Moderated regressions revealed significant class differences in treatment responses. In the treatment condition, high severity (relative to low) participants reported higher alcohol consumption and hazardous drinking and lower quality of life at follow-up, whereas moderate severity (relative to low) individuals had lower alcohol consumption at follow-up, and lower hazardous drinking at end-of-treatment. No class differences were found for participants in the control group. Higher risk individuals in the treatment condition had poorer responses to the program. Tailoring interventions to severity may be important to examine in future research