14 research outputs found

    Protocol study SCTP

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    As part of my second year of study in TELECOM LILLE, I had to do my first technical internship in network and telecommunications. The principal aim of this internship is to acquire a practical knowledge of some concepts introduced during theorical lectures. I chose to do it in Spain in order to discover another culture and spirit that are foreign for me. The EPSC for Escola Politecnica Superior de Castelldefls was a good placement for this first technical internship. As an engineering school, it offers all the best conditions to reach the targets fixed by my school. I started my internship in the 10th of may and ended it two months later on the 10th of July. So during these two months of internship, I had to comply with the EPSC rules and carry out a study about the SCTP protocol

    Protocol study SCTP

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    As part of my second year of study in TELECOM LILLE, I had to do my first technical internship in network and telecommunications. The principal aim of this internship is to acquire a practical knowledge of some concepts introduced during theorical lectures. I chose to do it in Spain in order to discover another culture and spirit that are foreign for me. The EPSC for Escola Politecnica Superior de Castelldefls was a good placement for this first technical internship. As an engineering school, it offers all the best conditions to reach the targets fixed by my school. I started my internship in the 10th of may and ended it two months later on the 10th of July. So during these two months of internship, I had to comply with the EPSC rules and carry out a study about the SCTP protocol

    Margines : traitement, valorisation dans la germination des graines de tomate et dans la filière de compostage

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    Les margines présentent une source de pollution pour l’environnement, d’où la nécessité de leur traitement ou de leur valorisation. Ce travail propose le traitement des margines par électrocoagulation et leur valorisation, d’une part dans la germination des graines de tomate de la variété Campbell 33, et d’autre part dans l’humidification d’un compost. Les margines étudiées sont acides, de couleur noire, et elles portent une forte charge organique et minérale non biodégradable. Leur traitement par électrocoagulation a augmenté leur pH jusqu’à la neutralité et a nettement réduit l’intensité de leur couleur, qui s’est traduite par une diminution de leur charge polluante en matières minérale et organique. Les margines traitées ont agi très favorablement sur la germination des graines de tomate, quel que soit le taux de dilution. L’application des margines brutes inhibe cette activité. L’utilisation des margines dans l’humidification du compost a participé à la biodégradation aérobie de tous les substrats, comme indiqué par la mesure des paramètres physicochimiques en fonction du temps jusqu’à sa maturation au bout de 12 semaines.Olive mill wastewaters represent a source of pollution for the environment, and hence there is a need for their treatment or their valorization. This study proposes the treatment of the olive mill wastewaters by electrocoagulation and their valorization, on the one hand, in the germination of the tomato seeds, and, on the other hand, in the humidification of compost. Raw olive mill wastewaters are acidic, with intense colour. They also have a high organic and mineral load. Electrocoagulation treatment increased their pH to neutrality and markedly reduced the intensity of their colour, which was reflected in a decrease in their polluting load of mineral and organic matter. The treated olive mill wastewaters acted very favourably on the germination of the tomato seeds, irrespective of the dilution rate. However, the application of raw olive mill wastewaters inhibited this activity. Using the olive mill wastewaters in the humification of compost contributed to the aerobic biodegradation of all substrates, as shown by monitoring physicochemical parameters over time until maturation after 12 weeks

    Treatment default amongst patients with tuberculosis in urban Morocco: predicting and explaining default and post-default sputum smear and drug susceptibility results.

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    Public tuberculosis (TB) clinics in urban Morocco.Explore risk factors for TB treatment default and develop a prediction tool. Assess consequences of default, specifically risk for transmission or development of drug resistance.Case-control study comparing patients who defaulted from TB treatment and patients who completed it using quantitative methods and open-ended questions. Results were interpreted in light of health professionals' perspectives from a parallel study. A predictive model and simple tool to identify patients at high risk of default were developed. Sputum from cases with pulmonary TB was collected for smear and drug susceptibility testing.91 cases and 186 controls enrolled. Independent risk factors for default included current smoking, retreatment, work interference with adherence, daily directly observed therapy, side effects, quick symptom resolution, and not knowing one's treatment duration. Age >50 years, never smoking, and having friends who knew one's diagnosis were protective. A simple scoring tool incorporating these factors was 82.4% sensitive and 87.6% specific for predicting default in this population. Clinicians and patients described additional contributors to default and suggested locally-relevant intervention targets. Among 89 cases with pulmonary TB, 71% had sputum that was smear positive for TB. Drug resistance was rare.The causes of default from TB treatment were explored through synthesis of qualitative and quantitative data from patients and health professionals. A scoring tool with high sensitivity and specificity to predict default was developed. Prospective evaluation of this tool coupled with targeted interventions based on our findings is warranted. Of note, the risk of TB transmission from patients who default treatment to others is likely to be high. The commonly-feared risk of drug resistance, though, may be low; a larger study is required to confirm these findings

    Farmers’ Perceptions and Willingness of Compost Production and Use to Contribute to Environmental Sustainability

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    Composting is an ecological method of recycling organic waste. It presents an effective solution to reduce the large volume of agricultural waste and provides an organic fertilizer and soil amendment. However, its implementation remains limited, especially in Morocco. The vast majority of farmers are unaware of the effectiveness of compost, and it is often considered as an inefficient product compared with chemical fertilizers. In order to develop a local marketing strategy for compost, this study aims to identify the perceptions and willingness of farmers to produce and use compost in agriculture, and to assess the factors shaping these perceptions and willingness, including socio-economic, agricultural and individual factors. The case of Morocco is investigated, where the vast majority of farmers practice inappropriate disposal of agricultural waste and excessive use of agro-chemicals. Data are collected using a standard questionnaire and face-to-face interviews with 350 farmers during their visit to the international agricultural exhibition in Morocco. Descriptive statistics and analysis of variance (ANOVA) are used for data analysis. The results showed a high level (80%) of acceptance by farmers of the production and use of compost. Farmers are also very willing to produce and use compost in agriculture. All the socio-economic, individual and agricultural factors, except gender, length of experience and cultivated area, had a highly significant influence on farmers’ perception and willingness to produce compost (p < 0.005). The positive perceptions of farmers and the high level of willingness to produce compost imply that the composting of organic waste should be encouraged by our local authorities. The production of compost will thus contribute to environmental sustainability and to the promotion of the ecological management of agricultural waste meeting the requirements of a circular economy